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Chapter 164: Both sides introduced each other with confused faces.

"Boss, how did you manage to gather these peoples?" Bronya asked, her gaze fixed on the group of heroes. She spoke in hushed tones, ensuring that only Luo Mo could hear her.

Luo Mo responded, "Since you're here, you must be aware of who they are, correct?"

Bronya nodded, "Yes, I am aware. But it's hard to believe. The Flame-Chasers, from a pre-civilized, are they really here? It feels like something out of a storybook."

Even as she spoke, Bronya's eyes were filled with doubt. The people standing before her seemed unreal.

Meanwhile, at the entrance of the room, a conversation was taking place between two 'young' girls.

"Hello there, are you Miss Cecilia? It's a pleasure to meet you! ♪ " Elysia cheerfully greeted the white-haired woman standing in front of her. She took a few steps forward, gently held Cecilia's hands, and greeted her with a warm smile.

Seeing Cecilia look at her strangely, Elysia thought it was because she was not familiar with the other party yet.

"Uh-huh!, what should we do now?" Elysia asked, her voice filled with anticipation. "Luo Mo, could you perhaps introduce us to each other? ♪"

Luo Mo paused for a moment, deep in thought. He knew he had to carefully choose his words. This was a crucial moment, and he needed to break the ice!

However, just to be safe, like one would check the safety harness before bungee jumping, he decided to confirm.

"Elysia, are you certain you want me to make the introductions?"

"Yes," Elysia responded, nodding gently. She felt that Luo Mo was asking a question he already knew the answer to. "You're the only one here who knows both of us well, so it makes sense for you to do it."

"Ahem," Luo Mo cleared his throat, offered a small smile, and prepared to bridge the gap between the two parties.

"Wait a minute, boss, Bronya and Seele don't need introductions." Bronya interjected, wanting to avoid any potential awkwardness.

She had a feeling that Luo Mo was about to pull a fast one.

"What are you talking about? The Herrscher of False Reason, but alright, let's start with the others first."

Luo Mo sighed, feeling a bit helpless. But seeing that Bronya wasn't too upset, he decided to let off some steam by teasing the Herrscher of Truth. He had expected two S-level introductions, but it felt like he had been Faked.

Why does the Herrscher still need to deal with fakes?

Bronya's cheeks twitched slightly at the mention of the 'The Herrscher of False Reason'. She didn't fully understand the meaning, but she decided not to ask for clarification.

"Let's start with an introduction. In the game, we learned that Cecilia was once the most formidable S-class Valkyrie. However, she lost her power during the second Honkai Impact. What you might not know is that she remains the strongest Valkyrie to this day. She is the mother of Durandal, and also Kiana and Sirin are her daughters," Luo Mo began, setting the stage for the introductions.

He decided to start off modestly and then gradually build up the excitement to maximize the impact.

"Elysia, did you know about Durandal? It's a bit different, isn't it?" Luo Mo asked, to which Elysia responded with a clap of her hands.

"Following the next few is her daughter, Sirin. She was once the Second Herrscher, but now she is an autistic homebody. Her life is useless, and she relies entirely on Bella and Cecilia to support her."

Luo Mo smiled and sold Sirin. Sirin, who originally lowered her head and didn't know how to say hello, raised her head in surprise and looked at Luo Mo, who was exposing her background.

The golden eyes are burning; how can it be introduced like this? She also wants to lose face.

"An Otaku? A loser? Is she still a Herrscher?" Kalpas's eyes, initially unfriendly, widened in surprise. He found it hard to believe.

"Hmph! Who do you think you are? Why don't you come and try?" Sirin retorted, her eyes flashing with anger. She had been contemplating whether to eliminate everyone in front of her to prevent any scandal from spreading.

She was still somewhat cautious of Kevin and Sakura, who had appeared in the game. The pink-haired woman standing before her also exuded a mysterious aura.

However, the people standing behind didn't show any signs of Honkai abilities; they seemed to be just ordinary Peoples.

