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Recap: After the demonstration of the baki verse by the system and some tips about the each style, Giving all of them except vasco a new understanding of their styles. And with the mother's day coming for them, The hunt for the mother gift begins.

Story starts here:

The next day. System and Daniel both wake up to get for the day ahead, With System and Little daniel, Both preparing for the trip to visit the mom and also what gift to give.

Both of them leave the house both going their own way to find the gift, Before parting ways system says "Good luck for finding the gift cause I know what to get for the mom".

Giving a smirk and heading off and not letting little daniel say anything.

Our Focus on Little daniel who remembered that the mom was wearing the old sweater. Heading to the nearest shopping center and the clothing shop inside.

Due to his looks he did not faced the bad treatment or anything else as in the original.

But received the best treatment for his looks. The female employees their asked for his number. But our little daniel who was trained by james for a month he was trained in many ways, And some of them were about girls.

So keeping his face straight he politely turned them all down. And left the store as fast as possible.

While this all is going on we see our second main character System who was holding 2 gifts one of which was a phone and a photo frame with him and little daniel pic together, While they both were training.

Now you may be wondering where did they all got the money, Little Daniel had his work salary saved for emergency or any important situation.

But system his pay was yet to be paid by the owner and the month in the detention center did not help in any financial way. So the moment he was taken to the alley by 6 guys to be exhorted.

Which He definitely did not take any cash form them by using force. DEFINITELY. They willingly gave him generous amount for troubling him.

With a smile on both of their faces they both head home to see who got the best gift, While comparing they are faced with another problem.

System looks at little Daniel. Says in an annoyed tone "We both got enough money for a single person to travel to the town to visit her".

System after saying this looks at little daniel in a strange way and continues his talk "Cause the guy who had money was tricked by bald and glasses wearing and a jacked monk who was wearing a shiny watch and a fake gold necklace and had a buzz cut beard on his face who was also missing a leg, How you know cause you asked him and saw him walking a bit wrongly, Feeling sad for his leg you gave him all the money To him which is supposed to get back him to daegu".

After saying all this system stops and looks at little Daniel. With a look. That most of give when our friends does something stupid.

Little daniel rubs back of his head sheepishly with an apologetic smile Having no words to defend him self in anyway.

System recalls all the features again of the monk. And is shocked by the info, Cause system might be in lookism for a long while. But he can instantly recognize all the main characters and most of their links.

And how can he not recognize the IRON boxer Gongseob Ji, The man who trained zack causing him to turn from crew head level fighter to the Almost Gen 1 king level fighter.

Turning attention back to Little daniel hastily asking him "Where did you saw that monk and when fast tell me".

Daniel is shocked form the sudden change of tone and way of speaking of the system.

Responds with bit of confusion. Not understanding the rush full tone of system. He replies "It might be 30 mins and saw him outside the shopping center form where I got the sweater for the mother".

Getting the location and timing not explaining any more to Little daniel. System using the second body runs out of the small house heading to the location.

Upon reaching their asking nearby store employee which was a female. He asked "Excuse me did you saw a monk here wearing an expensive watch and a gold chain in his neck".

The female employee looks annoyed at first form the sudden questioning of system, Turning around to scold him.

But she is shocked by the looks of the perfect body and responds to the question in a small tone with a blush on her face " I heard him saying he got today's drink cash and said am now gonna hit the what club name he said".

Getting a lead system is estatic about it. But claim himself down. He asks her in a kind tone "Do you know what club name he mentioned?. If you can tell me it will be of great help". Giving a polite smile at the end of his question.

The employee feels like she had fallen in love. And trys really hard to remember the name gathering all the brain power to give the answer to the hot guy in front of her.

She finally remembers the name and says in an happy tone " Yes I remembered it was the vivis hotel and club. A pretty famous club owned by an chinese billionaire. And is pretty famous and is the talk of the most people in the area and outside the town". Giving more Info and her own view about the club.

But system heard none of it. With the name of the club was enough for him to know where the gen 1 Ex king went.

Recalling all the info of the club in his head form the comic and hearing more form the girl. He comes to the conclusion that the club is the 3rd affiliate hideout.

Stopping the female talk by saying and flashing a charming smile " Thanks for the information , See you around beautiful".

heads to the place to meet the king, With the words of System, playing on repeat in the female employee head.

Navigating through the streets and asking around finally arriving at the location. Now System stands infront of the club entrance.

Looking at the long line and thinking "Do I really wanna go inside who knows who will I meet now, The plot is already messed up, Do I really want to make it more complicated ".

Thinking all the positives and the negatives of the situation he comes to a final conclusion and that is to enter. Looking at the long line he spots some girls alone with not boy or any man near them.

