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Chapter 10: Camp Life

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Montauk Beach

King sat in his bed in the cabin and just waited for the arrival of Grover. He suddenly got an idea in his head. Leaving the house and going to the water's edge he threw a drachma and spoke," Lord Poseidon God of the sea if you can hear me, I wish for an Audience. " The water began to Ripple as someone started coming out of the water, he did not need the gamer abilities to know it was the person he called out for. "Harlequin Liones a pleasure as always however you are not requesting permission to travel or train in the waters so why do you seek me?" Poseidon asked. King gave a courtesy bow and spoke, "Well Milord I just want to let you know like I do with every god that your son is under my protection, and he will be making his way to camp soon. I will also be taking the boy's mother into the camp and was wondering if you would allow her permission into your cabin once he is claimed. Sally could be used against Percy especially now with everyone on edge my lord." Poseidon just looked at King with a shocked face before hardening. "Do well to protect my boy and his mother and I will reward you handsomely as long as it is rational." King nodded to him and then responded, "That would be appreciated sir. All I ask for is any levels of Runic Arts books you have in Atlantis. I believe it will help me free my friend. Also, I am a bit of a tinkerer I you have any metals you feel like your kingdom can spare." Poseidon just nodded and vanished back to the sea.

King made his way back to the cabin and saw Grover talking to Sally and Percy. "So it's time?" King asked. "Where have you been? You were supposed to be keeping an eye on him, it's coming!" Grover yelled. " I had to inform someone of our status. Also how many are there?" "One." King smirked. " Everyone into the car." Sally yelled as it started raining. " Keep the sunroof open I can be quicker to react and protect everyone. They all piled into the car King in the back under the hatch in the roof.

He had taken his Elucidator out of his Inventory and it rested next to him. They started taking off making it to camp then the lighting was about to strike. "Hang on!" King yelled he jumped into action and swung his sword "Full counter!" the lighting bolt seemed to double in size and fling back into the sky. "Keep going drive through the patch for all I care I will fix them later!" Sally nodded at King's advice and drove all the way up to the base of the tree line. "Go run to Chastiefol!" King yelled pointing to the tree. Grover took off leading Sally and Percy to the camp with King leading up the rear. "Is that the- "Pasiphae's Son" Sally finished. "Do not say its name. Names have power." King stopped as everyone kept running and then yelled real loud breaking a major Demigod rule. "Hey is that the Minotaur!" He readied his weapon as the bull man turned to face him. "Keep going to the camp. Sally Jackson, I, Harlequin Liones Allow you to enter the camp!" King shouted the enter phrase and they all kept running toward the border. The Minotaur charged, trying to hit King and grab at sally. "Perfect Cube!" He shouted as a purple cube grew around Sally protecting her from any harm as King rolled under the hit and the other two boys leaped to the sides.


Level 55

Hp 10,000/10,000

Mp 1,000/1,000

~Str 75

~Dex 60

~Vit 57

~Int 12

~Wis 10

~Luck 19]

King almost laughed at the Minotaur as he Brought up his Elucidator ready for the fight. The bull swung his fist at King which he ducked underneath and he sliced at the Bulls arm causing it to roar in pain.


The Bull then turned to hit Percy, someone who he thought was slower and easier to catch and his main objective. Before the blow could strike King pushed Percy out of the way and took the blow

[-500 Hp]

King looked surprised at how little the bull hit him and then noticed a notification.

[Title affects Active!]

Snapping out of his surprise, King rushed the bull and activated his skill. ~Vertical Square!~

[-1500 Mp]

Landing all the blows on his opponent the best could do nothing but vanish into golden dust. "That was anticlimactic, King said as he released the Cube and then the group walked into the camp borders. Before King could step into the borders he felt a sharp pain in his back.


He was shocked he turned around to see who dealt the blow.

[Stehno, Medusa Sister, 56]

[Euryale, Medusa Sister, 54]

"Grover get them to the Big house I'll meet you once I'm done and to all the gods do not let Annabeth come here!" King took his sword stance as Grover took away the Jackson running to Chiron and the Big House. "Well, Ladies what brings you here? Shouldn't you be in say San Francisco?" King asked. "We were informed that there were some powerful and inexperienced Half-Bloods out of your Blasted camp, so we came to get a free meal Boy." Stehno spoke. "Yes, so be a nice demigod and let us enjoy our meal!" Euryale yelled as she sliced at King again as he Parried the blow. "Troublesome women." King muttered as he jumped away from the pair he looked at their stats.


