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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Meeting of 2 Worlds

As the alignment ending Twilight and her friends noticed there were four large burn objects falling from the sky  to which she made a quick calculations of were the four objects were going to land and founded that one was going to crash at the the mountain basin near Griffinstone, while the second one was going to crash in a location near Appleoosa and Dodge Junction but the the other two object were the ones she was most concerned about because one was going to crash 10 kilometres from the Crystal Empire while the other one was going to crash in the area that was between Ponyvile and Canterlot thus sent letters of warning to the following locations to ready the residents, meanwhile the humans of four of the five ships were bracing themselves for a crash landing.The survivors humans began to slowly regain consciousness, the human who gave the order for the ship that crashed between Ponyville and Canterlot whose name was Alexander Sheridan who decided to investigate where they had land at the same time Twilight and her friends with an escort went to investigate the crash site, as Alexander manually opened the hatch exiting the ship he began investigating the area around the ship, Alexander found him and other humans were in a mysterious world which had oxygen, as he wandered  around the crashed ship he notified the crew of the ships damages and  could come out at their own pace, then Twilight her friends and the members of the alliance of harmony arrived at the scene to investigate to find a new race. Then Alexander became confused and surprised to see creatures only found in human child dreams and mythology of their world, which Alexander then notified the crew what he is current see made him think he had concussions, was dreaming or if he was starting losing their minds but the ships long range communicate was still works then gets a call from the other ship, the ship that crashed in the near Appleossa and Dodge Junction are seeing talking horses and bison said Arthur, the ship that crashed near the Crystal Empire are seeing sparkling horses said Iris, the ship that crashed near Griffinstone are seeing Griffins said Mira. After collecting their thoughts and calming down they humans began to slowly accept that this may be real.Alexander then asked princess Twilight if they had experience anything unnatural and life threatening  had happened because Alexander realized that Equestria had just come out of an solar eclipse and Twilight and the others answered surprisingly fast saying they just did. Realizing that both worlds experienced the same cataclysm on the same day, without an explanation of how the Great Collision as it would be called. Twilight then recognises Alexander's race but didn't know what his race was called to which Alexander responded saying his race are called humans or Terrians. Then suddenly Twilight was surprised to learn Sunset Shimmer and her friends from Canterlot High School and surprised hear from Canterlot that some strange creatures appear in the city.For the rest of the day Twilight, her friends,the Alliance members, Alexander and the other human tried to figure out how and why did the collision happened, after some research so of the human science with Discord's help found out why the alignment caused some unnatural disasters the alignment of the planets combined with the eclipse caused the magnet field at the north and south poles of Twilights world to destabilize but they did understand why it happened to earth, Twilight and Sunset then then thought about the portal that bridged Equestria and earth together so Alexander and Discord went through the portal, when Alexander and Discord arrived they found the whole city deserted, Alexander the asked Discord to lift him up into the sky so he could see anything outside the city however Alexander could even see a bird then noticed the sky was brown coloured like a desert during a sandstorm, Alexander then asked Discord to create an air bubble around him because he wanted to see what earth looked liked since the ailment but what they found would devastate Alexander and the other humans, when Discord and Alexander they saw Alexander had the look of someone who has suffer great pain, Sunset would would be the one to ask Alexander what did he find to which Alexander would reply saying the from Canterlot city all the way to past camp Everfree is deserted and the only part of earth that wasn't destroyed to everyones shock and all humans were in pain because they had lost everything they had ever known and loved .When Discord and Alexander were about to return to Equestria Alexander notice there was a crack on the portal, once all of Alexander's people have come to terms with the destruction of earth he would tell them how earth was destroyed.Discord remembered that he tried to save Equestria then as he was about to die during the alignment but some how survived and he didn't know why, after hearing Discord's answer of how Equestria survived Alexander remembered during the alignment on earth he saw a small ship heading towards the moon and notice it was carrying explosive charges then was heading towards the sun then suddenly the explosives went of breaking the moon into pieces, then Alexander noticed a strange energy field surrounding Canterlot city and a large area outside the city. Sunset then remembered that she and the human seven used their power to tried to save their world but in doing so nearly killed them if not for the help from the dazzlings, gloriosa daisy and  juniper montage who still had some remnant magic which was reawakened by the ailment, with the human world about to end everyone who had some magic from Equestria even those with a small amount of magic which motivated Gloriosa and Juniper to help and the Dazzlings after losing their magic and spending some years in the human world has spark some inside them completing them to help save the human world.After some calculations made by Alexander, Sunset with help from Discord they had Summarise that the destruction of the moon combined with the magic barrier surrounding the part of earth that wasn't destroyed and how the surviving humans were transported to Equestria.Twilight, her friends and the alliance members decided to negotiate with Alexander and the other humans about the moving forward Alexander then requested some plots of land for surviving humans to settle. Alexander had some conserns about what happened to the fifth ship .Alexander then to speak with 150,000 surviving humans via a broadcast giving them three opinions to return to the remain part of earth that was still intact to try living on what they have left on what was left of