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Chapter 3: Ch. 3 School

" Today's Subject, History." Mrs. Bunny projected a screen behind her as I leaned against the wall. 

" The kingdom of Solyra, which we reside in, is South of the Empires capital. The Kingdom of Solyra was once on a destruction if not for Princess Veranda, who became the first Empress to gather all 7 kingdoms into one Empire." Mrs. Bunny pointed at the picture of the first Empress. 

Purple hair swayed with the Fairies that surrounded herself for protection like stars lighting her view. Her gentle eyes reflected the battlefield, making it more beautiful. 

Her white golden spear swung as lighting swirled across the battle. 

' Sigh, no matter how much I look at it, the painting always makes me wish if I was in that era instead.' I thought to myself. 

' I probably wouldn't last a second.' I chuckled to myself.

I stared at the painting before the next slide showed.

I then focused on the map and the information of the slide. 

The Dark Era, that was the Era, which the Empire of Otiria was founded. 

In a desperate attempt to survive, many races came together to fight. But the high elves and dragons were too arrogant to help, which caused their race to suffer the most.

Now, high elfs and dragons are rare nowadays, and if you did meet one, they would still be arrogant as they think of themselves as one in a million. 

Dwarfs tried to help in this Era with their technology and crafts but were instead taken advantage of as they instead went into hiding as their most valuable blueprints were taken from them. 

No one knows where they are except a merchant company that deals with their technology and crafts. 

The beastkins suffered as well as they fought in the front lines in every battle. They had to dilute their blood by making it with other species. 

The Barbarians of the north of the Empire, which was conquered by the fifth Empress, were treated as slaves until slavery was abolished by the 58th Empress. 

" And as you all know, The Marquis governs our city, Alita." Mrs. Bunny pointed at the map before circling around the city. 

The kingdom I reside in is Solyra, in the city of Alita was naamed after the first Marquis who built this city. 

Solyra is governed by Queen Lily, who is by far the youngest queen in history appointed by the Empress herself. 

Queen Lily is by far the most intellectual genius, though young, she's is not someone I want to play chest with. I don't know much about her, but I do know she takes an interest in students who are smart or geniuses. 

Not only that, but she has increased the requirements for graduations as school credits must be 34 instead of 25 in order to graduate. 

Luckily, I already knew of this. As I attended college classes in the summer agasint Ye-Wons protests. Earning more school credits for the past three years. 

" Cough! Cain?" Mrs. Bunny called my name. 

" Hm?" I calmly turned towards her. 

" Is something wrong?" She asked with concern in her voice. 

" Oh! Nah, I was thinking of the painting of the first Empress." I replied. 

" Ooo~, someone's got a crush!!" Ye-Won shouted from behind the class. 

A small boy hurriedly covered her mouth as he apologized. 

" S..s..sorry everyone!" 

" Oh, it's alright, but keep it down." Mrs. Bunny calmly said as she pointed back at the hologram. 

I glared at Ye-Won as she gave a thumbs up. 

I shook my head at her and gestured at the hologram. 

' Better pay attention dimwit.' I thought before turning my attention to the hologram. 

( An Ye-Won Pov ) 

' I ain't paying attention to sh*t!' I shouted in my mind. 

I layer my head on my desk as I did not bother to write notes. 

" Pst." Someone poked my arm. 

I turned my head to see Leon, who looked at me anxiously. 

" Ye-Won, you should pay attention. If you don't, you won't be able to graduate middle school." 

I shrugged. 

" Why bother." I replied. 

' Especially if I already know everything.' I thought to myself as I looked at Cain leaning against the wall. 

' Sigh, still can't believe he is alive. Still feels so surreal.' I thought as I saw Cain turn his attention towards me. 

He gave me a disappointing face as he slowly shook his head. 

' Does this bastard look for a fight?' I thought as I puffed out my chest and gestured at him for a fight. 

He gave a confused face before gesturing my head was low. 

' Is he saying I'm stupid?' I concluded from the signs. 

" Ye-won? Can you not tear that book?" Leon spoke, but I ignored him.

* Rip!* 

I was about to throw the book towards Cain, but I got a notification from my holo-watch. 

[ The Red Loser: Better not throw that book or else I'll beat you with Mrs. Bunny's cane.] 

I read the message and flipped Cain off before Mrs. Bunny could see me. 