Level 56

Hp: 9,500/9,500

Mp: 5,000/5,000

~Str: 48

~Dex 57

~Vit: 53

~Int: 43

~Wis: 39

~Luck: 43]


Level 54

Hp 9,000/9,000

Mp 5,500/5,500

~Str 50

~Dex 60

~Vit 48

~Int 50

~Wis 46

~Luck 55]

King had eaten a Senzu bean to heal all the damage he was dealt facing Bull head. Shifting into a defensive stance two on one was always an issue no matter who you were especially when they worked together often. The Gorgons charged at King serving in a figure 8 like pattern trying to throw King off. King ducked under one blow and parried the other swinging his sword trying to cut either of them but like the true snakes they moved, and he missed the blows. King took out a Nemean Lion Fang Knife and reengaged the fight. The 3 people moved in blurs hitting each other back and Forth.

[Stehno- 7,436/9,500]

[Euryale- 8,732/9,000]

[King - 6,841/9,075]

King muttered and activated one of his skills. "Increased Tempo."


Vanishing in a blur, King appeared beside Euryale and sliced at her chest.

[Critical Hit! -6,500 Damage!]

King smirked at the notice one step closer to killing the sisters. King rolled out of the way of a tail slap from Euryale only to get clawed at by Stehno. Argh!! King yelled.

[-1500 Damage Poison Damage has been Afflicted! ]

~Damn it Poisoned! This is the worst type of Poison in the world. Damn it burns like Hades.~ King thought as he rummaged through his pockets looking for a Senzu but was confused when he did not see any. "It looks like I have to finish this quickly." He muttered looking at the sisters. King charged full speed at the sisters holding nothing back. He swung Elucidator at Euryale making her poof into dust and this other hand was in motion as he swung at Stehno. Something happened that the Gorgon did not expect a silver cylinder to be in King's hand. "What is that supposed to do boy!" She hissed as she brought down her claw to kill King. He channeled Energy into the Cylinder and the Thunder God Sword came to life taking the other sister's life. King put away The Thunder God Sword and used the Elucidator as a crutch and made his way into the border. He heard a call as King made his way down the Hill. "King!" The last thing that he saw before passing out was a group of people heading his way. King fainted from the poisoning.

King's Dreamscape

King woke in a dark room "Hey Deja Vu." He muttered looking around. "So, the Thread Nicker won the bet huh?" He turned and saw the Fates standing there. "Why hello Ladies looks like I did win the bet." King said. "Yes, in fact you were very impressed to survive the Gorgons poison after a fight with the Minotaur. You almost lost you should really fix the holes in your pockets." The Fates spoke one after another. King laughed, "So a literal nick in a thread in my pants caused me to lose my trump card huh." King was rolling around on the floor at what happened to him. "At least I lived!" King said noticing the Fates were chuckling a little at the boy. "Yes, you did though we will admit that it was a twist in fate that it happened as well. Like we agreed your spoils will be there when you wake up. Be careful with the Threads boy as of now you control more than just your life." Second spoke. "Also try not to get choked by the daughter of Athena It would be a terrible way for someone like yourself to Die." King paled at the implications. "You know maybe I can stay here and hang out for a while get to know my three favorite mythological and all-powerful beings." The fates just laughed at the boy as they vanished from the Dreamscape.

CHB Infirmity

King woke up very sore. "You know you should just move all your stuff here you always seem to get hurt." King turned and saw Emma his sister from the cabin. "Yeah, but that would be a drag." King said closing his eyes and folding his arms above his head slowly. "You are so lazy I am surprised it has not got you or someone else killed." Emma spoke. King shrugged. "Oh, really so that's how it's going to be. That is, it I'm getting Annie or maybe I should Iris Message Zoe I'm sure one of them could get you motivated out of this bed." Emma said smirking she thought she got the best of her brother. "Yeah, motivation by getting choked or by getting arrows shot at me. That would make this an unhealthy healing zone." King said then he got rolled out of his bed. "Okay I am up what now?" King said, sitting on the floor. "Now you get up and face the music and try not to get killed." King shook his head as he stood up, he grabbed Elucidator from the bed post and used it as a walking stick again. "Okay time to face the Music." King said, walking out of the Cabin.

