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43.66% Fate/Roulette

Chapter 59: Chapter 58: The beginning of the end

(Titus's (Ferdiad's) POV)

In a desolate castle, I strolled calmly towards the expansive open bath. As I moved, a young boy hurried past me, his face twisted in horror.

Why didn't he notice me? Well, truth be told, no one did. I was cloaked in an illusion spell, rendering me invisible to all.

As for the boy fleeing in terror, he happened to be Queen Medb's nephew, and he had just committed regicide with an unlikely weapon – a solid lump of cheese. Yes, you read that right, cheese.

Entering the bath area, I spotted Medb lying unconscious in the pool, a stray piece of cheese nearby, signaling her demise.

"Well, that simplifies things," I remarked, proceeding to haul Medb's lifeless body out of the water.

Checking her pulse, I discovered she was still alive.

"The heck? So, she didn't die by cheese but by drowning. That explains a lot," I muttered.

Although she clung to life, her pulses were feeble. Should I attempt to save her? The answer was an obvious no.

This person really made life difficult for my friend. Cu Chulainn found himself ensnared in so many Geis that it took a whole day to dispel all those curses.

In the legends, Cu Chulainn met his demise due to Medb's schemes, but this time he managed to survive. However, I still had to play out his staged death.

"She has an appealing physique, but ugh! The scent of men's semen is still so repugnant," I muttered, covering my nose.

Even after a bath, her body retained the lingering odor of male fluid. Even my own body doesn't have such a pungent smell.

Observing her closely, I noted that she was still in good shape. Unbeknownst to many, she had a trace of fairy blood in her, allowing her to both rule a kingdom and indulge in whatever pleasures she desired.

Her bust had grown slightly since our last encounter, perhaps due to her role as a mother to many children.

As for her hole, my dear lord, what the hell was that thing?!! It was just outright horrendous. It was larger than I could have imagined, about the size of my palm. And if I were to extend my finger in, I felt like my entire arm would vanish into it. What on earth was happening there?!

I was aware she had given birth, but this was beyond any expectation. It shouldn't have been like that. It made me feel queasy, so I quickly shifted my focus to her face.

"She does have a cute face," I remarked, gently lifting her hair. Even in her slumber, she appeared pure and innocent. If not for her rather active desires, I might have considered doing something for her as well. Who knows, maybe she could have joined the ranks of my servants.

"Let's get moving; it's getting late," I said, withdrawing a short sword from its sheath.

Now, you might be wondering why I was here if I had no intention of aiding Medb. Well, having served under Nero to Emperor Toba, I observed a peculiar fascination among kings and emperors. They seemed oddly fixated on acquiring souvenirs after victorious battles—a rather macabre practice, if you ask me.

And what was that prized souvenir, you may ask?

It was the severed head of a person.

Having served under kings myself, I felt the urge to adopt the same tradition—a morbid memento to commemorate success. After honing my beheading skills, I aimed to put them to use, and my chosen souvenir was to be Queen Medb's head.

Without hesitation, I swung the blade, cleanly severing Medb's head from her body. It was a precise and flawless strike, with no blood spilled. My sword possessed the unique ability to cut anything while maintaining a connection. This meant that even if my arm were severed, there would be no bleeding, and I could still move the disconnected limb. However, this ability lasted only a minute.

Swiftly, I executed my plan. First, I cast a high-level preservation spell on Medb's head before tossing it into my inventory. Second, I replaced her original head with a dummy head.

"Phew, thank goodness the hard work paid off," I exclaimed, feeling a bit excited. I envisioned adorning her preserved head beautifully and displaying it in my office. Hehe, it would be interesting to see Shirou and the others' reactions.

"Now, time to get going. Greater Teleportation!" I dramatically called upon the spell, and with that, I disappeared from sight.

I reappeared beside a tree, the picturesque beauty of nature unfolding before us.

"Are you done?" a voice emerged from behind. I turned to find Scathach, clutching a dark crow by its neck. "Is that the Morrígan?!"

The Morrígan, a Celtic Divine Spirit embodying Death and Destruction, had once offered her protection to Cu Chulainn, but he had declined. Complicated events unfolded, leading to Morrígan falling for Cu. I had requested Scathach to handle her, anticipating potential problems, but Scathach had opted for a more permanent solution.

"Yeah, she was a bother initially, but I found pleasure in hunting her," Scathach smiled, twisting the crow's neck until it vanished into dark particles.

The idea of hunting deities like animals sent shivers down my spine. "Won't she curse you?" I inquired.

"I'm already cursed beyond belief. A couple more curses won't make a difference," Scathach declared, licking her lips while undoing her clothes. "Let's make this the final time. No holding back."

