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Chapter 285: Chapter 285: Public Apology

When word got out that Martin was preparing for a press conference, Heath Ledger and CAA had no choice but to accept Martin's conditions.

A formal apology was issued through the media, and both Martin and Aniston received $200,000 each in compensation for emotional distress.

Heath Ledger was released on bail after posting bond.

On the day this news broke, the three film crews working at Brooklyn Studio gathered in front of the office building.

Will Smith, who had recently arrived in New York, remarked to producer David Heyman, "I didn't expect to find such a show just as I arrived."

Heyman crossed his arms, eyeing the brown-haired man walking in the distance, and commented, "Heath Ledger used drugs and almost harmed Martin and Aniston. It's become widely known in the industry. Using drugs is one thing, but causing disruptions on set... I wouldn't hire an actor like that."

Concerned about his own production, Will Smith added, "I won't have him on my set either." The surrounding media reporters eagerly captured the conversation.

Christian Bale, who had a good rapport with Heath Ledger on set, couldn't help shaking his head. "They have already received compensation, and you've privately received an apology. This is going a bit too far."

Cate Blanchett, a member of the Australian crew, turned to Martin and Aniston, who were exiting the office building, and exclaimed, "This is excessive!"

Heath Ledger's agent, Kevin Howard, stood at a distance, appearing quite uneasy.

This incident had significant repercussions.

Shams had a relatively positive outlook. "Brokeback Mountain" was already a hot topic, and the impact wasn't too severe. At most, he would miss out on an Olympic nomination for Best Actor.

Promotions and marketing for the upcoming film would simply downplay Heath Ledger's involvement.

Heath Ledger himself remained calm. Accompanied by Michelle Williams, he approached Martin and Aniston.

Dozens of cameras pointed at them.

Heath Ledger offered a bow, saying, "I apologize for my actions that day. It may be late, and I can't undo the harm I caused you, but I sincerely apologize. It's all my fault."

After scrutinizing him, Martin noted that the man was around 6 feet tall with a sturdy build, displaying no signs of instability.

Aniston nodded slightly, saying, "I accept your apology."

Martin added, "I also accept your apology."

Heath Ledger expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you."

Michelle Williams gently pulled him away, and Heath Ledger offered an apologetic smile before following his fiancée.

Martin glanced at the media reporters, who were restrained by studio security, and suggested, "Let's go as well."

Aniston followed Martin as they left the scene.

The media reporters dispersed to report the story.

Meanwhile, Michelle Williams cautioned Heath Ledger, "For the sake of your daughter, you should quit."

Heath Ledger assured her numerous times, "I will definitely quit this time."

"Don't let something like this happen again," Michelle Williams implored, feeling exhausted.

Upon returning to the studio, Martin entered his makeup trailer and resumed work for the day.

Before the makeup artist began, Bruce reminded Martin, "I recorded the relevant video that day with my phone."

Martin waved his hand, saying, "Keep it. It might come in handy in the future."

Bruce agreed, "I'll save it for later. Alright."

After getting his makeup done and entering the studio, Martin put aside all the chaos and concentrated on his work.

That day, Thomas spoke to the media on Martin's behalf, providing a detailed account of the incident.

More media outlets followed up with reports, and Heath Ledger published an apology statement in the Los Angeles Times.

A few days later, at the Academy Awards nominees luncheon, the new Oscar nominees were announced, and Heath Ledger's name was notably absent from the Best Actor category.

The incident of drug use while working on a film set that nearly resulted in harm to colleagues had left a negative mark.

Such incidents required careful handling and were closely tied to every actor's reputation.

In a room at the Four Seasons Hotel, Kevin Howard watched his girlfriend Betty packing his bags without any immediate intention to leave.

Betty asked, "Should I book a flight for today?"

Kevin shook his head repeatedly, saying, "There's no need to rush."

Betty, also a professional in the entertainment industry, advised, "Heath Ledger is in such a situation. You can't stay in New York. It won't help. We'll figure something out closer to the release of his film. Audiences have short memories. As long as there are enough positive reviews, these negative effects will fade."

"I want to see Martin Davis."

Since joining CAA, Kevin had enjoyed a smooth career trajectory, exerting significant influence over the star's decisions. But at this moment, he felt perplexed, stating, "I need to talk to him."

Betty tried to persuade him, "It might not be necessary."

Kevin's phone received a text message, prompting him to stand up and exit the room. "I'm heading out."

Betty warned once more, "Don't get into a confrontation with him. He has a habit of fighting back and framing it as self-defense."

Kevin wasn't foolish. He had started from the bottom, and he waved her off, leaving the room and going down to the hotel's business floor. There, he spotted Martin playing billiards with his agent in front of the business reception area.

Thomas leaned against the bar and inquired, "Are you certain?"

Martin sank the red ball into the bottom pocket and gestured toward the reception room. "Jen and Steve are finalizing the terms with Ari. I can officially inform CAA."

As Kevin approached, Thomas greeted him, "I thought you were back in Los Angeles."

Martin stood up after potting the black ball.

Kevin glanced at Martin and said, "We could have been friends."