"King, I am glad you're okay man. Those three monsters were no joke." Grover said. Trotting up to King. "How's the Jacksons?" King asked. "They are fine. they moved into Hermes Cabin with no issues besides overcrowding of course." King's eye twitched at the mention of the crowding issue he had tried to take care of that but the gods did not budge when it came to making the non-Olympian gods a cabin. However, he did get all of the unclaimed claimed at least so it was the set in the right direction. "That is good. Chiron knows what happened?" Grover nodded. "Yeah he was surprised the sisters were here and attacked, he also wants you to start working on the strawberry field to replant." King nodded and walked away from Grover.

He made his way to the edge of the patch where he saw Katie Gardener getting picked on by the Stolls twins while Annabeth and Percy tried to defend her. King walked up and spoke as the two sides were still arguing. "Stoll twins you're not picking on my Sister again are you?" He spoke in a low tone but got everyone's attention which caused different reactions, fear, happiness and relief. "No of course not King we were just leaving. Right? Brother?" The twins started nodding and then ran away from Katie and the rest of the group. Katie walked up and hugged King. "Thanks Brother!" He patted her head and then said, "No problems Katie remember anyone who picks on you picks on all of us family sticks together." Katie Nodded happily and walked away.

King turned to speak to Annabeth and Percy only to see himself be held at knife point. "What were you thinking! You should have gotten him here as soon as not almost get killed by the Gorgon sister poison!" It's nice to see you too wise girl." Annabeth looked at him with a fire in her eyes. "I swear you're going to get yourself killed one of these days!" King shrugged and then replied, "If it happens it happens, I know the fates wouldn't mind me dying but they did tell me not to go out by choking me. I think they find me entertaining but then again, I really am." King said relaxed. "You saw the fates again!" "Yeah, they were going to snip Sally's thread the other say but I stopped them saying I was going to prevent it, so they didn't snip it and we made a bet which I won!" King said proudly only to get slapped by Annabeth and a stern look from Percy.

"Anyways capture the flag this Friday, right?" Percy asked. "Yeah, it should be fun," King said. "Well, well looks like we got a newbie! Heard you ran while King here took on the sisters and the bull by himself makes sense you do look weak after all." The campers of Cabin 5 walked up to the group lead by Clarisse. "Hey warhead." King said, waving to her. She blushed out of embarrassment at the nickname and scowled briefly glaring at King. "So, what's your name Newbie?" "Percy" "Well Prissy let me give you the welcome to camp ritual." She smirked as she tried to dunk Percy's head in the toilet. Like in the books the toilet exploded making everyone soaked but Percy. Using his Solar Manipulation King dried himself off. "Well King of the Toilets have spoken." King said laughing. "You are so dead-on Friday Prissy!" Clarisse said storming off with her brothers.

"King, a little help?" King turned and saw a wet Annabeth. He placed his hand on her forehead and warmed her with his solar manipulation like he did for himself. "Okay go get changed. Also, before you go how is Kyria?" King asked, referring to his owl. "She is good I'll send her back your way tonight." Annabeth said as she walked away not before asking Percy to be on her Capture the Flag team. King made his way to his actual camp bunk, and it was flooded with pink get well soon cards from the Aphrodite Campers. Also a small stack of books came with a note, " Thanks- P" The note a rune implanted into the bottom of it. After looking at it he knew it was a storage seal rune. He tucked the books away and cleaned up the mess called his bunk. He laid down and Opened his Status shooing away the notification about the Poisoning and battle he got down to the notification about his quest.

[Quest Complete! A deal with the Fates!

Rewards: Life strings of Zoe Nightshade and Bianca DeAngelo, Horns of the Minotaur, Blood Vials of the Gorgons, Players Choice of 1 skill book from item shop at reduced price!]

