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Chapter 9: Chapter 8 – The Temple’s Deception

I am suffering from fewer recently, so I couldn't post the chapter this Thursday


In the dimly lit temple, the harmonious chants of the worshippers created an ethereal atmosphere, and the presence of the priest at the altar seemed to bridge the mortal realm with the divine. The congregation stood with heads bowed, hands clasped in reverence to their god, Indra.

Beside the priest, a woman shrouded in a deep hood concealed her identity, standing as an enigmatic figure among the devout. Her features were hidden, but her presence was undeniable.

The priest's voice resonated with authority as he addressed the congregation, "My fellow worshippers, as you know, in seven days, Aegrum harvest will grace us with its presence. On this sacred day, just like every year, we shall raise our voices in praise of our god and offer tokens of our devotion in gratitude for His blessings. Beside me stands the chief of this grand event, a woman who has journeyed from the inner sanctuary of Indraprastha, at my personal request, to oversee our festival."

With a respectful nod, he gestured toward the hooded woman, inviting her to join the chorus of praise to the god. She accepted the unspoken invitation, her voice joining the choir, but her identity remained shrouded in mystery.

As the priest turned his gaze toward the congregation, he wore a mask of serene dedication. However, beneath the composed exterior, turmoil churned within him.

Every year, the women that to be sent to Indraprastha from other cities for the Aegrum harvest festival had increased, but the priest's ability to procure such devotees had dwindled. This year, despite his arduous efforts, he had managed to secure only a single candidate, and his heart was heavy with anxiety.

The dwindling numbers were a cause for concern, for the higher order would interpret it as a lack of zeal among the citizens of this particular city. They might accuse him of not trying hard enough to make the faithful believe, and they were unlikely to entertain his explanations.

The priest knew that in a city of limited significance like this, finding women of the desired qualities was a daunting challenge. However, he was painfully aware that the higher order would not sympathize with his predicament, and their expectations weighed heavily on him.

The priest looked towards the woman beside him with anxiety.



The temple's morning light filtered through the heavy drapes, casting a warm, inviting glow. The priest, who had risen from his slumber, stood in quiet contemplation, his thoughts veiled behind a mask of calm. Nearby, Saya, the woman who had come to the temple in secrecy the previous night, bathed and emerged refreshed.

As Saya approached the priest, she gently assisted him in donning his priestly attire, her movements precise and practiced. Yet, the priest's attention was elsewhere, his thoughts unfurling like the incense smoke that filled the chamber.

When Saya had completed the task of tidying the priest's garments, he finally addressed her, his voice tinged with purpose.

"Saya, you have successfully completed the test of devotion, proving your readiness to serve our Lord Indra," the priest began. "But before you depart from this city, I have one more task for you."

Saya met the priest's gaze, her curiosity piqued. "What is it, sir?" she inquired.

The priest's eyes held a depth of meaning as he explained his request. "You are aware that the festival is only seven days away. I wish for you to oversee this grand event, but not merely as yourself. I want you to embody a figure from the inner sanctuary of Indraprastha."

Saya's brow furrowed with mild confusion. "Why is that, sir?"

The priest's response was measured and earnest. "This city lacks a devout presence as yours, Saya. It is a great honor to bestow upon you. By representing someone who hails from the inner sanctuary, the people here will feel a unique connection to our temple. Their faith will be reinforced, for they will believe that the central temple has taken a personal interest in their devotion. We have always cared for them, but sometimes, to deepen their belief, we must orchestrate situations to make them truly understand that our god cares for them."

He continued, "Lord Indra's benevolence is boundless, but He chooses to act silently. He don't want people to worship him just for his blessing. But, we believe that His blessings should reach far and wide. Therefore, we priests must, at times, employ methods to enhance the reach of His kindness. I am entrusting you with this task, Saya, because it is a necessity. You know well the benefits that come to those who truly believe in our god. I merely wish for His benevolence to extend to a wider audience."

Saya absorbed the priest's words, recognizing the depth of his intention. She nodded her understanding, her commitment to the temple's cause unwavering.

With this task, the temple had bestowed upon her a unique honour, and Saya was ready to carry the weight of their shared mission, to allow the people of this city to feel the divine presence more closely than ever before.


As the temple ceremony unfolded, the priest found himself drawn to the woman standing at the centre of it all—Saya, now adorned as a member from the inner sanctuary of Indraprastha. She played her part to perfection, her presence exuding a sense of divinity that captivated the worshippers.

