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Chapter 10: Ch 10: Hollow Earth

" talking "

' thinking '

( telepathy )

< System >

{ Author Note }

"ohh how I missed being this small I'm no longer the size of an absolute behemoth." as I jump around to see that I don't cause earthquakes with my huge size.

< Congrats on the host for clearing Pacific Rim, the host will be transported to the Monsterverse when ready >

'oh yay, the Monsterverse is next that's going to be fun I get to eat Godzilla and Mothra even Ghidorah if I'm lucky ohh i really hope Ghidorah as well.' as i walk with Otachi.

"Are you ready to meet the rest of my kids lord Dakuwaqa." Otachi asks with slight exhaustion. "Yes, I'm ready to meet the rest of them hopefully they will change their mind but if not it's fine." as I walk along the branch.

"HEY, THE REST OF YOU GET OVER HERE LORD DAKUWAQA WHAT'S TO SPEAK WITH YOU." Otachi screams as it echoes around Yggdrasill. "it still surprises me on how effective that is." I say with moderate surprise.

"yeah, it works incredibly well especially when they learn that if they don't come over they get beat for it." Otachi says while staring off into the distance as the rest of his kids fly over in a hurry. "We're here Father." one of Otachi's larger kids yells. 

"I can see that you nim-wit." Otachi yells back to them and looks over to me.  "Okay, I will get this over quickly hi to the rest of you and I am happy to meet the rest of you but I will be leaving soon so I hope you help your father and siblings with protecting the forest." I say losing all interest in this.

"Is that all you have to say lord Dakuwaqa we were all expecting more than that like some grand announcement or something." one of the younger children says with slight dissatisfaction.

"yes, that's all I have to say as I'm busy and have some things to look forward to as well as get down." as I look down towards the small child. "Oh well I guess that makes sense lord Dakuwaqa but what would have been the point of recruiting all of our brothers and sisters if you will be leaving." the small child asks.

"Well, the reason why is that the more people that serve me the better as it will be better for everyone and myself if there is a future problem for myself." I say with an obvious tone.

"so we are simple toys for you if you go to war and you need troops." the child asks. "well if you want to put it that way kind of but not exactly you all will get benefits from it in the future as well as other things but now is just a time for you to stockpile strength and train." I say back with a slight realization while turning away.

'I'm not just using them for future canon fodder am I.' I ask myself with a slight moral dilemma. "well that is enough of this talk I will be leaving now Otachi I want you to protect your family obviously as well as train your kids to the best of your abilities." I say while unfurling my wings.

"Yes lord Dakuwaqa when you next return I will make sure that my children are strong and able to fight to the best of their abilities." Otachi says with a fanatical voice.

"Goodbye, for now, Otachi I will be back in who knows how long but when I'm back be ready for a shit ton of training and fighting or just some tea I don't know yet." as I fly off towards where I slept for the last couple millenniums.

'ah yes, my good old cave.' as I walk into the cave with my newly shrunk body. 'well now that I'm by myself let's go see Godzilla and fuck shit up some more because what better than causing some chaos and destruction were you don't take repercussion. System please take me to the Monsterverse.

<the host will be transported to the Monsterverse during 27,193 BC before the movie events happen.>

'well, shit that's a lot sooner than I expected but this can also be a lot more beneficial as this also means there is a lot of every species making it where I have a higher chance of getting the DNA absorption and not having to worry about affecting the world too much.' as I get sucked out of my thoughts as I land in the pacific ocean near Nemo point.

'ah, a nice wide ocean how I've missed it.' as I let morph my tail into a replica of a great white shark and start swimming towards southern Australia.

'This is where I sensed the largest deposits of radiation at so I should be able to find some Gojira here to eat.' as I turn to see who I'm assuming is Godzilla fighting several others of his race to the death while a female Gojira watches and waits for the winner.

