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Chapter 731: Chapter 731: I have never hated a person so much.

As the golf cart cruised across the pristine green expanse, Nicholson shook his head, his disappointment evident. "Seems Megan Ellison's debut film didn't quite hit the mark."

Martin, with a wry grin, chimed in, "Your Depp strategy seems to have paid off, though."

Adjusting his ball cap, Martin leaned back, "Truth be told, I didn't need to lift a finger. Depp pretty much dug his own grave."

Leonardo, tapping his temple, sighed deeply, "His battle with substance abuse has been a downward spiral for over two decades."

Reflecting on the past, he added, "Remember when both Depp and Keanu Reeves witnessed River Phoenix's tragic demise due to drugs? Surprisingly, Depp didn't seem to learn from that."

Martin shrugged nonchalantly, "Maybe Depp tried to turn things around but missed the mark."

Nicholson interjected suddenly, "Do you think Depp will pull off a grand comeback that the media and fans adore?"

With a scoff, Leonardo replied, "Highly unlikely. The odds of Martin and me tying the knot are probably higher."

Martin, taken aback by the mention of marriage, hastily redirected the conversation, "Let's focus. I read this morning that Depp's struggles with alcohol and drugs are being hailed as heroic. Can you believe that?"

Leonardo almost choked on his water, suppressing a laugh, "So, according to that logic, I'm a fighter too because I indulge in vices and show up late?"

Nicholson and Martin burst into laughter.

Parking the cart near the hole, Nicholson inquired, "Wasn't Megan Ellison's film funded independently?"

Martin nodded knowingly, "Annapurna Pictures, backed by Megan Ellison, initiated those three projects. They were her first foray into independent productions. Most of the funding came from her own pocket."

Leonardo grasped the situation, "So, the bulk of the losses from the failed film fell on Megan Ellison's shoulders."

Martin elaborated, "Rumor has it, she poured millions into Hollywood, but those three projects drained her reserves. She even leveraged her personal trust fund to secure loans for 'The Lone Ranger.'"

Nicholson shook his head, "To lose it all on a failed project. That's gotta sting. Almost makes me want to stir up some trouble."

As Leonardo hopped out of the cart, club in hand, he remarked, "Depp's right in the thick of it. What a mess."

With purpose, Martin approached the ball holder, ready to tee off, while the caddy stood by, awaiting his swing.

With a powerful swing, Martin sent the ball soaring across the green, only to watch it plummet into the bunker.

Nicholson sighed, eyeing the errant ball, "Looks like your game hasn't improved much."

Martin shrugged, offering a nonchalant excuse, "Can't expect much when you don't practice enough."

Among the trio, Nicholson boasted the best golf skills, while Martin and Leonardo struggled to keep up.

Their outing at the Los Angeles Country Club was more about camaraderie than serious competition, especially for Martin, who couldn't convince his friends to join him for target practice or a friendly spar at the Angel Club. Leonardo often cited Nicholson's age, a reminder that the seasoned actor, born in 1937, was nearing 75, though many of his peers like Ridley Scott and Clint Eastwood remained active in Hollywood.

Over lunch, Nicholson glanced at a newspaper and grimaced, "First day box office for 'Transcendental' is a measly $710,000."

Leonardo, with his industry insights, grimly predicted, "With distribution costs factored in, Annapurna Pictures won't be seeing much return. They're looking at over $100 million in losses."

Martin raised his glass, a smirk playing on his lips, "Well, here's to some good news."

With a clink of glasses, they toasted to the silver lining in their otherwise bleak day.

After lunch, Martin bid his friends farewell, heading off alone to the set of "La La Land" for an afternoon of piano practice.


Meanwhile, in the President's Office of Annapurna Pictures...

Megan Ellison sat motionless, her mind consumed by the morning's events.

The monumental success of "The Hurt Locker" had fueled her belief that investing in and producing a hit film was a straightforward endeavor.