Cain narrowed his eyes before turning back to the hologram. 

" Sigh. My book." I saw Leon holding his book. 

" Here, take it." I gave him mine. 

Leon accepted as he held the new book. 

" Th..thank you." He sniffles. 

" Whatever." I replied, leaning my head on my hand.

' This is going to be boring.' 

( Cains Pov )

' That Idiot.' I watched as Ye-Won trying to ask a freshman girl out on a date. 

" Let's go, Leon." I told Leon, who finished his apple. 

Leon nodded as he trashed the apple. Then he jogged his way toward me right next to my side. 

" So this is where you are?" I stood behind Ye-Won menacingly. 

Ye-won jolted as she slowly turned her head. 

" Hehe! I didn't see you there, Cain." She spoke. 

" Uh huh." I glanced at the freshman who took her que to leave. 

" Come on, let's go to the dojo." I said before walking off as Leon followed me. 

" Tch! Fine!" Ye-Won shouted as she walked next to me and Leon. 

We spotted the dojo as I heard shouting. 

" Ha!! Ha!! Ha!!" 

I opened the door to see the girls swinging their swords. 

They all stopped once they noticed us. 

" President!!" They shouted as they made their way towards me. 

" Hello." I greeted as I looked at the familiar and unfamiliar faces. 

" Why are you guys practicing? It's the first day, is it not?" I asked the vice-president. 

A girl with short red hair walked forward. 

" Well, they got all fired up when they head you on the news, especially with the tournaments coming up." She pointed at the girls with her thumb. 

I nodded. 

" So, did you introduce the new students?" I looked at the new faces. 

" Oi! Meet the president!" She shouted as they quickly made their way in front. 

" N..nice to meet you!!" The shouted in union. 

I chuckled as I waved my hand. 

" No need to be so formal. As long as you're practicing and not bothering the rest, you're always welcome." I said as Ye-Won slowly approaches the girls. 

I picked Ye-Won from her collar before she could make a move on the girls. 

" You girls continue well by using the other side." I pointed at the other room with sliding doors. 

" Nyusha, you're in charge." I left those words behind as I closed the sliding doors. 

The red hair nodded as she focused back on the girls. 

" Welp! Keep practicing!" She shouted as I closed the door and turned to Leon and Ye-Won. 

" Come on, let's spar." I said to Ye-Won as I walked to the weapon rack. 

I grabbed a staff and threw it at Ye-Won, who caught it. 

I dropped my bags and opened the bokken cover as I held it in my hands. 

Ye-won looked at the staff before throwing it back to me. 

I furrowed my brows as I looked at Ye-Won. 

" I'm going to use these." She pulled out a pair of daggers. 

I looked at the daggers for a second as I recognized them. 

" Getting serious this time, huh?" I commented on the daggers. 

Ye-won smirked as she got I to a stance. 

Leon sat against the wall as he started to record our spar and was ready to take notes. 

Ye-won and I circled each other, looking at each others weak points. 

( Third Pov )

' For someone who rarely trains, she barely has any weak points.' Cain thought as he circled Ye-Won. 

" Get ready, I have been training a new move." Cain announced. 

' Still the same as ever.' Ye-Won thought as she observed Cains stances. 

' How nostalgic.' She thought as she remembered Cains final moments. But soon, hers widen when she realizes that move as her body reacted by memory.

Cain relaxed his body for a second before exploding his sword toward Ye-Wons neck.

* Swoosh * 

She easily dodged the swing as she countered with a low cut and a cut to Cains wrist. 

Cain grunted but ignored the pain as he tried to swing his sword only for him to drop it. 

* Thud! * 

" Ah!" Ye-Won exclaimed as she realized what she had done. 

Leon quickly ran up to Cain with a bandage. 

" I'm fine!" Cain shouted as he held his wrist. 

Ye-won stopped as she looked at Cain with worry, and so did Leon. 

" C.. Cain." Leon muttered as he took Cains hand. 

" I can do it myself." Cain spoke softly as he took the bandage. 

' Those moves, I never seen her do that before.' Cain thought as he finished his bandage. 

" Cain. I'm sorry." Ye-won apologized as she held Cains wrist. 

" It's fine. I think I'm probably at my limit for the sword." Cain replied. 

' No, you're not. It's just my high level of experience in combat.' Ye-Won thought as she sheathed her daggers. 

