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Chapter 39: Her Efforts

Despite my fears that it would take a while to reach the front the lines all moved at a decent pace. I saw that most of them had extended out past the doors by the time registration had begun so if they didn't move at least this quickly many people wouldn't be able to sign up.

Since I was already at the front because of how early I arrived it didn't take me long to get to one of the tables and fill out my forms. I noticed that anyone that looked like a commoner would be asked if they could read and write. Those who replied no would then be directed to another set of lines where they could relay their information verbally.

The chairs from earlier were arranged for those who arrived with enough time to register quickly and their families. My family was waiting for me near the front with people avoiding any seats near them because of their obvious status. Noah was excitedly bouncing around between chairs while waiting for me.

"Sister did you talk to anyone? Are you going to make a lot of friends?"

"I'm not sure if I can make a lot of friends just from talking to people in a line Noah."

"That's okay, you have me and Venna still. Even if you're alone in school you can come see me!"

What he says is cute even if it's a little harsh. It might be cute simply because it's so harsh.

"Maybe I'll make friends and bring them home to meet you on my breaks."

"If you bring home a bunch of pretty friends I'll be super happy!"

My mother flicked his forehead lightly when he said that. She seems a little worried about Noah's interest in pretty people and things. I can't say I blame her because when he gets older his intentions might be misconstrued.

After sitting down between my parents I waited for the lines to finish and the second bell to ring. Surprisingly everyone who was standing in line before then managed to get through and only those who ran in after the second bell were denied entry.

When the bells rang out the examinees all stood and lined up to head out to the next location. We walked towards another building that was farther into the campus that seemed slightly smaller than the assembly hall that we were just in. The size won't need to be as large as before because the family of the examinees aren't allowed here. This is to prevent cheating as much as it is to reduce crowding on the campus. The Academy may suspend classes during these two days but that doesn't mean all the students are off campus.

When we arrived at the six sets of double doors everyone naturally divided themselves into six groups. Anyone that couldn't read or write was waiting with their family so everyone that remained calmly separated into lines in front of any set of the double doors. Somehow all the nobles had lined up in front of the first set of doors, anyone who looked like they were a wealthy merchant or part of the gentry was at the second, and the remainder just appeared to be mingled commoners. Seeing that the door the nobles were using had the longest line I decided to pick the shortest one again.

Because of my actions I received looks from everyone around me a second time. I truly didn't care. I was never told that nobles and commoners had to be separated. If someone wanted to challenge me they were welcome to.

Of course these thoughts alone seemed to invite the Gods of fate to intervene.

"You should be in line with the nobles, not here."

"I don't recall being told that there were specific lines for any groups."

"But you're a noble and all the nobles are over there?"

"No one from the Academy told anyone they had to line up in specific spots. The fourth line was shorter so I saw no reason to stand in the first line. There also haven't been any Academy personnel moving to separate me from this line."

There were some whispers exchanged between a few of the people that looked like they were going to question me and some of the crowd around them. I recognized one as the commoner girl that first questioned me during registration. Apparently people were being warned about my status. I managed to overhear someone say 'spoiled noble trash' deliberately loud enough for me to do so but picking them out of the crowd would be difficult. It wasn't worth it anyway.

These lines also moved quickly with each door leading to their own hallways. We were led into a testing area that was similar to the one at the Tower, the seats magically partitioned from each other again.

Once again I was the fastest to complete my test and stand up but I didn't pay it any mind. The test for the Tower would be more difficult but there were plenty of people who treated this exam as an opportunity to gain insight into what would be required of them later. I was also in an area with commoners so their education wouldn't be as thorough. This brought to mind the only reason I had found so far not to mingle with the commoner groups; it was unfair to flaunt my education. Luckily none of them can see beyond their own desks.

Leaving the room I quickly made my way back to the assembly hall where my parents were waiting. The individuals who had finished and those that didn't take the exam were all waiting patiently with their families or friends. I saw a few people alone though.

Given that I still had a couple hours of time until the next bell I spent it entertained by Noah. My wait seemed to fly by and after the groups had all returned, plenty of which looked disappointed, we were lined up for the next portion of the test before the bell rang.

All the participants were brought to the smallest building I had seen yet. Each group was then deliberately broken off into smaller groups, with the key difference being that this time the instructors separated the nobles and commoners purposefully. I was still receiving looks of derision as well as hearing a few comments with variations of 'firstborns mingling with trash' being the predominate ones. If I cared enough to roll my eyes at them I would.

After my group had been corralled into the building a few instructors simply came out and told us to step forward one at a time to demonstrate our abilities. This was the simplest task I had been given yet as we were told to create as many simple circles as possible and then create a complex circle and try to cast it.

No one who went before me could demonstrate more than ten circles at a time and even plenty of those seemed to flicker and fail. As for the complex circles… I saw only one person who attempted to make overlaid circles and it didn't even correctly form so they ended up trying a more advanced single circle.

The individuals who completed six or more circles seemed to elicit plenty of hushed conversations, with the ones able to generate ten getting the more envious and awed comments. The person who attempted the overlaid circles was apparently favored to score high on this test.

I was able to form up to fifty simple circles simultaneously which I could then cast easily. My most complex circle was actually an experiment I had devised with four overlaid circles capable of casting two elemental attacks and one multi-element shield. It worked better than I expected. Mage Reginald would probably yell at me for testing a circle like this so hastily though.

Judging from the reaction of our assigned proctor and the silence of the crowd behind me I believed that my abilities would probably rank highly amongst the applicants.

The way this test was made public to the nobles seemed to be some way to flaunt our abilities to the other houses. I wonder if the commoners had to go through the same thing or if they were tested privately.

