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Chapter 2: Who are you?!

In the darkness, I felt suspended in a void that defied explanation. The transition from life to this enigmatic place was disorienting. My memories of the past life lingered, distant echoes in the dark abyss. Had I truly met my end?

  As I remained suspended in the void that separated life and whatever lay beyond, my thoughts drifted back to the person who had been my constant source of strength and love --my dear grandma. I couldn't help but worry about her. I had left her behind in the world I knew, a world that was often harsh and unforgiving.

  Suddenly, the very fabric of space and time seemed to tear apart before my bewildered eyes. A figure emerged from the rift, and he was astoundingly handsome, with striking blue eyes that sparkled like sapphires and fiery red hair that seemed to dance with an otherworldly flame. An aura of celestial radiance enveloped him, casting a heavenly glow that made me wonder if even the stars in the night sky would pale in comparison. 

As he stepped through the rift, it was as if the boundaries of reality themselves yielded to his presence. The laws of physics seemed to bow to his will, and the darkness around him quivered in reverence. His deep, enigmatic eyes held the secrets of countless worlds. 

"You must be wondering what's happening," he said, his voice gentle, almost melodic. "Let me clarify. You are no longer among the living. You've crossed into a liminal space, a transitional realm. But your journey is far from over."

  Confusion and apprehension swirled within me. " What!?" I stammered. "What's going on?" A faint, knowing smile touched his lips, a smile that seemed to hold both answers and mysteries. "You, my friend," he began, "are about to embark on an extraordinary journey. You're destined for rebirth in the world of Naruto."

  "Naruto?" I mumbled, the word a flicker of recognition in my hazy memory. It was a world of shinobi, of ninja clans, and powerful jutsus. But why was I being sent there? "Why?" I asked, my confusion deepening."What purpose does this serve?" 

The man leaned closer, his eyes shimmering with a hint of mischief. "I've grown weary," he confessed, his words imbued with a hint of amusement. "Weary of the endless praise showered upon the ninja, their tales of valor and heroism. It's time for a shift, a new perspective. And you, my friend, are destined to be a part of that change." 

A frown creased my brow as I tried to grasp the magnitude of his words. "But what's in it for me?" I inquired, my apprehension laid bare. "Why choose me for this?"

  His grin was infectious, a beacon of hope in the darkness. "You gain a chance to rise to prominence, and power " he declared, "to make an indelible mark and reshape the destiny of this world.You'll be reborn as a samurai, a class deserving of recognition, deserving of more than just a passing glance. It's your opportunity to challenge the established order, to emerge as a hero in your own right." 

"WHAT?" I sputtered, my voice tinged with disbelief. "You're telling me I'm going to be reborn in a world of ninjas and ninjutsu and not as a ninja but as a samurai?"

My incredulity seemed to echo through the void as if my very doubts challenged the reality of the situation. The celestial man's celestial aura dimmed momentarily, almost as if acknowledging the gravity of my reaction.

"Why should I ?" I demanded, my voice wavering between frustration and desperation. "Why should I go into this unfamiliar world just cuz you're bored? Can't I simply return to my own world?... although I appreciate the opportunity. What about my grandmother, the sole family I have left?"

The enigmatic man's gaze remained steadfast, his eyes holding a sense of purpose that only intensified my anger. "I understand your frustration," he said, "and I understand your longing for the life you've known. But a soul cannot return to the same world twice, and sometimes, life takes unexpected turns, and we must adapt. Your journey on Earth has ended..." 

My frustration lingered, but the celestial figure's words began to resonate with a deeper truth in me. I could change. A chance to live a dream and have power. 

"My grandma…" I muttered 

The man's blue eyes softened with understanding. "Your grandmother has passed on," he assured me gently, and I was shocked by the revelation. "She now rests in Elysium. Time flows differently in the world you left behind. It's been a decade since you departed. She embarked on her own journey, carrying your memory with her. Your love has remained a strong presence in her heart, even from afar."