Looking at them getting the idea to enter faster he approaches the girls and says "Excuse me are you beautiful ladies alone for the evening if yes then will you allow me to accompany you for the evening".

hearing this the girls turn around. With first thought of rejecting him instantly. But stops when they get a look at him.

looking at the guy who asked to accompany them. the girls brain starts processing all the information and instantly comparing him with the all the boys they were with.

After all that processing he gets the nods of them all and now is standing second in line straight to the entrance.

Getting in the front they are easily granted the entrance in the club. Entering he is blinded and deafen by loud music and blinding lights, Finding the right moment he leaves the girls and looks around for gongseob ji.

After a while of looking he finds him. Across the dance floor. Sitting in the karaoke room. Making his way to him trough the crowd of wild dancers with many females trying to grab him and make him dance.

Avoiding them all he reached the center of the dance floor with the half of the way remaining. The music suddenly stops. Everyone is confused as then people are parted on the dance floor. With both side separating making way for who ever crossing the dance floor.

System with only thought in his mind prays to rob once again to not encounter any main plot related characters. But seems to hear laughter and is confused looking up and seeing the whole third affiliate with vivi xiolong, Making their way in the center.

Looking at the other side he sees 4 people in mask neko, Dharuma, dog, hyottoko nomen masks. Looking at all of them with a single thought ran in his mind which was 'FUCK'. But The worse is yet to come.

To make the situation even worse, form behind the people also starts to separate creating way for the biggest capper in the verse and his peak gen 0 fighters who he thinks solos the verse alone. Eugene and his gun and goo.

Now system stands in the center of all these parties. The situation might seem bad. For our mc.

but it is not beacuse he js surrounded by the 2 affiliates and their main combat members. He can easily annilate them. easily even if there were 1000  Destroying them is easy with the baki experience.

Standing their he tires to leave not wanting to be engaged in any deal between them. Cause his current goal is the Gongseob Ji.

Taking a step forward but eugene notice him and says to system " Daniel park nice to meet you here, I did not expect a person like you will visit the club, If I had known I would have definitely cleared the whole club just to meet you once again, I was hoping to discuss the deal once again, cause last one did not went according to what I expected".

saying this all in a friendly tone. Like he is the best friend of system using the second body. And steps ahead to put a hand around his shoulder.

System takes a step back and ignores him and goes ahead to reach the iron boxer. But the next words of Eugene.

Stopped hia steps way, the words might have said by Eugene in a friendly manner. But anyone with common sense can feel the hidden meaning in them.

The words of were "Nice gift you brought for the old lady, Would be a shame if someone hurt her. Now I believe you don't want to be a reason for this happening to kindly listen to my instruction".

Eugene is smart but their are times where his iq falls below yuseong. These are one of those times. Where he had shown his stupidity. Of threatening the man.

Who showed him, what he was capable of doing.

Hearing eugene words the threat was clear, Making a fist veins appear on both his arms, Alerting all the people on the dance floor. With the use of bloodlust making everyone scared.

The whole club went form party mood to down right a murder is about to happen mood, With both affiliate standing ahead of their president and protecting them. Not wanting them to be involved in the matter.

All of this is not going unseen by the king of daegu . Who is now looking at the scene with pleasure and a cool beer. Like waiting for a movie to start.

System turns to eugene and says in a cold tone "Do I need to remind you what happened the last time you threatened me, Or would you like a repeat of the detention center".

Eugene hearing this all is a little scared , keeping his poker face and feeling the mood he can feel his next words will decide what is gonna happen.

Keeping his calm look eugene responds in a friendly tone "I clearly remember what happened last time, So I want to avoid it and want to talk like good people have a seat and a tea or a cold drink. And am also sure madook wants the same, Don't you madook". Hearing this the tall figure nods.

We see a flash back of the meeting that happened in the detention center at chapter 20.

The sound of the person which came from the cell was eugene with madook and dumb twin standing behind him.

Eugene seeing Daniel enter the room says "Well nice to finally meet you daniel park. My name is eugene also known as ex partner of charles".

Looking at system who looks at him. Without showing much reaction. Eugene continues

"I know you got many questions for me daniel why don't you answer some of mine and I answer some of yours". in a tone which contained curiosity.

Responding to his words and question system says "Nice to meet you also and looking at you must have done your homework about me. Or am I that famous out side".

saying and taking the seat and looks at him. Waiting for the next response form eugene.

The next words of eugene were "Well your right about begin famous for beating zeus. And will also become even more famous for the up coming news".

The words set the room atmosphere to change with cold rising. Eugene felt the room temperature dropped.

The previous clam atmosphere is now replaced with the scary and heavy feel. With madook euege and dumb twin hairs standing up and goosebumps forming.

