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Chapter 4: Special chakra and Priestess?


"Hurry, heal him!" The toad, known as Fukusaku, exclaimed as another large fodder toad carried Jiraiya to the healing house where they would use the healing tag, which could bring people back to life from fatal injuries.

Just before losing consciousness, Jiraiya had used the reverse-summoning jutsu to have him and Naruto transported to Mt. Myoboku.

This act just might have saved his life. When he was reverse-summoned, he and Naruto arrived on the mountain, and he had four stakes through his body.

Naruto had lost his consciousness after having his and the tailed beast's chakra almost completely stolen, which is also why he is unconscious.

"I wonder what happened to them; they are not in good shape at all. Who could harm him to this extent?" Fukusaku asked himself as he gazed at the closed room where the Great Toad Sage Elder Gamamaru resided..

–Land of Demons–

Flying through the sky was Shinshiki Otsutsuki. The reason for his visit to the Land of Demons was the fact that there resided a special chakra.

This chakra was unique, and even he couldn't understand what it was. It held a mystery that eluded him, and it wasn't something he had sensed, not even in Urashiki's thousand years of memories.

He could feel its presence, yet he couldn't directly sense it, almost as if it was teasing him.

He also sensed another presence, one of incredibly dark chakra, the kind that only a demon could possess, he flew towards the serene chakra that he felt.

Shinshiki hovered in the sky, his presence barely making a sound. As he approached the palace-like structure, he observed the girl gazing through the window.

Her pale purple eyes held a mesmerizing quality, and her long, flowing blonde hair seemed to shimmer in the moonlight.

With a regal air about her, she appeared both ethereal and serene. Shinshiki couldn't help but be captivated by her presence, realizing that she was the source of the unique chakra that had led him to this place.

Not wanting to startle her, he approached slowly, making his presence known but not intrusive. "Greetings," he said in a calm and respectful tone, hoping not to disrupt her peaceful moment of stargazing.

The girl turned her head up slowly, her pale purple eyes meeting his pale white ones. For a moment, there was a hint of surprise in her gaze, but it quickly softened into curiosity.

"Hello," she replied, her voice gentle and melodic. "I wasn't expecting visitors. What brings you here?" Her tone held a touch of caution, but there was also a glimmer of intrigue as she studied the newcomer.

He was still afloat in the sky, that was intriguing to her, how can he float? Is it some kind of ninjutsu? if so then what is this ninjutsu?

Shinshiki noticed her curiosity and decided to provide an answer while still floating in the air. "I assure you, this isn't ninjutsu. It's a unique ability I possess," he explained with a faint smile. "As for why I'm here, I sensed extraordinary chakra emanating from this place, and I'm quite intrigued by it. My purpose is simply to learn more about it, and if you are its guardian, I'd like to know more about you as well."

He maintained a respectful distance, not descending any further, as he awaited her response. Somehow, he couldn't find it in himself to feel contempt for this girl as he normally felt around humans.

"My name is Shion, I am the priestess of this land," she replied calmly. Hearing her response, some of Urashiki's fragmented memories rushed to him. 'Looks like he did investigate her after all,' he thought.

Shinshiki descended gracefully from the sky, his presence almost otherworldly as he landed before her. His pale white eyes locked onto hers as he spoke in a calm, soothing voice.

"May I sit here?" He asked her. She thought about it for a second before nodding with a calm expression. He sat at the window rail, where she had put her hand, supporting her chin, which she now moved to make space for him.

"Your necklace," He began as he looked at her neck, where a round and pink crystal necklace was hanging on a thread. "Hm? What about my necklace?" Confused, she inquired.

"It has a dangerous but protective presence inside it, most likely to protect you from dangers," He explained to her. Her eyes widened, and a single tear slowly fell.

He was now feeling slightly awful, not knowing if he had hurt her, but sensing her emotion, he could feel that she was both happy and sad.

He could not understand why he was feeling this way. With Urashiki's memories and experiences, he should be cold-hearted. 'Could it be!? I do not have any memories of my own. Does 'me' as an entity even exist in this world?'

He looked at the girl as she stood up and took a few steps back. "Thank you for telling me that," she said, bowing her head and offering a respectful smile.

He could see that her curiosity about him was only growing, but he didn't mind. Someone with such pure and serene chakra should be revered like an angel.

This was the first time he had seen pure chakra. All the chakra he had absorbed before was dense and malevolent, but Shion's chakra remained untainted, with not even a single shred of malevolence found inside her chakra.

"Would you be willing to leave with me?" He asked her without much thought, not considering how he might come across.

"What?" Not fully comprehending his question, she asked with a perplexed expression.

"Would you be willing to leave this land with me? I could show you a world beyond your wildest imagination," he replied with a faint smile, his normally cold eyes now filled with a spark of enthusiasm.

She could sense the longing in his eyes, the promise of freedom almost within reach, but sadly, she couldn't go with him. As the only one capable of sealing Moryo if he ever awakened, she couldn't abandon her duty to protect this land.

Shaking her head gently, she replied with a forced smile, "I couldn't leave this land defenseless against Moryo's threat. It's not that I don't trust you, even though we've just met, I sense some connection between us. I'm sorry, but I can't go with you."

Nodding his head, he inquired further, "Moryo huh?, is he the source of the dark chakra I sense?"

Surprised by his question, she asked, "You can sense him too?" It was a power she thought only she possessed, having felt Moryo's presence since she was a child.

"So, if I put an end to him, you would be free to go with me right?" His lips twisted into a small girn as he spoke.

She looked at him, her eyes filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "If you could truly put an end to Moryo, I suppose I would be free. But that's easier said than done. Moryo is incredibly powerful, and I've been preparing for the moment he breaks the seal my entire life. Still, if you're willing to help, I won't stop you."

"Well then, I shall assist you in defeating Moryo, and together, we shall bid farewell to this land." He realized that he found himself smiling more often when he was by her side.

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