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75% ECHOES OF TRANSMIGRATION / Chapter 12: Chapter Eleven:

Chapter 12: Chapter Eleven:

Main Character Pov~

It's been another couple of days since Raikou and Absol joined the team, specifically around 6 days, today was the seventh and final day we would spend in this whole mess of a place.

After Raikou and Absol joined the team, it should have been smooth sailing on the way out of the Pokemon Graveyard, right? Well not exactly. 

We were still being relentlessly attacked by weak hordes of Pokemon, it got so annoying I had Aggron unleash his aura completely to inflict fear upon all of the Pokemon, it worked for a day before we were ambushed by even larger hordes of Pokemon, all of which had been mind controlled by Yveltal's dreadful aura for God knows how long.

They obviously couldn't sense Shiny Aggron's aura, or they wouldn't have known that they were picking a battle with a High Champion - Level Pokemon. Shiny Aggron however, was having the time of his life. He was being assisted by both Absol and Corvisquire who had finally hit the 150 Level mark after getting enough Exp from all the Pokemon she had defeated across this conflict.

I opted for both Raikou and Groudon to remain inside their Pokeballs, those two were way too overkill to use on these. Absol told me that the mind controlled Pokemon always opted to go for groups of larger quantity. Also, the Pokemon we defeat have a chance of breaking out of the Aura's possession easier.

These Pokemon were made short work of by Shiny Aggron and Absol, who was undoubtedly atleast Elite Four to Low Champion Level. Corvisquire was no slouch either, despite being outnumbered heavily she made short work of the dozen Pokemon fighting her.

I was thinking of maybe finally evolving Corvisquire but I opted to wait until we leave the territory. Honestly, my team was too far powerful for a beginner trainer who hadn't even registered himself in the system yet. I feel bad for whatever trainer who tried to challenge me to a Pokemon battle.

The Pokemon coming at us kept getting thrashed, but another soon took their place. Occasionally there would be a few rare Pokemon who were above level 100 who were being manipulated. Some of the Pokemon we beaten up had regained consciousness and broken out of the possession and thanked us before opting to go out of this accursed land as fast as possible.

We spent the next several hours walking into a nearby Mountain Chain that was close to viridian city. Eventually we finally got out of the Pokemon Graveyard as the Dark Clouds began getting scarcer and scarcer and the dreadful aura weaker and weaker as the smell of blood began to disappear alongside the mountains of corpses and skeletons of humans and Pokemon alike. 

This place really needs a major clean up. Xerneas, where the fuck are you? There is a place in Kanto in desperate need of your 'Blessing of life'.

I sighed as we finally began to enter safer areas as the terrain began slowly changing from a rocky wasteland filled to the brim with corpses and rivers of tainted corruption into grasslands as we trekked further and further into the mountain chains ahead of us.

" Finally, I was really getting tired of this place." My words were replicated by Convisquire and Aggron as they nodded at my words, they seemed to have had enough of the stench and corruption of those lands.

Absol however remained silent and expressionless.

When I go visit the Steelix in the future, I am totally flying past this whole Graveyard with no second thoughts.

This place was a complete and utter mess, I shook my head and kept walking alongside the Pokemon. It should take atleast a half a week to an entire week at bare minimum to reach Viridian city on foot at the current speed we are going, not to mentioned we need to get over those mountains which would possibly further lengthen our trip.

I stopped walking confusing my Pokemon who also came to a halt and looked at me.

" Hey Corvisquire, I think you're ready for your next evolution stage." I said as I turned around facing Corvisquire.

Corvisquire seemed extremely shocked at first but became happy as she was finally about to evolve into Corviknight.

I walked straight up to Corvisquire, Aggron and Absol stepped a bit away in a relatively safe to watch.

 I took her Everstone Necklace off and stepped away as I watched the strong light of evolution engulf her entire being.

Her size began increasing by several folds as her aura intensified and became far more potent than before in quality.

The atmosphere grew thicker as the terrain darkened as the bright light of evolution had illuminated had eclipsed the amount of the light that came from the sun momentarily.

After a few moments, the light began to dim down before completely vanished.