Eugene ignoring, The reaction of system and the strange movements of his twin.The and continues with his next words making the already bad situation. Even worse.

"I also have some people watch some of your friends, I hope you will now sit still and listen to what I have to say".

These words were spoken in a light tone. But the feed back these words brought is not what eugene expected.

Hearing eugene system responds cold emotionless tone " I hope you call them all back as soon as possible otherwise the upcoming news might have 3 more people in it, and I don't care for the consequence. I already got one and am not afraid for add more".

With those words said. System looks at Eugene with no emotion on his eyes and face.The words and the look sent chill down their spine.

But eugene still not took those words seriously, The reason begin his gun and goo are stronger. He thinks that. Nah they'd win. And with the mindset of begin the honored one.

Which we all know he is not that guy.

Eugene gives small smile and did not took his eyes off the System using the perfect body. To set even more fire. Eugene speaks in a tone which clearly meant did not took his words seriously.

"Why don't you try it Daniel would love to see how far can you go, And what pulled charles attention to you". The words of Eugene words clearly said he did not took him serious.

System standing up from the chair. pushed the table to the side to clear way to eugene. Taking a step and extending his hand to grab Eugene form the neck.

System hand is grabbed by madook. Who was on Eugene left side. And tries to pull him toward him.

With the thought of creating some distance between Daniel and Eugene. Madook grabs his arms and tries to pull him. to keep him at a distance form eugene. But is surprised.

Madook fails to pull him, Using all his strength to pull him even a little back but, ultimatly failing sweats starts to drop form his forehead.

Madook feels like he is not pulling something human but a mountain. Realizing the threat madook wants to escape form the guy infront of him.

System who was getting annoyed by madook was about to punch him away . Hears eugene say "Why don't we all calm down daniel cause I got my men looking at all your friends and also you don't want to hear the news how an old women was beated by delinquents".

After saying that system stops. Eugene thinking he got the upper hand. But is shocked by the next words of system. "Wanna bet who will be the first one asking me. To kill him. Between 3 of you".

Without any warning punching madook on the face with full force sending him flying in the wall, Breaking and making huge sound in the empty room Turning his attention from madook to Dumb twin.

Who was still standing to the eugene left side to protect him. Seeing how madook was taken down steps in front of eugene to protect him.

Trying to undo the cuff button, To showoff But fails miserably. his face is grabbed and smashed in the ground just couple of steps away form eugene.

Damagening the floor. As the pieces of stones fly everywhere. With some landing near the feet of Eugene. who was shocked.

Eugene is shocked at this moment seeing how his wallmart gun and goo dismantled in seconds, They did not stand a single chance against Daniel.

Eugene seeing this all his brain is sent into in a state of pause. The scene of madook and his brother easily taken out is playing in his head.

Eugene mind raced thinking ' How, what happened. How is he that strong. My brother and madook is supposed to be stronger. They were the strongest. We were supposed to win'.

His mind making up excuses. Not wanting to accept the lose of his both guards. But can't think of any proper excuse.

With him thinking of an explanation of the event, That had just happened, But comes to no conclus. With system using the perfect body now stand in front of him.

Eugene is shook out of his process of thoughts, With the words of system which were "The next time you ever think of talking this big, Bring a proper set of body guards, As the current ones are definitely not qualified for the job".

After saying this system turns and leaves the cell, Leaving eugene shocked and speechless and scared.

Flash back ends.

That incident made Eugene understand why charles has his attention on Daniel. And he learnt form his mistakes, But some habits are hard to let of then some others. But still keeping his cool Eugene trying to clam the situation says.

He says "Well we both know, My words might not be of any major effect, but to some these words are enough to completely stop many in their tracks, Making the person for which the words were said to calmly listen and follow the instructions given to him. So I hope you don't mind them much". Eugene said these words in the hope to clam the current matter.

Ignoring the words of eugene system speaks "Consider this the last and final chance and I assure you that their will not be a third time for you, remove that thought that they can protect you. They can not even touch a single hair on my head unless I want them to, Hiding behind them, will not give you enough time to escape, Your smarter then all the people here and know of what I am truly capable of, make the right choice of words next time or else that might be your last time". Saying all that in a cold tone sent shiver in the bones of all present.

Turning away form eugene and system makes his way to the 1 gen king, Thinking of ways to persuade him to train zack earlier, Seeing Daniel leave Eugene felt like a huge weight taken off his shoulders, Turning his attention to the 2nd and 3rd affiliate.

They all move to the meeting center point to have a deep talk about current matters and the biggest upcoming problem, That will effect them all. Taking a seat in the room with a file begin distributed to all of them containing all the main info on The perfect body.


Hope you all liked the chapter. And tell which part you liked.

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 Have a good day or night PEACE

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