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Chapter 9: 010

~Konoha - Below the city~

Click. Click. Click. Boots dressed in shroud mirrored real leather; the rhythmic chimes of my steps echoed throughout the chamber. Darkness crowed the eyes attached to me, as a bleak glare of dispatched light graced my figure routinely from the leading strobes. Walls colored in ebony were bare as a dull nature; cloth-covered fingers attached to my palm, tracing the lackluster, feeling the cold, somewhat damp concrete. I was present physically, but mentally my intellect was clouded; battered with endless thoughts of ruling ideas, dispensed by a now conflicting individual in mind.

A cold weight introduced my face, as eyes now focused in remembrance of attention to the corridor ahead; I could now feel the treasured mask that hides my outer being from the monsters who tread the streets above; concealing their true character from unfortunate victims who live in false illusion. I softly stalked my digits along the groves that gave a depiction of my inner self as I recollected memories of my treacherous childhood.

"Tch." The wind blew against hidden teeth as my tongue flicked in vexation; those masks even better than my own flooded the street with smiles and cheers, oh how terrifying.

Inhaling deeply, Iids closed in a trial, locking secrets of integrated hatred within my circuits deep inside.

"Whew.." exhale carried the opening of eyes; a sense of relief trailed my system as I inwardly returned to the persona I held with the vaguely designed veil.

Prolonged violet tresses draped the small eye holes with the action, overlaying my vision. I grasped the colored strains and tucked them behind my narrowly exposed ears moderately taping the hard wooden interior. Soon sight returned as an aperture guarded by two individuals wearing clothing like mine revealed white permanent light from a distance that slightly burned my eyes which grew used to the darkness.

Light—darkness; oh what polar opposites, yet when seen from different sides they complement each other so perfectly. How could something accompanied by such divergence be ever so graceful with one another? Light is what a part of my being sees you as; fighting for those who have been pulled from the favor of God, protecting loved ones who have fallen into a horrible fate. So much light…yet even more darkness; wreaking havoc upon individual(s) who have wronged you, destroying dreams, ambitions, and faith of others in a single swipe. Creating nightmares so vivid they could trick a fox without a thought. Shrouding the world in pain and fear in the event you don't have control over your future.

"Hope…Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness, such a calamity as yourself can somehow bring hope into others is a questions to me. Oh, Sasuke how frustrating can you be." Yugao remarked as sways of entrancing hips moved alongside past the guards with a nod of heads through the doors of lighting shadow.



A rush of people passes per usual within the produce district; stares of monsters glanced unsightly at us, acting as if we couldn't comprehend basic astray.

Soon after, we arrived at the ghostly destination that sang deep remembrance in our hearts. Empty, dull buildings used to be in their true form as children popped in and out like puppets, laughing and crying to their hearts' content.

Oh, how joyous those days were…however these images will inevitably be key for my retribution—not now...I look over at the stoic persona of my mother; I'm aware of the conflict she holds in her mind and I know what it's about.

A verbal sigh broke free from its containment as deathly cold steel connected with my digits.

Taking off our shoes, Miko followed behind, making her way towards the living area; I could feel the stricken gaze of her eyes upon my lengthy hair as she separated from our file. Sitting on the black fabric near the embers of a fireplace. Miko motioned over by a point of fingers destined for the seat across.

I stopped my trek. Plopping my body against the soft expensive sofa with a comfortable exhale, realizing the stress I withheld the span of the day; our eyes stared at each other, wrapping them in a heat full fixation accommodating both expectence and love.

But there was something different inside of those endless eyes of hers...just what is it?

"Sasu-kun.." She stared trying to find the words to describe what she was perceiving internally.

"How…how did you do all that back there? I thought I died...I saw darkness in the end, and that sense of fear crept inside my slowing heart watching that blade intended for my head; it completed as well, but then I woke up…once again, the blood that spilled before my final opening of eyes was nowhere to be seen. I was confused and afraid but you were right behind me which calmed my nerves to an extent…but how—how did you raise me from the dead?" Her beautiful stoic demeanor shattered before my sight, as Miko's gaze flicked from the ground to my eyes in anticipation.