'well if that's Godzilla that means his probably fighting for breeding rights for the female behind him which means he will probably kill at least one of them.' as I sit and watch Godzilla beat the absolute ass out of the other Gojira and watch him use his tail to knock the other over.

'well, shit no wonder Godzilla is the last remaining Gojira he is beating the shit out of them just so he can get some pussy which means that's probably Megaera over there watching.' as I look over to the Female Gojira watching from the sidelines while her future mate whoops ass.

'I'm going to make sure that Megaera doesn't die as well as her kids while I'm here maybe Godzilla would be happy with that outcome.' As I grab a Gojira corpse on the floor.

'well, it's time to eat this then head over to Skull Island maybe I can eat a Kong while I'm over there.' as I go to my full size and enlarge my gullet to eat the dead Gojira in one bit.

<DNA Absorption>

Gojira: 100%

Mutations: Bio-atomic nature, Atomic breath, Thermonuclear pulse, radiation absorption, and Back Plating

<Bio-atomic nature, Thermonuclear pulse, and radiation absorption will be added to the miscellaneous category Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

<Back Plating can be absorbed by Shark God's Scale's Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

<Atomic breath can be absorbed by Shark God's breath Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

'well, shit that's a great haul and I get some cool stuff I'm like Godzilla now I have atomic breath this is like a dream come true, I allow it.' as I start to feel protruding chitin plating growing on my back letting me absorb radiation from the surroundings easing my hunger.

'nice now that we have that let's head to our next destination Skull Island we get to eat all sorts of delicious guys like Kong's and skull crawlers.' as I quickly fly towards Skull Island.

'I don't see any giant gorillas so it looks like the great Muto war hasn't happened just yet which means I will have to go to Hollow Earth sooner than I expected but I guess I will be eating some skull crawlers and other smaller behemoths.' as I swoop down towards the Island.

'well let's start our snacking on some wildlife.' as I start running and flying around the island eating skull crawlers, mother longlegs, Mire squids, Leafwings, Kraken, and Killer Chameleon

<DNA Absorption>

Skull Crawler: 100% Mother Longlegs: 100% Mire Squid: 100% Leafwings: 100% Kraken: 100% Chameleon: 100%

Mutations: Prehensile tongue, Webbing, Ink sac, Anesthetic agent, Electric Venom, and Elastic tongue

<Prehensile tongue, Webbing, and Elastic tongue can be absorbed by Shark God's appendage Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

<Electric Venom can be absorbed by Shark God's Electric Form Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

<Ink sac and Anesthetic agent will be added to the miscellaneous category Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

'I allow it.' as I start to feel a silk organs growing around my anus as well as an ink sac letting me spray ink to blind an enemy quickly. as well as my horn and claws being laced with an Anesthetic to make it where prey doesn't feel any pain as well as little venom sacs growing on the top of my mouth letting me shock as well as poison prey.

'well that was quite the nice gain especially since none of the Kong giants are here I should start flying around looking for other giant MUTOs to eat so I can get some more shit.' as I fly off of the island looking for any MUTO's.

'well, it's good to see that Scylla isn't sleeping yet.' as I sweep down towards the giant squid crab thing while having my full size out to eat her entire body beside her legs. 'well she is delicious.' as I continue to crunch on her hard chitin exoskeleton and swallow her insides.

<DNA Absorption>

Scylla: 100%

Mutations: Bacterial processing

<Bacterial processing will be added to the miscellaneous category Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

'well that was an incredibly small gain compared to what I was expecting but it's better than nothing I guess it also lets me create my own viruses and bacteria which is quite convenient. I allow it.' 

{A/N I have no idea how to incorporate that into his biology so just think of something and go with it.}

'well let's continue on our quest to eat everything here.' as I fly across the ocean eating Tiamat, Leviathan, and Gorgon

<DNA Absorption>

Tiamat: 100% Leviathan: 100% Gorgon: 100%

Mutations: Elasticity, Hydrokinesis, and Vocal Mimicry

<Elasticity, Hydrokinesis, and Vocal Mimicry will be added to the miscellaneous category Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

'I allow it.' as my throat starts to burn slightly letting me perfectly mimic voices and sounds I have heard as well as my entire body becoming elastic so I can't be torn apart.

