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Chapter 222: Welcome to Elysian Church!!

The alarm blares, but a new day holds no promise for Luo Mo. Sunlight streams through the window, casting long shadows, but he burrows deeper under the covers.

Today's work stretches out before him – predictable, repetitive, and utterly pointless. Why bother?

This is Luo Mo, caught in his morning routine. He doesn't simply dislike work; he questions its very purpose.

Why do people wake so early, dragging themselves to jobs they don't love? Even the simplest questions weigh heavy on his mind – why is he so tired? This isn't just a struggle against a sleepy body; it's an age-old battle against the monotony of the everyday, the exhaustion etched deep into the soul of the worker.

I have to get to work, but it's so hard to leave this bed.

If only the sun wasn't streaming in, making my eyes sting...

and if this blanket wasn't so warm and cozy. It's practically smothering me, making it hard to breathe...

Wait, something's not right. Isn't that weight on my chest a little too heavy?

"Human? " A young and gentle voice came, making Luo Mo jump.

He raised his head and looked at the bed with some embarrassment. her white and silky hair was adorned with two bright red flowers. Below were two red gem pupils, blinking with an innocent and inexperienced expression. It's moving.

At this time, Luna was sitting like a duck, half on the quilt, with her white calves within reach. If you look carefully, you can see that her tender feet are just hidden under the quilt, exposed. Parts are smooth and delicate, like an appetizing ice cream.

At this time, Luo Mo's eyes met hers, and his mind went blank for a moment.


The soft voice sounded again, and she tilted her little head, as if she didn't understand why the other party ignored her.

Sister Theresa usually took care of her, but she'd hurried out this morning, saying she had no time. So, Luna was left with this human.

There was no choice but to spend the day with him, She was determined not to let Sister Theresa become too attached to humans any longer.

Luna's feelings towards humans were mixed and strange.

Even after spending time with him, words like "shyness" still escaped her understanding.

After Luna stepped back and left him, Luo Mo took in the full view of her body. At this time, she was only wearing cool home clothes, and the skirt only covered her thighs.

She looked so young and innocent.

Luo Mo finally managed to get out of bed. After his morning routine, he was ready to head to work when a new problem hit him: what to do with Luna? She stood there expectantly, straw sunhat on her head and a water bottle in her hand, clearly ready to go with him.

"Luna... what did you think of that girl with the long pink hair I met the other day?" Luo Mo asked cautiously. He had a bad feeling that bringing her to work might cause a scene, especially since she looked so much like Theresa.

"Huh? Did someone say my name?" A cheerful voice rang out, and Elysia appeared, a bright smile on her face.

"Elysia? You're here early! And wow, your hearing is incredible," Luo Mo said, a touch of surprise in his voice. Her sudden appearance was a little startling.

"Hmm? Well, of course!" Elysia wore a mysterious smile. "No matter where or when, Elysia always appears when you need her most!"

"Morning?" Elysia tilted her head, one hand shielding her eyes from the sun already high in the sky. "Luo Mo, are you serious? It's almost 10! Time to get moving!"

She tried to sound encouraging, but her eyes kept flicking towards Luna, who was getting ready nearby. Now that Elysia knew how to tell them apart, she couldn't help but notice the tension.

Luna ignored Elysia completely. Grabbing Luo Mo's hand, she gave a little tug. "Human, it's time for us to go!"

"Take me with you! Please? I promise to be good, I swear ♪" Elysia pleaded.

"Don't you have anything else to do, Elysia?" Luo Mo sighed. Sometimes he wished she'd just disappear when he needed her to... but most of the time, he actually liked her carefree attitude. It was a nice contrast to his own life.

"Things, let me think about it."

Elysia gestured with her fingers, focusing on her face.

"Teasing Mobius, check. Hugging Eden, check. Patting Su and Kevin, check..." She counted off on her fingers, then grinned. "Nope, looks like I'm all free!"

"Miss Pink Elf is on a roll today! All my important tasks are done, hooray! ♪" Elysia chirped.

