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Chapter 9: Waking(9)

Nothing happened. The feeling of the energy passing through just stopped. 

I clutched harder at the children I was protecting. My hands just went through them. I waved them in confusion trying to feel for the kids.

I floundered around in the darkness for any of the other orphans.

 I opened my eyes.


I blinked.

Still dark.

I blinked rapidly.

It was still dark.

I was back in the place.

But I was wide awake. I am pretty sure the adrenalin rush I was currently under would not let me fall asleep anytime soon.

Well, I had only one possible thing I could do.

I ran. I had to wake up, as fast as possible.

I ran toward the sound. 

I pushed my abilities to the maximum, I sprinted using the sound as a waypoint.

I found the stairs in literal seconds.

I ran up the stairs. Ignoring all the pain, ignoring the pressure, ignoring the sound.

I saw the person on top look at me rush up the stairs. I called out to him.

"Shoot the light now! Oiii you! Let me out now! I have to do something to do right now. Its serious I'm not kidding."

I had to leave, as fast as possible. I yelled and screamed as I ran up.

"Just let me out now, just once. I'll stay for as long as you want the next time I sleep. Please just let me out once." I was pleading.

And before I knew it, I was almost at the top.

My body broke down as I reached the last step. My hands and legs locked up and I fell, my body stopped listening to me.

I looked up. The person had vanished.








I fell defeated.

I waited and waited and waited and nothing happened.

Please let me out of here.

I needed to get to the children.

I needed to save them.

I had to save them.

I needed my family.


I stayed there for so long.

The sound kept on blaring. 

I failed every step of the way. I failed to get a good ability. I failed to become strong. I failed to protect Mama. I failed to defeat Jackal. 

I was the epitome of a failure. I couldn't do a single thing right. 

Now, I was failing again. Stuck in this place. 

Why was I here? 

I wasn't asleep. 

I only entered this place when I slept.

Despite the never ending darkness, I always had the incessant chittering to guide me and the figure at the top was my goal.

The figure was gone. Had I missed the time window to reach them? Another failure. I seemed to be racking these up in record time.

The chittering didn't bother me anymore. It was something I faced everyday for nine years. At this point, it calmed me down.

So, I started thinking. It was the only thing I could do now. These dreams though painful only made me stronger the more I challenged it. So, maybe it was a part of my Waking. Maybe, I was a Physical who could get stronger infinitely.

Another thing had started bugging me now. Our orphanage was a cover for Mama, who apparently was a member of an organization. She had told us to hide our pendants for a reason, most likely the logo on the pendant was the same as that of the organization's. Mama, No Kemp Fall must have been involved with a lot of fighting. She had reacted extremely quickly to the situation and fought back. She probably had weapons that she used, stored in the hidden room she had told us to go to.

Now, the issue with all of this was Jackal. Why had he come so late? If his job was to eliminate Mama and leave, shouldn't he have come earlier during the day? Even if his surprise attack had hit Mama, he wouldn't have managed to kill her fast enough to escape afterwards.

There were only three possible reasons for this.

One, his superiors planned his death into this mission. Two, due to some unforseen circumstance the Project Piercing Darkness, was moved up and his death would be ruled out as a necessity. Three, and something I was more inclined to believing, a suicide mission, one that was caused by blackmail considering how hard he fought back.

We could barely beat him in a three versus one.

I had a new goal now, I would plan my way into making that organization collapse for hurting Mama and ruining my life..... our lives.

Suddenly something in my mind changed changed, endless hatred and rage surged.


I would leave this dream. Nothing would stop me, not my body and definitely not this sound torture.

If that fucker wouldn't let me out, I would fucking let myself out. Fuck him and Fuck this place. 

Fueled by this anger, I pushed myself up back onto my legs. I was hunched over with my legs spread. My legs felt like lead but I moved them anyway. I would consider the repercussions of my actions later, I raised my foot and placed it on the final step. My head felt like it was being crushed, I felt blood drip from every facial orifice. I had fainted like this the previous times but not now, not here. I kicked with my other leg and reached the top.

I steadied myself. I could see the outines of my body now. I stared at my hands, they were shaking. I couldn't stop them from shaking however. 

