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Chapter 56: Kallen Fantasy Time!

In the subsequent episode, Kiana and Theresa find themselves in the company of Cecilia. Their hearts swell with joy at the prospect of fighting alongside her, their beloved mother figure.

However, unbeknownst to them, Otto lurks off-screen, his eyes never straying from Kiana. He has been observing her every move in the vast expanse of space, his gaze as unyielding as ever.

Despite the situation unfolding beyond his initial expectations, Otto remains composed. With an air of authority, he issues a command, "You two, keep a vigilant watch on her!"

From the screen, two voices echo in unison, "Yes, sir!" "Yes, Lord Bishop!"

At this juncture in the video, Kiana's feelings of resentment towards Theresa begin to surface. She feels that Theresa is obstructing her precious reunion time with her mother.

Kiana struggles to comprehend why Theresa had to intervene and disrupt their moment. She fails to acknowledge that it was Theresa who had helped her locate Cecilia in the first place. Now, it seems as though she is merely trying to cross a bridge that she herself had built.

The video then captures a sudden shift in the narrative. Theresa is abruptly summoned back by the Bishop.

Kiana can't help but feel a sense of relief. She considers herself fortunate that this redundant love triangle has finally come to an end. Now, she can finally enjoy some uninterrupted time with Cecilia, her mother!

Meanwhile, Theresa, who has been observing the events unfold from outside the video, is seething with anger. She feels that her affection for her dear niece has been in vain. She is irked that Kiana is annoyed with Cecilia just after their reunion. Hasn't it ever occurred to Kiana that Theresa, too, yearned to spend a little more time with Cecilia?

Theresa's cheeks puffed up in a display of sulking, her displeasure evident in her demeanor.

The video footage revealed Cecilia and Kiana II on a quest, their objective being to locate the key to the upper elevator. However, their triumph was short-lived. As soon as they inserted the key, an error message flashed across the screen, indicating an exception.

Following this, a series of alarms blared, their shrill sound piercing the silence. Unexpectedly, an electronic voice resonated in the room, announcing, "[Core authority detected, detection complete, loading program in progress]."

Suddenly, the name of a game, "Kallen Fantasy," appeared on the elevator's electronic screen. It was an intriguing development, to say the least.

It's worth noting that Luo Mo had intentionally amplified the difficulty and entertainment value of this game. Despite his efforts, it fell short of the authentic "Kallen Fantasy" experience that Otto had invested a significant amount of resources into perfecting.

"A game? The Core Access is a game?" Kallen questioned, her face a picture of confusion as she stared at the game displayed on the screen.

"The core key to Schicksal's Important Device is a game? And it's named after me? Why?" she continued, her bewilderment growing.

"Perhaps the Bishop believed that the individual capable of playing this game couldn't possibly be a threat?" Luo Mo ventured, attempting to answer Kallen's questions with a question of his own. Or could it be that Bishop Otto genuinely held this belief?

Kallen, naturally skeptical, dismissed Luo Mo's explanation. She signaled to Rita to proceed through the level, her curiosity piqued. She was eager to uncover the true nature of "Kallen's Fantasy."

However, her anticipation turned into disappointment when she discovered that the game was merely a version of "Homu Pass." To add to her dismay, even the character of Valkyrie Kallen was absent.

Despite her disappointment, Kallen couldn't help but wonder how she was portrayed in the game. She was intrigued by the stark contrast between her own image and the version presented in "Midsummer Sanguine Nights."

"Time constraints, time constraints! Please understand!" Luo Mo responded hastily, attempting to justify the discrepancies.

"Lord Bishop, if it piques your interest, Schicksal possesses the capability to recreate this 'Kallen Fantasy' to match the standards depicted in the game," Rita proposed, her lips curling into a smile that hinted at a shared secret.

Meanwhile, Theresa, standing adjacent to her, was utterly captivated by the game. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, reflecting the vibrant colors of the game. She was brimming with eagerness to immerse herself in this Homu game! She resolved to indulge in a few rounds of the game as soon as she returned.

Kallen, however, merely dismissed the suggestion with a casual wave of her hand. Her curiosity was piqued by 'Kallen's Fantasy,' a creation of Otto's imagination. However, she had no intention of burdening Schicksal with the task of developing a game.

"So, what's the premise of this game?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on the screen.

"Just as the video illustrates, it's a game where you can navigate three characters - Kallen, the Valkyrie of Light, Otto, Kallen's lover, and the pet Homu - on thrilling adventures around the globe!" came the enthusiastic response.

