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Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Formation

As my alarm goes off I rub my eyes and try to shake off the sleepiness in my body. I rise up from my bed and turn off my alarm. Today was important, very important. I brush my teeth and fix my hair a bit. I then grab my already-washed uniform and put it on swiftly.

As I headed out the door my father spoke to me.

"hey kid.."


"You seem a whole lot happier these days...something up?"

I look at the empty beer bottles resting on the small coffee table.

"Life Is just better I suppose."

"Well here throw these in the garbage on your way out."

He picks up the beer bottles and puts them in my arms, I roll my eyes and sigh heavily.


As I walk out the door I make sure to throw them away. I also shut the door after me and quickly ran to school.

Upon arriving I already had people giving me weird looks while whispering.

"Hey did you hear?...."

"no, what?"

"He hit 2 girls and even went after Lyla.."

"What Lyla? you mean the queen of our school?"

I ignore their bickering and head to my locker where I grab my belongings. I then head to class and find my desk vacant.

I sit down and get ready for the lesson.

'Riko isn't going to be here for a while but I know a way to find exactly where he lives.'

I look over to his lackeys that he usually rolls with, 2 guys and an extra one that apparently just came back from suspension.

'He looks unbothered, I guess those two haven't told him what I did to them and Riko.'

I stand up from my desk and walk over to the Calmly, they flinch and jump as I approach.

Their voices also quiver as they speak, "W-What?..." they said in unison.

"You two, no you three."

The two boys jump but the third looks unbothered, he clearly isn't scared and recognizes me.

"Oh, aren't you that nerd? What's up, man." 

He stands up to try to slap me on my head as always, but not this time. I grip his hand and look him in the eyes.

"Sit the fuck down."

He looks me in the eyes and slowly feels the fear seeping in. 

"O-Okay man..calm down."

'Shit..when did this bastard get so strong? those two also look scared, and those marks on their face...did he do that?'

He looks up at me after seeing the bruises and marks on the two boys faces. I then raise my hand and he flinches, but he starts to feel my hand patting him on the head.

"Now.. I have a job for you three.."

"What is it?...." one of them said.

"I need Riko's address." I smile while asking them.

"Why would w-we do that?"

I instantly turn to the third boy and he goes back silent.

"Can you guys do that for me?"



After school, I would follow the three boys to what seemed to be a pretty high-end neighbor, with no barking dogs or random drug addicts on the side of the roads. Just clean lawns and big houses.

The three of them went around the house and knocked on the backdoor. And opening it was none other than Riko. His face bruised and bandaged, he smiled as he saw his friends but that smile soon turned into a frown. His misery then came back and was started to freak out.


"Sorry man..but he would have kicked our asses if we didn't.."

Riko was panting frantically, on the verge of shutting the door in our faces. I then stepped up and walked to him.

"Riko... let's have a chat."

"W-What do you want?"

"Don't be like that we're bullied me and I bullied you...with my fist."

"So what?! you ruined my life!"


Everyone went silent and looked at me blankly.

Riko didn't know that I almost did something like that, he felt the guilt right after.

"...S-Sorry man...I didn't know actions made you almost do that.."

I looked at him and then looked away. "Well I'm past that, but I'm thinking of doing something. So do you wish to help's not a request it's an order by the way."

"Fine..." He responded.


He let us in his house and what met us was a large living area with a well-furnished interior.

We sat on the couches and I began to explain to them what I was thinking of doing.

"So. Everyone in this room right now from this point going forward will follow me and only me. You all will be under my wing and listen to my every order. Understand?"

They all jumped up and started to talk, "WHAT? YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"

"Oh, I can't? well, let's settle this with fists and see who"

They all sat back down and remained silent.

" you all understand?"

Every last one of them nodded even though they didn't want to.






I put my focus back on them, "Now that that's established let's do the other things. First, let's start out with names."

I look at the first guy signaling him to tell us his name.

"But everyone already-"

I quickly spoke up, "JUST TELL US."

"OKAY! OKAY!... My name is Julius."

"Good." I look to the next one.

"Oh my name is, Kane" He smiles a bit while introducing himself.


"Zen" The third and nonchalant one gives out a simple response.

"And lastly.."

Riko looks up and speaks his name.


I stand up and speak, "Good now that we all have the names of each other down...which was really for my sake only, but still now that that's done we need rules and a name for our little..."

I stop trying to think of what to call us. But with the system being called the 'Gang System' is clear what we were.

"A name for our little gang, everyone understands?"

They all nod in chorus. 


I smirk at how fast I'm progressing, I already have 4 members in my unnamed gang, and with my future plans to grow even larger, we could possibly rule this entire district in a couple of months.

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