A massive dark bird was seen as it roared creating massive air currents. I was completely amazed by the sight of the majestic armour-clad bird in front of me. It was far larger than before, even Aggron and Absol looked shocked at Corvisquire massive transformation.

The thing I found most shocking was that despite being perfectly average in size compared to other Pokemon of its species Corviknight was still this huge! I couldn't help but wonder how big a Corviknight who was Above Average, Super-Sized or even Gigantic in its species standards would be.

My Pokedex rung out, I took it out as it notified me of Corvisquire evolution into Corviknight.

" Corviknight, The Raven Pokemon. This Pokémon reigns supreme in the skies of the Galar region and even the Paldea Region, which are the regions where this Pokemon can be located. The black luster of its steel body could drive terror into the heart of any foe. Although its wings and feature have partly turned to steel and become heavy as a result, this Pokémon flies through the skies with ease. This particular Corviknight is caught by you." The Pokedex spoke with a beep before ending its narration.

" SHRIEEEEEEEEEK!" Corvisquire let out a large bird roar as it spread its massive wings in pride as it heard the Pokedex speak of its species. This Pokemon literally has features that are as tough as steel itself no wonder it reigned supreme as the ultimate flier in those regions. Though it has a weakness against electric and fire types. It's pretty resistant and strong against most other types.


Your Pokemon & Trainer Bond with 'Corviknight' has peaked!


Your Affinity with Flying Types has Increased!


Your Affinity with Steel Types has increased!


I momentarily ignored the notifications.

" You have really become extremely impressive and powerful, Corviknight." I complimented the massive raven Pokemon who puffed its chest proudly at my acclamation.

I used my Observe and saw the changes, I allotted the points from its Level Up from Pokemon Evolution and nodded in satisfaction at her change in stats.


Pokemon Name: Corviknight

Species Name: Raven Pokemon.

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #823

Height: 7.2 meters

Gender: Female

Age: 3 years old.

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: SS [ Heroic]

Pokemon Ranking: S - King Class Pokémon [ 256x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Flying Type and Steel Type

Ability: Unnerve

[ Hidden Ability: Mirror Armour]


Level: 156

Exp: [ 48%, 42% till next level.]


Health: 128,256/128,256

Aura: 130,560/130,560


HP: 501

AURA: 510

ATK: 485

DEF: 618

SP. ATK: 480

Sp. DEF: 620

SPD: 600

Total Stat Points: 3814

[ Important Note: Ordinary Pokemon have an average of 35 Total Stat Points at level 1, Regional Starter Pokemon have an Average of 42, Pseudo Legendries have an average of 48. Ultra Beast Pokemon have an average of 56, Mythical Pokemon have an Average of 62, Legendary Pokemon on the other hand have an average of 70 at level 1. A level up also grants 2 points on top of each of its inherent stat on top of granting 10 AUSP per level.]

Available Usable Status Points [ AUSP]: 0

[ RE- Note: 10 AUSP per level up.]


Pokemon Status: Caught Pokemon.

Special Traits: Fast Learner.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: None.

Current Moves: Defog [ Egg Move], Roost [ Egg Move], Sky Attack [ Egg Move], Leer, Peck, Power Trip, Hone Claws, Fury Attack, Pluck, Take Down, Agility, Scary Face, Taunt, Swagger, Drill Peck, Brave Bird, Fly, Aerial Ace, Taunt, Protect, Rest, Gust, Steel Wing, Dual Wingbeat, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Iron Defence, Metal Sound, Flash Cannon, Metal Claw and Steel Beam.

Total Moves: 31.

Likes: Its Trainer, Shiny Aggron, Strength, Training, Eggs and Comradery.

Dislikes: Weaknesses, Bullies, Tyrants, Betrayal and Vegetables.

Pokemon & Trainer Bond: [ 100/100]


As I saw the stats, I felt proud of how far Corviknight had come in its journey so far. I must admit, while that Pokemon Graveyard was an extremely annoying place full of relentless possessed Pokemon attacks, it was quite a decent place to grind Levels and Exp.

" Just look at you Corviknight, your almost as big as Aggron now." I said as a jump from 2.4 to 7.2 was quite impressive. Shiny Aggron himself was only 8.5 Meters and 10.8 Meters in his Mega Shiny Aggron form, both forms being bigger than Absol, Corviknight and even Raikou but still way smaller than the massive 162 meters tall Groudon.

