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25.92% In Lookism as Gojo / Chapter 7: A Declaration

Chapter 7: A Declaration

Mc pov

For two years I had been training myself in various martial arts and building a strong background and now I finally think it is the time for me to enter the original story, So the answer to the question 'What next?' is obviously....

"I am gonna take a break and complete my studies"

Just like I thought, everyone stared at me with a surprised look that seemed to say, "Are you joking?" Because, you see, the one thing I'm reaaally not good at in this world is just sitting quietly and not causing any trouble.

Over the past two years, I've found myself in over a thousand fights, and here's the kicker – I haven't lost a single one. It's tough to turn down a challenge when some random person approaches, questioning your strengths and skills. Some folks even had the audacity to demand that I hand over control of the crew as I am just some 'KID'.

But, you know what? Even if I wanted to, I couldn't afford to lose to those weaklings; there's something inside me that just won't allow it ,its like I'm born to win.

However, I've got to admit, some of these folks were like monsters when it came to combat, capable of tearing you apart with just their bare hands. They had enough strength to make me remove my limiter. 

Don't get me wrong, though, these fights weren't a piece of cake. Even with my massive strength and ability, I don't have it easy.

You see, I have this limiter that keeps my strength in check. It only goes up when I'm up against someone as strong as me or facing a real  challenge 

So, my suddenly wanting to quit and study now will definitely shock them to the core. They're probably wondering if I've been replaced by an imposter or hit my head somewhere!

But all I got in response were some lackluster "yeah," "good," "kay," and "mm." It kind of irked me, to be honest.

"Hey, why are you laughing, nerd?" I quizzed Alex, a hint of irritation creeping into my voice.

"Oh, nothing," Maria chimed in, "We just think you're just going to study and nothing else." Her knowing look told me they weren't buying my plans for a quiet break. 'Sigh... now I understand...'

" tch "I clicked my tongue in annoyance. 

I knew exactly why they were laughing, and it was all that Morgan guy's fault. It's like he cursed me before sending me here. Every time I try to make a move on a girl, it's like they either have a boyfriend or they turn out to be some undercover super bitch with a double personality, acting like little whores.

It's almost like I'm cursed in the love department. But here's the thing, folks, I'm not just your average office guy to give up hope that easily; I'm basically the best-looking guy to ever grace this world. Yet, despite my dashing good looks, I haven't managed to land a girlfriend in either the old world or this new messed-up one.

But you know what? I've got a master plan this time. I'll find the perfect girl, and she'll be so enchanted by my charm so much that she'll be the one to ask me out.

That's right! I'll make her think it's her brilliant idea. So, despite the laughter and teasing, I'm pretty darn confident that this time...this time for sure.... love will finally be on my side.

I couldn't help but shake my head at the bunch of fools I was surrounded by. They might think it's funny, but I know better. This time, I'm determined to find someone truly amazing.

I'll charm her so effortlessly that she'll be the one begging me to go out with her. It's all part of my genius plan. As I rubbed my own nose thoughtfully, I couldn't help but smirk at my own brilliance. Yep, I'm pretty confident that this time, things will work out perfectly in my love life.

Maria and Harry were chatting about their super complicated business stuff, and honestly, it was like they were talking in alien code. I had no clue what was happening, All those fancy words and numbers went over my head.

So, I turned to Hwan, who was wearing the same "I have no idea what's going on but let's pretend I know something" expression as me.

"So you got any girlfriends?" I asked Hwan to start a conversation

"Do you think I will get a girlfriend in 1 week while you were gone and I was busy organizing all this shit?" he asked in annoyance

I shot back with a smirk, "I wouldn't believe it even if you told me you had one." which irked him for some reason. 

Taking a deep breath with his teeth grinding together he replied "You!.....{sigh}..." but stopped at the end.

"mm...{sigh}" I also sighed taking a sip of the drink in my hand "By the way you are also attending school with me"


"what 'WHAT!', I know you will be lonely without me and will get in trouble with others without me"

"First of all , WHO THE FU$CK said I will be lonely without you and YOU! are the one who gets in the trouble, I only get dragged into it later" 

I leaned in closer, nudging Hwan playfully,  "Come on, bruh! It'll be a blast! Think about all the school trips and awesome chicks. Plus, you might even find your future girlfriend there!"

Taking a moment to think and looking at the excitement in my face, with a cheeky grin he spoke with a mocking tone "You are afraid of talking to girls right, and that's why you are dragging me along with you as your wingman? "

I was shocked, What blasphemy is he speaking! But its kind of true😒 "….O-only pussies are afraid of girls.. and WHY DO YOU ACT LIKE YOU ARE SOME KIND OF CASANOVA?!"

