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Chapter 178: do we know each other?

"Wait a minute, Sella..." Louise grabbed Sella's shoulder, who was walking several steps in front of her

 Sella turned to Louise. " What...?"

 "What do you mean by what? What's wrong with you?" Louise asked worriedly

 "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm fine."

 "Sella…" Louise's face became serious. "You suddenly started to speed up your steps and did not answer me when I called you."

 "This…" Sella became nervous, as if she had been caught doing something wrong

 "Is it about you feeling like you're being watched?"

 Sella did not speak and merely nodded

 Louise frowned, worry evident on her face

Louise reported this matter to Sylvia when she felt that Sella was uncomfortable recently

 Sylvia took advantage of her position to access the surveillance camera system and track the path that Sella and Louise took daily

 However, there was nothing suspicious

 The cameras did not capture anyone chasing them

 Dodging the cameras spread throughout the academy was incredibly difficult because no one knew the number and location of all the cameras except the dean of the academy.

 Sylvia only has access to a limited number of these cameras and needs Frederic's personal approval in order to access the recordings of more of them.

 Louise was convinced that this was pointless, if these cameras did not capture anything then most likely there was nothing really wrong

 But Sella did not relax at all, even after Louise's constant reassurances

 "Please, I just want to hug the bear for a minute."

 Louise and Sella heard a sad female voice

 The two turned towards the source of the sound to find three girls walking together, one of whom was hugging a cute teddy bear.

 While her friend was desperately trying to convince the girl holding the teddy bear to let her hug the teddy bear for a while

 "Hmph..." the girl sneered as she hugged the teddy bear tighter. "Not even in your dreams."

 The girl increased her speed as she tried to escape from her friend, who had not given up yet

 The third girl looked at them cheerfully, as if she were watching children fighting over a doll

 Louise took this opportunity to change the topic in order to draw Sella's attention to something else in order to get her out of her state, so she quickly asked. "I think I've seen a lot of people carrying dolls like this lately."

 Sella frowned as she stared at the teddy bear held by the girl who was gradually moving away from them. "This is the fifth time I have seen someone carrying such a doll in two days. Is someone giving out teddy bears for free?"

 Sella felt someone approaching behind her, so she quickly turned towards him

There was a young man with white hair and gray eyes wearing an academic uniform while carrying a large bag

 The young man smiled and waved towards them. " Hi..."

 "Alexander Ford..." Sella burned with anger as she saw her arch enemy

 "..." Alexander stared at her in surprise

 " do we know each other?." Alexander tilted his head to the side slightly

 Is he pretending not to know me to insult me?...Sella's beautiful face distorted and she felt anger growing inside her because the person she considered her enemy was pretending not to know her.

 But the problem is that Alexander doesn't really know her

 He's sure they met somewhere, but he doesn't remember where

 Through the years of going through countless adventures he has acquired many skills

 One of the most important skills that enabled him to survive for many years were the skills of storing and filtering information in his brain

 He was not a computer or had a memory that could accommodate an infinite amount of information

 But at the same time, he needs to memorize an unknown number of things, such as herbs, monsters, and even important areas and rituals in order to perform some necessary tasks.

 There was a lot to remember but little place to store it all

 That is why he gradually arrived at a certain mechanism that his brain was gradually programmed with, which is to memorize everything that is necessary, such as herbs and their effects. Instead, his brain will automatically get rid of any unimportant information, such as the names of people he met by chance.

 Why does he need to remember the name of a person he met by chance on the street?

In his view, this worthless information occupies precious space in his brain

 He would rather memorize the requirements of a ritual required to increase his power than memorize the name of someone he doesn't care about

 He initially thought that this girl did not have a close relationship with him

 There is no memory of this girl in Alexander's memory fragments, so he ruled out the possibility that they had known each other since childhood

 The only remaining possibility is that he met her once and they did not have much interaction

 This made him not worry about this matter too much

 But now it turns out that this girl has some kind of grudge towards him judging by her expression

 Well, I've offended a lot of students since I arrived here... Alexander frowned as he remembered that he had beaten up dozens of first-year students in his first days at the academy.

 Is she one of those students?

 Shhh, it was definitely epic... Alexander remembered how satisfying it was to hit those brats, but he realized that he had to start thinking of a way to please her.

Alexander scratched his hair shyly and apologized. "I'm sorry I hit you."

