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Multiverse Genesis, Forces Of Destiny Multiverse Genesis, Forces Of Destiny original

Multiverse Genesis, Forces Of Destiny

Author: ShivanshTiwari

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Portal Unveiled

In the quaint village of Lumindale, nestled at the foothills of towering mountains, the tranquility of everyday life was interrupted by the vibrant chatter of villagers. Lumindale was a tapestry of rustic cottages, cobbled streets, and the occasional meandering stream. The air was thick with the scent of blooming flowers and the distant hum of nature.

On the outskirts of the village, the Emberkin family gathered for lunch in their cozy cottage. The family consisted of Mr. Emberkin, a rugged but kind-hearted man, Mrs. Emberkin, a nurturing soul, and their two children, Viti and her younger brother, whose name was yet to be revealed.

The dining table was adorned with simple yet hearty fare, and the family indulged in a moment of shared warmth. Viti, a curious and spirited girl with eyes that sparkled like the morning dew, couldn't help but let her thoughts drift toward the village's legendary protectors.

Between bites of stew and sips of elderberry wine, Viti turned to her father, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Father," she began, "tell us more about the heroes—the two brothers who have guarded our village for generations. I want to know everything!"

Mr. Emberkin, a sturdy man with a beard that spoke of countless tales, wiped his mouth with a cloth and smiled at his daughter's eagerness. "Well, my dear," he began, "those heroes you speak of are none other than the brave sons of the Garrick family. They reside in the heart of the kingdom, overseeing the well-being of Lumindale."

"The Garrick brothers," he continued, "have been our steadfast guardians, battling monsters and standing as a bulwark against any threat. Their courage is unmatched, and tales of their exploits echo in every corner of our humble village."

Viti listened intently, her eyes widening with each heroic deed recounted by her father. The younger brother, she learned, was more reserved, his actions often shadowed by the elder's bold endeavors. Yet, both were integral to the safety of Lumindale.

As lunch progressed, the sun cast a warm glow upon the Emberkin cottage. The family's conversation intertwined with the gentle breeze that danced through the open windows. Viti's thoughts, however, lingered on the brothers, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something mysterious surrounded the younger one.

After the meal, Mr. Emberkin rose from the table, expressing gratitude for the delicious lunch. Mrs. Emberkin, a beacon of warmth and hospitality, bid him farewell, her eyes filled with affection. Viti's younger brother, who had been quietly observing the conversation, offered a parting goodbye, his gaze hinting at a world of unspoken thoughts.

As the door closed behind Mr. Emberkin, the scene transitioned to the village's lively outskirts. Viti and her brother, accompanied by a group of friends, engaged in playful activities under the radiant sun. Laughter echoed, and the joy of childhood painted smiles on their faces.

Amidst the playful banter, Viti's thoughts returned to the enigmatic younger Garrick. A sense of curiosity enveloped her, and a decision brewed in her determined mind. She called her friends and brother together, the group forming a circle beneath the sprawling branches of an ancient oak.

"Listen, everyone," Viti spoke with a mix of excitement and seriousness, "I can't shake the feeling that there's more to the Garrick brothers than meets the eye. We've heard tales, but I want to know the truth—the untold stories that linger in the elders' memories."

Determination gleamed in her eyes as she rallied her friends for a quest to unveil the mysteries surrounding the legendary protectors. The group set out, exploring the nooks and crannies of Lumindale, seeking someone wise enough to reveal the hidden chapters of the Garrick brothers' saga.

Their journey led them through the heart of the village, where aged cottages stood witness to the passage of time. Finally, Viti's brother spotted an elderly man standing at the gate of his abode, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon.

Guided by an unspoken connection, the group approached the old man, their curiosity bubbling like a hidden spring. Viti introduced herself, and the old man acknowledged their presence with a knowing smile.

"Ah, young ones," he greeted, "what brings the vibrant souls of Lumindale to my humble abode?"

Viti, emboldened by a sense of purpose, took the lead. "Sir, we seek knowledge about the Garrick brothers—the heroes who protect our village. Can you share stories that go beyond the tales we've heard?"

The old man's gaze shifted, a mix of nostalgia and contemplation clouding his eyes. After a thoughtful pause, he began to weave a tapestry of narrative—a tale that transcended the heroics known to all.

"Not much is known to the younger generation," the old man started, "but I remember a time when the Garrick brothers were mere boys, their destinies entwined with a secret that unfolded within the depths of a mysterious cave."