"BRUH ,YOU'RE LIKE SHIT AWKWARD AROUND GIRLS, MAN. AND LIKE, I NEVER REALLY TALK TO THEM... YOU KNOW... because... BECAUSE I'M A SIGMA MALE!" Hwan replied, his veins practically doing the cha-cha on his forehead, and he flashed this smile, you know, one of those teethy, totally-not-awkward ones.

"A SIGMA MALE, huh? Is that your excuse?" I replied raising my fist in the air

"Excuse me, I think you guys both are afraid of talking to girls" Alex intervened for which Hwan and I replied together "" Shut the fuck up NERD!""

"Nerd can't even make a joke"

"you are right, nerd isn't funny"

"He will remain single like that..hahaha"

"yeah nerd got zero Rizz"

"Genius ?My ass"

"HAHAHAHAH" bullying Alex to our heart's content Hwan and I began to talk about other things but Alex was sulking in the corner with a dejected look on his face drawing circles on the ground muttering some gibberish.

'knock knock'

Come in I said "Sir there is someone named Gun Park here to meet you" a lady in formal attire reported in a hurried manner seeing her uneasy expression and sweating I asked after some thinking

"He is making a scene in the lobby now hasn't he" I asked as a matter of fact and an amused expression appeared on my face hearing her reply

"yes sir, a person named Goo has taken down the entire first floor security, and currently Mr. Jimmy is trying to take him down but the fight is only escalating and causing some serious damage in the lobby"

Hearing this everyone became annoyed with an angry expression except me, why? because I knew something like this would happen that's why I organized an event like this in the first place

"Maria Noona, could you kindly guide our guests to the third floor?" I asked with an amused smile on my face because I was genuinely excited to meet the infamous 'Shiro Oni' or 'White Ghost.' I was even wondering why he still hadn't made a move before.

Hwan stepped forward, trying to diffuse the tension. "I will take care of it, guys. Just another day, another psycho," he said with a forced grin. However, I could see a hint of guilt in his eyes. I had entrusted him with full responsibility for arranging this event, and a problem like this could cause some of the guests to question my ability to handle such situations.

Amid the tense silence, I made a decision. "No, let him in," I declared firmly. My expression left no room for argument. Maria immediately went into action, escorting the guest to the third floor, accompanied by the lady who had come to report the situation, and I'm sure she can do it smoothly without any problems.

Rising from my seat, I took a moment to straighten my shirt before walking toward the window as I didn't want to mess up our first meeting, I am the type of person who likes to settle the matter with a fist rather than blabbing in some mock peace talk and I'm sure he also prefers that. But today is something special.

A little while later, two folks strolled in, acting all high and mighty like they owned the joint. It grated on my nerves, honestly. I seriously wanted to wipe those smug grins right off their faces, I wanted to grind their face against the wall and punch that expression out of their face, but I had to hold back.

You see, I'm living a low-key life right now, trying to keep things quiet. If I let loose and show my true strength, it'll attract the wrong crowd—people who shouldn't be part of the story just yet. It could mess up the whole story.

Now, it's not like I care all that much about the story, but my main goal here is to have a good time, not to wreck things for everyone else. That's exactly why I landed in this world in the first place, you know

"Welcome, Mr. Gun Park," Harry greeted, his towering figure casting a long shadow over Gun. Harry's typically neutral expression had shifted, showing a hint of annoyance. Veins began to bulge on his forehead, and he clenched his fists, causing his muscles to stretch beneath his skin. "May I inquire about the reason for your unannounced visit?"

"Hello, Mr. Harry. It's an honor to meet a business genius like yourself in person," Gun spoke politely as he removed his glasses, revealing his eyes with white irises and black sclera the ultra instinct, a clear sign that he was prepared for a potential conflict. However, Harry remained unfazed, because his experiences in the past had shown him things even crazier than this.

"I would have enjoyed chatting with you further," Gun continued, "but today, my purpose is to meet with the president of Noble Group." His gaze shifted toward me, He was eyeing me like a predator

"I've heard many stories about the mysterious (蒼の巨獣, Ao no Kyojū), or should I say (Axel the Ruthless, Аксель безжалостный " Gun remarked with a brief pause, his gaze returning to Harry. "I would have liked to verify those rumors by myself, but today, I'm here to deliver a message from my employer."

Aswin_SS Aswin_SS

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