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Chapter 12: Enhancement

Part 1: Magic and Swords

"Piercing water bullet!" I said with determination, but, as always, nothing happened.

It was a spell I was trying to cast. But without a grimoire, my efforts were futile.

I sighed and backed away. Knowing that without a grimoire my magic was limited to its base form, but I couldn't help but try.

There was something captivating about the sensation of manipulating water, even if it was just visually.

Well, like most members of my family, my attribute appeared to be water, but there was something more, a mysterious glow that made it unique.

I had spent countless hours, days and months studying and trying to understand the nature of my magical attribute.

In one of these study sessions, I ended up meeting someone who told me something about my magic that I can't forget, the following.

"It feels like you're channeling the pure essence of water, with a hint of something else, something rare and singular. That peculiar light...interesting!"

Only later did I discover that this person was the Wizard King, Julius Novachrono, disguised in one of his escapades in search of knowledge.

Those who witnessed my magical attribute were initially fascinated. The light emanating from my magic captivated the eyes of those who saw it, creating a sense of beauty and wonder.

However, this admiration soon dissipated. Because whenever I tried to use my magic, its release always proved harmless, my attacks lacked offensive power.

I was able to create complex and beautiful forms, demonstrating my skilled control, but I lacked the strength necessary to compete with the more traditional and offensive spells that were expected of a rising magic knight.

This lack of offensive power resulted in disdain from the nobility and magic knights. Many labeled me with cruel nicknames, calling me a "failed prince" or "useless."

"I don't see how someone like that can become a true magic knight. He should be ashamed to carry the name Silva."

"Will he become a circus performer? His magic is more for entertainment than for fighting." This particular comment irritated me, to be honest.

However, I refused to give in to the negativity. I knew my magic was unique and, despite the criticism, I saw beauty and potential in it. It was something I was determined to figure out.

Starting my training, I focused on channeling my mana. It was then that I felt magical energy flow through my body and, with a decisive gesture, I launched a magical attack.

A sphere of water appeared, flying with precision and hitting a distant target, causing a strong impact.

"That's right!"

I couldn't help but smile with joy as the sphere hit the target perfectly.

Then, I decided to delve deeper into the information in the book I had read in the library earlier.

This was how I experimented with different variations of my magic, adjusting the size and strength of the water spheres.

At times, I tried to create bursts of water, channeling my magic more intensely and quickly.

Each attempt had its own result, be it a water explosion or a controlled jet.

At other times, I imagined that I was defending myself from attacks, which resulted in the unconscious creation of a water barrier.

I then discovered that imagination also played a fundamental role in magic.

The sun was already high in the sky when I finally decided to end my training for the day. Catching my breath, I felt my face damp with sweat, proof of the effort I had dedicated.

After a while, I got up and walked towards the place where I had agreed to meet my master. 

The journey was peaceful, allowing me to reflect on my progress with magic.

When I arrived, I found her sitting in the lotus position, appearing to be immersed in deep meditation.

She wore lighter clothes, indicating that she was ready for swordsmanship training. I approached her silently, not wanting to interrupt her.

But as always, her keen sense seemed to notice me in an instant. "How was your magic training?" she asked, without opening her eyes.

"It was a success. I was able to deepen and improve what I wanted, I feel satisfied with the progress."

She nodded, visibly satisfied with my words. "You are doing an admirable job, keep it up my lovely pupil.

I feel that you have the potential to become an excellent wizard even with your peculiar magical attribute."

Her words made me happy and excited, she rarely said such sweet things, she was probably in a good mood.

"Thank you for the vote of confidence, I will not betray your expectations master." I said with determination, yearning to become stronger.

She, with a determined smile, asked "So, are you ready to start swordsmanship training?"

Expectantly, I replied, "Yes, I think I'm ready to move on to the next stage, I hope to learn more of your incredible art today, master."

Hilda looked straight into my eyes, capturing my attention. "Please don't be modest. It's not like I'm of much help, it's your talent for swordsmanship that is beyond sublime."

Well, even though my talent for magic was low, my talent in swordsmanship seemed to be high according to Hilda, something I had discovered by chance after trying to imitate her movements once.

But it wasn't something I could boast about, because everyone's focus in this world was on magic. Still, it was fun to wield a sword.

"It's all thanks to you, master. You have always been the best guide and inspiration." I said with a smile, for some reason I always saw her as a source of inspiration.

Hilda sighed briefly, then she said. "You and your cheeky ways. Are you trying to take my heart, young master?"

I was excited by this question, I couldn't deny that I had a crush on my master, she was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen, but there was something more than that.

But before I could answer anything, she continued. "Let's get straight to training. Go change at the place over there, and meet me soon so we can get started."

It was a little disappointing, but I hurried to follow my master's instructions.

When I returned, dressed in my training outfit, I was surprised to find Hilda standing, holding two sheathed katanas.

"You said you were ready for the next level? Well, I recognize that. So for today, we will train using real swords."

Hilda deftly threw one of the katanas at me. I picked it up deftly, feeling the weight and sharpness of the blade beneath my fingers.

My eyes lit up with surprise and excitement as this would be the first time I would be using a real sword in a fight.

The anticipation made me smile, knowing I was about to embark on a challenge that would take me to new heights.

Both of their eyes suddenly became serious, and the tension in the air also changed. It looked like a fight was about to break out at any moment.

Hilda looked straight into my eyes and said excitedly. "Show me what you've got again, swordsman prodigy."

With our katanas drawn, we got into a fighting position. The training ground was silent, with anticipation in the air.

Hilda's eyes, normally so serious and determined, now reflected a gleam of excitement as she watched me. She recognized the exceptional potential in me and was eager to see what I was capable of.

The first movement came from her, a quick and precise attack. Her sword blade sizzled as it sliced ​​through the air towards me.

I was led by my reflexes to react quickly, raising my sword to block the attack. The force of the impact caused me to take a few steps back, but I maintained my posture.

At first, she seemed to be testing my agility, the speed of my reactions and my ability to defend myself.

She continued to launch a series of controlled attacks, each targeting a different area of ​​my body, but I defended myself skillfully, blocking each strike and dodging when necessary.

As the fight progressed, I began to loosen up and adapt to the master's skills. I realized I couldn't be purely defensive, so I started counterattacking occasionally.

My attacks were controlled and precise, but Hilda, with her vast experience, dodged them with ease. It was a little frustrating.

Determined to overcome this problem, I began testing attacks to find an opening in her defense.

At the right moment, I launched a quick attack, aiming for her shoulder, but she deftly blocked the blow.

She smiled as she blocked the attack. "Good move. You're starting to understand the patterns of my attacks, really genius!" Her excitement was notable.

I confess that this made me more excited, it seemed like I was improving. I should attack more aggressively, testing my own limits.

The fight became more fierce, with both causing light damage to each other, always blocking the sword at the last moment before it reached a vital point.

However, as time passed, the tension increased. Hilda, a lover of fighting, was allowing herself to be carried away by her combative instinct.

Her attacks became more aggressive, and her expression became even more fierce. I knew this was going to happen, she's losing control.

The fight reached a critical point when she launched a series of quick and powerful attacks, forcing me to dodge and block with all my skills.

I was focused on surviving, avoiding his deadly blows and looking for any opportunity to counterattack. I knew I was at the limit of my abilities, but I intended to surpass my limits.

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