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Chapter 3: Welcome to All Might's Training Camp

Days passed, as Izuku resumed his usual school routine. To his surprise, everyone's perception of him had undergone a remarkable transformation. The once icy and indifferent gazes had changed into warm and cordial looks, with some even extending friendliness his way.

On the flip side, the black sludge incident received substantial news coverage, leading to doubts about whether heroes were upholding their expected standards of service. This skepticism arose as literal teenagers were seen acting more selflessly than licensed heroes, highlighting concerns about some heroes engaging in questionable activities that shook public confidence in their character.

Izuku had also learned about Katsuki's heroic actions, where he intervened to prevent a young boy from being taken hostage, subjecting himself to an excruciating amount of pain in those agonizing minutes. This revelation had spread like wildfire among Izuku's schoolmates, meaning nearly everyone was aware of what had transpired that day, with Izuku prominently featured using his quirk. Which explains the now-changed attitudes of the student body.

However, he would not have time to think about the current situation as he focused on one single goal he needed to reach no matter what: Becoming a hero.

After school each day, he would rush to the beach park for training sessions with All Might, persisting until the sun dipped below the horizon. Only then would he allocate some precious moments to record his experiences with his quirk before finally returning home. This return, however, left his mother utterly astonished. Not only did he bear the marks of bruises and exhibit the telltale signs of exhaustion, but he also surprised her by now having a ravenous appetite. He often requested seconds, and sometimes even thirds, if there was enough food to go around. Inko had come to fully grasp the depth of her son's commitment. What she once regarded as a mere dream of Izuku's had transformed into a resolute reality. She saw the unwavering determination in her son's eyes as he embarked on the path to becoming a hero, and she had no doubt he would make it happen through sheer willpower.

In the initial days of experimenting with his quirk under Toshinori's watchful guidance, Izuku discovered several distinctive traits about his newfound power. One key aspect was that to activate his quirk at will, he had to retain a lungful of air, holding it in for as long as possible. The longer he managed to keep the air trapped, the more potent his quirk became. However, the effort was excruciating. The sensation was akin to having all the air in his lungs on the verge of boiling out of him within mere seconds. The pain was so intense that even enduring it for just 30 seconds felt like sticking a finger into a toaster. Unfortunately, he had the dubious honor of experiencing this sensation firsthand when he attempted to activate his quirk for the first time after the incident.

  - 2 Weeks after the incident -

The sun reached its apex, casting its brilliant light upon Takoba Beach Park, once a pristine and picturesque destination, now bore the heavy burden of its transformation into a desolate wasteland. The sun hung high in the sky, casting its harsh light upon a shoreline that had become nothing short of a ghostly echo of its former serenity. Stretching out as far as the eye could see, the beach had been designated as a dumping ground for refuse and discarded devices, as if it had become the final resting place for forgotten treasures of another era.

What was once a haven of natural beauty had succumbed to the relentless advance of neglect. Piles of debris, trash heaps, and discarded gadgets covered the once-pure sands, transforming them into a haunting graveyard of the beach's former glory. The air was heavy with the melancholic whispers of what used to be.

Amidst the desolation, there existed a small, cleared enclave where Izuku and Toshinori had positioned themselves. Here, a glimmer of hope flickered, a tiny oasis of what the beach had once been or could become with proper care. In this pocket of respite, the shoreline still retained a hint of its former self.

"Young Midoriya," Toshinori began, "I want you to recall the moment your quirk first manifested, and try to replicate that feeling now to see if we can rekindle it." The stale scent of dirt and trash still hung in the air as Toshinori signaled for Izuku to proceed cautiously. Then, like a crackling bolt of lightning, energy surged around Izuku's body, tracing a path from his legs to his spine and up to his head. His eyes lit up with a glint of familiarity before they blurred, and in a blink, he shot forward, leaving a gust of air in his wake, reappearing a mere centimeters apart from his mentor.

The towering figure of Symbol of Peace stood in stunned silence before the excited green-haired young man's screams of awe broke the spell. "Oh my god. Oh my god, did you see that?" Izuku gasped for air while gazing alternately at his fingertips and at Toshinori, his eyes filled with wonder. It took a moment for him to realize the burning sensation in his lungs.

"Argh!" Izuku exclaimed, causing Toshinori's skeletal form to vanish, revealing his muscular self. "Haha! Well done, young Midoriya," Toshinori congratulated him. "That was a most spectacular display of speed indeed. But I presume the backlash is just as severe?" he inquired, prompting Izuku to continue his train of thought.