'I'm like a rubberband now noice I go boing.' as I start rubberbanding back in forth across the Pacific ocean like I'm playing CoD with McDonald's wi-fi.'

{A/N If you get the reference you are amazing.}

'Okay I'm done with that now let's start going around everywhere before I go to Middle Earth and eat everyone done there.' as I start flying over Mexico eating Megaguirus, Quetzalcoatl, and Rodan

<DNA Absorption>

Megagurius: 100% Quetzalcoatl: 100% Rodan: 100%

Mutations: Energy replication, Toxic fumes emission, Bio-volcanic nature, and Volcano-agrikinesis

<Energy replication, Toxic fumes emission, Bio-volcanic nature, and Volcano-agrikinesis will be added to the miscellaneous category Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

'I allow it.' as I start to feel my entire body heat up to extreme temperatures letting me control volcanic fields and if they erupt as well as my body absorbing the energy around me and letting me replicate it and use it for whatever I wish with the ability to release toxic fumes from every part of my body.

'well that was quite the nice gain.' as I start to release lava and toxic fumes with each flap of my wings. 'well next stop is Infant Island.' as I start flying towards Indonesia.

'Finally, infant island it's time to eat some moths then head over towards Africa.' as I dive down towards infant island and see both Battra's and Mothra's eggs sitting next to each other.

"Hello, Mothra and Battra if you could be so nice as to hatch faster and lay an egg again so you don't permanently die when I eat you that would be incredibly nice."

as I see both of their eggs start to wiggle as they start speeding up their metamorphosis and start to hatch out of the eggs. "Well, I wasn't expecting you two to actually listen to what I said."

Once Battra gets out of his egg he swiftly charges towards me and tries to stab my stomach with his Abdominal stinger but instead of it piercing my scales it just breaks his stinger causing him to try and fly away.

"well you didn't have to do that." as I bite Battra's wing off causing him to fall as Mothra finishes laying another egg in the corner so she doesn't stay dead she charges at me as well.

"I was going to ask you nicely but this works I guess." as I grow in size to make it where I impale both of them with a tail and then walk out of the temple and I start to eat them both.

<DNA Absorption>

Mothra: 100% Battra: 100%

Mutations: Reincarnation, Energy Dispersal, Minor Meteorokinesis, Physical Manipulation, Chemical powder emission, and Explosive scales

<Reincarnation, Energy Dispersal, Minor Meteorokinesis, Physical Manipulation, and Chemical powder emission will be added to the miscellaneous category Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

<Explosive scales can be absorbed by Shark God's Scale's Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

'I allow it.' as I start to feel a small egg sack grow inside of me as well as the ability to release chemical powder from every part of my body with my toxic fumes and whenever my scales shed they explode upon contact. 'system can you please tell me how reincarnate works.'

<Reincarnation: This ability works whenever you die if you have laid an egg your soul will be transferred over to the egg from whenever it was laid it will have the abilities of that time.>

'well shit that's a great ability and I don't have to worry about dying anymore.' as I start to fly off infant island towards South America. 'well it's time for Behemoth, Wukong, and Baphomet. before I head over to Asia and have to turn around to the Philippines.'

'There's behemoth.' as I dive towards his head and bite through his skull in one quick bite then growing to full size and eating him in a couple of bites. 'next up is Wukong.' as I fly around all of south America eating all the MUTO's I could find then flying across all of Africa.