 Sella looked at him with a blank expression. "You don't really remember..."

 "Aren't you one of those students I hit at the beginning of the school year?"

 Sella stomped her foot hard on the ground and shouted. "I was the one who was on top of the ferris wheel when you blew it up."

 Alexander's eyes widened as he remembered this

 But she was just an enemy he met once and he didn't think their paths would cross again

 "So you are angry about this?" Alexander asked strangely

 "Of course I'm angry..."

 "But we were in a fighting competition, wouldn't it be normal for me to fight you?" Alexander defended himself

 Sella pointed to Alexander's nose. "You did not fight honorably. I can't believe they allowed you to use such powerful explosives in the competition."

 Alexander didn't even try to suppress his smile. "Well, winner takes all. All I did was use the resources I had at hand."

 His smile was provoking Sella, as if he was mocking her

 "Okay, don't be so angry..." Alexander raised his hands and tried to calm her down. "This competition has already ended, how about we start a new page. Here, take this..."

 Alexander took out a cute teddy bear and extended his hand to Sella

 Sella did not pick up the teddy bear, but asked suspiciously. "Are you the one who was handing out these dolls the whole time?"

 "One of my friends is in one of those activities that the academy forces us to do..." Alexander frowned as he tried to remember the exact name.

 "Social activities..." answered Louise, who was standing next to Sella

 "Exactly..." Alexander pointed at her to confirm her answer. "He didn't know what to do, so I suggested that we distribute free toys."

 "This is a ridiculous idea…" Sella responded forcefully

 "Sella…" Louise was troubled when she heard Sella's sharp words. "It is cruel to mock the efforts of others."

 Alexander did not show any discomfort and maintained his smile. "It may sound childish, but we want to help students who are constantly stressed out to relax a little or at least feel a little refreshed by seeing something nice."

 Or at least that's what Larry told me

 Louise looked at the teddy bear and put her hand on her cheek with a nice smile. "This is a really cute doll."

 She got a doll for her fifth birthday and this doll stayed with her for years and she used to hug it before going to sleep to feel comfortable

 But everything was gone after that disaster happened

A slight sadness appeared in Louise's eyes

 Alexander took out another teddy bear and gave it to Louise. "You can take this."

 Louise picked up the teddy bear. " Can I?."

 "You look like you need saving. Don't worry, this doll will save your day." Alexander winked at her

 Is he flirting with me or what?... Louise didn't know the reason for this last wink

 But she was really grateful to have this teddy bear

 In fact, she is grateful to the entire Ford family who stood by her when she needed help

 She still remembers how cruel she was to Alexander when she first met him

 She couldn't recognize who he was, otherwise she wouldn't have done this

 But it seems that Alexander is not offended or upset by this, and he behaves kindly towards her

 I have to apologize to him later... Louise didn't want to apologize to him in front of Sella because it was a bit embarrassing

 So she thought she should apologize to him when she was alone

 "Have a nice day." Alexander waved his hand and was about to leave

 When he was several steps away, Sella called out to him. " Stop..."

 Alexander's steps stopped and he turned to Sella. "Do you need anything?"

 "You didn't even ask my name." Sella narrowed her eyes

 "..." Alexander stared at her wordlessly

 "I am Sella from the Alonne tribe, remember that." Sella said proudly, then turned on her heels to leave

 Alexander nodded lightly and then began moving on his way

 The smile disappeared from his face and there was no emotion on his face

 The first step is finished

 Now he has to rely on Elena to complete the plan


 Sella examined the teddy bear carefully with eyes full of doubt

 " What now?." Louise asked

 "I don't know, I'm just not comfortable with this boy."

 "Oh come on..." Louise rolled her eyes at her friend's unjustified suspicions

 Louise took a deep breath. "You should stop thinking about this, we should focus on the practical test. You know the importance of this test—"

 "Okay, stop there..." Sella extended her hand to stop Louise. "This is the seventh time you have given me this lecture."

 "..." That's because you're not listening

 Sella looked around suspiciously

 " again?." She felt as if Sella's actions would drive her crazy

"No…" Sella knitted her eyebrows. "That feeling is gone."

 Louise let out a relieved breath. "Isn't this the best?"

 Sella averted her eyes. "Actually it makes me feel even worse."

 "..." You are the worst

 "Let's go to training." Sella moved quickly so that Louise would not throw a tantrum at her

 Louise shook her head and followed Sella silently

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