earth, to make new lives the cities of Equestria, the Changeling kingdom, Mount Aris, Caninia, Farsai,Ornithia and/or Abyssinia or help build new settlements, Alexander ended the broadcast stating those who have made a decision to meet him later with their answers.That night a small group made of the human version of Prim Hemline, Flim plus flam, filthy rich and Abacus Cinch decided to return to carve up territory so they could rule because they had no interest live with inferior creature of Equestria and beyond, Gloriosa and her brother Timber spruce want to return to their camp that had been in their family for generations but Alexander asked them to stay in Equestria because he asked Discord to transported Camp everfree into Equestria which delighted them to know their home was safe, the reason why he did because Alexander heard how Gloriosa tried to help save earth thus as reward for her efforts Gloriosa's and Timbers family camp is now apart of Equestria now. About 100 humans returned to remnants of earth, the humans that chose to stay in Equestria were the humans from the human version of Canterlot along with some the crews of human spaceships decided to spread out into Equestria and the other nations. The members of the human spaceship crews that decided to explore this new world were all marine biologists, zoologists and Botanists plus those had adventurus spirits. The rest of the humans accepted the offer to build new settlements for the rest of the humans. So the next morning the humans began the construction of their new settlements. The humans would start build four settlements, one was just outside the Crystal Empire, two would be built outside Appleoosa and Dodge Junction and the forth one would be built near the crash site of the ship that crashed between Ponyville and Canterlot. For the next three days the humans would work from sunrise to sunset finishing the frames of the buildings shocking the all of Equestria and the other race, they then got to working on the roofs, walls and windows and finished in two days, as the day came Alexander suggested they slow down to take time on what the people new homes should look like. After spending the night thinking on how to design their homes they all got to work finishing their homes, by day's end they had finished their homes, Alexander congratulated them on a job well done and said they can turn in early if they want because he believes everyone has earned it and he could see everyone was exhausted. As the humans slept, Alexander had some trouble falling asleep because of the events that destroyed earth and the building of their new settlement and settling in the nations of this new world including Equestria. The seventh day since humans had transported to this world and the humans have started to adapt to this new world, Alexander spent the whole day checking on the other human settlements and the humans that went to make new lives in Equestria, Seaquestria,Caninia,Farsai, Abyssinia and Ornithia. Alexander asked how they were all doing, Arthur and Mira reported on the statues of the people and settlements near Appleoosa and Dodge Junction were doing alright and had finished the construction of the two settlements plus are getting along with the pony's and bison, Iris reported that the settlement near the Crystal Empire had been completely built with no problems with the other humans and that their getting along with the Crystal ponies. The humans that settled at new constructed marine research state in Seauestria lead by a marine biologist named Arial Gates, Arial say they are having a blast because there is so much to research and the sea ponies and hippogriffs are very welcoming and are getting along though they have yet to find a place to build a new home to which Alexander said there is no reason to rush because unlike those live on land the humans in Seaquestria can sleep in the water thanks to the magic pearl making so the humans can breath underwater. The humans that settled in the Changeling Kingdom lead by a botanist named Rosa Houghton said they getting along with changelings and with their help they had created a underground town and the Floria research station in just six days and suggested to the changelings to pursue acting careers because the notice they notice Changelings can take on many forms of inanimate objects, plants, animals even people, this suggestion made some of the Changelings curious if it is something worth pursuing. The humans who have settled in Farsai lead by a zoologist named Steven Kratt said they are getting along with the people of Farsia and have finished construction of their eco friendly settlement. The humans that settled in Caninia who are led by a geologist named Eric Castle said they are getting along with the Caninias and have finished their settlement which will be the base for the new mining guild. The humans that settled in Abyssinia lead by a former corp named James Riker said they had finished their settlement which will be the base for the new security company they are beginning to create and they are getting along with the Abyssinias. The huamns in Ornithia lead by a former warehouse worker named Sakura Yuuki said that their getting along with the Ornithians plus have just finished their settlement at the base of the mountain plus be ready to open the new shippment company.The humans that spread out to make a new life in equestria, some that went to live in cities like Manehatten got jobs as fashion designers, some as police officers, a few as repair people, while others have a little more difficulty finding work, While the rest with help from Daring Do create this worlds first adventurers guild. The names of the new settlement are Crystallysium which would become the finest vineyard in this world, Neo Alberta along with it sibling settlement New Arizona would become well know for it distillery, law enforcement school and Geological school and the forth settlement were Alexander lives is called Terra Nova. The humans settlements outside Equestria would become well know such as New Babylon know for it's Astronomy center, the underwater settlement of Atlantis know for the first inhabitants from the land to live in the sea, Ravensthorpe home to the mining guild, Asgard the home to Terra shiping and the settlement in the changeling kingdom Sub Terria for the underground settlement and Vanaheim know for it floria research center. There was also a group of humans that believed the humans had no right to settle on the lands of the nations of this world thus they asked Luna for help to set up a human colony on the moon to which she agreed and to honour her the humans would call the new government of the moon the Lunar Republic named after princess Luna.

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