He spoke of a friendly fight, a ritual that took place in their youth, concealing a pivotal moment that altered the course of their lives. Viti and her friends leaned in, captivated by the old man's words.

"Four years ago," the old man continued, "a camaraderie between the brothers transformed into a dance with destiny. In that hidden cavern, their hands emitted a radiant blue light, a phenomenon witnessed by only a few—the king, the brothers, and myself."

The tale unfolded, describing the brothers' metamorphosis into wielders of extraordinary power. The old man's eyes conveyed both reverence and unease as he shared fragments of the brothers' journey from ordinary youths to guardians of Lumindale.

The group absorbed the story, their imaginations ignited by the vivid imagery painted by the old man's words. Viti, however, felt a spark of recognition—a connection between her musings and the tales shared.

As the old man concluded his narrative, a sudden explosion resonated through the air. Startled, the villagers turned their attention toward the source—an ominous blast that echoed from the direction of the mysterious cave.

The air quivered with tension, and the villagers exchanged fearful glances. A plume of smoke billowed from the cave's entrance, black and white tendrils intertwining like a sinister dance. Suddenly, all eyes turned to the mountain, where a colossal devilish figure emerged, its eyes ablaze with malevolence.

Chaos ensued as the devilish entity raised its hands, creating a deafening shockwave that reverberated through Lumindale. Villagers clutched their ears, the sheer intensity of the sound sending shivers down their spines.

Viti's brother, caught in the maelstrom, screamed in pain, his ears bleeding from the onslaught of sound. The devilish figure, reveling in the havoc it had unleashed, laughed malevolently and issued a chilling command—attack.

The ground trembled beneath the villagers' feet as demonic entities, resembling shadows given form, materialized. With blazing red eyes, these monstrous beings, towering at a height of fifteen meters, set forth on a rampage, leaving destruction in their wake.

Panic swept through Lumindale like wildfire, and the once-tranquil village now echoed with screams of terror. Houses crumbled, and the demonic entities, like a horde of nightmarish ants, crushed everything in their path.

Amidst the pandemonium, a brave voice cut through the chaos. A boy, seemingly weakened and on the verge of unconsciousness, proclaimed that he had opened a portal to another world—a realm beyond the reach of the demonic onslaught.

Fearful yet determined, the surviving villagers rallied behind the boy, seeking refuge through the portal. Viti, her brother, and their friends sprinted toward the escape route, their hearts pounding with terror.

In the midst of the turmoil, a figure emerged—a man in professional attire, exuding an air of authority. He approached the weakened boy, cradling him as if harboring a precious gem. The man, revealed to be the boy's father, declared their journey toward the portal, guiding the survivors to safety.

As they rushed toward the mountain gate, demonic entities pursued, their malevolent intent palpable. Viti's brother, regaining consciousness, looked at his father with urgency. "Father, where is my brother? Use your powers, save him, defeat that monstrous entity!"

The boy's father, determination etched on his face, lifted his son and sprinted toward the portal. However, the demonic entities closed in, their monstrous forms casting ominous shadows.

The surviving villagers, torn between fear and hope, witnessed the unfolding tragedy. Some pleaded with the boy's father to allow others through, while others urged him to use his powers to save the captured brother.

In the heart of chaos, the boy's father, torn between duty and compassion, found himself at a crossroads. With a heavy heart, he assured the villagers that opening the portal to save one meant risking the invasion of demonic entities into their world.

An impassioned plea rang out from a compassionate soul among the survivors. "Wait, sir! There's another person over there! We can't leave them behind. Please, let them come!"

The boy's father, his patience worn thin, responded in anger, "Madness! If a demonic entity enters, all of us will perish. This decision is final."

As the boy's father began to close the portal, a heart-wrenching sight met Viti's eyes. Her brother, held captive by the devilish entity, cried out for help. The portal slowly sealed shut, leaving a shattered family and a grieving village behind.

The surviving villagers, a mere handful, gazed upon the closed portal with tearful eyes. Among them, Viti's brother fell to his knees, mourning the loss of his parents and sister. The boy's father, his stern expression revealing the weight of his decisions, surveyed the grim scene.

The village elder, a witness to the tragedy, recognized the profound shift that had befallen Lumindale. As he counted the survivors, a realization dawned—a dawn heralding the arrival of chaos and darkness. They were in the human main world....A dark entity wearing a magician suit looked mysterious, standing beside the tree, listening to the conversation here, and then he started to move and then fly, widening his hand, and then with a flash, a spark, he disappeared. The surviving villagers, seeing the human city and the technology for the first time from the mountain peak, looked down.

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