Then I realized, something, the sound felt extremely close. The source of the sound was near me. I looked around. 

I stopped, my eyes dropped to my chest. The sound... I was the one making it. It came from inside me. 

Following this revelation, the sound stopped and I felt something well up from inside me. I knew I had to do something.

I raised my hands above my head and yelled.


The strange energy inside me rushed out, shooting into the sky. It was blinding up close. Accompanying it was immense heat, I felt my hands burn as I released the erupting energy. The light, like an unstoppable sword, slashed through the darkness, replacing it. 

But calling it light was wrong, this energy, its sound, its heat, its power, there was only one thing tht could compare to it and it was akin to a natural disaster.

I had seen it a couple times before, in the storms that would yearly in the Melting Lands. Almost everything it touched was obliterated.

I had shot out lightning.

The sound was not those of insects. It was the sound of the lightning inside me, the electricity flowing through my body. The increasing volume of which was pointing me to my actual abilities and to make me accept them as soon as possible.

My dreams were not there to improve me as a Physical but to improve my body enough till the point where the I could fully accept my lightning. When I used my abilities the reason my eyes didn't glow as because I was not using it to its fullest extent. 

I didn't have my Waking nine years ago.

I had started my Waking nine years ago and it had finally completed now.

My body brimmed with power despite releasing that massive amount of energy. I felt invincinble. No, I was invincible. Nothing could touch me, nothing could harm me.

If only I had reached this point a little earlier, just one day earlier. I could have beat Jackal on my own, I could have saved Mama. I could have been.... adopted.

I had my hands raised as the lightning kept shooting out of my hands. I would fill this dream with light and wake up. I would now use my Waking to protect my family.

I was sure that wave of energy would be the one evaporating, now that I had finished my Waking.

I looked at the stairs behind me...

I saw hundred's of outlines climbing up the stairs on all fours, hundred's of outlines exploring the darkness, hundred's of outlines clutching their heads in pain.

I saw hundred's of me.

I looked down, my clothes were in tatters.

I dropped my hands, cutting the transmission of lightning. Everything made so much sense now.

Another revelation. The person I was chasing after so long was..... me. The person I wanted to answer my questions was..... me. The person I wanted to punch The back I was chasing for so long was just me.

"Ha Ahhahah HAhahaha" I clutched my chest laughing. It was so funny to me.

At that moment I understood exactly what it felt to be strong, looking at all my failures over the years given form. I wasn't weak anymore. I wasn't even a Physical. I would make a name for myself now. I would finally be useful. I had lost enough. I wouldn't lose anymore.

Nothing would stop me from being happy, nothing. If the world was against me, I would split it apart in the same manner I split the darkness. 

My Waking made me the embodiment of destruction.

This place had known how I would be the moment I fully climbed all the stairs, my state with my clothes in tatters and everything. It had known every thing until this point. This was not some mindscape. I could confirm that now, if it was something I made up, then I would never be able to see the me from the future on the stairs. But it never showed me what was beyond this point. I would have to decide that myself.

Uncontrollable laughter. I did what I saw the person... me..... do countless times before. I was bent over laughing.

I was laughing not at myself from my previous cycles but at my situation, my struggle and my motivation.

It was all a joke. Everything I had gone through being validated like this, was dissapointing but all I could do was laugh. That was the state of my life.

The laughter stopped. My eyes went cold. I was done now. I would destroy my enemies till nothing remained. They would feel, what I felt. The organization. Central. Whatever Project Piercing Darkness was. Everything would fall to my anger.

My intent to kill was equally as powerful as the lightning I shot out.

The world was illuminated now. Constantly growing brighter. I would be back now and I would show them true power. I would show them fear.

They would realize their mistakes once they met the moster of their creation. They would regret every decision they ever made as they watched the collapse of everything they care about.

I looked back at my countless selves stuggling.



1Manager1 1Manager1

Well, conyeing emotions is hard. I dont feel satisfied with the way I did this chapter. So, Ill drop the next chapter in a few hours to make up for bad emotional writing.

Anyway, drop a few tips, point out any mistakes. I would appreciate that.

Also, new league champ looks cursed as hell.

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