"How you ask…Miko, do you recall the discussions we held talking about my eyes—the Mangekyou Sharingan ?" I watched her eyes extend in realization, nodding absently. "I remember you speaking of abilities such as Amaterasu, or the more infamous…Tsukuyomi, but what you don't know are the visual prowesses I retained which I argue are even more powerful to those listed." I heard her repeat the last sentence of my words in shock before leaning back into the content fabric with a close of eyes, easing her back muscles and releasing a heavy breath of air to the silence.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Looking down I glanced at her socks touching the wooden floor repeatedly; muffled noises were heard as she tilted her head back down toward mine and opened her eyes.

"Haah…do you know the extent of your abilities? Or was it just on instinct you activated them?" Mikoto said rubbing her forehead in worry.

"I am aware of what they are capable of doing if you're implying about that. In my right eye, I can activate Amenominaka; which to my knowledge creates a separate reality of sorts in the same space. Which in turn enables me to become seraphic in the domain, being able to interact with any victim of my choosing, even killing them or in your case…returning life." I allowed her to digest the material I've given. I can only guess the recent developments that have unfolded diminished her sense of shock as she gave little to no reaction with only a lift of brows. "Continue." She answered resuming her stoicism.

"..Present in my left contains Mindless; I believe it can put suggestions inside a person's mind. While it does sound strong I'm sure it can be broken with incredibly strong mental fortitude and or outside help, while I am unaware of the extent of its abilities I already have clues into what I can attempt to create." I explained, locking my gaze onto hers once again.

"You Sasu-kun what am I going to do with you…haha looks like you're more powerful than I imagined—wait you haven't been experiencing anything strange, have you? Any setbacks in vision particularly." Mikoto knew the punishment for such power despite not obtaining the famed Mangekyou; it seems being the former wife of the clan head had more good in the end than having Sasu. She could only hope deep within that his sight hadn't decreased for her sake...

"Visual..set backs? No, I haven't been disturbed by anything of that sort; is there something of matter?" Perhaps there is a set of rules for…oh, I must've forgotten the deterioration of visual perception every usage how inarticulate of me. Haah alas it doesn't matter, what does intrigue my being is how I haven't received any sign of loss; it could be feasible that my Lunar Energy resonates within my optics, creating a barrier of sorts away from punishment-

'As well as I too..' You again; just what are you and how are your thoughts attached to mine?

'Hmm—the longer we're together the more it seems you can understand my words..fufufu how wonderful!' There was no telling the identity of the presence, only mysterious sentences that carried its sentience.

'Who I am has already been revealed to you so don't try and decipher my words in contention.' Its tone held hidden mockery which slightly uneased me a bit.

"-SU-KUN!" As I blinked my eyes became unblurred and returned steady. Looking at my mother, she had gone out of her seat and acted upon caressing my face worryingly.

"Hmm? Did something happen, why are you holding my head?" I said in confusion. Peering below at the knelt-down woman who now borne a sense of relief; extending an exhale in contentment.

"You started to zone out and…well when you were a kid…I uhh always did this to bring you back—do you remember that haha..?" Her usual loving voice stammered in embarrassment, adoring a red hue to her face as she shook slightly while forming her words realizing the awkwardness of her actions.

"Oh yes, I remember that.." I replied smiling lightly at the flashback of images of my younger self.

"Good times huh…do you want me to stop Sasu-kun? I know it might be embarrassing, but—haah it's your choice…" Miko's tone stuttered in withheld sadness; her endless eyes and pretty lips rattled as the soft touch upon my smooth skin tightened in a feeling of grief. I couldn't stand it to see her like this, the occasional drop of guard along with the memories of the past brought waterworks to Miko's beautiful a sense it hurt me every time I saw this face; and now, deep inside something grips my heart in dread...

I thought powerful people didn't feel fear.

"Please…continue, I like it when you brush my hair the sensation is nice." I caved in; I want to ease that troubled heart in any way I can. Call it weak and pitiful I could care less.

"R-Really? Fufufu are you t-trying to spoil me or is there something you want?" Relief filled my heart as the sympathetic look she carried disappeared, now touching a gaze of playfulness as she sat up, placing my head onto her lap, and stroking long ebony locks that framed my face.

"Perhaps I just want to spoil you is that so bad?" That devilish look…I now feel regret in my decision, permitting this kitsune to do this to me. Although It does feel nice that teasing smile she makes fills me with a sense of unease…always.

"Hehe Imagine what all of your friends would think seeing the smart and serious Sasu-chan nuzzling his mother like a little kid, ahahah!" She yelled with laughter quickly following her words.