Cain ignored the pain as he lifted his bokken. 

" Nope! We are not continuing!" Ye-Won crossed her arms as she shouted at Cain. 

Cain ignored her as he lifted his swordat her. 

" Come on, take them out." Cain spoke as he shifted his foot. 

Leon backed away as he saw the fire in Cains eyes. 

Ye-won saw this as well as she narrowed her eyes before sighing. 

" Sigh, fine, it's your fault if you end up in the hospital." She complained as she unsheathed her dagger. 

Cain slid his finger across the sleek metal bokken to the tip and held it with two fingers. 

' That stance.' Ye-Won shifted her stance as she held one dagger in front and the other one behind her.

Cain exploded with his right foot and stretched his right arm as he twisted his hips towards Ye-Won, making a peircing motion with the bokken. 

With the back of her dagger, she caught Cains wrist and brought the other dagger in front of Cains throat. 

' Fast.' Cain thought as he replayed Ye-Wons movement in his head. 

Cain looked down to see her smirk. 

Ye-Won backed off as she took a few steps back. 

" So how in the world are you so damn fast? I never saw you train in all of my life." Cain spoke as he rubbed his neck. 

Ye-won shrugged. 

" Probably because I'm just better." She replied with a smirk. 

" Show off." Cain said as he raised his sword once again. 

A minute later. 

* Thwack! * * Thud! * 

" Damn it!!" Cain roared as he grabbed his bokken once more. 

Leon and Ye-Won watched with worry as Cain stood back up with his bokken.

" Hey man, don't you think we should stop?" Ye-won asked with concern. 

" No." Cain was frustrated as he held the bokken. 

" I don't think it's wise to continue like this Cain." Mrs. Bunny showed up as she was watching from the sidelines with Leon. 

"Woah!" Leon exclaimed as he noticed her as he crawled away. 

Mrs. Bunny ignored Leon's shout as she looked at Cain and Ye-Won. 

" Looks like you're struggling." She looked at Cain. 

" Yeah, I am." 

"Hmm? I don't think sparring with Ye-Won is good as she's too strong for you. The problem lies with your talent." Mrs. Bunny pointed her cane at Cain. 

" My talent?" Cain frowned. 

Ye-won tilted her head as she looked confused at Mrs. Bunny. 

" What do you mean by that?" Ye-won asked. 

" it means what it means." Mrs. Bunny replied as she walked over to Cain. 

" You worked hard all your life, and yet this is as far as you could go. I'm sorry, but there's nothing you or I could do about it." She patted Cains arm before walking out. 

Cain stood there as he gripped his bokken. 

Ye-won looked in deep thought as she ignored Cains frustrated face. 

Leon walked over to Cain. 

" C.. Cain? I'm sure it will be alright, right?" He looked up to Cain. 

Cain smiled. 

" Yeah, it will. I just need to work harder." Cain replied. 

Leon nodded as he looked at Ye-Won, who was in deep thought. 

" Sigh, let's go to the karaoke." Ye-won perked up once she heard Karaoke. 

" Karaoke!!" Ye-Won shouted as she hugged Leon and Cain. 

" Ugh! Get off me!" Cain shouted. 

" Can't....breathe!" Leon exclaimed. 

" Oops." She let go of Leon as he fell to the floor. 

Cain looked at Ye-Won as she rubbed her head. 

" My bad." She apologized. 

" Sigh, let's go." Cain picked up Leon as he and Ye-Won walked towards the Karaoke. 

They sneaked past the girls practicing as they walked outside the dojo. 

" Can you walk on your own?" Cain asked Leon as he put him in the ground. 

Leon nodded as he patted his chest. 

Cain nodded as they sped up to catch up with Ye-Won, who was skipping towards the Karaoke. 

" By the way, Leon. Have you ever gotten any gigs during the summer?" Cain asked Leon, s he opened the door. 

Leon sighed. 

" Unfortunately, no. We're having a hard time finding anyone who would pay for our band." Leon spoke. 

" I see." Cain responded as he walked over to the counter with Leon and Ye-Won. 

" Don't bother already paid for it!" Ye-Won shouted as she rushed towards the Karaoke room. 

" Well, at least you get to brush up your vocals." Caim patted Leon's back as they both chuckled. 

