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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Mitch vs The Commander

After Ania and Tom had finally left Mitch stumbled exhausted into the kitchen to grab some food since he was ravenous. Pulling out some left-over pizza from the fridge he felt a strong surge of energy assault his body as he let go of the plate holding the pizza causing it to crash onto the ground. Standing back he turned around to see a man sitting down at the table and smiling at him as Mitch shook his head "You made me drop my food and I hate wasting food" he snarled as the man stood up and walked over towards him.

He was the same height as Mitch with long purple hair and cold blue eyes, a face mask covered the bottom half of his face as a vertical scar ran down between his eyes. He wore a typical assassins style of clothing which was dark blue baggy like pants and a shirt as well. On his left arm there was an arm guard that went halfway down his arm and was coloured red with yellow outlining around the edges, the arm guard was connected to a sash that went across his lower stomach and attached to it was his katana being held in a purple-coloured case. The hilt of his blade was completely black with a snake arching up the blade to the handle.

"Heh Mitch you always cared about your food" he said as they both embraced for a hug. "Hanza it's been to long old buddy how are you?" Mitch asked as they both sat down at the table to have a chat and catch up.

Hanza Nukui was a friend of Mitch's while he spent his time training in Soul Society, they both met when he was out on a mission destroying hollow and came across the assassin. After engaging each other and finding out they were evenly matched they both became friends constantly sparring with each other to try and best one another. When Mitch was assigned to guard his local area he bid Hanza farewell saying one day they would meet again but he didn't think it would be now and here.

"So what brings you to this world and my place old friend?" Mitch said grabbing two glasses from his cupboard and a bottle of scotch as he poured one for Hanza and then for himself. "Cheers" the assassin said taking a long hard sip and then slamming the glass down as the table shook. With the playful air out of the way he looked serious and spoke in a cold dark tone "I came here because I have a seriously urgent message to deliver to you from the Captain Commander".

Upon hearing that name Mitch spat his scotch out onto the table and stammered "T…he the captain commander sent a message to me, what is it?" he yelled urgently wanting to hear the news. "Alright calm down, he said to tell you that for years there has been an uprising slowly forming in Soul Society and as a result a large sector of the shinigami's have gone rogue leaving Seireitei and joining up with a rouge group. They call themselves the White Lotus Society and are led by a skilled and powerful shinigami named Han Tzerchi".

Mitch upon hearing this couldn't believe the mere thought of a shinigami betraying Soul Society "So why exactly does this apply to me?" "The Captain Commander wants all hands-on deck for the inevitable war as the White Lotus have started to mount guerilla attacks all over Seireitei". "He also warned me that they may attempt to hide out in the real world to escape detection by us, so be on the look-out as they may try to eliminate any sources of reiatsu they sense" done with his message and warning Hanza stood up and slowly began to dissolve into a black shadow "You aren't going to stick around for a bit?".

With only his head remaining Hanza smiled "I would love to old friend, but I have some other errands I must run" with that he completely dissolved away leaving Mitch standing in his kitchen attempting to process everything he had just been told.

"Ugh just look at all this homework I have to do" Ania said glaring at the huge pile of papers that were placed in front of her. Slumping down into her chair she sighed "How the hell am I going to get through all of this and where to start exactly?" After hearing Mitch's life story and that she could possibly become a shinigami her mind hadn't been able to think straight for the entire day. "Oh lord I'm turning into those two dim witted boys" she cursed to herself grabbing the biology book and turning to the questions page hoping to get at least do a tiny speck of work.

Outside she heard a loud crash that sounded like it had come from her back yard. Curious to find out what exactly happened she ventured into the kitchen and peered out through the window, there standing under the cover of darkness was a man doing nothing as he stood completely still. Squinting her eyes she noticed he wore exactly the same shinigami robes as Mitch and assumed it was him but the moment she stepped outside it became apparent that it someone else.

He wore the same black kimono and sandals expect there was a huge white flower on the back of his robe not a number. The sword that hung at his side had an orange hilt as opposed to Mitch's black, his face was hidden behind a straw hat but she could feel he was staring directly at her. After a few moments of complete silence, he suddenly spoke in an almost sophisticated voice "So you are the girl emitting this dormant and untapped reiatsu, I must say that's most interesting although you don't pose a threat to me at all".

Ania took a step back as the man slowly walked towards her his hand resting on the hilt of his sword as he spoke in a calm almost cold manner "But if Master Han thinks you are a threat then you must be eliminated" and with that he charged towards Ania drawing his blade and slashing it through the air faster than the naked eye could see while she simply waited for it to all be over.