She was never sad, to begin with…she knew I would cave in… how could someone be so cruel?


The events that followed reminded me of true happiness; so much loss and fighting have brought slow progress in my constant life. I struggle to put rest in my stressful intellect that has constantly been in use in recent times, but today I felt such tenderness as if I was a youth once again. I ran up and down through the large halls chasing my mother in mischief as her cheers and wide smiles echoed through the corridors filling my being with a sense of excitement, talking about the natures of different chakras and theories on the creation of various jutsus. Everything was perfect; how it should be and nothing will ever take it away.

'Can you really prevent that?' Stop it.

I heard its genderless, ominous laugh echo within, finding difficulty to determine what part of my body it resonated from.

'Do you think you're strong enough to protect her? I hope you know the answer to that…' Be quiet.

Its voice became somehow clear, louder than it previously was; brimming the border of yelling, causing minor headaches within.

'I wonder how you'll react to her screams as she plunges into death and you can do nothing but watch.' I won't allow that.

Responses brought even more goating as its word released inner irritation.

'Even if it meant murdering millions?' I won't hesitate.

The divulgence of its existence brings me excruciating pain as I clutch my head in discomfort while the raging laughter following each sentence continues.

'Or slaughtering every single dream or ideal that resides in this world?' Whatever it takes.

'Even if it meant hurting her?'...Even that I will do.

'…Good, you and I will get along just fine Centipede-sama…hahaha!' If you're useful.

Finally, the aches of pain subsided as the mental interruption faded into silence, seemingly finding a sort of satisfaction.

Slowly, I relaxed the hold upon my head as blurred vision began to make way.

Smoke flooded the expanse as fumes of delicious cuisine returned my presence to the living world. In front, the gracious visage of Miko holding a spatula in the air with one hand while another angled her hips; per usual in this setting, extensive tresses of black were bonded together in a ponytail as her curves were exposed by the tightly wrapped purple-colored apron that was in a mess. Her frameless face was in a state of irritation; throwing heated looks at myself—who is still leaning against the countertop.

"Are you going to keep lazily around or are you actually going to be useful and help me out here!" She comically ground her teeth, berating my actions.

With a soft smile, I push off the surface moving past the beauty.

However inside inner conflict betrays the emotions that I exclude, as thoughts of before flood internally. A senseless wave of absolute brought a demented smile that could not be shown to Miko...not at all.

'Anyone who would even touch you will be granted death 1,000 fold; fore I Sasuke Uchiha will do anything to make sure no harm falls before us.' Swirls of red uncontrollably cycled in sinister thought of wreaking havoc upon the wicked; gazing at their fearful features as they lose all sense of conviction in their eyes.

Steadily, we make our way towards the stove full of food that has yet to be finalized.

"Hmph, thank you" Miko huffed pulling herself away from the area.

'Even if it means-world domination..'


-Following Weeks-


The orange hue of light partially embraced the left of my vision, irritating said place; as the cool air of the morning, breeze whisked around dark tresses of hair, the occasional thought of my real silver hair brought a sigh of nostalgia; ripples appeared on the silky, ebony kimono mixed with silver linings along the currents. Even in the peak of dawn, streets bustled as merchants hauled great quantities of goods across the village center; annoyingly conversing with local citizens on recent merchandise, only to receive tired looks of disapproval.

Thankfully—for the betterment of their lives; they seemed to sense the tense morning temperament surrounding the field around me as they could only gaze at my presence in hope.

Cutting through alleyways with areas separated from the rising light to avoid any more stares; the cool temperatures of the shadow-covered bricks along with the slight reflection of light concluded the wetness. Overlaying bumps upon my skin as a newfound regret emerged from above.

'I swear upon Mother Yoruki that you—Kurenai will compensate for this. Venturing me out like a slave before your mission to the farmer's district just for some fruits? Please why am I even still here; I came to this insect-filled society for one reason, to kill Sasuke Uchiha…but alas he shares similar ambitions to mine.

*Tch*…it shouldn't matter at all, but there's..some sort of force pulling me towards him, and it's annoying too.' A pensive look grabbed hold of me; the thought of not being able to take care of this mission has forever vexed me internally since the Wave as I began to wonder if I should really be aligning myself with an individual like him.

