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Chapter 28: Leaving

Grey stood in front of a board situated in the front of the school. On it lay the scores of every student. Instead of being laid out by test scores, it was laid out by rank, and the test scores were next to each person's name. At the very top of the board, front, and center, was the total score for each test.

Grey looked to the top left of the board, where he sat as Rank 0, and saw his score. In each subject, he scored a perfect mark and he had the fastest time for the PT test. 

'I'm happy that I did great, but it's not really what I came here for. I've only learned a little and not gained much experience. Is it worth being here?' Grey had enjoyed his time at the Academy but found that it didn't do much for him. The only noteworthy subjects were Governmental Politics and Alchemy.

His goal to develop upon what he had learned as a demon had narrowed what he researched, which limited his knowledge, and his obsession with weapons had stopped him from having time to look at the news. 

Had he not narrowed his research, or spent all of the hours in a day training, he wouldn't have even needed these lessons.

- I think that's up to you. But you'll need to speak to your parents. Even though your birthday is in 6 months, you're still a minor. - Fallen Star interjected, bringing Grey out of his thoughts.

Grey turned around, walking out from the crowd that had formed around the board, and moved to the side.

'I'll go home and discuss becoming a Hunter or Hero. I still need to develop my bow and axe skills, so becoming a Hunter could be good.' Grey was unsure if this was the best move, for the Academy provided a safe ground, but he was sure that he wouldn't be able to develop as fast in the school. 'I guess that settles it... Oh, talk later Fallen Star, friends are coming.'

Var ran up to Grey, hooking his arm around the grey-haired boy's neck. "So, how'd you do?"

"I got a perfect score in everything and the fastest time in PT." Grey gave it straight to the elf, hoping not to discourage him.

Luckily, the elf boy was a little dim, so he wasn't affected. "YO! I did pretty well, but we're just on different levels."

"Oh Var, can you gather Elijah and the rest? I want to talk to them about something." Grey inquired. It was best to talk to his parents first, but he felt that he should at least let his friends know, just in case.

"Sure bud, just give me a minute. Wait here." Var ran off, leaving Grey alone.

'Perhaps I should go to a cafe.' Grey immediately ignored what Var said, and moved to a cafe in the mall. 'I'll send him a message.'


Grey sat in front of a group of 8 people, drinking a coffee. It wasn't something that existed in Sincia, and he enjoyed it greatly.

"So Grey, why did you want to talk?" Elijah asked. The group was a little surprised by Grey's sudden invite, and the atmosphere seemed serious, so none dared to take it lightly.

"I'm most likely going to leave The Island." He said in a solemn tone.

'''WHAT?!''' The group responded collectively, except for Aurora, who was silent, even though her surprise was etched on her face.

"Uh, I already know everything that the school teaches, excluding Alchemy and Government Politics, but those are things I can learn elsewhere. I came here for experience with weapons, but, sorry to say this, you all suck." Grey was blunt, although he knew it would hurt his friends.

They remained silent at his remark, knowing that it was true. For their age, they were exceptional, but compared to Grey, they were severely lacking.

"Ouch." Var eeked out.

"I'm sorry, but The Island isn't beneficial for me." Grey told them. 'Especially when I'm reaching for an impossible height.'

"Well then." It was Aurora who spoke, bringing the group back to focus. "What will you do?"

"I'll probably become a Hunter and learn to use a bow and axe." 

"I see, well then, good luck." Aurora rose from her chair, leaving them all behind. None of the boys knew why, but the girls gave a few 'knowing' glances at each other.

"... Anyways, I hope we can stay in touch." Grey wasn't sure of the reason, but Aurora's departure hurt.

"Sure Grey, have a good holiday." The group's mood was downcast after the meeting, but they shook it off with hopes of meeting again.


Aurora walked through the school grounds, heading to her dorm room. She had stormed off from the group after hearing the news that Grey had to tell them. It affected her more than she liked to admit, and she had no clue why. She hadn't received education on emotion because it was something that she was expected to learn through experience, but she had seen movies and shows.