Instead of feeling the cold sharp pain of death Ania felt nothing as she thought to herself "So is this what it feels like to be dead" but as she opened her eyes she noticed that she was still in her backyard and that there was a man standing in front of her with the number 11 on his back. "Mitch you came" she said as he spun around to face her with a big grin on his face "Hey it's my job to protect you after all can't go and have you dying on me now".

Mitch spun around facing his opponent who removed his hat revealing his face, he had a long grey beard while his hair was short at the front while the back was bound in a warriors tail. Cold green eyes stared back at Mitch while a smile formed across his wrinkled mouth "You possess powerful reiatsu for someone so young, this should be an enjoyable fight". Jumping back he swiped towards Mitch who parried the blow away and slashed at the man who vanished into thin air and then re appeared behind swinging his sword down towards Mitch's head. Teleporting away Mitch appeared behind the old man as he extended his hand out and began to chant ""Disintegrate, black dog of Rondanini! Perusal, burning tribute, tear away your own throat, Binding spell 9 Strike" a bright red lite engulfed the man as he cried out in agony falling to his knees.

Walking towards the old man he began to chuckle despite being bound "I didn't expect you would be this good at using binding spells, guess I shouldn't go underestimating you anymore". Mitch started laughing as he placed his blade against the old man's throat "Did you forget your glasses gramps? Your attacks were so easy to dodge".

The man burst into laughter as wind began to swell around him and slowly, he began to rise even though he was still being held by the binding spell. "You're rather cocky as you have underestimated me which now you will regret, Slice the air Wakizashi a violent wind engulfed him and the bright red light surrounding him was shattered. As the wind cleared his blade had changed a great deal, the hilt was still orange but the blade itself was thick and long with the end of it bent obscurely almost like the wind was licking at the air. He held the blade diagonally facing down towards his feet while Mitch took his stance and readied himself for whatever this man's zanpakuto could do.

Swinging his sword upwards a swirling wind blade flew towards Mitch and before he could react sliced straight through his arm spraying blood into the air and all over his face. "That moved faster than I expected" gritting his teeth through the pain and clutching Ashura tighter "Mitch… no" Ania called out and went to take a forward "NO STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE" he roared freezing her in place. as

Pushing down the stinging pain he felt in his arm Mitch knew he had to focus and protect Ania even if it cost him his life as a grin spread across his face "Is that the best you got well I must I'm very disappointed I expected a lot more". "Oh? Just what exactly do you propose to do you are currently no match for me" the man said smiling as Mitch continued to grin right back except his was a much more wicked and sinister grin "Just wait and see old man".

Mitch then placed his fingers on the tip of his blade as it began to glow red as he cried out "Rain fire from the heavens ASHURA" and for the second time today Ania saw him release his sword as flames engulfed the blade and when he wiped them free his sword had changed yet again. "You know your shikai I assumed you were merely a weak seated shinigami, may I ask who you are?" the old man questioned as Mitch gave a mocking bow "I am Mitch Erebus, 4th seat of the 11th squad, now who are you?" the man bowed as well but his wasn't mocking it was a genuine warriors bow of honour. "I am Hakarashi 3rd in command of master Han's squad the White Lotus".

With both combatants done giving their names they both leapt at each other blades whistling through the air as they clashed together causing a mighty roar and sending sparks showering through the sky. Both moved faster than a normal person could see yet somehow Ania barley managed to keep pace with both as they clashed swords together then took swipes before teleporting away and re appearing elsewhere. Hakarashi sliced at the air with his blade as 3 long projectiles made from air spiralled towards Mitch who swung Ashura vertically downwards 3 fireballs intercepted the wind projectiles colliding together and causing a huge cloud of smoke.

Ania ducked to shield herself from the explosion and upon looking back up she saw the two still clashing blades together furiously. Both blades locked together as Mitch couldn't help but laugh and smile "I do enjoy a good challenge and you've been the best I've fought in quiet some time so I'm going to savour this fight". Hakarashi flinched back slightly from the sheer madness and bloodlust "You truly are a member of that barbaric 11th squad aren't you, it's such a shame for one with such potential".

Tensing his muscles he began to push Wakizashi forward as Ashura inched closer and closer to Mitch's exposed throat. Mere inches before the blade cut his throat open Mitch threw his blade off and kicked Hakarashi in the face sending him spiralling down towards the ground as formed a crater from the impact. "INCINERATE ASHURA" Mitch roared as he arced his blade down and a huge flaming fireball flew down towards the hole creating a huge explosion and sending a heatwave flying across Ania's backyard as tree's were nearly ripped out of their roots. "It's a good thing my parents aren't home yet" Ania thought to herself as she looked at her backyard with the massive holes these two were creating.

