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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The Protagonist is Truly Unfortunate!

Lin Beifan fervently made a wish. "I wish a woman who weighs 220 pounds to fall on me... wait, 220 pounds is a bit too light. Make it 265 pounds!"

"Ding! Wish granted!"

At that moment, Song Yuqing flashed a delicate smile and said, "Excuse me, I need to visit the restroom."

"Go ahead!"

As Song Yuqing stood up to leave, she had barely taken two steps when, shockingly, the heel of her high-heeled shoe broke. Losing her balance, she began to topple over in the direction of Lin Beifan.

"Watch out!" Lin Beifan's reflexes were sharp, but he didn't have enough time to dodge.

Both of them fell to the ground with a soft thud.

Lin Beifan felt the warmth of her skin on his hand, stared into her face, which was inches away, and blurted, "Do you actually weigh 265 pounds?"

Song Yuqing's face flushed crimson, "I ate a bit too much at lunch today!"

Lin Beifan offered consolation, "You're 5 feet 8 inches; 265 pounds isn't actually that heavy for your height."

An embarrassed Song Yuqing snapped, "Enough, help me up already!"

"Sure, right away!"

Meanwhile, not too far away, Xiao Chen, who was supposed to be the main character of this unfolding drama, was absolutely fuming. The story had barely begun, and someone was already taking advantage of his wife!

He felt as if a light was shining above his head.

It was a green light!

A green light that signified jealousy and cuckoldry!

In his haste, he walked even faster, only to trip over a passerby's foot and fall to the ground.

And that passerby happened to be a woman weighing around 530 pounds, who was already struggling to maintain her balance. Her girth was considerable, and walking was clearly a challenge for her. Tripped by Xiao Chen, she lost her balance entirely and fell over as well.


A deafening crash resounded, shaking the entire building.

There even seemed to be the sound of bones breaking.

Everyone present was stunned into silence!

The plump woman shook her head in confusion and muttered, "Huh? I seem to be okay."

From beneath her came a pained voice, "You might be okay, but... I am not!"

Frantically, the large woman rolled off of him, "I'm so sorry... are you alright? Is it serious?"

"Don't move!"

Xiao Chen's face was a shade between green and purple, "My rib... it's broken!"

"Alright... I won't move."

Despite her intentions, the plump woman struggled clumsily to her feet. Unfortunately, she lost her balance again and sat back down, further crushing Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen, the supposed protagonist, was speechless.

The plump woman covered her face with both hands, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen!"

"Enough talking, call an ambulance now!"

Not far from the scene, Lin Beifan watched in disbelief.

Having your ribs broken by a woman who weighs about 530 pounds...

That was genuinely quite unfortunate!

It seemed that their first meeting hadn't been this disastrous!

People immediately sprang into action to provide emergency assistance, and Lin Beifan was the most proactive among them…

He approached Xiao Chen, whose face was a mottled shade of green and blue, and inquired with concern, "Brother, how are you holding up? Are you okay?"

Xiao Chen, the supposed protagonist, glared back, rage burning in his eyes. His enemy was close, yet he was helpless. Grinding his teeth, he said, "I'm... fine!"

Lin Beifan admonished him, "Don't act tough, man. You've got three broken ribs! Injuries like these take at least 100 days to heal. You're looking at two months of bed rest. Don't worry, though; I've already called an ambulance for you."

"Thank you... thank your whole family!"

"You're welcome; it's the least I could do!"

Soon after, the ambulance arrived and Xiao Chen was lifted onto a stretcher and carried away.

Inside the ambulance, Lin Beifan turned to Song Yuqing apologetically, "Yuqing, I'm sorry, but it looks like we'll have to cancel dinner."

Song Yuqing shook her head and said considerately, "It's okay, saving a life is more important. Actually, I find you to be quite a decent person. It's rare to find someone with your courage and willingness to help others."

Lin Beifan sighed, "What can I say? I have this habit of meddling in other people's affairs."

"That's not a flaw, it's a virtue!"

"Since we're missing dinner tonight, let me treat you another time."

"Sounds like a plan!"

Lying on the stretcher, Xiao Chen glared at the two of them, his eyes virtually spewing fire.

A despicable pair!

Even in my condition, you two are still flaunting your affection!

May those who show off their love meet a swift end!

Just then, the ambulance drove over a pothole, jostling the vehicle and rattling Xiao Chen's already precarious state.

Xiao Chen's face had turned ghostly pale from the pain!

Approximately 15 minutes later, everyone arrived at the hospital.

Lin Beifan was bustling about, efficiently taking care of Xiao Chen's hospital admission paperwork and even prepaying the medical bills.

Song Yuqing, the female lead, observed all of this unfold before her eyes.

'This is a man who takes responsibility seriously,' she thought to herself.

After undergoing X-rays and receiving a diagnosis from the doctor, it was determined that Xiao Chen had only broken three ribs, a condition that wasn't critically severe.

The treatment plan involved using a chest strap to stabilize the fractured ribs. Coupled with some bone-healing medication and bed rest, he would be expected to recover fully within two months.

Once all the treatment protocols were in place, the concerned doctor inquired, "How are you feeling now?"

Xiao Chen, his face still pale and sweating profusely, responded, "It still hurts... Can I have some anesthetic?"

"Of course, I'll arrange that for you right away," said the doctor.

Lin Beifan glanced at the clock and realized it was already past midnight.

This meant he was once again eligible to make a wish.

He looked at Xiao Chen, who lay on the hospital bed, his face drained of color due to pain, and silently made his wish.

"I wish for an invincible body that's impervious to harm!"

"Ding! Wish granted!"

Suddenly, Lin Beifan felt as if his body had transformed into an impregnable fortress, invulnerable to any attack.

Meanwhile, the doctor arrived with the anesthetic in hand.

"It's here, relief is on the way!"

But despite several attempts, the needle just wouldn't penetrate Lin Beifan's skin.

Xiao Chen was in so much pain he felt like passing out. "Doctor, is it done yet? I can't take the pain anymore!"

The doctor gave a wry smile, "I can't do it; your skin is too tough to pierce! I've never encountered skin this resilient in my entire medical career."

"What can we do now? Can I take it orally instead?"

"Anesthetics are designed to target the nervous system, so taking them orally won't work. The stomach acid would neutralize its effects; it must be injected."

"Doctor, I have a prescription for you. Prepare these ingredients and brew them into a medicinal soup."

"I can't do that. I don't understand this prescription. The hospital has strict protocols against administering unauthorized medications. Who will be responsible if something goes wrong?"

"So what are you going to do to help him now?"

"Just wait a bit longer; I'll figure something out."

Thus, an hour passed and the doctor still couldn't come up with a solution.

Xiao Chen had already fainted from the pain.

Looking at the unconscious Xiao Chen, Song Yuqing sympathetically remarked, "He's so pitiful."

Lin Beifan wholeheartedly agreed, "Yes, truly pitiful."

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