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If You're Still Not The One If You're Still Not The One original

If You're Still Not The One

Author: Jinx_Lee

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: It All Started with a Kiss

Love stories unfold with diverse endings—some lead to happily ever afters, while others succumb to tragic fates. Xiao Miao Miao, a spoiled rich girl accustomed to getting her way, finds herself deeply in love with her childhood friend, Xander. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters Vladimir Gu, a young and stoic businessman. Bound by the will of their families, they are compelled to enter into marriage. Can these two hearts, seemingly worlds apart, discover a love that transcends their initial differences?


The phone rings, and Miao Miao awakens to the alarm, her eyes still closed and drowsy. Struggling to open her eyes, she attempts to locate her phone and silence the alarm. With a yawn, she surveyed her room—a chaotic scene filled with wine bottles and remnants of last night's revelry.

"What the!" She whirls around. "Shittt!" Glancing at her phone, she realizes it's 8 am. Panic sets in, and she hurries to the bathroom. "Shitt! Why didn't they wake me up!" she complains while rushing through her bath. The previous night's celebration for her friend Rael's birthday left her in a state of blissful slumber.

"Waaahh! It's almost 9 am!" she exclaims, grabbing her expensive bag before leaving her room. Driving recklessly, she cares little for potential collisions. She's Xiao Miao Miao, a rich, spoiled brat accustomed to getting her way. This time, her aim is to reach the university before the stern professor commences the first subject.

"Get out of my way!" she shouts at students, who quickly part in fear of collision. Miao Miao's popularity is evident; many admire her, while some harbor jealousy. Unperturbed, she walks into the university, flaunting her new Hermes bag.

"OMG! Look, she got a new bag!"

"Wow, is that Hermes? It's so expensive."

"I envy her."

"Yeah, be jealous," she mused with a smirk. Suddenly, her friend Rael's voice cut through the ambient noise.


Her friend Rael waves, accompanied by Jinji.

"My gosh, twinnie, we're late," says Rael.

"I know, and you guys didn't wake me up. Good thing I set an alarm on my phone," Miao Miao replies, rolling her eyes.

"Hehe, sorry. Just like you, we just woke up. I didn't even have breakfast. I'm hungry," Rael pouts.

"We can eat later, but for now, we need to hurry because our class is about to start," Jinji urges.

The two nod, and the trio walks to their classroom, drawing attention upon entry.

"20 minutes left; you girls are almost late," Zol remarks from his seat.

Miao Miao's circle consisted of only four friends.

Rael Delmore: Her best friend. They share a bond akin to real sisters.

Jinji Li: The calm and reserved member of the group, with a passion for books and reading.

Zol Ash: An exchange student from America, a playful and carefree individual with a penchant for teasing his friends.

Alexander Walker: The object of admiration for all the girls at their university, renowned as the most handsome guy on campus.

"Why didn't you show up last night?" Rael questioned Zol.

"Well, I went on a date. Im sorry" he scratches his head.

"Psh. Choosing women over us," Miao scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"I didn't mean it. Promise it won't happen again. Hmm, then as compensation, let me treat you guys for lunch, is that good?" Zol suggests.

The three exchange glances and grin.

"Sure, make sure you really treat us, or else I'll break your legs," Miao Miao threatens.

"Promise!" Zol raises his right hand.

As their professor arrives, the conversation halts. The classroom fell silent as everyone focused on the lesson. Miao Miao, suddenly drowsy, observes her classmates attentively listening to the lecture.

"Smart kids, huh?" she mutters. "Whatever, I'll just sleep." Leaning on her table, she drifts into slumber.




An expensive car stopped in front of the Gu Empire building. A remarkably handsome young man emerged, walking seriously into the building, trailed by his assistant.

"Good morning, Mr. Gu."

"Good morning, sir."

"Good morning, Mr. Gu."

All the employees greeted and bowed as Vladimir Gu, the owner of Gu Empire, made his entrance. He held the distinction of being the country's youngest and wealthiest businessman. Gu Empire had risen to prominence, dominating various sectors including malls, hotels, resorts, islands, and other enterprises.

Upon reaching his office, Vlad immediately delved into the reports. "How's the plantation in South Z?" he inquired of Mr. Hans, his loyal assistant.

"The productions are fine; after a week, we can distribute the orders," Mr. Hans replied.

