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Chapter 8: Streamlined Savagery

"So you're telling me, that you threatened a group of Ogres into coming to this city, based on the lives of two adventurers who knew the risks?"




Ever since Rose, Mark and I entered his office, the guildmaster's head has not left his hands.


Our plan and the unwanted visitors it brought with it had already caused a stir around the town. This, in conjunction with the quickly spreading news that a summon of Firmina had arrived just in time to serve the Ogres "hot steel and knuckle sandwiches" as Rose aptly put it, was more than enough to get everyone excited and ready for a big fight tomorrow.


He also had to find out where to put the Ogre and Gargoyle till tomorrow morning. All in all, the guild was buzzing with activity.


Small celebrations were had as no one had really expected them to return. No alcohol was served to prevent anyone from being inebriated by morning.


An understandable sentiment and plan.


"So what do you plan to do if they decide to take her by force?"


"I will personally return with their leader's head in my hands. That is a promise."


"Ugh. You reek of heroics."


"And you seem rather stressed when all you do is sit at a desk."


"He has you there."


The guildmaster didn't even bother looking up to glare at Rose. He simply sighed and leaned back in his chair as he peeled his hands from his face.


"Alright, I'm not heartless. Lets get those boys back."


"I would do it with or without your permission."


The guild master's forehead slowly was lined with veins as took deep breaths. However no matter how much he scowled at my faceplate, it remained unchanging.


It was a silver mask that betrayed and portrayed nothing.


"Fine. Fine! Let's just get this done before I have an aneurism."


The man got up from behind his desk as his jacket fluttered behind him. The rest of us followed suit as he brought down from the upstairs of the guild and his office.


As we came down the stairs, adventurers began to clap and howl, raising cups of fruit juice and water. A swift glance at the bar showed that the ale barrels were locked and the bartender had the key hanging from a necklace.




Ignoring the slightly amusing situation, I brought my attention back to the guildmaster who had calmed the crowd.


"Alright, we have about five hours to get everything in order for this prisoner exchange. You will all be organised according to your rank and party. A ranks will go with Acros to secure the exchange. B ranks will be positioned throughout the city and will be redeployed periodically! The schedule will be ready at three o'clock sharp! C and below! You guys will be scouring the city for any sign of incursions. Guild staff are currently scattered around town at the twenty junction streets with launch flares. The moment you find something, alert them and they will requisition an inquiry party of B ranks. You guys get going now.

The party is officially over!


Save the ale for when we get the kids back."




The party atmosphere disappeared immediately, with adventurers and guildstaff scurrying to and fro on their way to find out their assignments.


"Rose, Mark, you two get to your respective parties. Your assignments have already been decided."


Rose shrugged before waving bye and skipping back to her party. Mark on the other hand simply gave me a nod before running off to join the rest of the B ranks.


"You seem quite prepared for this situation."


"It's a guildmaster's duty to be prepared for any situation. I designed both this and the last stand protocol."


"I see"


The two of us stood and watched the busy crowd, the brewing excitement feeling like it had created a whole other world for me to look upon.


A very familiar world.






I looked at the guildmaster who's stern face was now in a grimace. The air of constant exasperation was now nowhere to be found. All that was left was an expression of perturbed countenance.


"I hope you really know what you're doing. I know you understand the risks, and I'm glad you brought back the majority of that party. But I can't be losing people in fruitless efforts. So if things go wrong out there, and you start losing, I'll close the town gates and never look back."


"You won't have to look back."




"After all, you'll be able to hear the demons die screaming."


Twenty people now stood before the northern gates of Barow as the light of dawn streamed over the mountain peaks. The dark of night was slowly driven away as the shadows of the forest became more defined.


Its thick canopy veiled the forest floor and cloaked the tall shadowy figures who stalked the treeline.


The twenty women who stood before the gate remained vigilant, even with the rising sun increasing visibility. Within their formation was a stone plinth where a massive green skinned woman knelt, shackled and bound.


She knelt  on her calves, which were bolted down with metal bars to restrain them. Her hands were drawn in opposite directions by steel chains, forcing her to cross them. On her face was an elaborate leather muzzle with small iron bars allowing her to speak and drink.


