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Chapter 2: Light's fury

Light was busy with his chores until Father Orsi finally instructed him to take a break.

After resting, Light recalled the invitation from Asta and Yuno to join them and Sister Lily for a picnic.

Time had flown by in the blink of an eye, and suddenly, Light, Asta, and Yuno were already six years old.

It was hard to believe that three years had passed so quickly, and during that time, not much eventful had occurred.

Life seemed dull, but it continued smoothly, thanks in large part to the care of Father Orsi and Sister Lily, whom Asta was quite persistent about marrying.

Asta's dreams were truly outlandish; he even had his sights set on Sister Lily. Not just a sister in a metaphorical sense, but an actual church sister.

These holy figures were meant to be untainted servants of God, so how could Asta be willing to disregard that sacred commitment?

He could be quite the silly kid.

I strolled toward the expansive grassy expanse, and as I continued walking, I came across a colossal skull lying in the distance.

I always found that sight mystifying. The skull had been there for centuries, and Father Orsi often recounted a tale of a demon, that very monster, being defeated by the first Wizard King. The world had eventually found peace after the initial chaos wrought by that creature.

Listening to those stories, it felt as if I were truly in another world. An isekai, if you will.

That infamous truck for sending people to other worlds certainly comes to mind.

As I moved along, I reached the vast grassland. Beneath a tree, I spotted Sister Lily, Asta, and Yuno.

There was also a baby in Yuno's care.

"Hey, Light! You're late again, you slowpoke!" Asta's voice echoed from a distance, even catching the attention of the farmers in the field.

"Asta, lower your voice! No need to shout!" Sister Lily blushed slightly and scolded Asta.

"Ow! Anything for you, Sister Lily!" Asta responded, his eyes forming heart shapes.


Asta had a blast during the picnic, especially with the lovely Sister Lily by his side. His mind danced with visions of a future where he and Lily were wed, blessed with a flock of children. As the Wizard King, he saw himself, and Lily, as none other than the regal Wizard Queen. Oh, what dreams!


Yuno glanced at Asta's distant expression, a small sigh escaping his lips as he shook his head. Asta was lost in reverie once more, his gaze firmly fixed upon Sister Lily. No one needed to guess what occupied Asta's thoughts.


I caught sight of Asta's expression. If I didn't know the lad better, I'd wager he's conjuring up some inappropriate thoughts about Sister Lily.

Oh, that rascal could use a playful swat on the rear.


As the picnic drew to a close, my gaze fell upon Yuno, tears streaming down his cheeks. This lad, a veritable tempest of emotions. If memory serves, he wasn't this much of a tear fountain back when he was a mere babe.

Here he stood now, six years in the making, yet only now embracing his inner crybaby.

An odd turn of events. If I'm to speak my mind, despite Asta's uproarious voice, I rather admired the young lad's unwavering confidence. 'Twas the reason I dubbed him "Mr. Sanguine."

A chuckle bubbled up at the notion, and with that, I resumed honing my magical prowess.

Amidst the arcane training, my eyes fell upon Asta, engaged in a series of push-ups. A curious sight, that. Whence did this brat procure knowledge of such rigorous exercises from his former life's realm?

These weren't just any push-ups, mind you—these were executed with precision and diligence.

Methinks he might've been an instructor or bodybuilder in his past life.

Yet, why the fervor for exercise in a realm where magic reigns supreme?

Curiosity prodded me to question Asta, who then unveiled his inability to sense magic.

Pity did I feel for him in that instant, though devoid of innate talent, his perseverance shone through.

Truth be told, I held a strong fondness for the lad. Yuno, on the contrary, despite wielding potent wind magic, often succumbed to bouts of tears.


*Third Person POV*

The days rolled by, lacking any excitement. Then one day, Asta and Yuno returned, their bodies covered in injuries.

Especially Asta... he was really messed up. Light wasn't sure what went down, but it seems like some accident took place.

Father Orsi and Sister Lily rushed to ask about the ordeal and began tending to them. After Asta was healed, Yuno was quite relief and decided to stop being a cry baby and be as brave and determined as Asta.

It was snowing and after some time have passed, Asta and Yuno finally appeared for dinner.

This is the moment Light has been waiting for, since Light was just waiting for Asta to be healed before he could ask for details.

Seeing Asta alright, Light couldn't stay quiet and blurted out, "Asta, Yuno! What the heck happened to you guys!?"

Asta, the one who took the beating, looked surprised that Light, was so worried and shocked, judging by his tone.

Asta grinned, "Haha, that's the spirit! Be as chatty and fired up as me! And you might just become my rival—"

Light cut him off, Light grabbed his collar, "Now's not the time for jokes! Tell me what went down!"

Everyone was taken aback by how Light, reacted. It wasn't his usual style.

Yuno, who probably thought of Light as the calm and collected type, was shocked to hear him shouting just as loudly as Asta.

"Relax, Light-chan," Sister Lily said, patting my head gently.

"No way. I can't chill until they spill the beans!" Light said, his eyes hiding a simmering anger.

*Light POV*

Why am I blowing up like this? Well, in my past life, I was often picked on for being a nerd. I got thrashed around a lot.

So, in this life, I vowed to be strong.

So strong that neither I nor my loved ones would ever be trampled upon.

Now, looking at Asta and Yuno in such a state, it's like I'm revisiting my past for a split second.

The image of my beaten-up self, staring back from the mirror in my previous life, still haunts me. My memory's pretty faded, but the key moments, the ones that really left a mark, they're still here. Like how much I got battered. How miserable it was. And, most importantly, how it all led to my demise.

Everything turns kinda gloomy around me, and I end up spending most of my time reading novels or watching anime. That's why, even though most of my past is a blur, the memory of books and anime still sticks.

"Easy there, Light-kun. Let Asta explain first. He's hurt, after all," Father Orsi chimes in, sensing that I'm acting out of character. I wasn't usually like this.

Asta and Yuno glance at me with newfound understanding. This isn't the same cool and distant Light they're used to seeing.

After calming down, I lend a hand in patching up Asta and Yuno.

Honestly, I'm dying to know who messed with them. If I find out, I'll cook up some grand scheme to make those jerks pay.

Finally, Asta and Yuno spill the beans about what went down.

It all started when they ran into some drunkard, and this guy took a liking to Yuno's necklace. Asta jumped in to defend Yuno, which is probably why he got the worst of it.

With the truth revealed, my mind starts plotting away.

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