Sirin's confidence began to grow again. Despite the embarrassing moments she had faced during the second Honkai War, including being defeated by cartwheels and gangs, she believed it was a testament to her strength.

The few people in front of me are nothing more than ants.

Kalpas frowned as he looked at Sirin. He was used to being the one giving challenging to other, but now, someone else was challenging him.

"Let's proceed, Second Herrscher," Kalpas declared, not wasting any words.

Despite his current limited power, he showed no fear towards a single-core Herrscher who was yet to recover fully.

"Step forward!" Sirin retorted arrogantly. As the Queen of the Void, she couldn't possibly be intimidated by a mere human being?

"Alright, alright, Siren, remember we are guests here; let's keep our manners," Cecilia gently reminded her.

"Kalpas, don't let a child's words upset you; remember to stay courteous," Aponia advised, intertwining her fingers as she spoke kindly to Kalpas.

"H / H!"

"Meet Elysia, the pink elf lady. She is adored by everyone and is the most charming in the world," Luo Mo introduced, pointing at Elysia with his right hand.

"Yes! That's correct," Elysia nodded, evidently pleased with his introduction.

"By the way, she likes cute girls," Luo Mo said in a low voice, pretending to be mysterious, but his voice could still be heard by everyone present.

"Who wouldn't appreciate cute and soft girls?" Elysia responded without hesitation, asserting as if it would be a crime not to admire girls.

She even turned the tables, asking, "What about you, Luo Mo, don't you like them?"

Luo Mo fell silent, looking at Elysia, who appeared candid and even proud. After a moment of silence, he nodded in agreement.

Kiana also secretly agreed. What's the appeal in boys? Girls, who are gentle and pleasant, are far better! She found herself agreeing wholeheartedly with the elder sister standing before her.

Bypassing Elysia, everyone was familiar with the experiences of Kiana and Mei. Luo Mo took the initiative to introduce all the members of the Flame-Chasers to Cecilia. He gestured towards Kevin, who stood there, as rigid and cold as an ice cube.

"As you can see, this is Kevin. He is considered the leader of the group. He is a man of few words and like instant noodles," Luo Mo explained.

"Hmm… He is incredibly powerful, has a knack for telling bad jokes, holds a special affection for MEI, and gets along well with Su," Elysia chimed in. She tilted her head towards the sky, pointing her finger in the air as she spoke in a contemplative manner.

"Enough with the jokes, Elysia," Kevin interjected, looking at Elysia with a hint of exasperation. He found her antics baffling, but he was helpless to stop her. He could no longer bear her continuous fabrications story.

Turning to Cecilia, he stated, "I am a warrior from a time before civilization, a hero known as the 'Savior.'"

With that, they clasped their hands and looked at each other.

"Just… like this?" Cecilia leaned forward, asking tentatively. Her eyes reflected her confusion about how she was supposed to understand the other party based on just those two sentences.

"As I mentioned earlier, he is a shy big boy! It would be best if you listened to our introduction, right, Luo Mo?" Elysia suggested, bringing the conversation back on track.

Elysia was in high spirits; maybe she thought this was fun; she even took the initiative to introduce, "Let's start, um, Vill-V."

"Oh? Are you introducing me?" Vill-V, standing next to her, responded with a slight smile. She removed her hat and offered a modest bow.

"She is the founder most of the God Key, a genius inventor from pre-civilization." Elysia spoke first, seizing the opportunity.

"She possesses multiple personalities and has the mental capacity to simultaneously manage two games of mahjong," Luo Mo added after a moment's thought.

"She's also known by the nickname 'Double Color Puff Head.'"

"Hey, I object to that. What do you mean by 'two-color pompadour'?" Vill-V interjected, expressing her dissatisfaction.

"Isn't there something else that we should be concerned about?" Cecilia looked at the two people who were gradually entering the state, looking strangely.

Why not refute something even weirder?

"Next is Little Pardo," she said. She waved her hand and pointed at Pardo, who was holding a jar and shivering in the corner. Elysia chuckled. "You go first!"