When I was finished I went to meet my parents and we headed to our estate that was near the Academy. I had to get up early again for the combat test. Luckily there will be a rest period between that and the placement challenge.


I had requested that Rebecca wake me up early enough to allow me to warm up and stretch before the test, which meant I was the first one waiting for the carriage. Noah had spent a lot of time with me during dinner and before bed yesterday so he was tired from all the excitement. My parents always kept the same schedule, though mother simply did so because of my father.

We arrived at a different venue this time, a massive arena with stadium seating organized around the dirt-covered flat center. Arranged within the center was one hundred training dummies that were separated into ten areas. Each area had a test proctor assigned to it.

After everyone had arrived and the first bell rang a woman with streaks of grey through her lustrous black hair stepped in front of all the assembled proctors.

"You will be separated into ten groups, join a proctor at one of the ten areas designated, and then form ten neat lines in front of the dummies. You will then strike the vitals using only your basic strength and a provided practice weapon. You may choose what type of weapon that is. After that you will return to the back of your line and wait for everyone to finish. When you come to the front of the line again you may use magic circles to enhance your strength and speed, and only your strength and speed, to strike the target again. If we discover you used circles during the first part you will be penalized. If we find you trying to enhance your weapon in the second part you will be penalized. Is that clear?"

A resounding "Yes" came from everyone present.

It was another straightforward test. Observing everyone around me I noticed a few central themes. Most of the nobles weren't actually trying to strike accurately or with any strength on the first part of the test. Some of the commoners put forth a lot of effort and attempted to get as many points as possible now, more than likely because they haven't learned a lot of runes for the latter half. Since your points between the two were added together and then given an overall score if you could do better with one over the other than it's best to focus on that.

Seeing some of the nobles not put any effort at all into this part had me audibly scoffing though. Some of them could barely lift their blades.

When I stepped forward and picked out a well balanced rapier after testing some of the practice blades' weights I heard a few people in the lines snicker. It was then that I heard a voice from within the lines.

"It's not a table knife princess, you don't need to make sure it's clean!"

A lot of the commoners started laughing and even a few nobles did too. Most of the nobles that were laughing were men.

I may not be as strong as a man who's trained the same amount as me but I've still trained more than most of them.

Ignoring the fading chuckles I stepped onto the practice area and approached the dummy from a suitable striking distance. Taking a deep breath in and focusing on my meditation I calmed myself to just the right point before lunging toward the neck with the strongest strike I could muster.

I heard the sound of cracking wood and then felt the wooden blade give way in my hand. Looking at the point on the dummy where my blade had struck it was pierced cleanly through.

After the silence that had fallen across the crowd behind me started disappearing with hushed murmurs an instructor approached me with another practice blade.

"We're waiting for the judgement on whether you used magic to do that. When we get confirmation that you didn't you will be required to try again."

"Yes Professor."

My actions had apparently caused the testing to grind to a halt so everyone could hear and observe what was happening.

Not a minute later another instructor ran up and whispered to the one that had handed me another blade.

"Alright everyone we have determined there was no magic used so she will try again."

No one went back to what they were doing, all eyes were on me again.

I returned to striking position and meditated, this time ensuring that I didn't allow my consciousness to approach my magic center. As soon as I was calm I struck forward.

And the cracking of wood rang out once more.

The people behind me couldn't contain themselves. Some yelled that I was cheating, others disagreeing with them, and some even accused the Academy of rigging my results.

Any accusations against the Academy were quickly silenced though, as the woman from the start of this portion stepped out.

"If any of you believes that the Academy has altered things in favor of the Princess of Arkesh you may challenge her this afternoon. As you know there will be no interference from the Academy then, so I hope you can prove how superior you are to her at that time. If you choose to challenge her and lose yet still persist in accusing the Academy of 'rigging' things, then you will be denied admittance and banned from trying again in the future."

With a wave of her hand the remaining test proctors began to get everyone settled back in to place.

Everyone went through the motions and the first part was finished quickly after that. With the second part it was much the same except the nobles' and commoners' roles were reversed. Most commoners didn't try to use runes and only put forth a small amount of effort. Very few actually succeeded. While the nobles tried to use every rune they could to get an advantage in speed and strength. Some failed miserably with one unlucky individual being rushed to the infirmary after causing his bicep to explode. The ones who played it safe largely performed fairly well.

When it was my turn again a hush fell over the arena. I'm certain the other areas had stopped testing. I could feel the piercing gazes of everyone around me.

Picking up a rapier with a good balance I approached the dummy again. The neck had been repaired by a Mage immediately following my last effort so I didn't have to worry about where to strike. Meditating again this time I pulled the threads of my magic to form two groups of four overlaid circles. Another experimental set I hadn't tested yet. Mage Reginald would probably be even angrier with this set though.

One group was to enhance the elasticity and strength of my muscles, bones, and joints; the other was to heal the tissue and bones as I strained them. I didn't think I'd tear anything but I was worried as I've never attempted this before. I'm most confident in my healing runes anyway.

Once I had everything visualized I released the power into the structure of my imagined circles and then lunged forward to strike.

An explosion of wood and metal rang out in front of me and the vibrations in the handle of my practice sword became too much, causing me to almost drop it.

Looking up I saw that the head of the dummy was gone as was the entirety of the blade portion of my practice 'blade'. Debris was scattered around my feet as well.

Silence once again fell across the arena.

EmpathicWan EmpathicWan

This is late, but I had a lot of fun writing this one.

It's just satisfying to see something I've planned for a looooooooooong time to finally happen.

Hope you enjoyed!

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