Martin, preferring brevity, shifted his gaze to Thomas.

Thomas, conscious of the situation, rushed ahead of Martin, seizing the moral high ground. "Is this how CAA operates? Ignoring right and wrong? Are you playing hardball? Michael Ovis was no different back then."

Kevin replied coldly, "You lack the qualifications..."

"He's unqualified, am I?" Ari's voice came from behind Kevin. "Can Ari Emanuel not speak directly to senior partners at CAA?"

Kevin couldn't hide his surprise. "Why are you here?"

In this moment, Ali had to stand up for his clients. "If I hadn't come, were you planning to keep accusing Martin? Do you think this is a decade ago, when your CAA family reigned supreme? If you want to start a war, WMA is ready to go!"

Martin didn't need to say a word; the agency stood by his side.

Kevin ignored Ali and simply stared at his retreating back.

Aniston and Steve emerged from the background.

Kevin had a sinking feeling.

Steve turned to Aniston, who nodded slightly.

"I was planning to call and inform you, but Kevin is here, so I'll tell you first," Steve announced proudly. "Jen and I have initiated the termination process. I'll fly back to Los Angeles today to handle the necessary termination matters."

Kevin immediately turned to Ali. "Are you planning to join WMA?"

Aniston then greeted Martin, "Let's go out for a celebratory dinner."

Martin set down the cue and left with Aniston.

Ari invited Steve, "Let's take my private jet back to Los Angeles."

Thomas, taking the initiative, rushed over. "And me, I also want to return to Los Angeles too."

Ari chuckled, "Hurry up and pack your bags. We won't wait if you're late."

The three agents almost simultaneously walked towards the elevator.

Kevin couldn't contain himself and swiftly dialed Brian Lord, shaking up the CAA headquarters.

This time, it wasn't Halle Berry being poached; it was Jennifer Aniston!

They had been linked for over a decade. Only in their separation did they realize how much they meant to each other, even if there had been moments of boredom.

Now, the loss had made them appreciate each other's value.

In the restaurant, Aniston ordered a bottle of champagne and asked the waiter to pour it.

"I don't know why, but I feel relieved and a bit disappointed," Aniston said as she lifted her glass. "But it's worth celebrating!"

Martin clinked his glass with hers. "Cheers, Jen!"

They both drank and laughed.

Aniston took out her phone and switched it off. "I hope that many years from now, we can still sit together and share a drink."

Her attitude had shifted since the time of her divorce from sadness and anger to her present state of relaxation and joy. Women in their thirties had become more pragmatic, attaching less importance to love and marriage and enjoying life more.

She was wealthy, famous, and powerful. Why would she tie herself down with marriage again?

Aren't strong, dominant men enticing?

Especially the one in front of her, who was warm when needed, assertive when required, and resolute when the situation called for it.

Martin understood her sentiment and responded, "I hope it remains the same for many years to come."

After dinner, they held hands and returned to their room.

For Martin, this was the bonus of being Rachel and the allure of a wealthy woman.

Who wouldn't appreciate a wealthy woman like Aniston, who possessed beauty, an attractive figure, and poise?


Long Island, New York, an affluent residential area.

A three-person reporting team from the "News of the World" drove a maintenance vehicle from a communications company and parked outside a gated community.

Lukaku, behind the wheel, reminded Hazard and Courtois, "Hurry up and change into your outfits. I've learned that Harvey Weinstein often invites directors and actors to Villa 21 here to discuss scripts and roles."

Hazard changed into his attire, checked their equipment, and remarked, "Being a reporter demands proficiency in communication technology. I must be quite gifted!"

Courtois, feeling a hint of envy, added, "Your salary is also the highest among us!"

Azar switched on the rooftop lights and examined the community's telephone line diagram. After a brief inspection, he stepped out of the vehicle and compared the diagram with the actual setup. He then pointed southeast, saying, "Let's head there; the signal switch closest to Villa No. 21 is located there."

Once they were in the car, Lukaku mused, "Have we invented a new breed of reporter?"

Courtois inquired, "Undercover reporter?"

"Get out of here!" Azar chuckled, thinking he might sound too harsh. "Don't talk nonsense. The newspaper has dealt with bigger issues, and the UK didn't give us any trouble."

As they approached the switchboard, Lukaku suggested, "Phone tapping alone may not be very effective. Should we think of something else?"

Just then, a mother and daughter passed by their maintenance truck. The young girl held a cute stuffed toy.

Courtois proposed an idea, "How about this: when the villa is occupied, we pretend to be merchants and hold a plush toy giveaway event? I recall the company provided a hidden camera device with toy-like eyes that act as cameras."

"That's a clever idea."

With no one around, the three of them got to work efficiently, their skills belying their status as reporters.

Journalists at "News of the World" had to be versatile.

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A neighbor from my childhood, who lived diagonally across the street, has been diagnosed with acute leukemia. She suddenly developed a fever the morning before yesterday and went to the hospital, where leukemia was discovered. Only a day later, she became seriously ill twice yesterday. Her condition is not looking very good, and things may be complicated in the coming days. Please understand if the update schedule becomes irregular.

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