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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The moonlight bathed the rooftops of Tokyo in an ethereal glow. High above the city, Gojo, the strongest sorcerer of Jujutsu Kaisen, stood with a sense of interest in his heart. He gazed down at the bizarre spirit that had captured his attention. This entity was unlike any curse he had encountered before, and that intrigued him even more.

Augus, in his Curse Form, stood before Gojo. His muscular build and his skull, adorned with spiking horns that resembled hair, gave him a menacing appearance. Augus's four crimson eyes, two on his forehead and two on his cheeks stared unblinkingly at Gojo. In each hand, he wielded retractable saw blades made from his iron-infused blood, a testament to the unique and dangerous power he possessed.

Gojo couldn't help but smile with interest as he activated his Six Eyes, revealing a pair of stunning blue eyes that radiated immense curse energy. It was an energy that could rival even the most potent curses. The sheer magnitude of this spirit's power piqued Gojo's curiosity.

He pondered if this might be a Calamity curse spirit, given the colossal reservoir of energy it emanated. But as quickly as the thought crossed his mind, he dismissed it. Even Calamity curse spirits didn't wield such overwhelming power. This was something different, something he had never encountered before.

As Gojo observed the enigmatic spirit before him, he noticed that Augus was merely staring back, wearing a stunned expression. Gojo, never one to pass up an opportunity for banter, broke the silence. He jokingly pointed to his ear and asked, "Can you hear me or not?"

However, to his surprise, Augus did not respond. Instead, the spirit simply turned around and began to walk away, as if Gojo were of no consequence. Gojo's eyebrows raised in shock. It was a reaction he had never witnessed before.

The Sorcerer was used to curses and rogue Sorcerers retreating in the face of his overwhelming power, but none had ever displayed such arrogance as to turn their back on him as if he were a mere annoyance. He couldn't help but chuckle at the audacity of the spirit.

The strongest sorcerer in the world was being ignored by the seemingly weakest of enemies. Gojo, never one to be outdone, decided to take action. With a casual flicker of his immense curse energy, he suddenly appeared in front of Augus.

Still wearing a friendly expression, Gojo leaned in slightly and asked, "Why are you leaving?" But once again, there was no answer from Augus. Gojo couldn't hide a playful pout as he quipped, "A silent type, huh?"

Augus continued to defy expectations. His four crimson eyes remained fixed on Gojo, his expression unreadable. Gojo, determined to elicit some sort of reaction, decided to employ his well-known charisma.

"So, you're the quiet and mysterious type, huh?" Gojo said with a sly grin, trying to engage Augus in conversation. "I've seen a lot of curses in my time, but I've never met one quite like you. You've got this whole brooding anti-hero thing going on. Are you here to challenge me, to test your strength against the strongest Sorcerer in the world?"

But Augus remained unmoved. His silence was relentless, like an impenetrable barrier.

Gojo, undeterred, continued to talk. "Or maybe you're just lost? Tokyo can be a confusing place, especially for someone who's not from around here. If you're looking for directions, I could help you out."

Still, Augus said nothing. His energy continued to fluctuate between readiness for combat and hesitation.

The rooftop standoff between the two continued, the tension growing with each passing moment. Gojo, known for his cocky and carefree demeanor, was now faced with a challenge unlike any other. The mysterious spirit, Augus, remained quiet, refusing to reveal his intentions.


As Gojo stood on the Tokyo rooftop, attempting to engage the silent and enigmatic spirit before him in conversation, he had no clue what was transpiring inside Augus's mind. Unbeknownst to him, the cursed spirit was undergoing a chaotic internal struggle.

Inside his head, Augus was screaming in sheer panic. He had never anticipated that his worst fear would manifest in the form of Gojo, the self-proclaimed "honored one" and the strongest sorcerer alive, actively seeking a fight. The very thought sent shivers down Augus's spine.

*"This can't be happening,"* Augus thought, his inner voice a frantic whisper amidst the chaos. *"Of all the Sorcerers in the world, it had to be Gojo. Why did I have to encounter him?"*

Augus knew Gojo's incredible power, his six eyes, and his ability to use infinity. The reputation of this sorcerer was enough to make even the bravest curse spirits quiver in fear. Augus realized that engaging Gojo in combat would be the epitome of foolishness, a death wish he had no intention of granting.