"Oh, Bishop-sama, this individual is spouting nonsense! Allow me to handle him!" Rita interjected, her patience wearing thin. The mention of 'Otto, Kallen's lover' in the game had irked her beyond measure.

"What could possibly be the motive behind portraying the Bishop of Schicksal in such a manner? I fear this isn't merely your private fantasy!" she retorted, her voice laced with indignation. With that, she paused the game, her hand firmly gripping Luo Mo's collar, ready to escort him out. It wasn't personal animosity towards Luo Mo, but rather a matter of principle, right?

"Wait," Kallen intervened, causing Rita to halt her actions. She turned her inquisitive gaze towards Luo Mo, "I've heard the game's introduction, but what I'm interested in is the specifics of the adventure. Could you elaborate on that?"

"I recall a particular version of the narrative where the trio embarked on a journey to the distant East. Their mission was to vanquish the Eastern Demon Fox, a malevolent entity that wielded the sinister power of evil. In the end, Kallen and Otto managed to mend the fractures in their relationship," Luo Mo reminisced, his hands ceasing their rhythmic dance as he delved into the depths of his memory.

"However, the plot has nothing to do with me!" Luo Mo declared, his tone firm and resolute.

"The Eastern Demon Fox? Oh, that's just like Otto," Kallen chuckled, a glint of amusement in her eyes as if she had stumbled upon an intriguing thought.

"Kallen defeating the Eastern Demon Fox?? He really had the audacity to conceive such a storyline?" she mused, her voice laced with a hint of incredulity.

Kallen was well aware of the identity of the "Eastern Demon Fox." Even though the plot summary of Kallen's fantasy game was a mere superficial representation of the actual events, it was not entirely devoid of truth.

"Heh, Luo Mo, come here. I have a matter to discuss with you," Kallen beckoned, her hand gesturing for Luo Mo to draw nearer.

Upon hearing this, Luo Mo felt a pang of apprehension, as if he was about to be reprimanded. Nevertheless, he promptly complied and leaned in to listen as Kallen whispered her thoughts into his ear.

"A game?.. Otto's fantasy??" Luo Mo echoed, taken aback by Kallen's proposition. However, he continued to lend an ear to her whispered words.

As Kallen's proposal unfolded, a look of astonishment gradually etched itself onto Luo Mo's face. Meanwhile, Rita, who was oblivious to their hushed conversation, could only speculate about the nature of Kallen's whispers.

After a considerable amount of time, Kallen gave Luo Mo's shoulder a reassuring pat, seemingly approving of his contemplative silence.

With a shake of her head, Kallen turned her attention back to the ensuing episode.

And Luo Mo looked at Kallen like a freak.

Kallen had approached Luo Mo with a request to adapt two games - 'Kallen Fantasy' and her own game, 'Otto Fantasy.' Luo Mo had initially assumed that the plot would align with his expectations, but he was in for a surprise.

Kallen, it seemed, had a penchant for NTR genre?!

Luo Mo was left baffled, unable to comprehend the workings of Kallen's mind. She had instructed him to craft a narrative where Otto falls in love with the "Eastern Demon Fox," while also emphasizing that the Eastern Demon Fox was not inherently evil.

made her two loves fall in love? (her fiancé and her real love)

Luo Mo understood Kallen's intentions, but he couldn't help but wonder if these two games would tarnish her reputation. If the plots of these games were intertwined with their respective titles, it could lead to some misleading interpretations.

'Kallen Fantasy' could be perceived as a game where Kallen indulges in fantasies of battling against a vixen who has stolen her fiancé. On the other hand, 'Otto Fantasy' could be seen as a game where Otto fantasizes about eloping and abandoning his fiancée.

Faced with this conundrum, Luo Mo decided to cast aside his reservations. He reached out to one of the executives, instructing them to assemble a team dedicated to the production of these two games. Despite the unconventional nature of the task, he was determined to see it through.

The remarkable fact that Kallen had managed to live for an astounding 500 years was not without its consequences. It appeared that the longevity had taken a toll on her cognitive faculties, leading to the loss of some of her brain cells. This unusual circumstance, however, had a silver lining. It resulted in Luo Mo receiving additional funding, a development that was indeed quite beneficial.