"Good to hear that," Vlad responded without emotion.

Renowned for his cold and serious demeanor, Vlad was a figure employees had never seen smile.

"But..." Mr. Hans hesitated.

Vlad ceased reading, fixing his gaze on him. "But what?"

"Sir, do you remember the XMM Corporation?" Mr. Hans inquired.

"Yeah, they are one of our business partners. What's wrong with them?" Vlad furrowed his brow.

"Well, they are now facing bankruptcy, and it will have an impact on our company," Mr. Hans revealed.

Vlad pondered deeply; the owner of XMM was his father's best friend. Ignoring the situation would undoubtedly upset his dad. He looked at Mr. Hans again.

"Tell Mr. Xiao that I want to talk to him in person. Set a meeting for the two of us," he ordered.

"Yes, sir," said Mr. Hans, then left his office.




"Hey, sleeping beauty, wake up," Zol poked Miao's cheek while she was sleeping.

"Mmm…" Miao moaned.

"Yah! Wake up!" Zol shouted.

To Miao's shock, she immediately stood up. The three laughed.

An annoyed Miao looked at Zol. "Do you want to die?"

"Haha, chill sis, we just want to wake you up. You're sleeping like a bear," Zol teased her.

Miao glared at him, so Zol hid behind Rael.

"That's enough, guys. We're finally finished our class; it's better for us to eat first," Jinji said.

"Yeah, she's right. I'm so hungry," Rael frowned.

"Fine, I'm hungry too. Let's go," said Miao.

They smiled as they left the classroom.

They were eating at the cafeteria when they suddenly heard Mei Lin's voice.

"See this, girls? My boyfriend gave this to me on our monthsary. This is so expensive," Mei Lin boasted while showing her necklace to her minions.

"Wow! Is that a diamond?"

"It's really expensive; I envy you."

"You're right; I wish I had a rich boyfriend too."

Mei burst out laughing. "C'mon, girls, if you want to have a handsome and rich boyfriend, you must be pretty, just like me," she said and flipped her hair.

Miao rolled her eyes at what she heard. "I feel like I want to vomit, my gosh," Miao muttered.

Mei Lin looked at her. "What did you say?" crossing her arms as she approached her.

"Huh? Are you talking to me?" Miao asked.

"I heard what you said; are you just jealous of me because you don't have a boyfriend?" she said while staring at Miao from head to toe.

Miao immediately raised an eyebrow then stood up. "Excuse me? I don't care if I don't have a boyfriend. At least I can buy my things using my own money, unlike you, who always asks your boyfriend to buy stuff for you—such a gold digger," she said, then smirked.

"How dare you! Take back what you said!" To Mei Lin's annoyance, she immediately pulled Miao's hair.

"Let go of me, you bitch! Do you think I won't fight you back!!!" The two pulled each other's hair and made a scene inside the cafeteria. The students were in commotion and saw everything.

"Go, twinnie! You can do it! Scratch her face!" Rael cheered for her.

"Girls are scary," Zol commented.

"Are we not going to stop them?" Jinji asked worriedly.

"Uhm… then how about we help her?" Rael said.

Jinji just shook her head.

"You can't scare me! I won't let you go this time!" Miao said as she continued to fight with Mei Lin.

"Ouch! Let go of me! You crazy bitch!" Mei Lin screamed.

"Over my dead body!" Miao tightened her grip on her hair.

* whistle sound *

Everyone made a way as the guard arrived.




"You guys never learned your lesson from last time?" asked the guidance counselor.

Mei Lin and Miao were now in her office.

"You are not kids anymore; how long do you intend to fight each other?" the old counselor added.

"But she did it first!" Mei said, pointing at Miao.

"Excuse me? We were eating quietly that time; you're the one who bothered us and asked for a fight!" said Miao.

"Waahh madam, look at her, so scary," Mei acted like she was about to cry.

"Psh..." Miao crossed her arms. This girl is so annoying!

The guidance counselor sighed. "This is my last warning for both of you. The next time we catch you making troubles again here at the campus, you will both get a suspension for one week. Understand?"

"Yes, madam," the two answered at the same time.

They left the office.

Annoyed, Mei Lin looked at Miao. "Hmph, you will pay for what you did to my hair!" Then she left with her minions.