They both entered the room to see Ye-Won screaming into the mic out of key. 

Leon covered his ears as Cain quickly closed the door behind him. 

" Caaaan't you!! See!! I am!!! In loooooveeee!!!" Ye-Won shouted with all her heart as she screamed into the microphone as they listened to her sing the rest. 

" Sigh. I gotta say I felt like my ears were being r*ped." Cain spoke as he slowly clapped. 

Leon still had his hands over his ears. 

" Oh yeah, if you're so good, why don't you sing?" She threw the mic to Cain, who caught it. 

Cain gave her a deadpanned face. 

" You know damn well I can't sing." Cain responded. 

Ye-won had a smirk. 

" At least I'm confident in my singing, unlike you." She replied. 

" Here, Leon, you're the best singer out the three of us." Cain handed the mic to Leon. 

"! Really!?" Leon grabbed the mic as Cain sat on the sofa. 

" Come on, sing, it's been a while since I heard your singing." Cain spoke. 

" Yeah! Come on, Leon!" Ye-Won cheered waving small flags of Leon. 

Cain raised an eyebrow. 

' The f*ck? Where did she get that?' Cain thought as he looked around the room. 

Not seeing any flags like Ye-Won had he left it as is and focused back on Leon, who cleared his throat. 

Leon had already picked a song as his hand shook as he held the microphone. 

" I don't want to be~~ alone~ 

 Can't you look at me~~ 

When will you open your heart~~ "But it wasn't me~~" you choose~ "You looked at her with those eyes." 

Cain closed his eyes and leaned his head back as he listened to Leon's singing. 

Ye-won was waving her flags as she peeked at Cain. 

' The lyrics suck, but Leon's voice makes it sound better than the original artist.' Cain thought as he listened to Leon's singing. 

The more Leon sang, the more confident he became. 

A few minutes later, Leon finished his song as he was breathing heavily as Cain and Ye-Won clapped. 

Leon smiled as he looked at the both of them. 

" Com on!! Let's sing together!!" Ye-Won grabbed Cains hand up to the stage. 

" Wait, what!!?" Cain blurted out as he was dragged to the stage as Ye-Won handed him the microphone.

Leon chuckled as he picked a song for the three of them. 

" Nononono, I'm not singing." Cain, as he tried to give the microphone to Ye-Won. 

" Nope! Come on!! Let's sing!!" Ye-Won cheered as the beat started playing. 

" Let go together~~" fight against this cruel fate~~. Leave this world behind~~ to the holy gates~~" Leon and Ye-Won sang as only Cain sang some parts of the lyrics. 

Leon and Ye-Won had smiles as Cain had a bored face. 

' Why am I here? Right.....friends.' Cain looked at his friends as they sang together as he sang a few words in between. 

Ye-won looked at Cain with worry in her eyes as she sang with Leon. 

After a couple of songs they all went back home as Ye-Won walked Cain to the train station. 

" Are you alright Cain? You seem a little down." Ye-Won looked at Cain. 

Cain lifted his head up. 

" You can tell? I thought I had a good poker face." Cain responded as he rubbed his lower face. 

Ye-won chuckled. 

" Come on! I'm your childhood friend. How can I not know what up?" Ye-won tilted her head as she smiled at Cain. 

Cain smiled. 

" Yeah I guess you are right." Cain replied. 

" So? Want to share?" Ye-won asked. 

" Sigh, maybe next time. I'm having a lot of stuff on my mind, but I'll come to you if I need someone to talk to." Cain spoke as he walked in the train as the doors opened. 

" Aww, man! And here I thought I could hear some juicy secrets!" Ye-Won grinned as she put her hand in her jacket. 

" Hmph sure." Cain replied. 

The door were about to close as Cain spoke once more. 

" Ye-Won." 

" Hm?" 

" Thanks for being my friend." The doors closed as the train slowly picked up speed. 

Ye-won grinned as she waved towards Cain as he looked down to his phone. 

" Sigh." Ye-won sighed as she turned her heels back to her apartment. 

' Sigh, what did Mrs. Bunny mean that Cain isn't talented enough. I'm sure he was the most strongest swordman before.' Ye-Won looked through her memories of Cains swordsmanship. 

Ye-won tapped her chin in deep thought.

' There's no doubt about it. There is something I don't know.' Ye-Won concluded as she walked to her apartment.

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