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Chapter 11: The Monkey Man Vs The Metahuman

'What the hell.' Thought Isaac as he unconsciously took a step back. The blond-haired man's hand started to glow as he smiled arrogantly.

'A frickin Metahuman?!' Isaac froze for a second, condemning his terrible luck once again. What was a Metahuman doing in this dump of a neighbourhood?

As Isaac thought this, an object manifested in the blond-haired man's hand. The glow had subsided, revealing something gripped in between the man's fingers.

'A sword?' Thought Isaac as he stared at the object. He found the reveal to be slightly anticlimactic. He was expecting a grand ability that would leave him with a gaping mouth. Instead, he was met with a plain old sword.

Although, the sword did look intriguing. It fashioned a blue colour that gave off a slight glow. It wasn't a big sword, it was more comparable to a katana.

The hilt looked almost identical to the blade, looking as if it had no grip whatsoever. In addition, the sword had no finger guard, instead, it fashioned a small spherical ball inserted inside the sword.

The ball was the most interesting part of the sword as it depicted an image of a blue galaxy inside of it. Although it was most likely not a galaxy, it looked extremely realistic.

Overall the sword looked interesting and majestic, but it wouldn't be the first thing Isaac would think about when he heard Metahuman or powers. Because of this, he felt slightly at ease.

Without saying anything, the blond-haired man dashed to Isaac with his sword in hand, ready to slash. Isaac waited patiently for the foe as he watched the man's arms, tracking the weapon.

Isaac raised an eyebrow as the man ran toward him. He was expecting him to be fast, but the blond-haired gangster was no different to an average man in terms of speed. Was his ability just to manifest a peculiar-looking sword?

The blond-haired man slashed at Isaac, prompting him to weave and quite easily dodge the blow. Isaac didn't give the man a chance to throw another attack as he raised his leg and swung it like a whip at the man's abdomen.

As Isaac waited for the soft flesh of the gut to make contact with his leg, he felt material that came off harder than steel.

A loud 'CLANG' was heard as the blond-haired man was sent skidding across the ground with his sword protecting his waist. Isaac stood on both legs as he gritted his teeth. A bruising pain pulsated on his leg after he had attacked with it.

'What the hell is that thing made of? If I didn't have my leg strengthened with Qi, it would have easily broken.' Thought Isaac as a daunting reality struck him. If he made a single mistake and were to be hit with that, he would surely die.

The blond-haired man stared at Isaac with wide eyes as he tried to recover the air that was knocked from his lungs. He had never seen anyone even budge his sword yet he was being ragdolled like this. Even bullets proved useless against his sword.

"What are you made of?" Asked the blond-haired man, finally recognising the person before him as a decent opponent.

"Release that man." The blond-haired man raised an eyebrow at this command.

"Why do you care so much about gang business? This is how life on the streets is. You meddle with the dark side, you risk the chance at catching a bullet. That's how it's always been."

"That may be true. So what? Screw the unwritten rules of the streets. I do what I want." The blond-haired man stared at Isaac with a peculiar look. None that Isaac had seen. His face was a mixture of shock and nostalgia. After a few seconds, the man smiled as he spoke.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"The Monkey Man." Replied Isaac, slightly confused with the man's forwardness. The man laughed at the reply as he continued.

"Alright, Monkey Man. I'm Jay. You know, you aren't a half-bad guy. You're pretty strong too. What do you think of joining my crew? You'd be compensated well and you'd help me well in my mission." Said Jay as he pointed his sword at Isaac.

"No thanks. I appreciate the offer though. It's always nice to be noticed." The area went quiet for a few seconds before the smile on Jay's face quickly turned into a frown.

In the next second, a glow appeared from the tip of the sword as it was pointed at Isaac. Isaac prepared for the worst. He knew there was more to his power and it seemed he was going to see it now. Before he knew it, the glow departed from the sword turning into a beam that soared towards Isaac.

The most frightening thing was the beam was moving too fast. The unexpected attack soared through the air, catching Isaac off guard. In the next second, Isaac felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. As he glanced at the pain, he found a large gash that formed on the side of his shoulder.

Thankfully it didn't look to be anything serious or fatal, it would most likely be healed in a few weeks, however, it didn't stop Isaac from resisting the urge to make any noises that would indicate he was in pain.

He gripped his wound as the blood flooded past his finger and onto the floor. Jay stared at Isaac with wide crazed eyes as he spoke.

"I'll ask again. Would you like to join my crew?" He asked. This time, his words sounded like a threat more than it did an invitation.

Isaac stayed quiet for a few seconds before looking up with a smile.

"I would like to respectfully tell you to go fuck yourself." The area went quiet as those words rang in everyone's head.

"Then so be it." Said Jay as the tip of his sword started to glow again.

Isaac leapt to seek cover as he hid behind a garbage dump. He coiled himself to fit behind the dump as he heard the beams ricochet off the metal he was behind. Isaac looked around for anything that might help him. He thought of dashing straight to Jay, however, if he did that, he'd be dead before he even reached him. The beams travelled much faster than he did. He needed a distraction.

Isaac flipped open the garbage dump above him and quickly pulled out a trash bag filled with litter.

Jay continued with his onslaught as he suddenly saw a trash bag filled with garbage flying straight toward his face. He quickly shot the trash as the debris scattered across the surroundings. He continued shooting at the garbage dump and walking closer to it every so slightly.

Jay felt a sense of unease wash over him as he heard clothes flapping in the air. As he looked up, he found Isaac in the air, his clothes fluttering and his blood being carried by the wind.

Jay's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched Isaac deceive and distract him with a hastily thrown trash bag, briefly obscuring his vision. It was a split-second opportunity that Isaac seized upon.

Isaac soared through the air, his body poised for a devastating axe kick, Jay instinctively raised his sword, desperately attempting to block the impending strike. The sharp end of the sword pointed menacingly at Isaac's exposed leg, ready to slice through flesh and bone. But to Jay's bewilderment, the crushing impact he had anticipated never came.

Isaac's deceptive manoeuvre became apparent as he artfully feigned the axe kick. With remarkable control, he twisted his body mid-air, redirecting his trajectory and landing gracefully on the ground.

As this happened, the hood that concealed Isaac's identity fluttered in the wind, revealing the true nature of the adversary - an audacious young boy.

'A child?!' He thought. His thoughts faltered for an instant, his mind struggling to reconcile the sight before him.

Meanwhile, in a fluid motion, Isaac unleashed a lightning-fast sidekick that struck his foe straight in the chest, propelling Jay forcefully across the alleyway, and launching him backwards with tremendous force. The impact echoed through the alley, leaving Jay gasping for breath as he crashed against a nearby wall.

Jay's sword dissipated into the air as he slowly lost consciousness, dropping to the ground. Isaac took a deep breath as he held his shoulder. As he slowly turned around, he stared at the two spectators who were left speechless.

"I don't get paid enough for this." Said the Bukly man as he grabbed his partner and waddled away.

The hacker looked at Isaac, unsure of whose side he should be on.

"Thanks." Said the hacker simply.

Isaac said nothing as he walked away and left the alleyway, gripping his shoulder as it dripped with blood.

Meanwhile, the hacker's timid and nervous face slowly changed into that of a serious one. He grabbed his glasses and tossed them as he reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a communication device and walking toward the downed Jay.

"Red October." Said the man into what seemed to be a walkie-talkie. Soon, a voice spoke back to him.

"I saw. A team is on your way to collect Mr Harrison. In the meantime, collect that individual's blood for testing. We can't have a random superhuman who we know nothing about running around." As the female authoritative voice said this, the man looked over to the small puddle of blood.

"Understood, Director Waller."

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