"You will pay for what you did to my hair, duhhh," Rael imitated Mei Lin, looking at Miao. "Are you all right, twinnie?"

"Of course, I'm Xiao Miao Miao. If Mei Lin thinks that I won't fight her back, she's wrong. I have nothing to fear," she stated.

"So what's our plan now? Our professor for the next subject will not be coming, so we have free time," Zol asked.

"Why don't we go to the mall? I want to buy something hihi," Rael said while giggling.

"Okay, let's go to the mall. I want to cool down myself because of that witch," Miao agreed.

"But before we go, fix yourself first, Miao. Your hair is messy," Jinji commented.

Miao noticed it too. "You're right."



Xander just came out from their classroom, as usual, lots of girls were looking at him. He stopped walking when his phone beeped. Miao texted him, inviting him to the mall.

"Hey Xan, let's go!" his classmate called.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" he said, then replied to Miao's message.



At the mall... 

Miao frowned when she read Xander's reply.

"Is Xan coming?" Jinji asked while sipping her milk tea.

They are now hanging out at their favorite café.

"No, he said he will attend their group study today," she replied.

"Aww, then let's just eat the food we ordered for him hehe." Then Rael grabbed the food.

"Hey, share it! I want nachos too!" Zol grabbed the plate from Rael.

"Psh. No! it's only mine!" They began fighting for food.

Jinji just laughed and continued reading her book.

"Hey, I'm bored. What else can be done here at the mall other than shopping and eating? I want some fun," Miao complained while playing with the straw of her milk tea.

"Uhm..." Rael starts thinking. "Aha! Why don't we play truth or dare?" she said with a wide smile.

"Nahh, I don't like that game," Zol immediately refused.

"Then don't join," said Rael.

"Bleh!" said Zol.

" guys are acting like kids again," Jinji commented.

"C'mon let's play truth and dare; that's more exciting than arcade," Rael convincing them.

"Okay fine, who wants to go first?" Miao asked.

"Jinji!" Zol immediately pointed at her.

Jinji smiled. "Fine, truth."

"Woah, so let me ask you. Who is your crush?" Rael asked nervously.

"Do we still have to ask that?" said Miao.

"We all knew it," Zol sipped his milk tea.

"Gyu," Jinji answered then read her book again while smiling.

"See?" Miao and Zol said at the same time.

"Pft. Haha, I just want to tease Jin. Now who's next?" Jinji and Miao looked at Zol.

"What?" Zol asked while eating his sandwich.

"You're next, Mr. playboy," said Rael.

"Eh??? Truth." Zol bites his sandwich.

"When will you be serious with girls?" Miao asked.

Zol scratched his head. "I don't know hahaha."

Rael immediately kicked him. "Pshh..."

"So it's my turn now, mine is dare," Miao said while smirking.

"Alright! This is exciting haha," said Rael.

"What are we going to ask for her to do?" Jinji asked.

They thought thoroughly.

"Anything, I can do it," Xiao boasted.

Rael looked around the café; suddenly, she saw someone, then she smirked.

"How about this, kiss that guy!" she pointed to the man talking on his phone outside the café.

"Seriously?" Zol's eyes widened.

Jinji facepalmed.

"Hehe, can you do it?" Rael asked with a smirk.

Miao raised an eyebrow. "Of course I can; watch and learn." She stood up then went outside the café.

The three watched her.



"Mr. Hans, where are you? I need the documents right now," Vlad asked his assistant on his phone.

"Okay, please be here in 5 minutes. I hate waiting." He put his phone back in his pocket.

However, he furrowed his brows when a woman tapped his shoulder. He looked at her from head to toe—not bad. She's pretty but not as elegant as her sister. He just stared at her; the woman smiled at him.

'Do I know her?' he asked himself.

"I'm sorry," said the woman.

He furrowed his brows again. For what?

But he was surprised when she kissed him… on the lips. He was stunned. What the heck!

The woman ran away while smiling. Vlad's head suddenly heated up; no one had ever dared to kiss him! This is the first time. His blood was boiling with rage. That woman, she will regret it. She has to pray and make sure that they would never meet again because he would definitely throw her alive into the sea. Tsss…



They all shouted when they saw Miao kiss the man.

"OMG twinnie! You really did it hahaha!" Rael can't stop herself from laughing.

"I can't believe that you kissed a stranger," said Zol.