As I contemplated his words, a mixture of emotions swirled within me—reluctance, uncertainty, and a glimmer of acceptance. The thought of leaving my past life and my dear grandma behind was still a bitter pill to swallow, The celestial figure extended a hand  "Embrace this new beginning," he encouraged. "Find your purpose in Naruto" I took a deep breath. Or it seemed that way as I was only a floating soul, my heart heavy with the weight of farewell. With a nod, I reached out and grasped the enigmatic man's hand, ready to step into the unknown.

  With my doubts gradually settling and a sense of purpose taking root, the handsome man continued to share the details of my forthcoming journey, and I found myself growing excited about the possibilities that lay ahead. 

"As you embark on this journey," the celestial figure explained, "you'll be granted two unique boosts to aid you on your path. The first is a reservoir of chakra greater than that of an average person. However, with this gift comes the responsibility of learning to control it. Chakra is the life force of this world, and mastering it will be essential for your growth." The prospect of having more chakra than a typical person was both thrilling and was an okay boost I guess then again- "However, you won't be able to use ninjutsus as a shinobi would,"

His words gave me pause. It was a revelation that tempered my initial excitement. While I had been granted a vast wellspring of chakra, I soon realized that I couldn't wield it for the flashy jutsus I had seen in Naruto. This was going to be more challenging than I had anticipated but I knew that harnessing such power would require dedication and training. "The second boost," he continued, his voice tinged with excitement, "is a special ability known as the Ope Ope no Mi. In the world of Naruto, it has been modified to fit seamlessly into the realm of shinobi. With this ability, you'll possess a unique set of skills that can alter the very fabric of reality. It's a gift that will set you apart and provide you with a valuable advantage." 

  My mind went blank "EH!!" I yelled

My heart raced with anticipation at the mere thought of wielding such an unimaginably formidable power. The Ope Ope no Mi, even in its modified form, was nothing short of a treasure beyond measure. Just imagining the limitless abilities I had seen in the anime filled me with an exhilarating sense of giddiness. This boost in power was nothing short of overpowered, and I couldn't help but feel an electrifying surge of excitement coursing through every fiber of my being.

"Hehe" I continued laughing like a little kid. " You have a remarkable spirit," he noted with a smile, "and a genuine love for the adventure that lies ahead. That's the attitude you'll need to overcome the challenges and make the most of your gifts. Embrace this newfound path, my friend, and let your laughter and excitement light the way."

  I felt a renewed sense of purpose and excitement. The anger and confusion that had initially consumed me were replaced by a determination to make the most of this extraordinary opportunity. "I'm ready," I declared, my voice filled with newfound resolve. 

As I basked in the excitement of the adventure that lay ahead, the celestial figure, still smiling, began to speak in a language I couldn't understand. His words were melodic and otherworldly, and for a brief moment, I watched in fascination, captivated by the celestial cadence of his speech. 

However, as he continued, a realization struck me like a lightning bolt. In my eagerness, in the whirlwind of emotions and laughter, I had forgotten to ask something crucial, something that gnawed at my curiosity. 

"Wait!" I called out, my voice laced with urgency. "I forgot to ask who you are—" But before I could finish my sentence, the handsome man's form began to shimmer and fade. His celestial aura dissipated like morning mist, and I gradually started to lost consciousness and then I was gone.

Celestial figure pov

'How can he forget to ask me who I was? Should I be worried about his trust issues? Trusting someone you don't even know,' I chuckled, though the thought niggled at the back of my mind. 

  As my laughter gradually subsided, my expression turned thoughtful. It was as if something had just occurred to me—a piece of information I had forgotten to share. "Ah," I exclaimed, my eyes widening in realization. "I forgot to mention. The world of Naruto he will be entering is a bit different from the one he knows…oh well." I couldn't help but shrug off the nagging doubts for the moment, choosing instead to focus on the intriguing journey that lay ahead. "Have fun!" I said with a grin on my face.

Meowyumm Meowyumm

As you can probably tell, I'm not yet a master at creating engaging dialogue between characters. It's one of the skills I'm determined to improve before I release my original novel, and writing fan fiction is proving to be a valuable practice ground. See you soon!

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