King nodded at the rewards and had put everything into the inventory. He realized he did not get the strings yet from the fates. But the worry vanished when a flash filled his vision and two strings one green and silver the other black and white. "Do not lose these or the girl will suffer a fate worse than death." He heard the voice of one of the fates in his head. He took the string carefully and noticed there were nicks in the threads. ~Probably where they were supposed to die but that stopped since I have the strings now.~ King thought. He took a moment and set up a prayer. ~Lady Fates even though I have their strings you all are still the fates when it is their rightful time please do your jobs I do not want to throw the world into Chaos.~ The threads seemed to shimmer at his prayers and like magic the knicks were gone like they were never there in the first place.

The next few days were interesting for King; he got to watch as Percy was taken through the ropes of being a demigod. It was Thursday and time for sword sparring. "Oh look what the cat dragged in." King heard as he turned to face Luke. King smiled a little at his friend in the years he had not changed from the books still looking the exact same scar and all. King was out of the camp when Luke got the quest for the Golden Apple so he could not prevent the seeds of doubt had already been planted; he knew he would have to face Luke one day in battle. "Hey Luke good to see you how's the sword lessons any good ones?" King greeted his friend. "Yeah they are all okay but still not as good as me." Luke smirked he was still labeled the best swordsman at camp, that's mainly because King did not participate in the class spares or any ranking fights to be the best. King chuckled. "Yeah you are the best." King said. He looked over and noticed Percy getting ready for the session. He just stood there watching as King went through his nice guy routine showing Percy some moves. King left the training grounds once he saw Percy disarm Luke.

King made his way through the camp and found his way to hearth. "Hey King." King looked and saw Hestia. "Hi Hestia how's it going?" She sat next to King over the years. King noticed she adjusted her appearance to fit his age to make it more comfortable for them to talk. The pair became the best of friends overtime thanks to him being able to actually see her. "It would have been better if I didn't have to hear that you were attacked by the Gorgon Sisters and the Minotaur! What were you thinking! You should have just got back to camp as soon as possible!" King just sighed he hated when she got all worked up it usually ended with him dodging intense flames or some bumps on his head from getting hit. "If I had just left those monsters there what would have happened to the next kids that came to camp I doubt any of them could take on those odds." King explained and sure enough he got a slap on the back of his head. "Ow" "You could have gotten back up from the Apollo and Ares Campers so you didn't almost die!" She said smacking him again. "Troublesome Goddess. I was there and I knew I could deal with them also I made a deal with the sisters about keeping Sally Jackson alive so I needed to deal with them." Hestia looked at King shocked. "You saw the Fates! What in Chaos name where you thinking making a deal with them!" She said with fire in her eyes. "They we're going to snip her thread so I made a deal with them they didn't snip the thread until the moment it happened if I kept her safe they gave me two string for people I know will die or rather supposed to die in the years to come." Hestia just stared. "What if she would have gotten taken away." "I would have became their worker making sure I didn't nick any threads and that the fate they have seen stays intact." King found himself ducking under a fireball from Hestia. "You stupid lazy stubborn idiot! What if you would have lost the bet then! What about all you friends and your father! I do not care if you saw 2 people dying! I'll kill you myself if you do something to stupid again!"

King just nodded stupidly at the Goddess as she held him by the collar of his shirt. "I'm sorry Hestia, I didn't mean to worry you." He spoke as he wrapped her into a hug. "I will try to be more careful." Hestia nodded with her head in his chest. "How's things on Olympus? I take it that they are bad especially if I'm getting lighting bolts flung at me." Hestia looked up at King like a small child. "My brother was very surprised to see that you could send his power back at him; he was also very mad that Perseus made it to the camp. He still thinks the boy took his weapon." King shook his head. "Percy does not have the weapon; his first exposure to the Demigod world was when Alecto attacked him. If he had it I would know." King told her. He stood up and spoke again, "Well I best find Clarisse before she tears down camp looking for me so we can plan out Capture the flag." Hestia hugged him one last time and said, "Something big is coming, King just be careful." King nodded and then walked away leaving the Goddess of The Hearth alone.