Allies…that word may mean to be in cooperation with another, and unquestionably loyal to the normal. However, I classify an ally as someone who is useful in a cause; and Uchiha is nothing more but a person to achieve my goals.


More and more as the small secluded street continued, brief intervals of outcasts were past as their gazes brought hollow shame as well as disgust into my mind.

'Haah…I suppose a select few of these monsters are acceptable; I guess the newer generation has some hope after all, compared to these low lives…' Thoughts of my past flashed in pictures momentarily; I could only try my hardest to suppress the returning passion of built up fury for that man…

'Whatever it takes I will kill him, and I guarantee his body will fall be-' ongoing contemplation inside of me came to a halt as three stocky, crude physiques crowed my path.

One, in particular, stepped in front, his shaggy blonde strands rattled as he moved; the smile upon his traits did not indicate sanctioned intentions. Just the thought gave a cringe of features, feeling minor pity for such a small human being. Inferring he was their leader I stared with a raise of brow with amusement at his foolishness; his interpretation of the gesture must've been taken differently as a newfound confidence erupted in those revolting eyes.

"I'm sorry young lady, but by any chance are you lost? Excuse my words but we don't see many visitors through these parts at this time of day." Teeth opened in a full row in a curve of an innocent grin, as the others behind participated in the action.

Watching them take a step forward I could smell the nauseating, drunken atmosphere around him, same with others who shared pungence.

Such odor annoyed me as it reminded me of another alcoholic bitch who also sent me out in the early cold for a simple snack. Mentally shaking away present thoughts about said purple-haired person before it ruined my temper even more than now, I refocused my separated vision onto the putrid-looking men who somehow inched closer, eating the gap between us.

Returning to the previous mood I had before I met these insects that crawled around the corners of the village; the entertained expression I once wore before turned into one of irritation.

"Leave now perverts, I don't have time to be with men who go after teenage girls," I said flatly, subconsciously wishing I was still

outside village jurisdiction.

Said blondie catching a look of surprise before looking at his companions and erupting in laughter; soon the whole alley was filled with whistles of enjoyment.

"Woahh, it seems like this one's actually has some brains up there; but you didn't think I wouldn't notice that you're a kunoichi with all those weapons of yours, hmm? That means you're already an adult the moment you got that head protector, haha!"

The unknown blonde clasped his hands mockingly, fitting a perverse gaze in his eyes,

"…" I said nothing, internally cursing the idiotic rules of the modern ninja system. I could feel that expression he wore while staring at my exposed cleavage. Suddenly, for some reason, I look forward to the outcome of this conversation…

He tilted his head in an unhinged manner, constricted eyes leered; his smile intensified hearing the calming silence of a response.

"Oh has your mouth closed shut? Don't worry I can fix that for you—free of charge." Loud steps were heard as the group of men increased their walking speed over to their destination.

"How kind…in that case I'll help you die—free of charge." Cold words resonated throughout the backstreet from each corner, as all occupants who heard them grew a quiver downward. Smiles of excitement faded as they observed their predator mirroring the very same expression.


"…" No sounds of pain, cries or death. Nothing came out of their mouths except for a horrid illustration taking hold of their masks.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Bodiless skulls tapped the cold, wet floor; the stillness of life brought peace as the background noise of the village seemed to cease.

"Ha..haha…hahahaha! It never gets dull seeing those frightened faces before they die, it's almost like they seem more alive-"

"I agree, it feels nice doesn't it Vali." Huh!?

Rhythmic strides of confidence echoed through the empty walkway, as the dark vicinity around seemed frozen in space; pressure descended in a downpour as a new figure stalked.

"…What are you doing here." I kept my gaze in front, not feeling the need to turn and look at him. However, I could almost sense that slight grin holding his features as it bore onto my back.

'Those words still irk me. "You're weaker than I am". Just you wait… I'll show you who truly is the weak on-'

"Is that really how you greet someone nowadays? How the times have changed." His condescending answer brought a twitch to my features.

How could someone say such a sassy response with a flat voice like that?



"Bitch." ?

'Is the one who just killed three villagers in an early morning like this calling me a bitch? I guess I can add mental instability to her case as well.' I thought, looking up in the sky briefly in contemplation.

"What are you doing here Sasuke? Don't make me repeat myself for the third time." Vali followed on, turning to face me.