The priest's gaze, filled with a mixture of satisfaction and relief, remained fixed on Saya. In her, he had found a solution to a growing problem that weighed heavily on his shoulders. Gathering more women for the upcoming festival had become an impossible task, and orchestrating this elaborate plan was his only recourse. Although the higher order may express disappointment over his failure to provide a substantial number of women, he understood that as long as the temple's ranks swelled with new devotees, he might be spared.

As he observed the congregation, the priest's sharp eyes caught the presence of a new face—someone who stood out like a vibrant bloom amidst a sea of familiar flowers. It was a woman of striking beauty who seemed deeply engrossed in Saya's melodious praises to Lord Indra.

The priest found himself compelled to approach her, to unravel the story of the captivating stranger who had graced their temple. Yet, he hesitated, realizing that her face was unfamiliar in this city. She had the air of a newcomer, a blank page ripe for the writing. He decided that he would observe her for a few more days before making a formal introduction.

After the completion of the temple ceremony, the priest couldn't help but fixate on the woman he had spotted amidst the worshippers. Her beauty and allure had left an impression, and he knew he needed to learn more about her.

As the ceremonial incantations came to a close, the worshippers slowly paid their respects and filed out of the temple, their hearts filled with a deep reverence for Lord Indra. The priest, however, lingered behind, his eyes fixed on the enigmatic woman he had observed earlier amidst the crowd of worshippers. His curiosity was undeniable, and her presence continued to gnaw at the edges of his thoughts.


At the same time, after coming out of the temple, the woman who caught the eye of the priest made her way to a humble wooden house situated at a distance from the temple. Inside the house, three people eagerly awaited her return.

Cyrus, one of the three, couldn't contain his curiosity and inquired about her mission. "So, how did it go?" he asked.

Lyria, the woman in question, considered her response carefully before replying, "I believe it will take time for me to establish a connection with the priest. He did appear interested in conversing with me, but he refrained from doing so openly."

Atesso and Izel exchanged worried glances. Atesso voiced their shared concern, "We thought the priest had a weakness for women, but it seems that may not be the case."

Lyria provided additional insights, "And there's one more crucial detail. There's a woman in the temple whom the priest introduced as someone from the inner sanctuary. But, in fact, she's the same woman who entered the temple last night. I can sense her aura distinctly. Furthermore, it seems improbable that a priest from this modest city could have contact with members of the inner sanctuary."

Cyrus, Atesso, and Izel reacted to this revelation in unison, their voices echoing in disbelief, "What?"

Izel, with a skeptical tone, expressed their concerns, "Dealing with inner sanctuary members is no small feat. Are you certain, Lyria?"

Lyria nodded resolutely, "I am. The priest's claim that she came from the inner sanctuary appears to be a ploy, an attempt to deceive the citizens. Their motive is still unclear, but we should proceed with caution."

Cyrus hesitated before speaking up, "But what if there is a hidden threat we're not aware of?"

Lyria cut him off gently but firmly, her gaze unwavering, "Let me finish. The woman from last night and the one introduced today are one and the same. I can sense her presence. Besides, there's no plausible reason for someone from the inner sanctuary to appear in this city. They are undoubtedly attempting to increase their influence."

Izel interjected, "So, they are using deception to manipulate the citizens?"

Lyria nodded in agreement, "It's a possibility. However, given this newfound information, it seems there's no immediate danger. We shall proceed with our mission."


As the days passed, Lyria continued to immerse herself in her role as a devout follower of Lord Indra within the temple. Her presence became a familiar sight to both the worshippers and the priest. She participated in the rituals, offering her genuine devotion and commitment, all the while knowing that her every move was being closely observed.

Her actions, though part of her undercover mission, bore an authenticity that transcended her disguise. Her dedication was evident in the way she sang the hymns, joined the chants, and bowed before the grandeur of the altar. The worshippers, unaware of her true purpose, found themselves drawn to her unwavering faith, which seemed to resonate with a profound sincerity.

On the sixth day, following the conclusion of the temple ceremony, Lyria remained amidst the gathering of devotees as they began to make their way out. At that moment, the priest, with an air of gentleness, sought to engage her in conversation.

His voice, soft and inquisitive, broke the silence between them as he said, "Excuse me."


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