Her muscled and scantily clothed figure was unmoving, and even coated in morning dew. Blackened tattoo's seemed to ripple and billow across her pale green skin, shifting in the morning light.


Tall horns rose towards the sky and shadowed her vindictive gaze. Shaggy white hair that fell down to her shoulders and blew in the morning breeze were the only movement that came from her.


Her chest neither rose nor fell, with the only evidence she even lived being the ire of her glare.


However that was not the case forever.




The iron gates of the town were slowly raised, as eight women and two men joined the formation.


Myself, the Guildmaster, Rose and her party, and another A rank party all strode out joined the formation.


I walked to the front, now flanked by both Haley and Cynane.


Silence once again befell the group as we watched the shifting shadows amongst the treeline. Not a quip, joke, or mockery was made by either Haley or Rose as they gripped their respective weapons.


There was no room for error now.


"They won't negotiate y'know."


The voice of the Ogre was quiet, hoarse from hours without food or drink. No one but me and the guildmaster even paid her any attention.


"They'll beat ya, then rape ya! My Mothe-"


"What is your name Ogre?"


Sparing her a glance, I saw her pained yet irate expression as she strained her wound to look me in the eye.




"An impressive name, I'll remember to write it on your grave if they try."


It seemed that her eyes met the cold stare that came from beneath my helm, because I could see a shiver run down her spine.


Satisfied, I broke rank and came to the front of the group. Deciding it was time, I sucked in a deep breath and-




My demands echoed into the darkness as I drew my sword and stabbed its tip into the dirt before me.


My eyes narrowed as I was answered by the low thumps of something large marching through the underbrush.


Slowly but surely, they exited the treeline and made their way towards the city. At least forty Ogres, each armed with a giant blade or a massive blunt weapon had come forward.


However what I was focused on was the two Ogres in the middle of their group. One's skin was deep blue, while her horns stuck out from her white hair and were a yellowish gold. She was also carrying two bound boys under her arms like they were logs and had a clay gourd attached to her hip. They were unconscious, and from what I could see they were also unharmed and untainted.


That last part would require further inspection, but that could be done when we had them safely in our hands and before we handed over Yakeg.


The other Ogre who attracted my attention was a giant ten foot woman who seemed to tower over her brethren with ease. She was rippling with well defined muscles, and seemed to exude an air of authority.


Her tattoos were also dull stains that had stretched and faded from ages of growth. She was obviously their leader, and the others formed around her as such. Nonetheless, her body did not betray her age. Her eyes were focused and sharp, the black sclera and pupil separated by an amber gold iris.


A striking difference from the rest of the Ogres who seemed to not possess this trait.


Eventually, the Ogres came before us, and we each started to pick our targets.


Tensions began to mount as the Ogres carefully seemed to watch my every move.


"Mum, 'es the one that got Yakeg an' Karn. Careful."


It was barely a whisper, but I immediately was able to find the source. It was the Ogre from the valley, Yakegs sister.


The Mother would give a nearly imperceptible nod before giving me a snarl that masqueraded itself as a smile.


"I thank you for taking care of my daughter. I would like her back now."


"Then hand back the boys you took."


"They are already betrothed, and I am not asking."


"They will have to marry charred corpses if you threaten me again."


Hearing my words as a challenge, I could see several Ogres get excited. On my side however, a grim air was forming. Forty Ogres was no joke.




The sounds of metal and straining wood on the wall behind us grabbed several Ogres' attention as their eyes narrowed. I didn't even have to turn to see what had happened.


On the wall, a large ballista had been set up. The Guildmaster had requisitioned it the moment he knew the location of the trade.


The ballista crew had been ordered to load it as loudly as they could once the Ogres came into range.


After all, a single ballista shot could easily put a fist sized hole in a Wyvern. An Ogre would be killed without question.


And the Mother seemed to know it too.


"You want the boys right?"


"Intact and untainted."


Her hollow smile grew wider as she bared her teeth at me.


"Then you'll have to fight me for them."


"That was not the deal!"


The guildmasters words caused several Ogres to frown and the blue Ogre to narrow its eyes.


Even so, he remained unfazed as he pointed a finger at the giant that was almost twice his height.


