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Chapter 37: Her Knight

I expected my father to find me after I revealed myself to the public but not this soon and definitely not in person. I could only presume that his presence here meant that he was incredibly angry with me and that I might have to deal with consequences more serious than I initially thought.

I was determined to protect my people from that anger even if my punishment became greater.

"Hello father."

"Hello Marisilea, it's not appropriate to have a conversation here so let's return to my room."

His curt attitude hasn't changed and he's still difficult to read. I don't think my first assumption that he was angry was correct though as his tone was subdued.

He motioned for two of the three knights that were accompanying him to take seats at one of the tables in the dining area of the inn and proceeded to lead me, Sir Verret, and his last knight upstairs. The remaining knight then posted at the door as we entered. I took a seat on one of the couches that was situated around a small tea table, Sir Verret stood at ease behind me, while my father sat opposite us. His room was larger and more luxurious than the one we had reserved in the same inn but that was to be expected. He is, after all, here as the Duke and wouldn't downplay his importance in public.

He looked at me and Sir Verret in turn before he began speaking.

"I knew that you desired to take the exam for the Tower and figured that you wouldn't let go so easily even if your situation had changed."

"Mage Reginald believes in my ability and I felt that I was capable."

"I agree."

What? He agrees? Why did he refuse to allow me to take the exam if he agreed with us?

"Your silence indicates your surprise. I had reasons to refuse you and I used my authority over you as an excuse to forbid it. Initially."

"What do you mean initially?"

"I had hoped that you would come and ask me again if you could take the exam. I no longer wish to have control over your future and I think you're plenty capable of achieving what you want. If I came to you and told you that I reconsidered my stance I feared that might change or affect your decision. Maybe you'd think I was trying to push you in that direction. We're both stubborn in that way."

"Your pride wouldn't let you do it either."

Sir Verret's rude and sudden words were like a bolt of lightning, striking to a matter my father more than likely didn't want to acknowledge. His eyes widened for only a moment before he sent a slight frown back to him. He paused and his brow furrowed as if considering what was said.

"… Yes, it's possible my pride did play a part in my choice to not approach you. We're alone but you need to be more careful with your words Sir Verret."

"Yes, my liege."

"Marisilea, coming here on your own with such a small escort and without notifying anyone in the Duchy was the wrong choice."

"I apologize father."

I had no way of knowing that he would allow me to do this. He was unyielding in his decisions when he stated them and typically harsher on me than anyone else. What other choice did I have?

"This time I will let it go. I…"

There was hesitation evident in his voice and even in his expression this time. It's causing me to worry.

"… As the date for the exam approached I increased the surveillance on you. There were several maids, servants, and even some members of the fourth knight order that were paying close attention to your every action. As soon as you and Mage Reginald began planning I was aware of it."

The members of the fourth knight order sometimes go by another name, shadow knights. They're not trained in the typical mounted and sword based combat that the other orders use but instead rely on stealth and smaller weaponry for surveillance, infiltration, and other less savory actions.

I shouldn't be surprised or disappointed in this yet I still couldn't help but feel my heart drop. I thought I had been gaining my freedom but I was still under my father's thumb the entire time. If he didn't want me to go I would never have made it out of the gate in that carriage. I might not have even made it beyond the hallway to my room.

"Can't you allow me some freedom to make my own choices? How was I to know you would permit me to go if I asked again and what else was I to do if I believed you would never let me? What actions could I have taken differently? You give me no reasons to trust you and your actions here only prove that. At any point you could have approached me and said that I may take both tests and that would have solved everything. Instead I'm monitored and escorted like a prisoner, my every action tightly controlled."

There is no change to his expression. He expected my reaction to this yet he chose to go forward with it. There's no alternative for me anymore, I have to follow my father's wishes and hope that he'll 'allow' me the privilege of making a choice or two for myself.

"It was my mistake. In the future I will relax my supervision and allow you to decide things on your own. All I ask is that you speak to me about it first."

"I cannot trust you father. I will speak to you first because I have no choice but I will never believe a word you say about anything I ask. I will always look over my shoulder and question every decision you 'permit' me to make. This is how our relationship will be from now on."

I don't care what expression he's making; this is the only thing I will be able to do. Maybe someday I might trust him to let me go, but I doubt it.

"We'll leave tomorrow morning Marisilea. I will assign one more knight of Sir Verret's choice to you and you may explore as you see fit."

"Thank you for your graciousness Duke Arkesh."

With those rude words I departed quickly and returned to my room. I can't bear to see his face right now.

"Sir Verret, Rebecca, please come speak to me for a moment."

 A temporary guard was assigned to my room by my father and posted outside. He would be replaced by Sir Verret after his choice of who it would be was made.

"Did either of you know that my father knew about this?"

"No, m'lady."

Rebecca was the first to respond. Her expressions were a lot easier to read than Sir Verret's so I was glad I could start with the simpler task. And I believe she's telling the truth.