King found Clarisse outside the Demeter cabin looking for him. "There you come on we need to plan! I need to get revenge on Prissy!" King just shook his head. "Thinking with that rage will only make you lose. Annie will know you want revenge and use it against us." Clarisse paid King no mind and just kept ranting. "Fine, do what you want. I'll take on Luke, he's the only one that can really get past all of us. Once Luke is taken care of I'll grab the flag." Clarisse just waved him off. After a few hours of planning they figured out what they were going to do. Friday evening came around and we could find King laying on a thick tree branch waiting for the start of the games. "Hey get down here." King opened up his eyes and looked down to see Annabeth. "What's up I thought you would have left me alone you know one less factor that you would have to add in when making your plan." Annabeth just rolled her eyes, "Whatever we will win! Even with you on the other team." King jumped down from the branch and walked up to Annabeth. "Good luck wise girl, maybe you'll actually win this time." He said, smirking. King walked away and looked at Luke. "See ya soon bud I can't wait for our spar." King said as he ventured into the forest more.

He made his way to where the flag was. "Are you gonna help us put up defenses or not?" Clarisse asked. King sighed and then slammed his hands on the ground forming wooden walls around the flag. "Looks like we are ready to have some of my siblings put thorns around the walls so people have to try something else." Nodding Clarisse went and gave the orders. A few minutes later the horn went off signaling the start of the games. King sat on the wall waiting for a fight. Most people turned away when they saw King on the wall twirling a knife. King just shooed them away, not interested in fighting them. Luke finally came out of the bushes where King was. "About time you got here. I was getting bored." King said, pulling out The Sword of the Thunder God. Luke readied his weapon to fight King. "First to yield?" Luke asked. King nodded.

At low speeds they charged at each other clashing blades. Both boys were masters in their own rights when it came to swordsmanship trading and exchanging blows; they each kept landing cuts. They pushed each other away. "Let's step it up shall we." Luke moved faster trying to cut King on his legs to limit his movements. King kept dodging and parrying the blows. He then decided to activate his sword; it now had lighting arching around it. "Interesting piece you have there." "Yeah I made if for Thaila once I get her out of that Barrier." Luke growled and then yelled. "There is not getting her out because of the Gods we lost our friend how many times do we have to talk about this!" As he started swinging his sword more feral like. King kept ducking and dodging. "I will free my friend just because you have given up on her does not mean that I have." King took the offensive and sliced Luke in the legs. Got the notification about Paralysis of the blade had activated rendering the boy useless. "Looks like I win again Luke." King said as he used his wood manipulation to bind Luke, keeping him out of the games. Luke sat there with a scowl on his face and just accepted his fate. King took off running at his top speed only appearing as a blur to everyone else on the field he kept going avoiding conflict and grabbing the flag. On his way back to cross the creek he felt Percy's magical power rise and he paid no mind knowing what was going on. Moving through the forest he had crossed the River and the banner transformed into the symbol for Demeter cabin, a smile sat on King's face and waved the flag in celebration.

Chiron and King made their way to Annabeth tell Percy to step out of the water. King heard the growling of the Hellhound. "Chiron breach!" King yelled as he pulled out the Elucidator charging at the hellhound and for the first time in forever all of the camp saw a glimpse of King's power. ~Burning Sun Slash!~ His blade glowed bright yellow as he destroyed the hellhound with no issues. "A hellhound in the camp!" "Someone summoned it based on its path; its purpose was to kill Percy. Someone gets Seaweed head into the water it will wake him up and make him better." King ordered Annabeth took Percy and place him into the lake. Once in the lake Percy started to glow. "Chiron, try to keep your jaw up right now." King said, watching the scene. "All hail Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon!" Chiron announced as the trident appeared over Percy's head. "Well Mrs. J did say loving his father was like loving the sea." King chuckled as he watched the scene. King walked off and found Sally on the edge of the crowd. "Sally, soon Percy will get a quest about Zeus' Master bolt being stolen. I need you to stay in the camp when he goes. If you are out of the camp gods will try to kidnap you trying to get the Bolt for their own use." King explained. "I understand Harlequin. Please keep my son safe." She asked King. He nodded and walked away. Heading to his cabin for the night.


Okay that's it for this Chapter! Let me know what you think about it! The next chapter will be the Prophecy and beginning of the quest!

Let me know if you have any suggestions. I decided that just one Minotaur Vs King would be short so I added in some more fighting which will make the Medusa Scene better .

Might start up another book soon ill put a poll on my patreon so if you want to influence the choice join so you can vote!

JustTiller JustTiller

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