<DNA Absorption>

Behemoth: 100% Wukong: 100% Baphomet: 100%

Mutations: Bio-seismic nature, Reforestation, Vampirism, Air pollution absorption, Bio-Necrotic Nature, and Decaying Breath

<Bio-seismic nature, Reforestation, Vampirism, Air pollution absorption, and Bio-Necrotic Nature will be added to the miscellaneous category Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

<Decaying Breath can be absorbed by Shark God's breath Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

'I allow it.' as I start to feel my lungs burn slightly and letting me decompose biological matter if I breathe on it If I so wish as well as being able to suck in air pollutants and clear up the atmosphere. with the ductile sacks in my mouth changing into a network intertwined with my stomach letting me absorb DNA faster and heal my wounds.

while my body starts to become more adapted to the earth making my earth sense even stronger as well as being able to sprout flora from the ground more efficiently.

'well that was quite the gain.' as I start to sprout giant vines and trees around me creating a giant tree that looks similar to Yggdrasil. 'well this is amazing but now it is time to head over to lower Asia.' as I unwrap myself from the trees and vines and swiftly fly towards Cambodia.

'well, I think I'm here.' as I heard a giant roar behind me and saw an eastern dragon beelining towards me and starting to spit blue fireballs towards me. 

'I wasn't expecting this but I guess I should have.' as I quickly stop his attack and sprout a huge sharpened tree through the center of his sleek body and watching his eyes go dark. 'Well he was weaker than I expected but what is to be expected.' as I eat his body and start flying around all of Asia.

<DNA Absorption>

Drukr: 100% Typhon: 100% Aqrabuamelu: 100% Amhuluk: 100% 

Mutations: Psammokinesis, Stinger, Body creation, Telekinesis, and Mind Shock

<Psammokinesis, Telekinesis, and Mind Shock will be added to the miscellaneous category Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

<Stinger and Body creation can be absorbed by Shark God's appendage Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

'I allow it.' as I feel my brain starting to grow an extra part of it making it where I can move things around me and stop projectiles as well as letting me send a mental shock making it where I can instantly kill something weaker than me.

'finally telekinesis I can now throw rocks at a bitch and say another one bites the dust or would that be Psammokinesis since that lets me control sand. you know what this is for future discussion it's time to head to the Philippines.' as I start to fly out of Russia and towards the Philippines.

'nice to see you Dagon and those beautiful Muto eggs.' as I start to eat Dagon's dead body and the Muto eggs in him.

<DNA Absorption>

Muto: 100%

Mutations: Sonic Roar

<Sonic Roar will be added to the miscellaneous category Do you allow it>

<YES>  <NO>

'I allow it but holy hell was that a small gain.' as I start to feel rumbling under me and see MUTO prime burst out of the ground and try and punch my face.

'Well wasn't expecting that.' as MUTO prime punches my stomach and it sends me flying back with a good chunk of my stomach missing. "well that's uncalled for." I say with a nonchalant voice.

as my stomach starts forming back while starting to stand back up and slash the Mutos back open with propelled water and starting a sandstorm around me lowering her visibility and pouncing in her back and tangling her body to the floor with vines and surrounding her with rapidly moving water.

"now Miss Muto Prime you have one choice here you either become my subordinate and you accept your two kids death and have many more in the future or you die here like your kids." as I start stepping on her back through the torrent of water.

"I submit  but why did you have to kill my children." Muto Prime says with pain and anger in her voice. "because the stronger I am the better and they gave me a sonic roar loud enough to probably rip up buildings and deafen a Titan." I say as I don't care what I did to her kids.

"Okay." Muto says with evident rage in her eyes but also minor acceptance as she knows the strong rule and the weak exist for their growth.

"now stand up and you will be called Jinshin-Mushi as you have been called this before already I'm assuming as humans have quite the imaginative brains also my name is Dakuwaqa and you will call me as such as the rest of my subordinates." as I remove the vines and the torrents of water.

"yes, Dakuwaqa." Mushi says while standing up slowly and visibly fighting the urge to punch my face with her resounding strength or use a sonic shriek.

"also Mushi I hope you know that the moment you attack me or any of my subordinates you and the rest of your species will die and I will make sure that none of you will survive and even if any of you live they will think I'm their savior and that you are the reason of there races downfall." I say with a dark voice while staring into Mushi's eyes.