"You give us our Adventurers back, and we give you your daughter alive!"


At that moment, the Ogres facade broke as she let out a growl from deep in her throat.


"I am not speaking to you. Stay silent or I'll have you barking and moaning under my heel like a dog."


I however was not interested in this exchange. I was instead focused on the boys. Now that they were closer, I could see their mana. It was clean for the most part while their bodies were mildly contaminated. This was likely due to them spending excessive time in a miasma rich environment.


I could not let them return to such a place.


"You wish to challenge me creature?"


"Of course!"


"I see. Let us duel then."


"If you win, I will give you the boys. If I win, I will take you, them, and my daughter back to the village."


"You're misunderstanding something."


"And what is that?"


"If I win I will have the boys and you will never step foot in these woods again."


Yakeg's mother smiled wildly as her eyes lit up with anticipation at the prospect of a challenge.




Throughout the whole exchange, I could feel the guildmaster give me a sly smile. This was something we had foreseen after all. We were more than prepared for this outcome.


"Give the two some space!"


"My tribe, stand back!"


Both the guildmaster and the Ogre chieftess's words echoed through the fields as they all stood back.


"Y'know, none of the others look anywhere near as strong as you. Maybe I'll just take the town after you fall under my thumb."


"You wish to sow dread amongst the innocent? Come then… I will sow your flesh and blood amongst the dirt."


"Big words for a small man!"


Yakeg's Mother pulled the spiked metal club off her side and threw it to her daughter as her smile widened.


"I'll beat you with my bare hands."


Seeing her gesture, I shoved my sword into the dirt further before doing the same with my shield. I then ignited my plume and cape before taking a stable stance.


"Let us begin."


The moment I spoke, she was upon me in a single stride.




A fist swung into empty air as I ducked under the right hook and delivered a blow of my own.




My fist slammed into her abdomen as I felt her abs give way.




With a roar of indignation, she threw her elbow back in an attempt to crush the back of my skull. Feeling the sudden pressure behind me, I leaned forward and the blow passed overhead.



A left hook once again hit the air as I leaned backward.




A right jab grazed my silver cheek as I tilted my head to the side. However she leaned into the blow, expecting to have to follow through on my smaller form.




The Ogre stumbled back as she touched her bleeding cheek. I had slapped it the moment she came close.


She seemed confused, staring at her own blood.


Before her face contorted into fury.






The blue Ogres warning fell upon deaf ears as Yaril blindly charged me.




Stepping forward, the ground crumbled and cracked as she nearly came onto one knee before me. Her bulging arms spread to their maximum wingspan before she brought them sweeping together.




Her hands smashed into my vanguards as I held back the pressure from either side. She really was trying to crush me.


Not that it mattered. In a swift movement, I slipped out of the clash and grabbed one of her horns. I felt her hands slam into my back but I ignored the blow and swung downwards.




Yaril's head slammed into her own knee, causing her to instantly reel back. And for a split second, I could see her nose was nearly completely flattened as blood spurted out of it.




In the next second, I leapt up and brought my left knee to her face as well, demolishing her already crushed nose. Refusing to give her time to recover, I slammed my right fist into her cheek, sending her twirling like a drunk backwards.


As she barely managed to stumble and keep her balance, I made my final move.


Taking a couple steps back, I watched her wiped the blood snot and tears from her face. It was a painful motion, but even so she managed to clear her vision just in time to see me take a running start and throw a punch straight at her temple.




A clean snap echoed throughout the plains as gasps came from the Ogres side. Yaril took two steps back before wobbling once, then twice, and falling flat on her back.




Yakeg and her sister screamed as their mother fell. I could hear the clatter of Yakegs chains as she roared behind me. Nothing but incoherent hate expelled from the deepest pits of her chest. Even so, her restraints held.


Looking in my hand, I analyzed my prize.


A bloodied, ribbed black horn now sat in my hand.


I hefted it once or twice as the other daughter shook her Mother trying to wake her up. Tears flowed from her eyes as she continuously shook her to no avail.


"Mum? Wake up mum! Dad's waiting fer us back 'ome! Mum!"


Ignoring the scene before me, I looked at the blue Ogre with the boys under her arms.