"…I simply was just peacefully sitting down at Forest cafe as usual when I happened to sense an intense killing intent at this location; curious I came to the sight of you slaughtering these villagers in cold blood." Said woman's face darkened as if mimicking an evil spirit. I watched as she gripped the red wrapping of her blade tightly in preparation.

"I trust that you wouldn't tell anyone about this right?…I don't care for the people of this village; aside from some, I think they're all selfish, egotistical, people who pick and choose to fit their desires. Is that going to affect you in any way?" Vali stated, while lazily pointing her sword at me.

An unanticipated thought popped into my mind as I looked into the eyes in front, which contained absolute resolve.

'You have implanted yourself in my life for whatever reason Vali, but even with that you still don't trust me. I just can't have a person like you being free in my plans without a clue where you reside loyal to; how shall I deal with you?' I thought briefly gaining a complicated trait on my face.

 After a short pause, I lifted my hand and pointed my palm towards the dead. 

"{Murderous Ash}" I said, soon turning the decaying bodies into dust that moved in the breeze.

"Why—did you do that..?" Her expressionless face turned into one of slight shock gazing at my actions.

"…I think you're right; they're monsters who plague this already cruel world," I responded coolly, continuing my tread over to her.

"You…do? I thought this was your village—your home! What would you know about these monsters, huh?" No matter how much she tried to sound stoic, the trembling rage in her tone was all too clear.

'Just what did this village do to you? Pity…I'm learning more and more about you Vali.' Ideas came to a hold as stop as I continued.

"What do I know about monsters you say? It all goes back to the beginning, before the emergence of the Leaf Village. During the warring period, countless battles were conducted between the Senju and the Uchiha. As you've heard through history, these two clans would eventually discover a common ground, where both of them could thrive in a safe haven full of both Uchiha and Senju; this place became known as what we know today. However, discrimination and prejudice between the two never faded as incidents would arise at this present time; although the disputes were evenly inflicted, the Senju had more political power, and more influence over the leaf; after all the village leader was a Senju as well. From then on the Uchiha name has been dragged till today as we've been used as weapons of power, and monsters, not seen as people. You ask what I know about monsters Vali? I've had to become one just to survive this place full of them where they thrive, where they nurture their youth to become just like them." The explanation of this village's history finally broke her steady looks.

"I-I see then you understand the feeling of…I d-don't know what it is really…" Vali looked down in fierce regard, I studied her language as her hands slightly shook.

' never truly had a real figure growing up didn't you.' I spoke silently.

"Don't you see Vali? People like us need to remain neutral with each other, no matter who or what we do, people like us have one common enemy…these monsters that project themselves as people." I paused to let her digest my words before continuing.

"That feeling you keep deep inside, it's called drive. The drive to survive, the drive to kill. That is what you feel, but in order to use it you have to need a reason to. I share those feelings you hold, but I have my mother as a vessel. You, however, have nothing." I stated with conviction, staring within inches at her blood-like eyes.

"...I don't have a need. Then this thing inside of me will forever stay there?" Although her face remained neutral, the unease inside of her became noticeable to the public.

"Let me," I answered, pulling away and holding out my hand.

"Huh..?" Her eyebrows creased in confusion while she gazed at my action. Not noticing how far I've come.

"Let me be that reason, put your trust in me and I will get rid of that feeling inside of you that has long plagued your heart and keep it within me instead." I surveyed her eyes once more; no longer did I see that disgusting resolve, but a deep stare of growing loss that almost brought an ugly curve to my lips.

"I'll…consider it Sasuke-san." A noticeable twitch appeared on her cheeks after a short pause as she stored her long moonlight grey blade inside of an ebony sheathe.

"Come with me if you choose, I'm meeting someone for a promised lesson," I mentioned while turning away from the alleyway.

"…Perhaps later, I uh..have to deliver some things to an important buyer, good day," Vali answered quickly as she sprinted off the rooftops without a second word.

"Important buyer hmmm…whatever I have better things to worry about." A creeping idea of studying her words faded away as I began my journey towards my destination.


~ Konoha - Training Grounds ~

Green, grassy fields now showed patches of sunny yellow, magnifying the breezy temperatures. Trees of red and orange shedded leaves which danced onto the ground below as winds picked and pushed them around.

A lone, tall figure walked along the exposed path of brick; his silky, white kimono bounced with each step. Internally, however, his mastery of fire cycled within his circuits, moderated diminishing body heat as the cold air flushed through midnight hair; annoyingly brushing his eyes, questioning if he should trim the strands shorter.