"See? Xiao Miao Miao can do everything. If you only saw his face earlier hahaha, he was too stunned to speak." Miao can't stop laughing too.

"But that guy looks familiar, but I can't remember where I saw him," said Jinji.

"Really?" Miao got confused.

"Yeah, I think I saw him too from somewhere," said Rael.

"Seriously?" Miao suddenly got nervous.

"Waahh, I remember him!" Rael stood up.

"Oh! Me too!" said Zol.

"Who is he?" Miao asked curiously.

"Vladimir Gu of Gu Empire!" Rael and Zol said at the same time.

Oh no… she's dead… The famous young and rich businessman in the country…

"Oh no." said Jinji. 

"Waaahhh, why didn't you tell me right away?" Miao cried.

Vladimir Gu is known for being rude and strict. Everyone who opposes him makes their businesses bankrupt. Everyone fears him. She's in doom now.

"Huhuhu, I'm dead," said Miao.

"I'm sorry; I didn't recognize him right away," Rael pats her friend's back.

"Let us pray that he does not remember you, and besides, you're not wearing our school ID; it will be difficult for him to find you," said Jinji.

"So he will really look for me? Waahhhh!" Miao cried on the table.

"Sorry, twinnie," said Rael.

It's already happened; there's nothing they can do now. She's hoping that they will never meet again…




Vlad was playing with his pen, still thinking about the woman who kissed him at the mall. He lost his mood, so he postponed his appointment with Mr. Gray. Now he's in his office and still can't forget what happened.

"Tsss.. damn her!" The pen broke off because of his anger. He heard a knock, he sat properly. "Come in," he commanded seriously.

His secretary entered. "Sir, Mr. Xiao is here."

"Let him in," he said.

The secretary nodded, then let Mr. Xiao in. "Good afternoon Mr. Gu," greeted by Mr. Xiao while smiling.

"Uncle, you don't have to be formal," he said. They sat on the couch. "I heard what happened to your company," said Vlad.

The old man sighed. "Even I can't believe it; we worked hard for our company, and seeing it gradually collapsing really broke my heart," said Mr. Xiao.

"Is there anything that I can do? I'm willing to help."

"Haha, our company will need too much money; I don't want Gu Empire to be burdened by my problem; there is definitely another way."

"Then have you thought it already?"

"I'm thinking of selling 80% of the company's shares."

"80%? There is almost nothing left for you, uncle, and besides, XMM is under Gu Empire, so you also give shares in our company."

"I know Vlad, that's why I beg you to help me find someone who can buy it; seeing XMM rise again will make me happy."

Vlad sighed. Their conversation was interrupted when Vlad's dad suddenly arrived.

"Augustus!" his dad was so happy when he saw his friend.

"Napoleon, my friend, how are you?" said Mr. Xiao.

The two hugged as if they had not seen each other for a long time.

"Dad, you didn't tell me that you were going to visit," said Vlad.

"I heard what happened to XMM, so when I found out that Augustus is coming here, I didn't waste time and immediately came here. I want to help my best friend," his dad replied.

They sat down again, then they talked about the XMM problem.




"Waahhh!" Miao cried while they were sitting in the school garden. She still can't forget what happened earlier at the mall; what if Vlad finds her? What if he kidnaps her and buries her alive?

Huhu, I still love my life.

"Just relax, Mr. Gu does not know who you are, so you're safe," said Rael.

"What if one day when I get out of my car, there were men in black looking for me and kidnap me? I heard all his enemies' lives became miserable. I don't want to be one of them huhuh." she cried.

"Poor Miao," Zol mumbled while eating ice cream.

"Guys, I have to leave now," Jinji began to pack her books.

"You're leaving early?" Miao asked.

"Yup, Gyu texted me, and he said that we will go home together after his class," Jinji answered.

"I hope someone will take me home too." Rael pouted.

"Why? Is your boyfriend not picking you up?" Miao asked Rael in confusion.

"Nahh, he's so busy. I don't know why it is so hard to be with him," Rael complained.

"Just be patient Rael. I'm leaving, bye," Jinji left them.

"Bye bye!" they waved at her.

"I'm leaving too, see yah ladies," Zol also left.

"So what's our plan now?" Rael asked. They are now staring at the plants.

"I dunno, I'm stressed now," Miao replied.

"Stress from what?"

They immediately turned around; they saw Xander.

