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Chapter 3: HIs return

I skipped the little scene Alex had with Paul where he introduced him to Dream

Also I think it mentions in the show that time works differently in the Dreaming so we're gonna say that

100 years(Human world) = 1,000 years

I might stop doing Dream's POV only bc I feel like I'm not doing a good job sounding like his character


~75 years later(human years)~

No one's POV

"I could have asked you for wealth, or power like my father did, but all I wanted was to be free if you" Alex, who was now a old man, stared at dream while he stared silently back. "Surely you want that to", of course he wanted that, he wanted nothing more but to go home. How he longed to see his beloved Amaris, his kingdom and even Lucienne. Another older gentleman by the name of Paul came by pushing a wheelchair, "Alex, Darling, please sit" he pleaded with his husband.

Alex plopped down on his chair still sharing eye contact with Dream. Paul pushed the wheelchair away but stopped when he noticed the floor. The circle was broken, Paul glanced back at Dream whose eyes flickered from the floor to his. There was nothing Paul could do but pray that he didn't hurt him and his husband.

The moment they walked out Dream listened to the guards, one dreamed he were at the beach. Little did he know, he'd get his wish.. at a cost. The sun shine on the sand making it glow, the water crashed over each other almost overwhelming the sound of laughter. The relaxing fantasy soon turned into a grim nightmare when Dream invaded. He walked towards the guard, bent down while covering his..area and grabbed a handful of sand.

As he slowly stood something startled the guard enough to reach for his gun and shoot the nonexistent threat. In reality he was shooting at the glass sphere, Dream's eyes flinched with every shot clearly not accustomed to loud noises. As the sphere shattered with the final bullet, he felt his powers return and flow within him. He opened his palm and blew the sand at the still-shooting guards.

Within seconds they fell asleep, he was free, finally free!. Now to seek vengeance. He entered the mind of Alex Burgress, Alex navigated through the walls of his home as a young man again. Suddenly a black cat ran past him and up the stairs. "Well hello, where did you come from?" He asked, he followed the creature up the stairs and into a room with a black chair in the middle.

The cat hopped up, and sat down. In the blink of the eye the cat no longer existed, instead a figure. He stared at the darkness in fear as it glared back at him. Eyes glowing and full of anger and resentment. He began to back up "It's..It's you, you''re free", "I am." His voice low and rasp. It was the first time Alex ever heard him talk, first time in over a hundred years he's spoke.

A string gust of wind blew into the room from a window placed behind the chair, Dream stood and slowly walked towards him. "Do you have any idea what it was like?Confined in a cage for over a century?Do you understand the damage you have done to your world..and mine?", the celing now began to warp and change. Wind was blowing in every direction and lightning appeared out of nowhere. "I'm sorry I..I didn't know..please" Alex hit the wall not even realizing he was stepping backwards, Dream came closer towering over the frightened young man. "Your punishment, then, shall be a gift" he started to bend down, Alex, who was now a scared little boy, shook in pure fear. "I give you this.

The gift..of eternal..sleep" he blew sand in his face, Alex's eyes began to droop down and finally close..forever. In the waking world his husband and a nurse surrounded him frantically, begging him to wake up. Dream did not care, before he left he turned to the unconscious boy and said "You took my life, my freedom and worst of all my love from me, no you shall know it feels"

- Into the Dreaming -

Black sand blew constantly over the ground, soft and fluffy as it could be. Dream laid, weak and alone until another figure came running into view "Sir?,Sir?!". They turned over Dreams body so that he laid face up. "Oh my goodness, sir it's me, Lucienne" Lucienne smiled while holding out her hand, the king began to stir awake. He placed his hand in hers and weakly whispered "Lucienne". "You're home, my lord" she chuckled letting her eyes tear, "I am" he smiled.

She helped him up and brushed the San clinging to his clothes. They made their way over to the enormous gates, Dream placed his hand on the left one door. The gate slowly pushed back making a small entrance for him and his friend. Before they entered Lucienne spoke up "Forgive me, sir.. but the realm, the palace. They are not as you left them", it was a good thing she warned him because what he saw next practically stopped his heart.

The land that was once green and full of life was shriveled and dead. The sky was a constant raging storm, and his castle..his lovely castle was now falling in ruins. Dream stared in disbelief, "What happened here, who did this?". Lucienne put her hands in front of her "Sir, You are the dreaming, the dreaming is you. With you gone as long as you were the realm began to..decay..and crumble", he turned to face her "And the residents?the palace staff?My queen?".