Soon, while walking through trees his eyes closed as subconscious senses collected a signature of mass power hidden in undergrowth.

Stopping in place, he grasped metal within his buckled pouch

Silence prevailed in the private surroundings, as whispers of rushed air blew between them both; tensions rose in stillness as one wondered who would act first.

'Hmm?' Tired ebony eyes watched in boredom as an obscure figure made known.


In a blur, a slender image of black and purple flashed to the teen as he quickly turned in reaction, parrying the strike.


Both opponents appeared like flickers in the ground and sky, as each slash created rapid sounds of loud clash.

Dust picked up in the air with every step the two made, trees rattled in turn removing even more leaflets than before. After a brief skirmish of blades, with a final test of strength; both fighters stopped in a self-made distance.

"It seems today people don't have the common courtesy to greet others." The raven-haired said, stowing away his weapon while walking over to the now normally visible woman.

"Mah—mah relax Sasuke-san, think of it like a small favor to warm you up." She replied, waving her hand as if nothing happened. However, muscles locked in weary as every time she met the calm eyes of Sasuke a creeping sense of dread grasped her heart; and the events in the council room did not ease that feeling, no it amplified it even more. This action was done to kill that unknown woe that plagues her, but gazing at those bottomless orbs now she realized the attempt was fruitless.

"…I suppose you have a reason for attacking me Yugao-san? I had thought today was all but to set plans for the future." He questioned.

"Of course I do, are you really thinking I go around attacking fellow Leaf ninjas for no reason? All I wanted was to make sure you were actually a capable shinobi in physical combat, and not just go off the words of some redheaded brat who says this and that." Yugao stated casually.


As soon as those words were heard, murky, thick chakra clouded the air; its density was suffocating as visible highlights of unlit purple could be seen. Pressures of multiple wavelengths descended upon the violet-haired woman, who now wore an expression mixed with agitation and trepidation. Feeling an odd sensation on her digits, she glanced down to see her hand creeping on the grey, weapons pouch strapped to her leg. Realizing her mistake, embarrassingly Yugao slickly removed her hand.

"Let's not pretend the events earlier with the Leaf's council didn't happen because that would be dumb, wouldn't it? I know what your true intentions were Yugao-san, deep down you're troubled by me— so much so you're going to great lengths to find a sliver of who I am; but I'll let you know now, all I am is a nobody in this world and you should know a lot about that experience Yugao." The last sentence he spoke made her heart jump in shock.

'Has he somehow found records of her past? Or has he received a power of a sort to figure out the fear of others?' Yugao didn't understand how he could've discovered her transcript, due to her status as a leader's guard, all information regarding her life has a strict restriction which can only be viewed by high-class officials.

'No, I'm overthinking too much about this, he is all but a normal man, nothing more.' She concluded.

"As you say a nobody such as yourself hasn't been and won't have a great impact on this world, so what makes you think you have the right to know anything about me?" Yugao responded accusingly.

Expecting a sort of look signifying anger or irritation she thought of never came as Sasuke's manner carried the usual tranquil indifference; and even that didn't ease the apprehension.

"..We all exist in different planes to one another, some may be closer or farther depending on how close you are, as we share different experiences, cultures, histories, and so forth. However, the impacts that I or you make in this place may deem us as figures now, but in the future, we might as well be known as ants…or in my eyes nobodies." Sasuke's words cut deep as her facial features softened into interest the more he spoke.

"You are no exception Yugao-san, no matter how hard you try, to most your work means nothing." He concluded, ignoring the sharp expression she gained as he said those words.

"The work I put in does mean something, don't subject your nihilistic words to my deeds! I get stronger each day to fight for this village's peace, are you saying that means nothing?" She said argumentatively, although there was a slight hesitation in mentioning the welfare of the village.

"Trust me I do not believe in nihilism personally, and yes I agree that working for change in this cruel world for others does mean something. However, I am convinced that we need more than just small petty achievements to bring that crucial change we seek."

"And that would be?" Yugao questioned in intrigue.

"Control—we need control. I do not want to be a nobody who tries to bring forth peace to the few, I want to be a vessel of control who guarantees peace for all." The raven responded in absolute.

