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Chapter 2: CHAPTER 2:- Another one comes to bite

One day when he was at home he received an unexpected call from an unknown number. When he answered, a cold, unfamiliar voice greeted him.

"Alex, we need to talk," the voice said, devoid of any warmth.

Alex's heart sank as he recognized the voice—it was another wrestler from Bella's circle, someone known for their ruthless persona in the ring. He had heard rumors of their romantic history with Bella, and now, they had entered the picture once again.

"We need to meet in person," the wrestler continued. "I have some things to discuss with you."

Reluctantly, Alex agreed to the meeting. He knew that he couldn't avoid the situation any longer, and he needed to confront the turmoil that had been thrust upon him.

They arranged to meet at a secluded spot away from the wrestling scene. As Alex arrived at the designated location, he felt a sense of unease wash over him. The wrestler approached, their gaze intense and calculating.

"I know what you're trying to do," the wrestler said, their tone dripping with menace. "You are supposed to be mine Alex,don't try to run away from me. You're in this for the long haul, whether you like it or not."

Alex's heart pounded as he realized that he was caught in a web of possessiveness and manipulation that extended beyond Bella. The yandere hardcore wrestler had allies, and they were determined to keep him ensnared in her world of chaos.

As another player entered the scene, Alex couldn't help but wonder if there was any way to escape the clutches of not only Bella but also the mysterious wrestler who had appeared in his life. The path to freedom seemed increasingly elusive, and the stakes were higher than ever.


Bella's Rival - A Yandere Reverse Trap Wrestler

As the mysterious wrestler continued to loom over him, Alex couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped in a web of chaos and possessiveness. His relationship with Bella, the yandere hardcore wrestler, had taken an even darker turn with the arrival of her rival.

The rival, whose wrestling persona was that of a yandere reverse trap—a character who masqueraded as a male wrestler—was known for her cunning and manipulative tactics in the ring. She had a fanatical following, and her obsession with Bella was no secret to those in the wrestling world.

One evening, Alex received a message from Bella, asking him to meet her at a deserted warehouse. Despite his reservations, he agreed, fearing the consequences of refusing her request.

As he entered the dimly lit warehouse, he saw Bella standing there, her expression a mixture of anger and desperation. But she wasn't alone. The yandere reverse trap wrestler stood beside her, a sinister smile on her face.

"Alex," Bella said, her voice trembling, "I need you to choose, right now. It's either me or her."

Alex felt his heart constrict with anxiety. He was being forced into a twisted love triangle between two yandere wrestlers. The rival's presence was unsettling, and he could sense the toxic rivalry between the two women.

The yandere reverse trap wrestler stepped forward, her gaze fixed on Alex. "You see, Alex," she began with a sultry tone, "Bella and I have a history—a history that you can't possibly understand. But I won't let her have you. You're mine because the first moment I saw you I fell in love at first sight. "

Bella's anger flared, and she clenched her fists. "No, Alex, she's trying to manipulate you," she insisted. "You're mine, and I won't let her take you away from me."

Caught in the middle of their possessive declarations, Alex felt a surge of fear and helplessness. He knew that neither of these yandere wrestlers was thinking clearly, and he couldn't let their rivalry endanger his well-being any further.

With a calm mind he gave a suggestion that"Bella and Nora you 2 should settle this with a match" at that both like that and decided to settle with a brutal match

Bella: I am looking forward to it, as she glares at nora

Nora:yea let settle this ONCE AND FOR ALL ,she screamed at bella

Alex didn't want to get between them so he stepped into the night, he couldn't help but wonder if there was any way to find peace and safety outside the world of professional wrestling and the clutches of these yandere wrestlers. The path ahead was uncertain, but he was resolved to forge his own destiny, free from the twisted love triangle that had ensnared


The Brutal Match for Alex's Affection

The rivalry between Bella, the yandere hardcore wrestler, and her yandere reverse trap rival had escalated to a dangerous level. Both women were consumed by their obsession with Alex, and they were willing to go to extreme lengths to win his affection.

It wasn't long before the wrestling promotion they both belonged to capitalized on the situation, booking a highly anticipated match between Bella and her rival. The stipulation was clear: the winner would claim Alex as their own.

The wrestling world buzzed with excitement and anticipation as the date of the match approached. Fans were divided, some eager to see their favorite wrestlers compete, while others feared the violence that would undoubtedly ensue.

Alex, caught in the middle of the tumultuous rivalry, watched in helpless dismay as the tension between Bella and her rival reached its boiling point. He knew that he had become a pawn in their dangerous game, and he couldn't help but feel responsible for the impending chaos.

The night of the match arrived, and the arena was packed with eager spectators. Bella and her rival made their grand entrances, their personas amplified to an almost surreal degree. The yandere reverse trap wrestler flaunted her charisma, while Bella exuded a fiery intensity in wrestling bikini that showed curves and chiseled body and Nora in 2 piece blue thong as she walks to the ring angry and raged that had made both of them famous.

The match was brutal from the very beginning. Both women unleashed their most devastating moves, subjecting each other to agonizing holds and powerful strikes. The audience watched in awe and horror as the two yandere wrestlers fought with a ferocity that was unmatched.

Bella:Aahhh... You are going die tonight thieving cat

Nora: Brute Bitch I am gonna beat you to a pulp

Both of them in a locked each other.

As the match raged on, it became clear that their obsession with Alex had driven them to push their bodies to the limit. Bloodied and bruised, they refused to back down, each one desperate to win his affection.

Bella: DIEEE BITCH as she use a scissors to cut Nora on the forehead


As Nora did a reverse grabbing Bellas hair punched her face with barbed wire as it bleeds blood

Bella: AAAAAGHHHHHHHHH....YOU WANNA PLAY BITCH HUH! THEN LETS PLAY BITCH as Bella bit Nora on the face and punched her face repeatedly until bleed blood.

Alex, watching from the sidelines, felt a profound sense of guilt and helplessness. He knew that the outcome of this match would determine his fate, and he couldn't bear to see the women he cared about hurt each other in such a brutal way.

The climax of the match came when Bella's rival executed a devastating finishing move that left Bella unconscious in the center of the ring. The referee counted to three, declaring Bella's rival the winner.

Nora: I WIN TAKE THAT YOU WHORE as she stomps on bellas face and looking with a feral smile to alex

The audience erupted in a mix of cheers and gasps as the yandere reverse trap wrestler stood victorious. She cast a triumphant glance in Alex's direction, her obsession still burning brightly.

As she left the ring, victorious but battered, Alex approached her, his voice filled with desperation. "Please, stop this madness," he pleaded. "I can't take this anymore. I am sorry for suggesting this."

The yandere reverse trap wrestler stared at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of longing and determination. "I won't give up, Alex," she declared. "You're mine, and I'll do whatever it takes to make you see that, This isn't over Alex I will come back for you my love"

Alex after hearing this went to Bella who is bloodied and brusied as she was taken by a stretcher to hospital

With that, she left the arena, leaving Alex to grapple with the aftermath of the brutal match and the uncertain path that lay ahead. The battle for his affection had reached new heights of violence, and he knew that he needed to find a way to escape the clutches of both yandere wrestlers before it was too late.

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