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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Tears of Blood

Three winters have passed and Wolfsbane has now turned three and is always wearing his ruby red half-wolf mask that only covers the left side of his face hiding his wolf nature. If the mask is on his ears, tail, and claws disappear. His core is suppressed making his qui another color than what he was born with. His qui is strong because his core is. Even the red eyes of an albino wolf turn an icy blue like frosted water. When Dogbane was four winters old he was not chosen to make the bond with the Angel Tears. At first, I saw the disappointment on his face then later over the years it turned into relief because it meant that he had less of a load on his shoulders. His responsibility will be the sect leader and Wolfsbane most likely will become the next generation of Scarlet Doctors that people from everywhere seek help from because of the miracles we can produce. Even before he turns of age like my father did to me and his dad to him and my great uncle I am teaching the basics of medicine. Dogbane learned until he was four and then sometimes just watched as I taught Wolfsbane. My Little Wolf learned quickly surpassing what I had taught Dog in his first year in only a month. I remember my father saying I was a prodigy but compared to Wolf I learned like any other. After a year he has already learned all the different herbs and what they are used for, what seasons they are different, what herbs are grown in and, used in medicine, and what other healing is used for. Wolfsbane even has a keen eye for knowing poisons and cures.

When Wolfsbane turns four I take him into the lake. I have him wrap his arms around my neck and I grip his legs with my hands like I am giving him a piggyback ride. "Hold your breath."-Nightshade Then I plunge into the water. I shoot to the bottom and Wolfsbane's eyes light up in surprise and happiness. When we reach the bottom Wolfsbane reaches out and touches the Angel Tears growing and I can feel the immense energy flowing off like electricity into my son's body. I know he is the chosen son.

"Father why is the plant speaking to me?"-Wolfsbane. At his words, shock covers my face. I never had that experience but I did not bond that easily. "What do you mean, I do not understand?"-Nightshade Do you not hear it? The Angel Tears are speaking. They say I was already bonded before I was born. Their mark was placed on me when you started giving Mother the medicine. Since this is my fourth birthday I get a special gift, that of being able to communicate and connect with plants."-Wolfsbane

Hearing this information left me in shock as I pushed up off the bottom and swam to shore. Wolfsbane has always been extraordinary. When he was three and I was too sick to get out of bed and go pick the Blood Weed for myself he got this idea in his head that he could. I had taught him to swim but not to the bottom of the lake. He ran out and about ten minutes later came back soaking wet holding two fistfuls of the Angel Tears. I was shocked beyond words and he touched the family book of medicine that would open only for me. To my surprise, it opened and he flipped around and then stopped. He then got Dogbane and together made the medicine for me. The gift given was no surprise but communicating and understanding the plants was not what I expected.

It has been five days since Wolfsbane's birthday party and unexpectedly in the black of night the Fallen Star sect ambushes the Scarlet Lake sect. Before the alarm for intruders can be set off a copious amount of members are killed. When I am awoken by the blaring noise of the alarm I quickly get dressed and wake up Dogbane and hand him his clothes to change into then we head to Wolfsbane's room and quietly as to not disturb his slumber and make an unnecessary racket I pick him up and a pair of his close then the three of us head to the docks. There I climb in and Dogbane follows me I hand over Wolfsbane placing his head on his brother's lap and hand over a pair of clothes for my sleeping son and step out. "Dogbane try not to make a noise When your brother wakes to make sure he does the same. It is for your safety."-Nightshade I then proceed to camouflage the boat with my qui and magic. Then I shove the boat away from the pier, after placing a talisman on its side. I have sent the boat words to the closest sect which happens to be their uncle Jakes the Purple Sun sect.

We float about a mile from shore when I hear someone shout "Sect Leader!" Then I see something flying in our direction. Wolfsbane is startled awake by the scream and starts looking around. I quickly put my hand over his shockingly cold mouth. The brisk air is giving us goosebumps. When we float farther away I will dress Wolfsbane in the close father grabbed franticly for him to where. All of a sudden there is a splash in the water directly at the bow of the boat. I lean over to look and to my horror fathers head is bobbing in the water, eyes open looking at us. I try to shield Wolfsbane but I see him peak out from under my elbow, eyes wide he starts to whimper. His shoulders go up and down as he starts crying, I can't take my eyes away even though the image is enough to make someone's blood run cold and I can tell Wolfsbane is having trouble, the little pinkness on his pail skin is gone. He looks completely white as if he is about to retch.

As our home burns, we sit in the small transport boat and watch helplessly as we move away. I look down as tears stain my cheeks not helping but to cry. Parentless and homeless in a boat we now only have each other. I look down into the clear lake and notice the reflection of the moon is crimson as if the moon itself is weeping drops of blood if the moon has sympathy for our pain. The blood moon is a rare full moon also known as a wolf moon. As the night air chills us downs we say goodbye to the only home we have ever known. The talisman father placed on the boat is steering us toward our destination. We can only hope that we will swiftly reach safety before our protective camouflage barrier gives away. We are both scared, and tired, and at the moment no one knows where we are and about the demolition of Scarlet Lake. Our boat is undetectable but for how long will the shield last with father's death his qui will soon waver and then vanish altogether. Being the young masters if we get caught we will be important to the Fallen Star sect if they do not kill us. 

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