Mitch hadn't finished with his onslaught though as he slashed Ashura rapidly through the air sending hundreds of tiny fireballs thundering into the already growing crater. To finish it off Mitch extended his right arm as his left hand clutched his right forearm as he began to chant "Oh ruler! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, fluttering wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, stand your claws but slightly upon the wall of innocent dreams, Destructive Art 33: Blue fire crash down", a huge blue beam of fire erupted from his hand and engulfed the entire hole in the ground causing once more another catastrophic explosion.

"What exactly are my parents going to think when they find a hole that connects all the way to the equator in my backyard" Ania thought as she sighed thinking that Mitch was always reckless and damaging other people's property in whatever he did so it was no wonder in a fight he would be any different. "Hey Mitch, do you realize you're going to have to pay for the damages or at least help me fix them!" she yelled to him but guessed he wouldn't bother hearing her whilst caught in the thrill of fighting.

As the smoke cleared from the crater there was the shadow of a figure still standing there as Mitch howled with a sinister laugh "Thank god you're still standing thought you might have carked it on me". From the shadows an air blade came flying out as Mitch narrowly avoided it watching as it went hurtling past "Still got plenty of fight left in you" turning back to look down at the crater he found Hakarashi had vanished only for him to reappear in front of Mitch as he sliced horizontally across his chest cutting open the robe and sending blood spraying into the air.

The wound didn't faze Mitch as he just smiled even wider and swung a vicious counterattack as Hakarashi leapt back only to be pursued with a relentless barrage of attacks all of which he narrowly avoided. Not even a huge gash across his right arm could slow Mitch down at all it just seemed to fuel his desire to fight even more.

"You damn 11th squad barbarians and your love for battle despite any injury, you're all insane!" Hakarashi yelled swinging another strike as Mitch ducked underneath the swing and brought Ashura up slicing cleanly through Hakarashi's right arm sending blood gushing out drenching Ashura bright red and spraying onto Mitch's face.

"Now let's see if we can't spray more of your blood onto this battlefield" Mitch said taking a step back while Hakarashi clenched his injured right arm as his fingers hung loosely around Wakizashi. Letting go of his arm Hakarashi pointed two fingers straight at Mitch as a thin bolt of electricity flew towards Mitch who merely stood still as it pierced through his right shoulder and erupted out the other side. Hakarashi stood there speechless as he had expected his opponent to dodge while Mitch simply grinned "Guess you expected me to move well I predicated that and now your plan is useless".

Lunging forward Mitch swung Ashura down as Wakizashi was brought up just in time to block the attack but the sheer force of the blow sent Hakarashi staggering back as Mitch reigned in attack after attack slowly forcing Hakarashi down. His foot suddenly pressed against something solid and looking down saw the roof of Ania's house in that split second of him looking away Mitch leapt forward his blade aimed to pierce through Hakarashi's chest as he managed to teleport away in time.

Mitch spun around stopping centimetres away from slicing Ania's roof in half and calmly stood while Hakarashi re appeared above him panting and dripping sweat. "Never did I think someone this strong would patrol these areas, I must report back to Master Han on this" he mumbled to himself extending his hand and fingers out as he began to chant a spell "Carriage of thunder, chasm of a spinning wheel, divide this light into six Binding Art 61 Six Rods Light Restraint" six bright white rods slammed into Mitch's torso as they held him firmly in place. "We shall meet again and next time it will be much different" Hakarashi said as he disappeared leaving Mitch stuck mid-air.

"Need a hand?" Ania asked stepping forward to help as flames surrounded Mitch while he tensed every single muscle in his body pushing against the rods until they shattered into thousands of pieces. As the flames subsided from around him Mitch landed on the ground looking perfectly fine besides the numerous gashes and cut marks across his body. Still weary that he was lost in his bloodlust Ania slowly approached him and froze the second he turned around to face wondering if he'd attack her.

"Hehe, guess I overdid it a bit too much huh" he said placing a hand behind his head with a goofy smile on his face while he stared at the holes covering Ania's backyard. Completely dumbfounded by the sudden change in him she walked towards him and slapped him over the back of the head numerous times "Of course you did you idiot" she yelled as he tried to shield himself from the blows but to no avail. "Hey, hey, hey! I didn't really mean to trash your place" "Well you did and now you'll have to help me fix everything!" "Would you make an injured person really do manual labour?" he said in a sweet and serene voice trying to weasel his way out but one glare from Ania said otherwise as he sighed and walked off muttering "This is the thanks I receive for being her knight in shining armour".

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