"yes lord Dakuwaqa I shall not hurt you or any of your subordinates." she says with slight fear for the rest of her kind. "good now lead me to hollow earth I know you've been there I have a couple of meals for me down there." as Mushi turns around and starts to rapidly dig down.

"good job Mushi you have done well for your first task." as I walk out of the tunnel and look at the floating rocks. "It looks beautiful Mushi." as I look around in awe at the beauty sounding me as a warbat is scratching at my back.

"you little shit why are you biting at my back." as I grab the warbat and throw him into my mouth. "well he didn't taste that good." as I see hoards of warbats flying towards me in response I just dose them all in fire killing them all in one quick movement. 

"Well, that was easy let's move on now I want to visit a couple of places and see if I can tame the Gojira and Kong's." as I grab and put Mushi on my back and fly towards the Atomic Lakes.

"I didn't find the Gojira but I found where the Muto's live is this where your other kids live Mushi." as I look at the 15 Muto's by the Atomic Lakes. "yes this is where me and my children live." Mushi says as I hear slight fear in her voice that I will kill them all.

"I won't kill them Mushi but I will make them subordinates like you are and your job will be to lead them." as I land next to all of the Muto's and take Mushi off my back.

"you take care of this Mushi I will be doing other things for a bit I will be back in a day." as I fly away towards where the Kong giants live and land right in front of the mountain.

"Hello, all Kong giants I have come to visit and eat your current tyrant so if you could be so nice to throw him out here or something that would be very convenient." as I watch two giant gorillas walk out of the cave and see that one is Kong's father and the other is Zo-zla-halawa.

{well I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I'm very sorry that I didn't make any chapters recently I got stuck with tests for school and then with my girlfriend so I hope you guys will accept my apology and enjoy I will put the usual below.}

< Status >

Name: Dakuwaqa

Species: Evoshark

Titles: Anteverse Conquer and Ten Others

Length: 400 (1,200)

DNA Assimilated: 69

DNA Processing: 0

Schematic absorption: 9

Mutations: Shark God's Senses, Shark God's Teeth, Shark God's Scales, Shark God's Appendages, Shark God's Breath, and Shark God's Electric Form

miscellaneous: Gas Exchange Membrane, Acidic bodily fluids, Ductile Sack, Poisonous Flesh, Expulsion Tubes, Algae ingestion, Filtration System, Enzyme 42, Bioluminescence, Deafening Screech, Super-heated Horn, Brine filtering bladder, Regeneration, Asexual reproduction, Molten Blood, Thermonuclear pulse, radiation absorption, Webbing, Ink sac, Anesthetic agent, Bacterial processing, Elasticity, Vocal Mimicry, Energy replication, Toxic fumes emission, Reincarnation, Energy Dispersal, Chemical powder emission, Reforestation, Vampirism, and Air pollution absorption

Mech Powers: energy-powered, Radiation Charged, Mental Storage, Mapping system, Thermal Charged, Jump jets, Grapple, Drill, propulsion, Solar charged, Torpedo System, Cryo-Canon, Incinerator, Metal Muscle Strands, and Shock Absorber

Bio Powers: Dew of Eternal life and Minor shifting

Manipulation: Osteokinesis, chlorokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Volcano-agri kinesis, Minor Meteorokinesis, Physical Manipulation, and Psammokinesis

< New explanations >

Hydrokinesis: Water Manipulation 

Volcano-agrikinesis: The ability to control volcanic fields and cause eruptions.

Minor Meteorokinesis: The ability to control storms.

Physical Manipulation: the ability to control body size and speed up the growing speed of the body and natural development.

Psammokinesis: The ability to control sand and cause storms and blind opponents.

Thermonuclear pulse: The ability to expel thermal radiation to cause high-temperature burns and radiation sickness.

radiation absorption: the ability to absorb radiation from the surroundings to power yourself and your abilities if radiation is required.

