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Chapter 9: Chapter 8: The Fairy II

There was a silence between them. It was not an awkward one but a peaceful and relaxing silence.She had not once brought up his rejection, nor did she seem angered about it.

They just simply laid on the grass and stared at the stars and Remnant's broken moon.

They were beautiful. Completely out of his reach, but all he had to do was outstretch his hand, and suddenly, the distant stars were in the palm off his hand, "Hey Salem, what are stars made off?"

Salem turned her head to look at him. As always, she had an expression he just couldn't make out. After a few seconds, she turned back to the stars," In times long forgotten, people thought that stars represented other worlds created by gods. Upon their deaths, they thought that they would ascend to the stars to live out other lives."

"Do you believe that?" He was curious about Remnant's history, including forgotten cultures and beliefs.

Salem let out a bitter chuckle," Arthur, in my youth, I came to realize that people shouldn't rely on any deity for anything because gods are just as fallible and fickle a mortals Looking to them for answers will just disappoint you. If you want to know the truth about stars, then you just have to go out and discover it for yourself."

"Dust doesn't work outside of Remnant. Spacetravel is impossible."

"Nothing is impossible. There is always a way, no matter how difficult or challenging. You just haven't discovered it yet."

She had nothing more to say, and Arthur was left to ponder her words as silence took over again, and they continued staring at the stars.

(Scene change)

She always thought that his eyes were beautiful. They always seemed to shine whenever he smiled or laughed. Arthur was going to be a lady killer when he grew up, that was no doubt. Jane couldn't tell whether it was her mind playing tricks or an optical illusion, but his eyes seemed to have dimmed and darker noticeably, combined with his expressionless face, and Jane would admit seeing a child behave like this was honesty unsettling.

"Tell me everything about Morgana," his sharp voice brought her back to reality

She wanted to refuse, to put her foot down and tell the boy that no matter how much she disliked the woman, she would never do such a thing. That's what she wanted to say, but under an invisible pressure of dread that seemed to press down on her and make breathing harder, she found herself telling Arthur everything she knew.

Morgana Spyrys is the heiress to a dust company that supplies most of Mistral. She's a former huntress in training that was once the apprentice of Vale's Headmaster. She had a lot of potential and could have been a household name if it wasn't for the incident.

"What incident?"

"N-No one knows what exactly happened other than the fact the headmaster and her team all mysteriously died one night in Haven."


"The only publicly known details were that all the headmasters came to Mistral to talk to the council and that Morgana retired to focus on her family business.There is actually a popular conspiracy theory that Morgana murdered her team and headmaster. "

"Why would she do that?" Arthur tried to be open-minded, but it didn't make any sense. There was no motive.

"She had a big argument with her team and headmaster the day before they all died." Okay, so there was motive, but that didn't mean she killed them

"No, only that, but her semblance gets stronger when she kills people." Fuck, he was going to live with a potential murderer.

A promising huntress goes crazy and kills her team and Haven's headmaster. That was something the media would definitely milk dry even it it was just a rumor, and yet there was nothing.

'It sounds like someone doesn't want what happened to known.'

'What's even more concerning is how efficient they are.'

'True, someone capable of silencing the media and stopping even rumors.'


'Possibly, I don't know enough about her to be sure.'

Arthur turned his attention back to Jane, "Who is the new headmaster?"

Jane flinched as the oppressive aura returned in force, "Th-The former d-deputy, Leonardo Lionheart."

Before Arthur could get a word out, shivers went down his back, and suddenly, the building exploded

The last thing he saw was fire everywhere


He was a professional. People may look down on him because of what he does for a living, but it never bothered him. All that mattered in the end was completing the job and getting paid.

This was, without a doubt, the biggest and most ambitious one yet. The three ruling crime families of Mistral have wanted to get their hands on Morgana Spyrys, and after months of careful playing, they found an opportunity. Mistral's queen was finally coming out of her hole to fetch some kid.

No matter how powerful the families were, though. Their organizations were composed of thieves, drug dealers, and low-level crooks who all earned a living by preying on the weak. they were useless against a former huntress.

That's where his group came in. The Death Wraiths.

They, along with some untrained grunts from the families, would bring Morgana alive for randsom.

Was that the dumbest plan ever?


Did he care?

No, he was getting paid in the end.

[Remember ten minutes.] His earpiece rang

The families were at least useful enough to throw some money at the police. As soon as calls of the explosion came in, despatch would be delayed for ten minutes.

"Copy that overwatch. Alpha squad moving."

The restaurant was a wreck. Most of its walls had collapsed. There were small shifts of movement from survivors as they fruitlessly tried to get the heavy ruble off their bodies. Small fires from the explosion and electrical sparks from the destroyed wiring slightly illuminated their path as they searched for their target.

They all knew she was alive. The explosion's purpose was to weaken her aura and even the playing field, but even without her aura or her weapon, he could still tell that his squad was nervous. They jumped at every shadow and hesitantly moved forward, not that he could blame them. They were up against a huntress for the first time and not just any huntress but probably the most insane one they could ever encounter.

Le Fay

That was Mistralian for 'The Fairy'

It may sound innocent, but people in Mistral have come to fear even whispering it.

"Contact," the man ahead of him, Alpha One, said.

There was something slowly approaching, and it was dragging something. It's figure getting more visible the closer it got before it became identifiable, it was a fucking child.

He wasn't the only one freaked out. He could see Alpha Three and Four lowered their guns in indecisiveness as all three stared at each other wondering what they should do.

"Don't come any closer," Alpha One lacked their hesitation as he aimed for the boy's head, while the other mercenaries followed his lead.

The boy stopped, let go of the body, and simply stared back.

He couldn't help but wonder how the boy survived the explosion. Besides being covered head to toe in dirt, he couldn't see a scratch on him.

"Did you guys do this? If so, why," unsettling green eyes made contact with his before moving onto the next person.

The boy wanted answers, but before anyone could respond, the partly destroyed building rose up into the air.

Well, it was more accurate to say that brick by brick, the building was undone. The debris and ruble rise to the sky along with the civilians that were trapped by them.

He was sure it made for a wonderful sight from the spectators, but for him, it was terrifying. He had no control of his body as it rose higher and higher in the air. If whatever force did decide to drop him, he was sure that if the fall didn't kill him, then he would be crushed by the falling ruble.

There was no escape.

"As if my day couldn't get any worse. Now I have to deal with you pests."

He couldn't tell where the voice originated from. It was loud and it echoed everywhere.

It was her, Morgana Le Fay.

He looked up and saw her floating. She was beautiful with black hair and purple eyes filled with disgust and anger. Behind her was a spectre made from living shadows. It was a man, and he looked to be in pain

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