"Hey, Sister Ellie, we don't need to go all out with the introductions. Just introduce Brother Kalpas and the others," Pardo responded weakly, her voice barely above a whisper. She held the jar in her hand as if it were a lifeline.

Despite Pardo's protest, the duo continued their lively performance.

"Phyllis is afraid of doors. but~ she is good at opening doors. she loves doing business. she is quirky and quick to escape."

"Even though there are some odd names that might be difficult to comprehend, pay close attention," they advised.

Elysia cleared her throat, a symbolic gesture, and then moistened her throat. A smile spread across her face as she began, "A charming cat who relishes basking in the sun. Her fur is soft to the touch, and her tail curls up delightfully!"

"What, Sister Ellie, I'm quite shy!" Pardo protested, her hands covering her face. Her tail snaked out from behind her, partially shielding her cheek.

"Oh, I've met you before," Kiana exclaimed joyfully upon seeing Pardo. "We were sunbathing together that day, weren't we? It's nice to see you again!"

"What day?" came a gentle voice.

"I just skipped class…e" Kiana's voice trailed off, becoming softer and softer. Suddenly, she realized that the voice belonged to Cecilia's mother.

Cecilia's mother tilted her head and looked at Kiana, a smile playing on her lips as she caught Kiana in her little slip-up.

Kiana lowered her head, a picture of a child who had been caught doing something wrong. Yet, there was a spark in her eyes that hinted she might dare to do it again!

"Elysia, if you're unsure about what to say, there's no need to force it," Mobius interjected, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She cast a sidelong glance at the animated Elysia, "What exactly are you trying to convey?"

"Alright then, let's move on to Dr. Mobius," Elysia responded, unfazed by Mobius's comment. She continued her narration, seemingly lost in her own world.

She was determined to study Hard, and she felt that Luo Mo's words were spot on!

"Mobius is petite, with a body as soft as a feather, yet she carries an air of arrogance," Elysia declared, not mincing her words.

Mobius was visibly upset by Elysia's words. However, once the words were out, all she could do was glare fiercely at Luo Mo, her snake-like eyes flashing a warning.

Before she knew it, she had been swept up in the rhythm of the conversation, and it felt like it was Luo Mo's turn to speak.

"Among the heroes, she has the toughest mouth. She is full of vitality and harbors countless secrets." Despite Mobius's intense gaze, Luo Mo managed to maintain some restraint.

But Snake, no matter how tough her mouth is, is still soft when kissed!

"Hey, what do you mean by 'the toughest mouth'?" Mobius shot back at Luo Mo, her eyes narrowed.

"Of course, doctor, you always deny the truth. Why is it that what you think in your heart is different from what you say?"

Elysia responded with a soft smile, reaching out to gently pat Mobius' head.

"Get out of the way, Elysia!" Mobius tried her best to push Elysia, who was leaning over, but she couldn't resist because she didn't have the physical advantage.

Suddenly, Pardo, who was known for his keen observation, let out an exclamation. She pointed at the screen and called out, "Ellie, Sister Ellie."

At that moment, the death toll displayed on the black screen had led everyone to believe that the second Honkai was over. Little did they know, there was still a hidden chapter waiting to be discover.

"What's up, little Pardo?" Elysia asked, her hands firmly placed on her waist. She turned around and noticed a dark chapter at the end of the plot that could be clicked on. The font was so small that it seemed to be easily overlooked.

"Sister Ellie, it appears there's another chapter at the end," Pardo informed her.

"Hmm… should I take a look and discuss it tomorrow? It's so tiny and inconspicuous, I almost missed it," Elysia mused.

Upon closer inspection, Elysia realized that Pardo was right. There was indeed a hidden plot. The color of the text was so similar to the background color that it was hardly noticeable.

"Luo Mo, what's this all about?" Elysia asked, turning to the person in charge of the game.

Luo Mo clapped his hands together as if he had just had an epiphany. "Ah, I see. It feels like there's a section missing. It must be Su Luo's oversight. She was in charge of the second Honkai in this area."