"When I used my quirk, I could feel my lungs burning so much," Izuku began to mutter, his words tumbling out rapidly. "Is it because of a weak constitution? Perhaps I can keep it activated for longer periods if I improve my lung capacity..." His words spilled out so quickly that even the number one hero struggled to keep pace.

"Now, now, young Midoriya," Toshinori interjected, successfully regaining Izuku's attention. The young teenager was now scratching the back of his head with a slight flush on his cheek. "S-sorry about that, Sensei. Please, go on," he said, now fully engaged and listening intently.

"From what we already understand," he explained, "your quirk relies heavily on your lungs' ability to carry and hold oxygen, storing it before processing it into usable energy. It's an accumulative quirk type."

Izuku quizzically responded, "Why isn't my quirk as strong as it was the first time I used it?"

"Young man," Toshinori began his explanation, "quirks are like muscles that need to be made stronger. In your case, you accessed power beyond what your body should normally produce, similar to an adrenaline rush."

He continued with enthusiasm, "This means we will train to strengthen your body and cardiovascular properties by having you clean this beach every day and then running at least five to eight kilometers afterward." Toshinori's thunderous voice was now accompanied by a wide smile as he concluded his speech. "Starting from now. Oh, and don't forget, you are forbidden to use your quirk to complete these tasks."

"H- huh? N- Now?" Izuku attempted to confirm.

"Yes young man now get to it!" the blonde-haired hero affirmed with a devilish grin.

  - | | -

Needless to say, Izuku's days were now brimming with activities, leaving him with scarcely any free time for other pursuits, and he found comfort in this new routine. All his attention and energy were wholeheartedly committed to his training and attending school. Despite the packed schedule, he made a point to visit Kacchan at least once a week, only to find him still in a vegetative state, connected to an array of tubes and monitoring machines. Each time he encountered his friend in that condition, it pained Izuku deeply; he could never grow accustomed to the sight, no matter how frequent his visits.

It appeared that his growth spurt had coincided with his newfound dietary and lifestyle adjustments, and this transformation certainly didn't go unnoticed. It elicited surprise from his classmates and schoolmates, who had undergone a complete change in their behavior towards him. They treated him with courtesy and, in some instances, he even received a few heartfelt apologies. For the quiet, green-haired teenager who had mostly kept to himself due to circumstances, this shift was an entirely new experience.

He harbored no ill will towards them for their previous treatment, especially now that he understood the underlying reasons behind Kacchan's actions. Rather he decided to extend a hand in response to begin moving forward instead.

Before long, the 10 months drew to a close, with both student and mentor standing side by side at the now pristine Takoba Beach Park. They both admired the transformed landscape before the green-haired teenager let out a resounding scream, pushing his voice to its limits. As he did, sweat dripped down his forehead, tracing the contours of his now impressive physique, perfectly suited for both swift movement and intense combat.

As the blonde-haired hero and the green-haired student turned to face each other, the former offered his congratulations. "This is it, young Midoriya. Ready for our final spar? Don't hold anything back with me. I want to see you go beyond, to reach your 'Plus Ultra!'" He beckoned with a wide grin that nearly stretched his cheeks to the limit.

Izuku now wore a wide smirk on his face, a direct response to the towering figure of All Might, who was gearing up for a powerful punch. Letting his instincts take over, Izuku drew in a deep breath, filling his lungs to capacity before vanishing into a blur of lightning. He moved in a zig-zag pattern around the hulking form of All Might, then abruptly halted all his motion, channeling his power into a surge aimed squarely at the blond-haired hero's ribs.

Izuku braced himself for the impact, but just as he was about to connect, he noticed a glint in All Might's eyes, followed by a sly smirk. Instead of delivering the punch, All Might struck the sand beneath them, generating shockwaves that sent Izuku hurtling away, leaving him reeling from the sheer force of the maneuver.

'How?' Izuku pondered, his thoughts racing. Toshinori had accurately anticipated his course of action and strategically aimed a powerful punch to disrupt Izuku's movements. The green-haired boy found himself in awe of the sheer skill and prowess of his mentor. However, his admiration was interrupted when he heard something he wished he hadn't.

"Oops, used my power more than I meant to. Haha! 30% was too much. 15% ought to do," Toshinori quipped casually. Izuku couldn't help but gulp. 'Oh my go-' he thought, but his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the approaching blonde man.