"It seems the deal is in your hands now."


The Ogre was calm, but her eyes could not contain the loathing that came from within.


"I'll do it."


"Thank you for your cooperation."




"I'm getting your sister back. So quiet yourself Maria"


I raised an eyebrow at the surprisingly human name, before remembering it was likely given to her by her father.


Arha, the blue Ogre, walked past the fallen Yaril and Maria who's hateful gaze could not be described by mere words alone.


Setting the boys down in front of me, she then stepped back and allowed me to inspect them. Cynane and Haley came and took them quickly, and I turned to the guild master.


Yakeg was about to break out of her shackles anyways, and had already managed to snap the metal bars holding down her legs.




"Calm down Yakeg or they won't let you out."




The guards couldn't even get near her as she thrashed and roared.


The blue ogre sighed before looking me straight in the eye.


"May I reason with her?"


"Be my guest."


I then stepped aside. I could hear the clank of the ballista training on her while the guards all pointed their spears on her.


Now standing before the insane Yakeg, she took the gourd off her hip and went to take off the cork. But before she could, Yakeg snapped her left hand out of her chains and grabbed her by the neck.


"Ya-yakeg w-wait"




Finally managing to pop the cork off her gourd, she splashed the contents onto her muzzle. Instantly Yakeg went limp and dropped her like a stone, falling unconscious without so much as a whimper.


Taking deep breaths, Ahra barely managed to stand as the guards passed her quickly and unlocked the remaining locks. It was then that I heard a voice from behind me.


"Did ya 'ave to kill her?"


I turned away from Ahra and Yakeg and focused on Maria and the other Ogres. Some were sullen, while others were practically frothing at the mouth from hatred. Maria however seemed to simply be empty. Her eyes had no luster, and none of the fire that a suffering Ogre would have.


"Did ya 'ave to?"


She asked again, like a pitiful child who simply didn't understand the way the world worked. But I was slightly confused as well.


"I killed her?"




Walking over to the fallen ogre, I stomped on her abdomen.








The Ogres nearly began to charge at me despite Maria's yell to wait, but a wet cough made them stop in their tracks. Blood came spattering out of Yaril's mouth as her eyes snapped open.




Sitting up, she wiped her bloodied face, wincing all the while. Stretching her shoulders, she turned to see the whimpering Maria beside her.


"I lost huh…"




Maria grabbed her mother in an embrace as the other Ogres lowered their weapons.




Yaril, hearing my call, looked up at me. Throwing her horn into the dirt before her, I then stomped it into the ground.


"I told you I'd sow your flesh and blood into the dirt."


Yaril's eyes widened, before she managed to let out a hacking laugh.


"Ha! You got me. You really did. Maria my club, help me up."


"Ah- 'ight"


Barely managing to answer her mother through her tears, the Ogre helped her mother up.


"Never been beat before… so that's what it feels like."


"Did you get your boys?"


Ahra, who now had the sleeping Yakeg draped over her, waved to the giant Ogre, catching her attention and confirming the transfer.




"Then its time for me to fulfil the other half of my promise."


With the help of Maria, she managed to hobble her way before her tribe.


"If I ever catch any of you returning from these woods, you'll look far worse than I do now. And that's if you survive what I have planned for idiots who don't listen."


Seeing that she had everyone, she took one last look at me before trudging back towards the mountain.




And with that, the Ogres left. One by one, they disappeared beyond our sight.


When the final one disappeared from sight I turned to my comrades and asked them a simple question.


"So then, who's up to celebrate?"

Vermillion_Robin Vermillion_Robin

Wow that was much longer than I planned it to be. Well anyways, its done and I liked it a lot. Was listening to "I'm Still Standing" on loop while writing the fight scene. Damn good song. Anyways now we know Acros is weave nation certified. Also, I'm taking suggestions for monsters who need to appear in the future. No guarantee of a love interest. But I'll at least give them a good fight. Also please no undersea creatures. I don't know how I'd do that when he is currently in a landlocked nation. Also, please tell me if you guys want a chill short chapter of Yaril reuniting her full family. Alright thats it from me. Answer my questions in the comments and get on with your day.

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