"What kind of tasks are we talking about? Causing mischief?" Luo Mo grumbled, a hint of amusement in his voice. He was secretly jealous of her carefree life.

A tiny part of him hoped she'd burst into tears just to make him feel better.

"Well, I wanted to see if I could bump into Mei today. Now that Mobius is stuck... I mean, now that Mobius's stigmata is active, I can wander all over St. Freya without disrupting the other Flame-Chasers," Elysia explained.

Leaning in, she whispered to Luo Mo, "Speaking of which, remember when I tried to help that injured student? Turns out I misjudged a distance... Kevin and Su were left half-floating in mid-air, and Kalpas lost a chunk of his mask. He was not happy about that!"

"Ooh, now I'm curious! What's hiding under that mask of his?" Luo Mo asked, a glint of mischief in his eye.

Elysia shot him a sly grin. "Why, do you have a crush on Kalpas too? Just like Mobius! Don't pretend you're not fascinated by him."

Seeing his skeptical expression, she chuckled. "Alright, alright, I'll spill. Griseo actually sketched the whole thing. Even without the mask, Kalpas' face was...well, let's just say it vanished into thin air. Seriously, it was the weirdest thing."

Luo Mo nodded, a mix of amusement and bewilderment on his face. "That does sound pretty random."

"Indeed, this is too outrageous. The mask remains when the person is there, and the mask is shattered when the person is gone."

"Human, let's go; don't take this hateful bad woman with us! Just go~" Luna tugged at Luo Mo's hand, impatient to be on their way.

She even stuck her tongue out at Elysia, making a face.

Why did humans spend so much time chattering?

"Aw, Luna~ Don't be like that, you'll make me cry! Real tears! ♪" Elysia pretended to wipe her eyes dramatically.

She couldn't understand why Luna seemed to dislike her so much.

Was there anyone who could resist such a cute and beautiful girl?

"Hmph, even if you cry, I still don't wanna be near you!" Luna crossed her arms, glaring at Elysia's fake tears. It was a little mean, but she couldn't forget that awful feeling of being squished between those giant...things!

Who needs a hug like that anyway? All it does is make you feel small! Luna glanced down at her own chest, then over at Sister Theresa's. It was so unfair!

Maybe she should try sucking blood... would that help? bitter melon and green food are useless, Sister Theresa are the Example.

"But why would Luna say that? Luo Mo, you're my friend... you wouldn't talk about me behind my back, would you?" Elysia lowered her hands, the fake tears gone. She eyed Luo Mo with a hint of suspicion. He didn't seem like the type, but then again...

"Of course not! I'm devoted to the Church of Elysian, remember?" Luo Mo protested, quickly pocketing his phone to hide the screen.

"Ellie, trust me! Why would I ever badmouth you? We Best Friend from the moment we met, right?"

He tried to sound sincere, mentally crossing his fingers. It was true he'd needed Elysia's help back then, so technically he hadn't lied...

"Uh, Elysian... Church? What's that?" Elysia tilted her head, genuinely confused.

Luo Mo's expression went blank for a moment before he launched into a dramatic, preachy tone: "Ellie said let there be light, and there was light! She said to love the world, and we all became Elysianism. We fulfil her every wish, no matter the cost! "

"Like Commandment Number 7: Those with horns, and those without – all must grow horns, for they are beloved by God!"

He rattled off the lines as if he'd memorized them, clearly trying to prove his devoutness to the Church of Elysia.

Luo Mo took a deep breath, his eyes gleaming with a manic light. "Join the Church of Elysia! Worship the most perfect being alongside us! Our doors are open to everyone who believes in the beauty of humanity!" He clasped his hands together, his face the picture of devotion.

Before Elysia could even process this, Luo Mo grabbed Luna's hand and bolted, leaving her standing there speechless.

She was stunned at first, and then a trace of rosiness appeared on her cheeks. This was a line that even made her feel embarrassed. Then she stamped her feet in embarrassment, losing the courage to catch up.

"That felt more like a weird cult than a church..." Elysia grumbled. "Honestly, Luo Mo has no shame!"

