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Chapter 12: Thanos vs Avengers (4)

"Let me start by saying I do not appreciate you killing me. I haven't even made it right with Pepper back then." came a voice in the sky.

Thanos looked up and what he saw made his blood boil with frustration and rage.

Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, was flying in the air while wearing his iron suit which was probably thousands of times more advanced than the Tony he killed wore.

'What a pain in the ass. Are you kidding me?' Thanos thought to himself as he continued staring at the hovering Iron Man in the sky. He instantly deduced that he was from the future like it was shown in Endgame.

But with his interference, doesn't that mean the future was completely changed now? Why was Iron Man here?

His super brain worked for different reasons in the split second before he concluded that the Avengers were from a different multiverse entirely. They had traveled back in time but not in their home universe.

Or else it wouldn't make sense for Iron Man to be here when he killed him not too long ago. So they couldn't be from the future of this universe.

He couldn't help but curse whatever plot armor these heroes had to be able to travel back in time like this. This was getting out of hand, this was a problem he thought he wouldn't need to face.

But no matter, he had the space stone and the mind stone now. He just had to wait for Ebony to come back to Earth for him. And with his upgraded strength, he did not think he would have trouble dealing with these heroes.

it could be fun actually.

First let's talk some wise shit to him to buy time, "Let me guess.." He said while dusting his unscratched body.

"You are from the future." He stated in a factual tone, his voice held no doubt. His face was unimpressed as if he had expected Iron Man from the future to attack him.

Iron Man continued hovering in the sky as he gazed at Thanos. he wondered how the evil bastard caught on so soon and what he was going to do now.

He had only attacked Thanos after he saw Natasha fall from the top of his building. He and the have not even formed a plan yet. In a fit of rage, he had attacked him.

Iron Man knew they stood no chance in front of Thanos but they had to fight him and hold him off. At least until the remaining Chitauri army are killed. Luckily the portal was closed already.

A hero's job was not only to defeat your enemies but to save people. So even if they could not defeat Thanos, they could save the people.

Hold him off until everyone evacuated and make sure he could not take command of the Chitauri army.

"You caught on quick for a brute." Iron Man said, his voice amplified by his suit. He slowly flew down to the ground and the nano suit opened up his face.

To save the people, they needed to buy time too.

"Tell me what gave it away, is the upgraded suit or me standing here alive? Or maybe both." Tony said, his tone held no seriousness and instead it could be heard as a carefree tone.

Thanos smiled as he looked at Tony and wondered if he should just rush in and blow his head off. the question was whether he would be fast or precise enough because if he missed, he wouldn't like what followed.

"It's the wrinkles." Thanos said with a small smirk and he pinched the side of his eyes to show what he was talking about.

Tony stopped moving as he looked baffled at the comment. He was offended and shocked at the response he got.

"Having a short lifespan of 70 must be hard and fast. Makes me wonder why you would go so far to save lives when it's going to perish so quickly anyways." Thanos said honestly. In the vast galaxy with different civilizations, 70-year lifespan was considered extremely short.

"Ever heard of quality over quantity?" Tony quipped back and Thanos responded, "Don't talk about quality when half of the planet's population lives in poverty."

"On average, 11 million people die each year due to hunger and more than half of them are children. Your species is in constant war amongst each other, fighting over invisible territories and the life of the average adult is that of a slave, not even leaving the area they inhabit." Thanos continued while shaking his head.

"Don't talk about quality, Tony Stark. I have seen poorer planets with better living."

Tony stayed silent as he gazed deeply into Thanos' eyes.

"I see you did your homework before invading. You know an awful lot." Tony said in a sarcastic tone.

Indeed, Thanos had looked over the Earth's data before coming. There are always aliens motoring the planet who even know the species better than they knew themselves.

"You are not the only one cursed with knowledge." Thanos said and Tony stayed silent as he subtly grit his teeth. The sentence brought some unpleasant memories back into his mind, making him want to tear the purple giant into a million pieces.

Thanos smirked to himself, seeing how his words affected Tony. But before they exchanged words again, he noticed a few people coming behind Tony.

It was Bruce Banner of the future in Hulk's body. Next to him were two Captain America and Ant Man walking towards Tony.

They quickly reached Tony and the future Steve patted Tony's shoulder. They all stood together as they faced Thanos.

Their face hardened as they prepared to fight him, each of their faces were firm and hatred could be seen in everyone's eyes.

They were ready to fight him.

"You couldn't live with your failures." Thanos said as he stretched his arms. His stoic face held a sad aura as he spoke.

"And where does that bring you?" He looked at each and every one of the hero that came from the failure and said, "Back to me."

"You can fight it, you can resist it. But you can't stop destiny."

"The death of half of all life in the universe is not destiny." Future Steve said to Thanos.

"Oh but the prosperity of the other half is. I will fix this universe and I won't be stopped by ungrateful brats like you." Thanos said, seriously getting into the Thanos persona.

Maybe deep down, the original Thanos was still there inside him. He could feel a foreign passion when he spoke those words.

Then they ran towards Thanos. Ant-Man shrunk and disappeared completely, Iron Man flew to the sky, and two Captain America sprinted towards him.

But most importantly, Bruce was already in front of him with him.




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