However, beneath the layers of panic, Augus felt a peculiar gratitude toward Gojo. It was the sorcerer's confidence and arrogant demeanor that had prompted him to engage in a verbal exchange rather than an immediate battle. This small act of dialogue was a sliver of relief for Augus, given that he was acutely aware of Gojo's vast power.

Yet lurking beneath his gratitude was a burning desire to put Gojo down a peg or two. The sorcerer's cocky attitude grated on Augus's nerves, and there was a strange impulse within him, tempting him to challenge Gojo. However, Augus knew that such a course of action would be nothing short of suicidal. Gojo would undoubtedly wipe the floor with him in a physical confrontation, and Augus had no intention of revealing the extent of his abilities.

Moreover, Augus found himself wrestling with an unexpected emotion—a sense of disdain. He couldn't quite put his finger on why, but there was an inexplicable feeling that he was looking down on Gojo. This internal conflict left him in a state of uncertainty, unsure of how to proceed.

With a deep breath, Augus made a decision. He retracted his saw blades into his forearms, effectively disarming himself, and lifted Gojo gently to the side before placing him back on the rooftop. The action was surprisingly gentle, given the circumstances.

*"I can't fight him,"* Augus thought, his mind racing as he turned away from Gojo. *"I won't risk exposing my abilities, and I won't underestimate his power. But I can't just stand here either."*

Without another word, Augus turned and headed for the staircase, his decision clear—he was leaving the rooftop. His mind raced with conflicting thoughts, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as he descended the stairs.

Meanwhile, Gojo, for the first time in this encounter, wore a stunned expression as he watched the spirit walk away without offering a word in response. Augus's actions had taken even the mighty sorcerer by surprise.

Augus's descent continued, and Gojo, never one to back down from a challenge, decided to follow him, albeit with a healthy dose of curiosity. He observed as Augus navigated the staircase and even took the elevator down, which, in Gojo's eyes, added to the spirit's mysterious allure.

Watching Augus use the stairs and elevator, Gojo couldn't help but form an opinion. It was as if he were observing a "newborn" in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery, a fledgling curse spirit trying to find its way. The humor in the situation wasn't lost on Gojo, and he almost burst into laughter when Augus appeared visibly annoyed because a child had pressed all the elevator buttons.

As they finally emerged outside, Gojo's amusement reached its peak as Augus attempted to call a taxi for an elderly lady, only to give up and forcibly drag one to a halt. Gojo watched the spirit leave, his gaze filled with intrigue and amusement.

*"Is this spirit completely clueless about the human world?"* Gojo wondered, shaking his head in amusement. *"Or is there something more to it? I have to admit, this is turning out to be quite an interesting encounter."*

For now, Gojo decided to let Augus go. He had witnessed the spirit's actions, and though they were bizarre and unexpected, Gojo was confident that he could report them back to the Jujutsu Kaisen organization. There would be time to unravel the mysteries surrounding this peculiar curse spirit.

As Augus disappeared from view, Gojo's thoughts turned to the encounter. It was a strange and unexpected turn of events, but one thing was certain—Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer, had found himself a new source of entertainment in the form of the silent and elusive cursed spirit.

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Augus, still in his towering Curse Fiend form, exited the taxi and found himself in an empty children's park. His crimson eyes swept over the desolate surroundings, ensuring that no one was nearby. A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of his lips as he contemplated the powers he had at his disposal.

"Let's see what this bad boy can do," Augus muttered to himself, his voice tinged with excitement. He bent down and plucked a pebble from the ground, holding it in his clawed hand. With a casual flick of his wrist, he sent the pebble sailing through the air.

In the blink of an eye, Augus activated his Time Skip ability. The world around him transformed, shifting into different shades of gray for a fleeting second. He reappeared on the other side of the park, effortlessly catching the very same pebble he had thrown moments ago. 

"Time manipulation, huh?" Augus mused with a chuckle. "I could get used to this."