She sighed finding it difficult to answer her master, "I'm afraid most have..gone". He raised his eyebrow "Gone?", "Most went looking for you" she stopped there. He stepped forward "and the others?", "They thought, perhaps you had grown..weary of your duties and.." she trailed off. "What?" He voice leaked of sad curiosity, she didn't have to answer for he knew what they thought. "That I abandoned, had they so little faith in me?Do my own subjects not know me?", Lucienne spoked her next words with great caution "If I may, sir, it wouldn't be the first time an Endless had just gone".

Dream glanced at the castle once more before whirling his head back to Lucienne, "Did she..leave?..did she too believe I had abandoned her" his heart clenched in fear of the answer he was going to receive. "Of course not, she's..still in the castle. As soon as she realized something was wrong she sent zeros and Jessmay but..they didn't return", he nodded and inhaled deeply. "And then?Why would they leave their queen when they loved her most?", Lucienne frowned "She tried to reassure them but soon..she stopped stepping outside the castle..they thought you both had abandoned us".

His brows furrowed "Why wouldn't she come out?Where is she?", Lucienne opened her mouth but then closed it. Dream tilited his head, a habit he had picked up from Amaris. "Lucienne," His tone stern and serious, "In the library" she sighed. He didn't waste a moment and bolted towards the castle.

No one has ever seen him run, and for someone who was in a cage for over a century he was surprisingly agile. The door was already falling apart so kicking it open wasn't a hard thing to do, channel boots tapped against the floor rapidly. Tap!








"My love!"



"Sir please wait!" Lucienne was right behind him. He stopped once he got to the library hall, the door stood at the end closed with a small pinkish light escaping the cracks. He could not understand why she didn't respond to his calls, did she not miss him the way he missed her?. "Sir wait there's something you should know" Lucienne hunched over with her hands griping her legs to catch her breath, he didn't wait he just ran. He doors swung open only to be blinded by a bright light. Floating in the middle of the room was a glowing pink orb. Lighting filled with her energy bounced in and out of the star-like wonder.

"What is that?" He asked his friend who just caught up, "That's..*huff, huff* ..her". He shook his head not believing her, "What is she doing?" He asked. "I told..*huff*..I told you, this land needed an energy source. She *I really need to run more* took on the role herself. Using all of her power and love for you and the kingdom to become a sort of battery" she explained, he gawked at the orb unable to find his words. "How..How long-" he swallowed "has she been in there?", "600 years" she answered while staring at the orb sadly.

He gasped, he hadn't thought about the time difference. He looked over at the desk closet to the edge and made his way to it. He used one foot on the chair to hoist himself on the desk. He held out his arm and slowly leaned towards the edge. His hand slipped into the light, after a few misses he felt something, her hand.

He reached out his other arm and felt something he assumed was her waist. It was surprisingly easy to pull her out of the orb, what he didn't expect was the orb to disappear and for gravity to take control again. Dream lossed his balance due to the unexpected weight and fell off the edge, "Sir!" Lucienne rushed to the railing and leaned over. Dream held on to the floor with one hand and in the other was Amaris still asleep.

"Hang in their your majesty!" She looked for something to lower down knowing she would not be able to lift the entity's, "Lucienne!Im slipping!" Dream called while trying his best to hold on. His fingers strength forsaken him and forced him to let go. "Sir!" Lucienne yelled, the library was infinite but there was still a bottom and soon they'd hit it. He held onto his beloved closely, "Amaris, now would be a really great time to wake up" he whispered in her ear.

Her eyes remained closed, "Please, I'm here!, I'll never leave you again, just please wake up!" He pleaded. Still nothing, he could now see the ground, he was too weak to teleport and she was unconscious. They won't die of course but their bodies will still take in the damage. "Im sorry..I..I love you" he hugged her tightly and threw his weight to the side so that his body was shielding hers.

He closed his eyes waiting for impact but it never came. Opening his eyes he gasped at the lovely sight. Amaris holding him while using her wings to carry them back up. "I love you too" she giggled, she held him close not wanting to drop him. It took all of her left over strength to get them to Lucienne, "My lady, your back" she greeted her with a hug. "I am. And so is our king" she grabbed his hand, he pulled her closer and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I shouldn't have left" he mumbled, she smiled weakly "It's alright, I'll always forgive..".

Dream waited for her to finish but was met with her falling into him. "I think you both could use a rest after being locked in a circle" Lucienne suggested, Dream nodded and placed his hand under her legs to pick her up. Before leaving he glanced over at Lucienne, "I will fix this first thing in the morning". She nodded and wished them a goodnight.

Dream laid next to his wife, holding her against him. He didn't sleep, he just watched her chest rise and fall and listened to her heartbeat. A noise he kissed so dearly, "I promise those who did this to us will pay"

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