But the dismal North American box office numbers for her latest independent venture shattered that illusion.

Reality hit hard as Megan realized the disastrous failure of her first truly solo project. The weight of disappointment hung heavy in the air as she grappled with the harsh truth of her situation.

The sudden ring of the phone jolted Megan Ellison from her reverie. As she answered, her father's comforting voice greeted her through the receiver, "A minor setback won't crush you, will it?"

"I can handle it," Meghan replied, steeling herself.

Larry Ellison's voice brimmed with encouragement, "Small failures are just stepping stones. Remember how many times your father and I stumbled when I started my business? Learn from this and make back the lost money next time."

Taking solace in her father's wisdom, Megan felt her confidence slowly return.

After a heartfelt conversation with her father, Megan hung up feeling revitalized.

With renewed vigor, Megan's analytical mind kicked into gear. She pinpointed the primary culprit behind the failure of "Transcendence" – Johnny Depp.

Reflecting on the production, Megan acknowledged some minor hiccups, but it was Depp's missteps during promotion that exacerbated the situation.

Certain that the project itself was sound, Megan took decisive action.

She summoned her personal aide, Derrett, into the president's office. Noticing Megan's improved demeanor, Derrett breathed a sigh of relief, "Madam President?"

Megan cut to the chase, "Has the final payment of $8 million to Depp for 'Walking Alone' been made yet?"

Derrett confirmed, "Not until the film's production is complete."

"Hold off on that payment. There's a clause in the supplementary agreement allowing us to delay payment if there are issues with Depp. If he pulls any stunts during 'The Lone Ranger' promotion, he won't see a cent until after the North American release," Megan declared firmly.

Derrett nodded, "I'll arrange a meeting with Depp's agent, Megan Whigham."

Megan waved him off, "Proceed."

Reinvigorated by her newfound resolve, Megan reclaimed her role as the assertive female president. Dialing Amber Heard's number, she wasted no time, "It's me. How's it going?"

Amber Heard's voice crackled through the line, "I've gathered plenty of damning evidence against Depp."

Meghan's directive was firm, "Keep going. I need more. Your loyalty by my side is crucial."

After six months of marriage, Amber teetered on the brink of collapse. Depp was a complex figure, alternating between moments of kindness and episodes of turbulence. Even she, accustomed to the eccentricities of Hollywood, found it challenging to endure.

"Madam, I've always been steadfast in my support," Amber murmured softly. "But what about the promise you made to me?"

Meghan brushed off the concern with a casual remark, "You know those are trivial matters to me. And when have I ever faltered?"

Aimee Bai Yi acknowledged the truth in Megan's words, "I'll gather more."

With a decisive click, Megan ended the call. The failure of "Transcendence" loomed over her, the loss nearly reaching a staggering $100 million. The blame rested squarely on everyone involved.

Regardless of the fate of "The Lone Ranger," Megan vowed to hold Depp accountable for his actions. She realized she had never harbored such intense animosity toward anyone before.


In the opulent penthouse of the Columbia Building...

Amber pocketed her phone and made her way down the corridor to the study. Peering through the window, she observed Depp engaged in animated conversation with investment manager Joel Mandel. Laughter echoed from the room, belying the tensions simmering beneath the surface.

Fleeting glances exchanged, Amber retreated to the cloakroom, retrieving incriminating evidence she had meticulously gathered. Each piece threatened to unravel Depp's carefully crafted facade.

As she scrutinized the documents, Amber pondered Megan's latest request. In a marriage marred by turmoil, allegations of domestic violence offered a potent weapon.

In the study, Joel Mandel presented an investment proposal to Depp, emphasizing potential high returns. Unfazed by the recent failure of "Transcendence," Depp nonchalantly signed the contracts, entrusting his finances to Joel's expertise.

After confirming the success of previous investments, Depp extended an invitation to Joel to celebrate. Joel, prioritizing financial matters, declined the offer, leaving Depp to revel in the comfort of his wealth.

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