Kallen said this is her personal money rather than Schicksal money so Luo Mo will finish this with limited funds, RPG visual novel ahh game


"Ah, confound it, mother! Why does this game have to be a nested one?" Kiana exclaimed, her frustration evident as she pounded the keyboard with a disgruntled huff. Her fingers danced across the keys, each press echoing her mounting irritation.

It was hardly surprising that Kiana, of all people, would struggle with a level of this complexity, right? Despite the challenge, she remained undeterred. She was convinced that the issue wasn't her lack of skill, but rather a minor hiccup that she could overcome with another attempt.

However, time was not on her side. Her mother and the other girls were eagerly awaiting the next episode of their favorite show. Kiana couldn't afford to delay them any longer. With a resigned sigh, she conceded to the situation.

Crafting a plausible excuse for herself, Kiana decided to resort to the off-camera help mode. With a pout tugging at her lips, she admitted, "I can't seem to get past this level, mom. Could you lend me a hand?"

"What a waste! Can't even conquer this level," Sirin remarked disdainfully. She seized the opportunity to taunt Kiana, her words laced with a hint of mockery.

"Kallen Fantasy? What an intriguing title!" Cecilia mused, her eyes glued to the video that showcased her own commendation of the game. She had been yearning to try her hand at the game for quite some time.

However, watching Kiana's gameplay had revealed a disappointing truth. The game, it turned out, was merely a mini-game nested within the main one. It fell short of the captivating gameplay that the introduction had promised.

Nonetheless, it served as a delightful appetizer before the main course - their eagerly anticipated show! With a spark of excitement in her eyes, Cecilia seized the opportunity to dive into the game.

As Kiana grappled with the game, losing round after round, Cecilia watched with a growing sense of anticipation. She was eager to take her turn at the controls. Games? Oh, she had a fondness for them!

With a triumphant "Hoo hoo… simple and easy, smooth passage!" Cecilia took over the controls. Her movements were fluid and precise, like a river effortlessly carving its path. Under her expert guidance, the character homu smoothly navigated through the challenges, reaching the end and successfully completing the level.

Despite her victory, Cecilia's face was a kaleidoscope of disappointment. She sighed softly, lamenting, "Unfortunately, the operation just now was still a few seconds slow. Alas, why is there no leaderboard? I would love to see who is ahead of me."

With that, she rose from her seat, relinquishing control of the game. Kiana, who had been watching her mother's skillful gameplay with envious eyes, was now ready to take her turn.

In her mind, she was already envisioning a future where she, too, had honed her skills to match her mother's. She dreamt of the day she could exact her revenge on Bronya, so she wouldn't have to endure being called a 'vegetable' every day when they teamed up! She was determined to overcome her own shortcomings.

"Kiana, go ahead and play!" Cecilia encouraged.

"Oh! Oh, okay." Kiana responded, her hands already poised over the controls. Suddenly, she turned to Cecilia with an expectant look and asked, "Mommy, Mommy, is that spell in the game real? That 'Ich Liebe Dich!'"

Durandal, standing next to her, shook her head, "Kiana, that's German for 'I love you,' not a spell."

After a brief pause, she added, "You should read more. It's considered a very common colloquialism over there, and you lived there for a while. How could you not know it?"

"Oh! In that case, I, I don't know it now!" Kiana's disappointment was palpable, but it quickly gave way to happiness.

"Hehehe, even if it's not a love spell, then I'm going to say it to my mom more often!!! Ich Liebe Dich!!!, Ich Liebe Dich!"

"Hmmm! Uh-huh! Good girl!" Cecilia responded with a warm smile, gently stroking Kiana's head in a tender gesture of affection.


Author's Note:

Hello, I've placed this note here instead of at the bottom because the text tends to get cut off in the mobile version. (and more words hehe)

Now, let's talk about 'Otto Fantasy.' This game is actually a snippet from the side story: 'Kallen Simulation.' I didn't create a full version because a condensed version already exists, which will be introduced later when we delve into the chapter discussing this game. (The author was a bit lazy, to be honest!)

Here's an interesting tidbit: In this narrative, Kallen is portrayed as a manipulative character. This characterization lends credibility to the storyline in 'Kallen Fantasy.' However, it's important to note that Kallen is merely pretending in the original story(simulation), much like Yae Sakura, who is depicted as evil in 'Kallen Fantasy' but is not so in the real world.

In a future development, Luo Mo will present Kallen with a secret plot gift. This gift will protect Kallen's reputation even though the game might suggest otherwise.

That's all for now! See you in the next chapter!

kidness kidness

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