She was sure that she wasn't in love, it was at most an interest in the boy, but hearing that she wouldn't be able to hang out with him, regardless of whether she interacted with him or not, felt bad.

Stepping into the dorms, she took the elevator to her floor and swiftly entered her room before lying on her bed.

Aurora still had to find out about Grey's mysteries, about why he was so strong for his age, so she knew that it wasn't the last time they'd meet, but she had to reassure herself of that fact.

'I'll see him again.' She told herself. 'I'm sure of it.'


Grey stood in front of a portal leading to the Central Domain of human territory. It was time for him to go home; his father had told him that he'd come home tomorrow, so he had no worries about that.

He looked behind him, waving goodbye to the people he had formed connections with, and walked into it. He hadn't expected them to come to see him off after their discussion, so their send-off warmed his heart.

The world blacked for a second before the colors came back and he arrived at his destination.

The Hero Association.

He nodded to the portal conductor and left the room, heading to the exit of the building. The doors were as large as he remembered them, and once he passed through them he took a deep breath.

The air wasn't salty, nor did it have the same vibe as the Academy's, but it was better. The slightly metallic air that came from all the cars and buildings was nostalgic.

"I'm home." He said. 

Grey had messaged his mother beforehand, so he looked around, trying to spot her. She told him that she would wait in the parking lot, but there was no sign of her.


Suddenly, a foreign object crashed into Grey, bringing him to the floor.

"I've missed you, Grey." It said.

"Hello, mom. How are you? And, can you get off me?" 

Samantha had captured Grey in a hug that tackled him to the ground, and she was still hugging him at that moment. She quickly got off the floor, dusted herself off, and coughed.

She hadn't expected that not seeing him for only a few months would be so painful, but she was sure it had something to do with the fact that he had never left the house for more than a day in the past. Clearly, she had become too doting.

"I've missed you too." Grey gave his mother another hug, this time standing, before dragging her away from the front of the door. "Where's the car?"


It had been a day since Grey returned, and he had spent all of the last one with Samantha. She had dragged him out to shop, spending quality time with her boy. Grey had had no chance to deny, for he knew that it was best to appease her —lest you wished to be injured for weeks, even with the help of a potion.

Lucas had come by night, saying that since he taught PT, he had no reason to stay and plan lessons. They had to be customized for each student, and he knew that none of his would slack off, especially after seeing Grey.

At the moment, he was sitting on the 3-seater couch, watching TV. Samantha and Lucas had gone out shopping —Samantha had only bought clothes with Grey— and he was waiting for them to come home.

'I'll do my research on Government Politics, War Tactics, and Alchemy later.' War Tactics was a subject taught in the 2nd Course, but Grey knew he could just ask his father to teach him about it.'

Creak!- Clank!

The door suddenly opened and quickly slammed shut, indicating that Samantha and Lucas had arrived home.

"Grey, come help with the groceries!" Samantha yelled.

Grey quickly ran to help, knowing it wasn't best to keep his mother waiting.

"Mom, I have something to talk to you about after we put these away," Grey spoke seriously.

Sensing his mood, Samantha gave a smile and said, "Of course, honey."


Grey was back on the couch just 10 minutes later, but this time he sat on one of the two single-seaters, his parents occupying the 3-seater.

"I want to become a Hunter!" He said.

forener forener

I brought Grey to an academy because I felt that it could be a centerpiece in the story, but I feel that not only did I ruin it by moving the story so fast, it didn't fit with Grey. His goal is to kill God, but he's stuck in a place that won't help him grow. I apologize for ending the academy so fast, but he'll see his friends again. In fact, they'll have their own chapters, just like Samantha had one. So will God, actually, but I've been putting it off for a while because I wasn't sure where to place it.

please bear with me, I'm a novice writer. This is my first story more than 2k words, and we passed that number on chapter 1.

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