Wait a minute... I'M the supposed leader of this whole thing, right? What's he doing promoting it himself? Does that mean I have to join this Church of Elysian?

Elysia sighed. Those words Luo Mo shouted... they just sounded wrong, no matter how she thought about them. She didn't want anyone repeating them! Even thinking about it made her face burn with embarrassment.

She was genuinely curious about this whole "church " thing. Was it really that powerful? Of course, she'd promised Mobius she wouldn't leak those embarrassing photos, but she hadn't actually promised not to spread those silly slogans Luo Mo came up with...

Later generations naturally traced the founder of the Elysia Cult to Luo Mo.

As an initial believer, it is obvious that he lacks some basic respect for his goddess.


MiHoYo was buzzing with activity at the end of the month. Everyone was hard at work, but rumors started to spread when the boss was seen walking with someone... Theresa? Or was it someone else?

They both wore visors when visit company, making it hard to tell. But some sharp-eyed employees noticed subtle differences – the way they walked, their mannerisms... this wasn't Theresa.

Luo Mo would never forget the time he made that awful slip-up in front of Su Lu, who ended up taking the heat for his mistake.

A professional to the core, she'd carefully read his manuscript – including the bit with the red eyes and a very familiar name. It should've been obvious.

It was like the difference between, well, a legal loli and a sweet, innocent-looking girl.

"Theresa? No... Luna?!" Su Lu, who'd been sipping her water, choked in surprise. She'd been trying to sneak away, hoping to avoid the boss and Luna, who were always looking for ways to dump extra work on her.

Poor Susanna ended up getting soaked instead! It looked like she tried to dodge the spray at first, then hesitated – maybe she remembered that stupid rule about Valkyries force to hiding their identities and collect information, even though it didn't apply anymore.

But it was too late, and the result was that half of her body was sprayed with water, and half of her clothes were looming wet.

"Eh? No, don't."

She hurriedly wiped it with the paper in her hand, trying to make herself look less embarrassed.

Susanna gulped as she realized Luo Mo and Su Lu were staring at her – or rather, at the crumpled, water-damaged document in her hand.

"Um, t-this isn't... important, right?" Susanna asked nervously. The excitement of seeing Luna just now had passed, and it was replaced by panic in her heart. Why did you make a mistake at work again?

I really do not do this job well.

"You'll have to ask Su Lu about that," Luo Mo said curtly, "But there's usually a punishment for this kind of thing." He knew a bit about her wealthy background, so he wasn't exactly intimidated.

Still, docking her pay wouldn't do much good, and what else could he do to a ditzy heiress?

To put it simply, her salary cannot even cover the amount of money she recharges for her own games. This is the realization of true paid work.

"Boss, if you're going to punish me, please just deduct my pay! Don't send me on any more missions with those two little terrors!" Susanna pleaded, remembering the chaos of her last assignment.

Her sanity was worth more than any paycheck – if she made mistakes, fine her all she wanted, but leave her mind intact!

"Last time?" Su Lu looked at Luo Mo with suspicion. She had no idea she'd almost been roped into that errand herself.

"Susanna, calm down. It was just a piece of paper, a formality... you can just reissue it for the boss," Su Lu said, trying to sound reassuring even though her own hand trembled slightly as she stared at Luna.

Was Luna really alright? Wasn't she helping that devil Luo Mo with his schemes? This felt so surreal! Her heart pounded, a mix of excitement and lingering fear from those awful in-game days when she couldn't save Luna. Now, all that helplessness had turned to a rush of joy.

Look, all those efforts weren't in vain! Luna was right here, safe and sound.

A girl in white strolled over, hands casually tucked into her pockets. "Hey, Su Lu! It's Kiana, reporting for duty!" She flashed a grin, then playfully patted Luna's shoulder. "And you too, Luna!"

With a breezy confidence, she turned and headed towards the recording studio, the whole process smooth as could be.

Luo Mo watched, a little taken aback.

Then, with a mock pout, he called out, "Kiana, you've changed! Don't you even call me boss anymore?"

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