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Chapter 7: Conference

A few days had passed since the triumphant raid on the gate, and the topic was still ablaze on everyone's lips. During these days, the guild headquarters had reached their final form. The tallest skyscraper in Korea now proudly displayed the emblem of the Diástima Guild. The offices within were a blend of luxury and modernity, and a dedicated staff of 200 individuals handled everything, from accounting to management and legal protection.

The guild had transformed into a well-oiled machine, finely tuned and ready for any challenge. Post-raid, they had successfully secured the rights to all future gates ranked B and above within 70% of Seoul's territory and its outskirts. This significant achievement solidified the Diástima Guild as the undisputed powerhouse of Korea.

On the top floor of the guild quarters, I had established my personal residence, and just beneath it was my office. While considerable resources had been invested in the guild's infrastructure, I had allocated the most funds toward acquiring powerful artifacts. Now, my entire residence and the building itself enjoyed the protection of four remarkably expensive defense artifacts, reinforcing the structural integrity of the entire skyscraper.

Moreover, the top ten floors of the guild headquarters were equipped with a specialized artifact designed to detect and identify any potential intruders, unless they happened to be expert S-grade hunters with exceptional stealth abilities. Security and safety were paramount in our new headquarters, ensuring that the guild and its members were well-protected.

"Hey, Woo-jin, I'd like to hire around 50 to 60 hunters, mostly in the C to D ranks. Their primary role will be to clear the easier gates, which will help us improve overall efficiency. It'll also allow our more capable hunters to focus on the more challenging gates. Additionally, we can use some of them for security purposes around the guild headquarters, mostly for appearances," I explained, a slight smirk dancing at the corners of my lips.

"Certainly, Boss. I'll get that arranged within a couple of days, at most," Woo-jin replied with a mock formality that indicated our comfortable working relationship.

But then he couldn't help but question the extravagance of our headquarters, "But seriously, Haneul, did we really need to spend so many billions of won on the headquarters? It's the most opulent building in all of Korea, maybe even one of the most opulent in the world."

With a touch of seriousness, I responded, "Of course, it was necessary. I want to live life to the fullest, and if that means having a stunning headquarters, then I'll spend my money as I see fit. Or do you want to tell me how to spend it?" I allowed a hint of my magic power to escape, causing the air to tremble momentarily.

Woo-jin burst into laughter, unable to contain himself. "Pfttt, ahahahahahahahhaha, that was a good one!"

I chuckled along with him. "Ahahahahahah, yeah, yeah. Now go, I have work to do," I said, maintaining our lighthearted banter.

After Woo-jin left my office, my phone rang, and I saw Chairman Go's name on the screen.

"Sir Haneul, how's life as the new strongest hunter in Korea treating you?" Chairman Go said in a jovial tone.

I chuckled and replied, "I'm doing well, Chairman, but I'm guessing you didn't call just for pleasantries."

Chairman Go's tone grew serious as he got to the point. "You're absolutely right, Haneul. There's an important matter at hand. The first-ever international meeting concerning hunters and regulations is scheduled to take place in the USA in a few days. They've invited some of the world's most elite hunters to participate. Each nation's representative can bring an S-rank hunter, along with the head of their Hunter Association. It should come as no surprise that Korea has chosen you as its top candidate. Would you be willing to participate?"

I pondered the request, understanding its significance. "The prime minister has insisted on my attendance, and I share his belief in its importance. However, I'll need some time to prepare, given the extended absence it will entail from the guild. When is the conference?"

Chairman Go responded, "The conference is scheduled for a month from now. Your willingness to participate is greatly appreciated, Haneul."

"Alright, Chairman. I'll start preparing immediately. I'll be in touch. Talk to you later," I said as we wrapped up our conversation.

As I hung up, a sense of curiosity tugged at me. "I don't recall this event happening in the manga. Either it wasn't reported, or I'm far in the past. Everyone from the novel appears noticeably younger, but their ages weren't something I paid attention to."

Feeling the need to clarify my situation, I thought aloud, "I think I need to do some research to gain a better understanding. I'm not sure why I didn't do this sooner."

I opened Google, only to be met with an unexpected shock. "Nothing came up?! So, it still hasn't happened? The first S-rank gate and one of the most devastating catastrophes in hunter history are yet to occur? I'm ten years behind the main plot?!" I stared at the screen in utter disbelief, my mind reeling from this revelation.

As I contemplated the implications of my situation, a sense of opportunity began to emerge. In the incident I had knowledge of, millions of people had lost their lives, and even some of the strongest S-rank hunters had perished. It was a catastrophic event that had reshaped the world and had given rise to the concept of a Nation-level Hunter.

While those hunters were undoubtedly formidable, they couldn't hold a candle to the protagonist, and, by extension, to me with my newfound abilities. This presented a unique opportunity for me to not only make a name for myself as one of the strongest hunters but also to potentially save the United States from a similar catastrophe. If I played my cards right, I could leverage this situation to expand my influence, both domestically and overseas.

With my guild's expansion in mind, this unexpected turn of events might just be the catalyst I needed to bring my grand plan closer to fruition.

Feeling a sense of urgency, I realized that I needed thorough preparation for the upcoming conference, even though I wasn't sure of the exact date. My instincts told me it would be in the near future, and for now, I had to focus on that. Another matter weighed on my mind—Hunter Sung Il-Hwan, presumed dead after being trapped in a gate ten years ago. He was the father of Sung Jinwoo, a pivotal character in the series.

A surge of hope washed over me as I realized that in this past timeline, Sung Il-Hwan was still alive. I had a chance to change his fate, and I couldn't let it slip through my fingers. Determined to locate him, I dialed Chairman Go's number.

"Hey, I hope I'm not bothering you, but do you know of a hunter named Sung Il-Hwan?" I inquired.

"Of course, he's an S-rank hunter, but he never joined a guild and didn't seek media attention. When he awakened, there wasn't even a ranking system in place. Why do you ask?" Chairman Go responded with seriousness in his tone.

"I need your help arranging a meeting with him. I have a proposition that might interest him," I explained, my voice unwavering.

"Absolutely, I'll get in touch with him as soon as possible," Chairman Go assured me.

"Tell him he's invited to dinner and to bring his family if he wishes. Then, give him my contact information. I want to make the arrangements," I instructed.

"Consider it done. I'll keep you posted, Hunter," Chairman Go said before we ended the call.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I was determined to alter the course of history and bring about changes that would ripple through this new timeline.

MeagerWriter MeagerWriter

Hope you like the plot twist and this new chap :3

give me all ypour powerstones if you do :333

also guys I got some updates, I changed the name of the guild since Phoenix didn't fit very well and found this cool new greek name thanks to a reader, this is the only major change to the story

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