"Hi Xan!" Miao's face immediately brightened up when she saw him.

"Hey, how are you guys?" he asked and sat down next to them.

"I'm fine, but I'm not sure about her," Rael replied.

"Why? Did something bad happen?" he asked and looked at Miao.

"I don't want to talk about it. By the way, don't you have practice today?" Miao asked.

"Coach gave us a one-day break." Xander replied.

Xander is a basketball player in their university; he also has his own fan club.

"That's great." said Miao. "Aren't you coming home yet?" Xander asked.

"I'm going home now hehe I remember mommy wants me to be home early, so I'll leave you two now." said Rael while grinning. She simply nudged Miao. "It's your solo time with him now," she whispered.

"Sshhh.. he might hear you." Miao whispered.

"Haha bye bye Xan!" Rael waved at him.

"Bye, take care." said Xander.

Rael left them. She knows that Miao has been in love with Xander for a long time, and she noticed that Xander also likes her. Xander and Miao are childhood friends; Xander is very sweet and caring, so Miao really fell in love with him. He is also the reason why Miao rejected the guys who tried to court her. She's waiting for Xander.

"I'm sorry if I hadn't been with you at the mall."

"It's okay, hehe." said Miao.

It's good that Xander didn't come because what she did earlier was embarrassing.

"In that case, do you want us to eat first before going home? I know a newly opened restaurant." he asked.

"Sure, as long as it's your treat."

"Of course." he smiled. 

They stood up; Xander carried her bag. Every time Xander and Miao go home at the same time, Miao calls their driver to pick up her car at school. And Xander will be the one who will take her home.

They went to the restaurant that Xander was mentioned earlier; they had a good conversation. Miao almost died from happiness as Xander wiped her mouth with a tissue.

"Okay, mom, I'm coming home tonight. See you, I love you." Miao hid her phone.

"Are you not gonna stay at your condo tonight?" Xander opened the car door for her.

"Yup, I'm going home to our mansion; mom said they have something important to tell me." she said.




"What? Marriage?" Miao was surprised. She's now sitting on the couch, facing her parents.

"Yes, my dear," her mom said with a smile.

"No way, Mom!" she stood up. "I will never marry someone I don't know. Arranged marriage? We're in modern times now; we are not in a drama, so why do you have to do that?" she said.

"Calm down, Miao, listen to us first," said her dad.

Miao sat down again.

"You know, dear, our business is now facing bankruptcy," he said.

Miao was surprised again. "B-Bankrupt? But how? Our distributions are okay, right?"

XMM is known for its beauty products, and their products are very popular. However, new competitors have emerged and surpassed them. Most people already prefer their opponent's products.

"Our opponents are very strong; I don't know how they managed to snatch our buyers. Because of them, our sales suddenly dropped until the company went bankrupt," her dad explained.

Miao felt sad; she knew that her dad sacrificed blood and sweat just to grow their business.

"Then what does this have to do with marriage?" she asked.

Her dad quickly smiled broadly. "Do you know Gu Empire?"

Miao suddenly felt nervous. What the hell! Why Gu Empire?

"W-What's wrong with them?" she asked nervously.

"XMM has been under Gu Empire for a long time, and its founder is my best friend." her dad explained further.


"Gu Empire will lose too much money when they pay our company's compensation. So Napoleon Gu made a proposal." her dad continued.

"W-What proposal?" she gulped.

"They will buy XMM." he said.


"Yes, dear, they will buy XMM," her mom repeated.

"Then dad will be an employee under XMM and Gu Empire?" she asked again.

Her mom and dad looked at each other, then they smiled again.

Seriously, their smiles are scary.

"Actually, there's more," said her dad.

"There's more?"

They both nodded.

"To keep XMM still in our name, and I can still manage it, Mr. Gu asked me for a marriage."

Miao turned pale. "M-Marriage?"

Please, Lord, please tell me that it is not Vladimir Gu!!!

"He wants you to marry his son, Vladimir Gu," her dad said while smiling.

He wants you to marry his son, Vladimir Gu... He wants you to marry his son, Vladimir Gu... He wants you to marry his son, Vladimir Gu... It echoed in Miao's mind.

"NOOOOOO!!!!" she screamed.

This can't be! She can't marry Vladimir Gu!!!! Waaahhhh, Lord why????

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