"…I understand what you mean, that's very noble of you as well. I'm sorry for my outburst earlier, if it helps I want you to know that I will help you to achieve your goal Sasuke-san." In her mind, the Uchiha's ambition uplifted her opinion of him more than before, now seeing a sort of character in him she sought after all this time. Something that would make him less unknown.

"I will hold you upon that request Yugao-san." For the first time at that moment, a light smile reached his lips hearing those words.

"While that was…interesting, it seems like we have shared all that we need with each other, let's get something to eat already; I've been working nonstop like a slave and I'm hungry because of it." She said, flicking her purple tresses with a quick turn of a head, trying to hide the droplets of water strolling down her features.


"Sasuke-san…did you really mean what you said before? Are you really willing to sacrifice everything to achieve your dreams of peace?" She questioned while glancing to her right towards him.

"I would do anything to make my goal a reality," Sasuke responded calmly, staring at the road ahead and ignoring the eyes peering at him.

"That's good—you know Sasuke-san you're not as bad as I thought. In fact, you're rather kind compared to others; the light in you is stronger than the darkness inside of your heart." Yugao replied, wearing a small grin on her delicate features.

With an easy exterior, Sasuke continued to walk without answering.

It might seem he agrees with this answer..internally, however, sinister thoughts crept into his mind as he contemplated the unattended dreams revolving around his life.

'The Wave and their people have all experienced the trauma of extremity; the kidnapped, the starving, the weak, and the sick. All of these victims are being exploited by the powerful like those councilmen who sought after my mother for their own goals of "peace". The referred has opened my eyes to this world because the peace in my mind is a constant, something where everyone shares a common fear to unite under. I will be that flask, I will be an endless authority.' The raven said silently,

unaware of a black, thorny centipede enlarging upon his front.

'I will be control…'



Under the great white beam, crickets called towards the night as nocturnal creatures obliged upon the light.

Clear glass allowed luminosity to enter as two raven-haired figures were shown sleeping warmly with one another as if shielding their bodies from the cool air of the fall night.


Sheets of silk rustled in sequence as a pensive expression took hold of the younger. Rolls of sweat reflected warmth upon his face, as an internal battle commenced within…






Unforgiving winds brushed my ears with force, its cold breeze brought shivers against the openings on my violet hue sleepwear. Forgetting the gales, I analyzed the odd surroundings that had kidnapped me into unfamiliar grounds. Bare, leafless, dull trees filled the area which was inhabited by cawing crows of black; the stillness in the air was oddly both slightly uncomfortable, but comfortable…if that makes sense. More like I grew tolerance of the place, but it didn't belong to me at all—it wasn't in my possession and that is what brought me that anxiousness.

I hate it.

Nonetheless, the domain was ordinary as a cloudless sky; although speaking of sky, the usually blue color was eerily now similar to the skies fitted inside my dimension, wearing a blood-like hue with fluffy white clouds adorned upon it.

"Come—here…" Once those words entered my ears, an unbearable shake rolled my spine in remembrance. It's voice…that same voice was the one that inhabited my mind. Occasionally implanting unethical suggestions inside my being, but what disturbed me more was the inability to remove that voice. I had once thought I had full control of my mind, but apparently, I was mistaken.

*Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch*

Leading towards the direction of the call, I noticed uncanny behaviors in the environment which differs from the original world I am used to. Breathing was strange, and difficult at best as if the oxygen was replaced by tar, the wind moved without current as air flowed at different movements straying from their formation. Walking through the gap of trees which was weirdly flooded with crows, however, their usual crowing came to a stop as soon I crossed their territory; maybe I should take it as a dark warning of my traverse? Or perhaps they are curious about my intentions…I don't know.

"You're close…Our connection is becoming..stronger, fufufuf…" No longer was the voice a whisper like in the present world, but these sentiments have been carried with intention.

Small heads of black turned their heads accordingly as I passed, some croaking their skulls to the side in a questioning gesture.

"Yess, I feel you now…you're very close, perfect." The familiar genderless tone it carried outside now held a sinister…feminine touch? While some may find it comforting, it gave me a more cautious feeling knowing this entity had a more human resemblance.

The forest of leafless, brown shrubs ended sooner than expected as what surrounded the area was a royal-like sector gated off, with ebony-designed fountains spouting water off of various openings, in between the fountains held a large white gate that separated the prestige feel with the dull one.