The curse spirit's curiosity knew no bounds, and he was determined to test the extent of his newfound powers. Augus focused his thoughts on a distant memory of Hawaii's picturesque beachside and conjured an image in his mind. With that mental image as his guide, he opened a portal.

Stepping through, Augus found himself standing on the sun-soaked sands of a Hawaiian beach, the waves crashing gently against the shore. The warmth of the sun on his skin was a sensation he relished, even in his monstrous form.

"Beachside in an instant," Augus marveled. "This is too good."

His desire for exploration and amusement remained unquenched. Augus decided to push the boundaries further, opening another portal, this time imagining himself inside a towering coconut tree. As the portal manifested, the very air seemed to split apart, and he found himself nestled among the leaves and coconuts, high above the ground.

But Augus was far from finished. He opened more portals, each leading to a different location. Whether it was a bustling city, a serene meadow, or even the vast expanse of space, he reveled in the possibilities at his fingertips. Yet, as he continued, he felt the strain on his powers.

"Seven portals," Augus counted, realizing his limit. "Not bad, but I'll need to be careful."

His powers still held secrets waiting to be unlocked. Augus turned his attention to his Spatial Slash ability and unleashed it upon the nearby ocean. As he sliced through the water, he watched in awe as it parted, forming a temporary corridor of air between the separated waves.

"Space-bending," Augus grinned. "Now that's a party trick."

Finally, he harnessed his Impact ability, causing the air to crack and a vacuum effect to take hold. With a triumphant laugh, he unleashed a powerful, unstoppable force that tore through anything in its path.

Augus marveled at the devastation he could cause, not with malevolence, but with a growing sense of arrogance. He was becoming aware of the immense power he wielded, and it was intoxicating.

After a series of tests that had pushed his powers to the limit, Augus decided to revert to his human form. As he reentered Japan, he couldn't help but remark with a smirk, "The Void Fiend is simply overpowered."

Augus knew that he was just scratching the surface, and his encounter with Gojo only made him curious if he could give the man a run for his money once he gains enough fighting expierence.

As he roamed the quiet streets in search of a place to rest for the night, his thoughts were consumed by one particular notion—a title. If the likes of Sukuna had claimed the mantle of the King of Curses, and Gojo was hailed as the Honored One, then it stood to reason that he, too, should possess titles that resonated with the power he wielded.

With each step he took through the dimly lit streets, Augus delved deeper into his own thoughts, seeking titles that would encapsulate the very essence of emptiness and void that defined his Curse Fiend form. His mind churned with possibilities, and he pondered each title with careful consideration.

*"What should they call me?"* Augus wondered aloud, his voice a whisper in the silent night. *"The King of Emptiness? The Void Sovereign? Emptiness Monarch?"*

Each title held a glimmer of promise, but none seemed to capture the full depth of his power. Augus knew that his abilities were unique, a fusion of emptiness and malice that defied easy categorization. He deserved a title that would do justice to the enigmatic force that resided within him.

And then, as he walked the deserted streets, it came to him. A fusion of Japanese syllables that flowed together seamlessly, a name that spoke of emptiness, void, and malice all at once. Augus savored the sound of it, rolling the syllables off his tongue with a sense of satisfaction.

"Kokushinō," he declared, his voice carrying a hint of reverence. It was a title that felt right, a name that resonated with the very core of his being. Kokushinō, the embodiment of emptiness and malice, a name that would strike fear into the hearts of those who dared to cross his path.

*"Kokushinō the Echo of Emptiness... No, too wordy,"* he mused. *"Kokushinō the Abyssal Emptiness... Not quite. Kokushinō of Emptiness... Maybe, but not quite there."*

Augus's frustration grew, and he longed to find that one perfect title that would define him in the world of curses and sorcery. He knew that he was on the right track, but he couldn't help but feel that he was missing something crucial.

In a moment of temporary defeat, Augus let out a sigh and settled for a simple, straightforward title. "The Void" would suffice for now, he decided. It was a name that conveyed the emptiness and malice within him, even if it didn't capture the full complexity of his power.

And so, with "The Void" as his temporary title, Augus continued his lone journey through the night.

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