"Hmm… so, what does that part say?"

"Of course, it's a heartwarming and healing story. It was crafted with love by Su Luo. Wouldn't you like to read it?" Luo Mo asked, his eyes wide open as he looked at everyone present.


The narrative resumed, several days had passed since the last event.

Theresa found herself waking up in a hospital bed, attentively listening to Amber's report. Beside her, Otto was meticulously peeling an apple for her, his blue eyes staring blankly ahead.

With a strained voice, she asked, "So, Grandpa, is this the actual truth?"

Otto, with a gentle expression, sliced the peeled apple and fed each piece to Theresa. His demeanor was kind, but his words were harsh.

"Theresa, only what people choose to believe can be considered as the truth," he said.

"Our organization, Schicksal, battled against the Second Herrscher on its own, without any external assistance. During this conflict, numerous Valkyries, including Cecilia, tragically lost their lives."

Otto spoke softly, "This is the truth."

In the end, he crafted a version of the truth that was most advantageous to Schicksal.

As for Siegfried, he sent the core of the Herrscher of Reason to Counter-Entropy. He could sense that Welt's consciousness was still present and that he was still alive.

When Einstein approached him with an offer, Siegfried shook his head in refusal.

He had a compelling reason to return to Schicksal, and his daughter, Kiana, was still waiting for his return.

That was the only person in the world that he was attached to.

Otto also immediately started research on Kiana's bloodline. He was very curious. He had already seen the power of the Kaslana family and The power of the Holy Blood of Schariac still lingered in Siberia.

He pondered, if the offspring of these two powerful lineages were to merge, what could it bring him?

But he still recalled the divine revelation of that scene in his mind. What did it indicate?

At this time, Amber's voice reporting the latest developments interrupted him.

"Master Bishop, your friend departed without informing anyone after she regained consciousness. I apologize…"

Otto dismissed it with a wave of his hand, "It's alright; let her leave; she will return because…"

He paused for a moment before slowly articulating his final conclusion: "She has no other place to return to."

In the subsequent years, Otto remained engrossed in his human experiments. He attempted to combine the DNA of the Second Herrscher with Kiana's DNA. Despite his relentless efforts, the experimental subject named K422 continued to yield unsuccessful results.

Otto let out a soft sigh as he glanced at the new experimental subject, who was still in an unconscious state.

"Every step has been meticulously executed. How could it fail… or perhaps, Second Herrscher, are you unwilling to awaken?"

"What kind of dream are you lost in?"

In the labyrinth of her dreams, the girl found herself repeatedly reminiscing about the warmth she had once felt - the embrace of her mother, the sense of belonging to a family.

She pondered, "If I were just an ordinary person, would I still be able to experience that warmth?"

"If I were given another opportunity…"

"I yearn to hear her voice once more."

As Otto observed the brain electromagnetic waves recorded during the experiment, he slowly opened his eyes. A wave of undeniable surprise washed over him.


The girl, who yearned for the simplicity and joy of an ordinary life, opened her eyes. She hoped to hear that comforting voice and the enchanting words of love once again.


"So, is this the real story about Kiana?" Elysia asked, her tone serious, indicating she was done with any pretense.

"K423, she is the result of Otto's cloning experiment. She doesn't have a mother of her own or even her own name. For her, life is merely someone else's design, and destiny always seems to whisper misfortune into her ears." Luo Mo narrating newborn life

Upon hearing this, Elysia couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. For some reason, she saw herself in K423, feeling like a creation that didn't belong in this world.

"But let's not talk about me; I'm acting strange." Kiana quickly changed the subject, scratching her head. She had established early on that she was not a product of an experiment.

She was born naturally, from her mother's womb, not created like Frankenstein's monster.

She even had a video as proof of her mother giving birth to her!

"Regardless, you will witness her journey next. As an observer, you will see… the emergence of a hero." Luo Mo declared, no longer interested in prolonging the introduction.

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