Ink sac: a special organ allowing you to expel ink to blind your opponent in a last-ditch effort to get away or for a sneak attack.

Anesthetic agent: a special liquid lacing your super-heated horn letting you cancel out the pain of those you're killing.

Bacterial processing: the ability to process the nutrients from your prey's carcasses you fed on turning it into a deadly waterborne bacteria.

Elasticity: your body has gained an elastic property letting you be impervious to being ripped into or torn apart by someone bigger than you.

Vocal Mimicry: your vocal cords have changed to allow you to mimic anything you have heard and sound exactly alike.

Energy replication: If your body is attacked by a foreign energy your body hasn't experienced your body will replicate it and let you use it for yourself.

Toxic fumes emission: the skin under your scales will constantly emit toxic fumes into the environment but can be stopped if you want it to.

Reincarnation: You are immune to death as long as their an egg you have layed and have indeed to hatch out of if you die at the same time whenever you layed this egg you will have all of the abilities you had at that time as long as they are none mechanical.

Energy Dispersal: Your body can expel any type of energy you pick at will

Chemical powder emission: the skin under your scales will constantly emit chemical powders into the environment but can be stopped if you want it to.

Reforestation: This ability makes it so that with every step you take you can have trees and other flora grow around you if you wish this ability also boosts your Cholorkinesis.

Vampirism: The ductile sack in your mouth has been slightly morphed allowing blood to be instantly taken to your stomach letting you process DNA faster and help you regenerate wounds.

Air pollution absorption: this ability lets you absorb pollutants from the air both feeding yourself and helping the atmosphere.

< Subordinates >


Race: Boneshark

Titles: The Regent

Health: 230

Bite: 20

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, large eyeballs, and Sensitive Nose


Race: Boneshark

Titles: The Trainer

Health: 250

Bite: 25

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, and large eyeballs


Race: Boneshark

Titles: The Conquer

Health: 300

Bite: 30

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, large eyeballs, and Black-gray 


Artemis, Bendis, Skidi, and Mixcoatl

Race: Bonesharks

Titles: The Four Hunters

Health: 250

Bite: 20

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, large eyeballs, and Black-gray 


Boneshark 1-47

Titles: N/A

Health: 200

Bite: 20

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, and large eyeballs.


Race: Stalker

Titles: N/A

Health: 320

Bite: 35

Mutations: Quick Teeth, Night-vision, Dorsal Ridges, and Pelvic Fins

Stalker 1-33

Titles: N/A

Health: 300

Bite: 30

Mutations: Quick Teeth, Night-vision, Dorsal Ridges, and Pelvic Fins


Race: Kaiju

Titles: Overlord of the Sky

Mutations: Asexual reproduction, Retractable wings, Toxic blood, Acid Sack, and Prehensile Tail

Otachi's Kids 1-6,795

Race: Kaiju

Titles: N/A

Mutations: Asexual reproduction, Retractable wings, Toxic blood, Acid Sack, and Prehensile Tail

Ripper 1-185

Race: Kaiju

Titles: N/A

Mutations: Six eyes, Toxic blood, and Bioluminescent


Race: Muto Prime

Titles: N/A

Mutations: Bio-terrestrial nature, Superheated claw spikes, lava blood, outer shell, and Sonic Roar

< Friends >


Race: Warper

Title: The Traveler

Health: 500

Slash: 23-69

Mutations: Biomechanical Body

Freyja (Deceased)

Race: Sea Emperor

Title: Mother of the Cure

Health: 10,000

Bite: ?

Mutations: Tentacles, Paddle arms, telepathy and Lures

Ryley Robinson

Race: Human

Titles: N/A

Health: 100


Race: Human

Titles: N/A

Health: 100


Race: World Tree

Titles: Lifebringer

Mutations: Dew of Eternal life, chlorokinesis, and Minor shifting

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