"Same here, shishou," I smirked as Scathach leaped onto me. With her arms and legs entwined around my body, we sealed each other's lips. What ensued were endless moans and the rhythmic sounds of passion, a couple indulging in ultimate pleasure before the impending final battle.


"Are you certain about this, shishou?" I inquired as Scathach obliterated the gate leading to the Land of Shadows, sealing the only path to her realm.

"Yes, my era ends here. I won't be training anyone or venturing outside. This is where I meet my end," Scathach affirmed, a faint smile playing on her lips.

In her legend, she had never faced death but was confined to the Land of Shadows for 2000 years, only bidding farewell when the world eventually ceased to exist. Her realm, the Land of Shadows, became a fantasy, no longer tangible in reality. With her impending end, she chose to close off the passage.

Knowing she'd spend much of her time in the Reverse Hyperbolic Time Chamber, equipped with all necessities, I replied, "If that's your decision…"

"Feeling nervous?" Scathach asked, her hand gently caressing my back.

"Yeah, a bit. But I'll do what needs to be done," I assured, taking a deep breath.

We walked in silence until we reached the open area outside the castle.

"Scathach, before we commence this battle, I have a request," I addressed her, uttering her name directly as I materialized my Gungnir.

"Go ahead," Scathach responded, producing a spear akin to Gae Bolg, the weapon I had crafted for her.

"No matter what happens, don't plead for mercy," I ground out, my gaze dropping. "It might weaken my resolve to end you."

"Understood. Rest assured, I am a formidable warrior. Now that the pain of death awaits, I'm prepared to embrace it," Scathach declared resolutely. However, despite her strength, her tone betrayed a hint of hesitation. Regardless of strength, death always invokes fear. Having experienced death six times myself, I understood that feeling well.

The dance of combat enveloped us, my twirling Gungnir seamlessly blending with the rhythm of the battle. Beside me, Scathach, wielding a fearsome crimson spear, mirrored my every move with the grace of a seasoned warrior.


The clash erupted, unleashing a kinetic fury. Our spears collided with a thunderous resonance, the impact creating shockwaves that reverberated through the battlefield. Each strike carried an unmatched ferocity, causing the ground to quake as if the very earth responded to our conflict.

We wove and spun, a mesmerizing tapestry of battle unfolding. I lunged forward, the metallic gleam of Gungnir cutting through the air, only to be skillfully parried by Scathach's crimson spear. Her movements composed a symphony of precision and power, each maneuver a testament to her mastery of combat.

The clash escalated into a whirlwind of strikes and counters, blurring the very essence of reality. Our spears, like extensions of our wills, engaged in a deadly ballet, leaving trails of shimmering light in their wake.


The land bore witness to our struggle, each collision carving deep furrows in the ground, rending rocks and flinging shards of earth into the sky. With each clash, we reshaped the battleground, the sheer force of our confrontation altering the terrain.

Despite the intensity, an unspoken understanding prevailed—a shared admiration for the artistry of combat. Each strike was met with a grin, a mutual respect for the skill and determination of our opponent.


Amidst the fierce exchange, there existed a harmony within the chaos—a rhythmic pulse coursing through our veins. It transcended a mere clash of weapons, embodying a testament to the bond forged in the heat of battle. Two warriors, reveling in the exhilaration of combat, entwined in a dance that echoed the depths of their connection, a smile to our faces.

But everything has an end.

After a few decisive strikes, I chose to bring an end to the confrontation. Ascending into the air, I called upon the might of my weapon, "Gungnir, unleash your power!"

With a resounding roar, the spear rocketed through the air, carrying a violent purple energy. It collided with the ground just before Scathach.


The explosion resonated throughout the Land of Shadows, a mushroom cloud shrouding the sky. Yet, the one directly impacted by the blast, Scathach, miraculously survived.

"Khgg!" Scathach cried out as she rolled meters away. Her body suit was charred, and her skin bore burns, drained of energy.

For a brief moment, she lay there in the dust, her body beginning to heal and stamina recovering in milliseconds. However, she didn't rise. Instead, she gazed at the tainted sky.

The sky ruptured, and I descended, wielding not a spear but a pointed spiral sword—Caladbolg. I had acquired this after Ferdiad's death. But unlike the original, this version was adorned with EX-ranked runes.

Landing upon Scathach, I raised the sword high.

"Farewell!" I cried, thrusting the weapon into Scathach's chest.


Well, with this chapter, we will be entering the ending phase of this volume. Also, I would like to thank you all for voting this week and made this fic in top 30s.

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