A command entered my mind as I somehow had ownership of the place. "Unleash" I command in authority; suddenly, the bars separated and brought forth the royal estate to myself. A deadpan reflected on my face as I gazed at the design of the palace, its gothic, Victorian-style castle brought a stray thought of those scary stories told by my mother in the hope to scare me; something about long teethed creatures that loved sucking on little boys?

No…that doesn't sound right, is it? Whatever.

Satisfying my curiosity, I guided my figure inside, gazing at the violet, lilac flowers that crowed the sides of the dark grey, bricked path.

The surprise came to my face as the first signs of evergreen were seen through this journey; the castle had fields of plains carrying the same lilac flowers that adjoined the walkway.

Reaching the entering area, I stopped in concern, closing my eyes abruptly as a sharp pain inflicted my mind, as if telling me to halt right here.

In front of me stood a stone circle, its image was strangely intricate, baring multiple inscriptions of unintelligible words of outward origins. It held sections of brackets, becoming smaller and closer the more it went inward.

"You've done well

Centipede-sama, now it comes to the choice of your future. Will you leave me once again, forsaking all I have done for you…or shall you take my hand and rebirth me once more into the spectacular creation you've once made." I now felt guarantee in my sex choosing, now hearing the clear voice of a peculiarly alluring woman; well that's what my mind pictures her as hearing her divulge.

'Leave once again? I have no recollection of such action…is this choice for me, or has there been a mistake in calling? No matter, if she seems as important as I depict her as gaining a powerful subordinate will benefit me greatly in the futu-.' Surprisingly, my words were cut off by her tone.

"As usual, you are seeing others as tools for your success, don't worry I approve of your actions so far, however, do not take me lightly as your future pawn for I will be your equal. Nothing more, nothing less. I will not make the same mistake…" For the first time in years, I felt a sense of real dread grip my heart, knowing there was another being who could understand my person, who could leech into my mind and not only interact but can read the words within my head.

It didn't feel refreshing at all.

Forming my air of confidence once again, I pushed away the previous contemplation that plagued my intellect. I now knew the option I had to make; this woman was too dangerous for me to be aware of, her demeanor meant certainty, and her tone was as dauntless as mine.

No, she was too much like me.

I raised my head with resolute, adorning a stoic expression on my features. Slight gales pushed the blades of grass as flakes of violet flowers danced around my figure. "You ask of my choice huh…I choose to forsak-…forsak-…?" I couldn't say it.

Every time I tried, I felt a need to die? Like a force of unforeseen regret will flood me once I utter those words.

I usually am sure of my words, but for some reason, I wanted to accept her invitation, like a suggestion from myself telling me to say yes.


'Haah, if this bites me in the ass in the future, I swear upon my grave whoever is acting against my choosing will bare the consequences they made.' I sighed in surrender as I caved in.

"I wish to rebirth you, shall you gift now me your name? I cannot be working with an equal of mine for the unforeseen future without no introduction." I said calling out to the wind.


The ominous wind brushed my black locks from side to side, wearing its usual uncoordinated direction; blinding my visual temporarily in pattern as it moved.

"Good…very well Sasuke-sama. I the one who has witnessed all, the being who was disgraced by the controlling, has been chosen to rise once again—." Currents of air became wild the more she spoke her cadence.

Soon, it assumed a pattern of red mist, swirling around until took the form of a beautiful mistress. Vast blood-red tresses which shared highlights of stainless white, swayed with the gales as lids unfurled, revealing maroon eyes sharing slit, yellow pupils. On top of her head graced four, midnight, curved horns stood proudly; murk flowed downwards shaping into a burgundy lolita dress, eccentricing her slender, petite figure; finishing off with black stockings along with ebony boots.

"I the one who has been forged by death have been reborn again…as Hel…sword of The Shinigami." She told in command.

"And you are now forever bonded to me, my lord."

Zekeian Zekeian

Clearly, I am changing things a bit up with the history of the verse, along with the beings who exist inside of the world. However, I won’t stray afar from the main storyline and still hold aspects of the ninja world always, but I’m going to be adding other themes inside to fill in the gap about the journeys of Sasuke during his years up to the war.

(If you think something is wrong with the direction it's going, feel free to speak your mind.)

Also with the introduction of Hel I kind of want to make her like a Zanpakuto from Bleach. There will be similar concepts of different forms but with some changes as well.

For appearance, I just took a reference from Elisabeth from Eminence in the Shadow.


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