With his toes buried into the sand, Izuku swiftly shifted his position to evade the oncoming strike. He alternated between releasing air and abruptly changing directions, creating unpredictable patterns of movement that even the number one hero had to take note of.

'Interesting, young man. Let's see how you handle this,' Toshinori thought, a hint of pride curling at the corners of his lips. He extended his arms wide, almost as if he were inviting Izuku in for a hug. Then, with a swift motion, he closed his arms, clapping both hands together. In an instant, a surge of airwaves shot towards Izuku.

The green-haired teenager wore a panicked expression as he crouched down, holding his breath as if he were building something up within him.

Izuku used this moment as a brief respite, sensing the crackling lightning coursing through his body growing more intense. It began at his lungs, then surged to his arms, before coursing back down to his legs and swirling around his entire frame. The intensity heightened, and the brilliance of the energy increased until Izuku erupted forward, transitioning seamlessly from a crouched position to a full sprint.

The blonde-haired hero advanced, and prepared for a head-on collision, but then Izuku abruptly vanished from his sight. "W-what?" He thought, puzzled, just before feeling multiple impacts striking his back.

Izuku executed a graceful mid-air pirouette, launching a series of devastating kicks at Toshinori's chest with blinding speed. The impact forced the seasoned hero to take several steps back, his arms instinctively covering his vital points as he turned to face the green-haired boy, trying to withstand the incoming onslaught.

Toshinori initially held his ground with apparent ease, but he left a critical opening to his lower body—a vulnerability the astute teenager didn't miss. Reacting swiftly, Izuku maintained his speed's momentum, executing an instant leap to the side as he landed on his feet. In a blur, he disappeared entirely from the blonde-haired man's view. However, just before Izuku could execute what he thought would be a finishing punch aimed at Toshinori's temple, a surprising twist occurred. Toshinori, in a reflexive moment, met the green-haired teenager's punch head-on.

Suffice it to say, in a head-on struggle of strength, Izuku stood no chance against the number one hero. He promptly found himself flipped onto his back, gazing up at the clouds drifting in the vast blue sky.

"Well done, young Midoriya," Toshinori praised. "I believe you are ready to take on the exams, and should you succeed, I have something to offer you. We can discuss it after the examinations if you're willing to hear me out." He pointed directly at Izuku and continued, "Remember, go beyond and trust your instincts."

As an air of nervous excitement settled around Izuku, he resolved to be as prepared as possible. There was no room for self-doubt now. He couldn't help but wonder what Kacchan would do if he were in his shoes, and vivid memories of their childhood flooded back to him.

  - 8 years ago -

It was a vibrant summer day, with shimmering heat enveloping everything, while bees and mosquitoes buzzed through the air. The atmosphere resounded with the joyful laughter of children playing in a park, and among them stood a particular individual who captured attention. A green-haired toddler, no more than six years old, stood there in awe, admiring a brilliantly colored butterfly perched delicately atop a flower.

"Whaaw," Izuku giggled innocently before catching the soft cries of a girl coming from a nearby playground. A group of older kids had gathered around a girl who appeared to be around his age. The bullies were pointing fingers at her, their disapproving tone turning into mocking jeers.

"Hey, look at her. Look at her! Her ears are ugly," they taunted, their laughter ringing through the air. One of them reached forward to grab what appeared to be a short tube hanging near her ear.

The green-haired boy, now deeply distressed, sprinted toward them, shouting. However, he tripped in a comical fashion and tumbled right between the boys and the girl, causing one of the bullies to release his grip.

"H-h-hey! Stop it!" he called out, pulling himself back up. "T-that's not nice." The girl's gaze remained fixed on the green-haired boy's back as he visibly shook but stood his ground, refusing to move or avert his gaze from the boys. After a moment of hesitation, he decided to glance back over his shoulder.

"A-are you okay?" he asked, attempting to force a smile, which left the girl looking at him in awe. He seemed like a superhero from comics, only dozens of times cooler than anything she had ever seen. If he could be brave, then why not her? She thought, drawing inspiration from him.

However, one of the boys decided to mock the green-haired boy. "Hey, are you trying to protect that freak, huh? Playing the hero who saves the damsel in distress?" The boy laughed mockingly before adding, "Move aside if you know what's good for you." Despite the mockery, the green-haired boy remained resolute, firmly standing his ground.

"N- no. I won't let you," he answered shakily, extending his arms wide, a glint of determination in his eyes. He saw a fist flying right at him, causing him to reflexively cover his face with his arms, anticipating the impact and the expected sound. However, it never came. Instead, he heard a different sound, something akin to an egg cracking.