"What about you Sir Verret?"

He's hesitating. Please don't tell me he helped my father plan this.

"… I did not know directly that your father had discovered your plans nor was I involved in reporting your movements to him. I had some suspicions as a few of the servants were behaving oddly but when questioned they had reasonable excuses or explanations. I didn't bring this up because I thought that if we could get you out, even if he did know, then everything would turn out okay."

I breathed a sigh of relief. I think I can trust him on this but I'm a little disappointed in not being told.

"Are you my knight Sir Verret?"

Both of us had a tacit understanding of what my words conveyed.

"I am not personally assigned to the Young Lady but if you request it of the Duke and are satisfied with me, I will gladly accept it."

"I will need to have knights assigned to me soon as I'm an adult and I may leave the house from time to time now. I will make your assignment my first request and I will have you pick out a few other knights from the other orders to be under your command."

"I am greatly honored m'lady."

With his change of address for me I know that this is how things will be for us from now on. I have people I can trust at least.

"From now on if you feel that something is suspicious or out of place, no matter how trivial it may seem, please report it to me. We can decide together what should be done."

"As you order m'lady."

After my discussion with Sir Verret and Rebecca I wasn't in the mood to go sight-seeing around the town under my father's supervision. As such I stayed in my room and read a book until we left the next day.


The trip back was sadly just as uneventful as the trip there. I'm beginning to think that maybe I shouldn't let fictional books about adventures cloud my judgement on what the world is like. Maybe encountering things like that is best left to the heroic protagonists of such tales.

My mother greeted me at the drive that allowed carriages to pull up to the colonnade encompassing the stairs of our manor.

She looked like she had been crying, with a redness around her eyes and the end of her nose. She even held a handkerchief that appeared wrinkled from being gripped tightly.

"I'm home mother."

"Your father wouldn't tell me what was going on when you never came down for lunch over two weeks ago. He said that you left the house with his permission and that he was going to retrieve you but wouldn't tell me why. Why didn't either of you say anything to me!"

Her gaze was aggrieved and she looked between both my father and I to see if we regretted our actions at all.

"I'm sorry mother but the decision was made at the last minute and I didn't have time to inform you."

"You could have left a letter or something! Noah thought you would never come back too!"

"She's tired Elaina, let her get some rest and I'll tell you about what happened in my office."

With another glare for my father my mother hugged me tightly before sending me off to my room to change and rest. I appreciate her care but she can sometimes be overbearing. I hope my father will explain to her the reason for it and not just what was done.

As I passed through the front entryway and began to head for the stairs in the foyer my mother called out to me as if she just remembered something.

"There's a letter for you on the table in the foyer Marisilea."

That should be my letter about the Tower exam, so I snatched it up and headed toward my room. I'll have to take the exam for the Academy tomorrow if I don't pass so I need to know the results right away. Luckily I can travel to the testing site there through a teleportation circle as I don't need to hide my participation for that.

I heaved a sigh of relief when I finally closed the door to my room. I had left Rebecca outside so I could have a few moments of privacy. I'm starting to grow paranoid about having eyes on me at all times now.

Sitting down at my desk and using a letter opener to break the wax seal of the Magi Tower, I carefully spread it open to read its contents.

"Dear Lady Marisilea Arkesh,

Your results were exemplary and we were proud to have you participate during this year's exam.

You excelled above all your peers in the written portion and your results in the practical also placed you in the top of all participants in your bracket as well.

I, however, regret to inform you that due to an issue with your application forms we cannot accept you at this time.

I ask that you apply again when you believe it possible to do so and I will gladly take you on as my personal apprentice.

 Signed, the Head of the Magi Tower

 Mage Carol Glendaine"

Why would the Head of the Magi Tower personally reply to me and request that I be his apprentice while simultaneously denying me entrance into the Tower?

It can't be my father's influence because the Tower is an entity that stands apart from any kingdom. They may be located within our Kingdom but they are made up of Magi from all kingdoms and regions and are supposed to be impartial. If they show favor towards one kingdom over another then they risk angering every kingdom. A Mage doesn't necessarily have to throw their loyalty toward their kingdom away when they join the Tower and some Magi even hold positions within their respective kingdoms while still working within its confines.

They are essentially a kingdom unto themselves and wouldn't need to bend to one, let alone allowing a Duke to make demands of them.

I can only accept that I won't be able to change the result and move forward with my remaining option. I won't be able to escape the confines of my titles or the noble houses but at least I can leave this manor for a while. My father might still request that I return on occasion but it's at least a small escape.

This consolation didn't stop my tears from falling though.

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I had finished this chapter a while ago but I ended up reviewing a lot of parts that I was unhappy with. In the end not much was actually changed before I decided it was good. I guess part of it was that I wasn't satisfied with my previous chapter so I wanted to make sure I was content with this one.

Either way, happy reading!

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