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Chapter 2: Transmigration

Darkness. A vast empty void extending endlessly into nothingness.

Then a pinprick of light ruptures the darkness. It rapidly expands, flooding Yoh's senses.

A kaleidoscope of images careens through his mind unfamiliar faces, foreign symbols, a sprawling city.

Yoh's eyes fluttered open to dim light filtering through grimy windows.

"What the hell?" he muttered, head throbbing. The last moments of his previous life flickered through his mind. The shootout.

Vinnie's smug face. Excruciating pain then...nothingness.

" I?" he murmurs groggily His voice sounded different, softer, younger.

His childlike voice startles him.

He jolted upright, frantically patting his body.

No freaking way! Yoh runs his hands along smooth, unbroken skin.

Impossible...could he have reincarnated?

Just hours ago he'd been ripped open by bullets, life bleeding out in some dingy alleyway.

He'd felt the excruciating pain of torn flesh and shattered bone.

But now there's not a scratch left behind.

Yoh gasped as a flood of memories suddenly rushed into his mind memories of another life belonging to this body.

He saw flashes of a modest Japanese home a boy living with his grandfather, laughing with friends at school, and proudly graduating grade school.

"Yoh...Edogawa," he murmured, testing out the name.

That was the name of the boy whose body he now inhabited.

Yoh ran his hands through his curly hair as he processed this.

While his old life had vanished, the memories and abilities still stuck with him.

The system broke things down: you do missions to earn points, build up your rep, and check your stats on the interface

Before he could fully comprehend his surroundings, an automated voice echoed in his mind:

[ Transmigration complete. Welcome, Yoh Edogawa. Initializing The Strongest Delinquent System...]

His eyes widened. A system? Like in those fantasy novels?

[ For optimal user experience, would you like a tutorial? ]

"Sure," Yoh answered cautiously, taking a deep breath.

The next few minutes were a whirlwind.

The system broke things down: you do missions to earn points, build up your rep, and check your stats on the interface.

[ You have received the Beginner's Gift Box to aid you on your journey to becoming the strongest delinquent. Open now? ]

"Yes, open Beginner's Gift Box," he responded.

The display fizzled away into little specks of light.

In its place materialized a nondescript brown package, hovering in midair.

It slowly drifted downward into Yoh's hands.

He weighed the package in his palms. Surprisingly solid and heavy for a virtual item.

Carefully, Yoh tore it open. Inside, nestled in crumpled packing paper, was a single blank card.

He flipped the card around, looking over the front and back.

Just then, letters etched themselves across the surface as if engraved by an invisible hand. Yoh's eyes widened as he read:

[ You have received the skill Basic Martial Arts Comprehension: This skill's gonna make it way easier for you pick up fighting techniques and get real good, real quick. ]

I can't hold back a devious grin this is just the kind of ridiculously unfair advantage I need to wipe the floor with anyone who gets in my way in this world.

I mutter, "Status." Immediately, a holographic display materializes with my information.

Name: Yoh Edogawa

Age: 11

Affiliation: None

Delinquent Points: 0

Money: ¥20,000


- Strength - 10

- Speed - 12

- Stamina - 8

- Agility - 15

- Intelligence - 16

- Charisma - 14


- Observation Lv. 1

- Basic Martial Arts Comprehension Lv. 1


- Infamous - 0%

- Feared - 0%

- Respected - 0%

- Adored - 0%

Known Techniques:

- None

Clenching my fist, I feel energy coursing within.

I will master this system and use it to rise to the top on my own terms.

I look around this grubby little room and think, man, what a dump! Just yesterday, I was living large in my slick Chicago penthouse, waking up to Egyptian cotton sheets, my 60" plasma screen, and my prized katana displayed on the back wall.

Now, I'm stuck in this roach infested hole with peeling walls and ragged furniture.

I wrinkle my nose at the musty stench.

And these scratchy sheets are practically sandpaper.

I run my hands over the lumpy, worn out mattress and scowl.

Grumbling curses under my breath, I haul myself out of the lumpy bed and walk over to the closet.

Sliding open the door, I'm greeted by a row of neatly hung cloths and school uniforms.

Ugh, is this what kids wear around here? I rifle through the clothes until I find a plain t-shirt and jeans.

After changing into them, I notice a small mirror hanging crookedly on the wall.

I slowly walk over to it, almost afraid of what I might see.

Peering into the mirror, I see the face of Yoh Edogawa staring back.

Large black eyes, tan skin, a birthmark that's shaped like a spider on the side of his neck, and unruly black curls atop my head.

"So this is me now, huh?" I mutter.

The ill fitting clothes hang loosely on my scrawny body.

Nothing like the sharp custom suits I'm used to.

Scowling at my reflection, I run a hand through my messy black curls.

It'll take some getting used to, but I know that with time this body will grow and strengthen.

Left with no clues about my purpose in this strange land, I have no choice but to slowly piece together an existence here, starting from nothing.

"I gotta get out of this dump," I mutter.

I headed to the front door and slipped on some sneakers, getting ready to head out.

After lacing up my sneakers, I take a deep breath and step outside, the morning sun momentarily blinding me as it spills over the horizon to herald the start of this strange new day.

As I step out onto the street. Blinking, I take in my surroundings.

Rows of houses and apartments, some shops and restaurants, and people milling about. Just an average neighborhood.

Elderly couples take leisurely strolls, children play on the sidewalks, and students in their school uniforms chat animatedly as they make their way home.

As I stepped onto the sidewalk, a gruff voice called out, "Mornin' Yoh! "

I turned to see an elderly man walking a bulldog - Yoh's paternal grandfather.

To a child's innocence, he had simply been a warm, doting guardian.

"Morning, Grandfather," I responded, wary of revealing my unfamiliarity.

The bulldog sniffed around my feet, evoking hazy memories of playing with it as a carefree child.

"You're up early today," he commented, eyes crinkling behind wire rimmed glasses. "Special plans?"

I shrugged nonchalantly, thinking fast. "Just...wandering around."

He raised an eyebrow but didn't pry further.

"Hey, what can you do, right? Kids just like to goof around." He said looking at Yoh

I averted his gaze.

"Well, don't wander too far," he finally said and left.

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I start walking aimlessly.

After wandering for a while, i stumbled upon a well maintained park.

A large wooden sign, slightly weathered by time, proudly announced its name: "Hinode Park."

As Yoh stepped into the park, a system notification popped up in his vision.

[Alert: major side Character detected in vicinity.]

Yoh furrowed his brows. "Who could it be?" he pondered silently, continuing his stroll.

LowkeySpider44 LowkeySpider44

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