Izuku cautiously opened his eyelids and was met with the sight of the same boy now lying on the ground, clutching his crotch in evident pain. Standing in front of him was a purple-haired girl.

"Leave him alone, ya meanies!" she commanded, her voice quivering with hesitation as tears still glistened in her eyes. The remaining boys were on the verge of advancing when the silhouette of a blonde-haired boy emerged behind them. His expression was a mix of furious anger and a hint of a smirk playing on his lips.

"Oi! Ya dunderheads! Who do ya think ya are, trying to mess with my sidekick, huh? Only I can do that," Katsuki bellowed, and with that, he started chasing the panicking boys away. They scrambled to help their limping leader, leaving the girl alone with the green-haired boy now slumped on the ground, his legs giving way, he let out the softest and warmest laugh the girl had ever heard up to that point. It transformed the tense atmosphere into something akin to a calm and vibrant painting, where new colors kept swirling around them.

"Kacchan, that was so cool!" Izuku chuckled to himself. The blonde-haired boy had come and gone like a whirlwind of raw energy, displaying no hint of fear or doubt about what needed to be done. It was mesmerizing for the now relaxed green-haired boy, who had started to gaze at the clouds before being brought back to reality.

"You were cooler," a purple-haired girl remarked gently as she crouched beside Izuku, her smile radiant. He suddenly realized that a girl was indeed staring at him, and he wasn't quite sure what to do, so he resorted to fiddling with his fingers.

The boy couldn't help but smile, though he found himself at a loss for words. He scratched his head as the girl began giggling in response. "Thanks," she said, holding the hem of her sundress.

From nearby benches, another voice called out, a gentle, motherly voice. "Kyoka, it's time to go home," it beckoned. The girl responded, "'Kay, mom!" She stood up, turning her back to the green-haired boy.

However, before she left, she suddenly turned back, running back to him to ask a final question. "What's your name?" she inquired.

"Izuku," the boy stammered. The girl smiled, waved, and then hurried away from him, shouting her last parting words. "See ya, Izu-kun!"

The boy remained standing still, feeling the warmth spreading through his body, accompanied by the distant sounds of cicadas in a nearby bush.

  - Present -

Returning from his memories, a bittersweet shock filled his eyes, and every muscle in his face seemed to reflect those emotions. "ARGH! Why didn't I realize it then?" The green-haired teenager lamented, his disappointment evident. He had, in fact, met the very same girl weeks ago but hadn't recognized her. To be fair, she used to have longer hair back then, which concealed many of her features, in addition to The sundress she had worn compared to her current tomboyish punk style contrasted entirely different images between them.

Exhaling deeply, Izuku now had a resolute answer to his question. There was no doubt that Kacchan would charge headfirst into the exam and, to quote him, "Blow all secondary characters away," displaying the brilliant force of will he possessed. Izuku couldn't help but admire Kacchan's unwavering determination in the face of adversity, which contradicted the recent image he had seen.

However, Izuku decided that perhaps imitating Kacchan's approach was not the best way to make his entrance into the world, as it might backfire on him. Instead, he resolved in his mind to carry on the spirit of that determination.

Several calm moments passed before Izuku decided to head home, feeling prepared for the upcoming U.A. Examinations. As he sat on the bus, he saw his apartment approaching in the distance. He signaled the driver to let him out at the next stop. Stepping onto the pavement, he felt the ground beneath his feet and turned his head to spot a familiar figure heading towards the same apartment building. It was Mrs. Bakugo, but this time she was accompanied by her husband, both of them looking as pale as ghosts.

Sensing that something was amiss, Izuku approached them cautiously and gently inquired, "Mr. and Mrs. Bakugo, is everything okay? Is Kacchan... is he...?" His voice trailed off, filled with concern.

Both of them shook their heads, and Mr. Bakugo spoke, his voice cracking, "Our son was pronounced brain-dead this afternoon."

The green-haired boy, now wearing a blank stare, ascended the stairs to his apartment. "I'm home," he uttered in a vacant tone, devoid of any emotion and excitement that he had displayed earlier in the day. Inko, catching his appearance, appeared in front of Izuku, sensing his distress.

"Izuku, sweetie? What happened? Are you okay?" she asked gently. But before she could receive an answer, Izuku's legs gave out. He collapsed against the door, and all he could manage were the following words. He held his head in his arms, leaving his mother utterly stupefied.

"Kacchan... he... god damn it... he's gone..." Izuku wailed in silent agony.

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