Corviknight was acting bashful at my continued compliments as it felt extremely proud of itself for its current strength. Shiny Aggron himself also offered a congrats and a few compliments at Corviknight's continuous rapid growth, Absol merely gave her a nod of acknowledgement.

Absol really acted like the quiet kid in the classroom.

I sighed as after a few more moments we had continued to walk on our path to Viridian City. I withdrew both Corviknight, Absol and Shiny Aggron who all seemed surprised at my choice of travelling the rest of the way on my own. Aggron seemed to the most reluctant out of all of them before he nodded and went inside his ball.

So far, I am surprised that I hadn't had run into any humans as I was constantly travelling alongside the three Pokemon. The Possessed Pokemon attacks had come to halt the moment we left the Graveyard. So, I didn't see any reason to keep them outside of their Pokeballs. 

I decided to enjoy the moment and travel alone at my current pace, I should arrive their soon. I do realize I could get there faster on Corviknight, Absol or even Raikou's back, especially Raikou who could probably get us there instantly with his godly super lightning-speed.

But I hoped that I would encounter a Pokemon with extremely good Potential out here. One of the reasons I withdrew my Pokemon was so that their Aura wouldn't scare of any Pokemon away whilst I was hunting for a good Pokemon as I was walking. 

If I get in danger, I could always bring them out. Besides, I don't want anyone to see my Pokemon just yet. I need to be more discreet; I need to catch another Pokemon before going to Viridian City. So, I will stop by the Lake in between the mountains ahead. That Pokemon will be my go-to Pokemon to appear somewhat normal to the masses. 

I had decided that once I had arrived on Viridian City, I will stay in there for a while. I will first look for a hotel to book before doing anything else. I will then go to the Poke centre and register as a trainer and get my trainer license, I still have no clue how the Pokemon System works in this world. My knowledge about trainers is limited. I need to investigate and gather information before continuing my journey as a Pokemon Trainer.

The reason why the system ranks my Trainer Rank as F, is because I am not even registered as a Trainer yet. I have no idea what its like being an actual trainer yet, I am technically an ordinary human who just has unlicensed ownership of Pokemon. I think there might be some sort of fee or test to be recognized as an Official Pokemon Trainer.

There also has to be a Pokemon Trainer Ranking Hierarchy the Pokemon League uses. I know that the Pokemon Alliance know that Pokemon Potentials, Pokemon Affinities and Pokemon Levels exist because the Pokedex has information about Potential and Levels inside of its system. Which solidifies that there is indeed some official ranking the International Pokemon League Alliance uses.

I know how the system ranks Pokemon Potential and Trainer Rankings, but I don't know how the Alliance ranks them. There undoubtedly some sort of requirement to become a Pokemon Trainer, its pretty much the most sought-after Job, so obviously there is going to be some sort of test atleast.

That's why I have been contemplating my next few moves with caution, I still don't even know the World's stance on Legendary Pokemon usage and Trainers who have such Pokemon at their disposal. I don't doubt that this world has many things I haven't come close to discovering just yet, but isn't that what makes it so fun? Venturing into uncharted territory unabated.

I have noted the nearby Pokemon not coming close to me even after I called my pokemon, seemed like everyone was keeping distance. 

Which is understandable Pokemon are too high levelled, they are undoubtedly going to bring a lot of attention to me. I didn't expect Rookidee to level up and grow strong this fast, and Raikou and Absol aren't exactly making things easier, Absol was undoubtedly going to catch attention due to its reputation as Pokemon that brings disasters every time it appears.

As for Raikou, do you even need to ask why he is going to bring so many questions? Alot of the Pokemon I have in my possession are exotic Pokemon from other regions, some are even shiny. At least there are some Pokemon seen from other regions in Kanto, but they are much rarer than Kanto Pokemon, atleast in this region. I can see Kanto Pokemon being rare in other regions. 

The point is that my team is full of exotic Pokemon who all Extremely Powerful in their own right and very rare. 

That's why I need another Pokemon in my team, another coverup. Preferably from Kanto or Johto and something that wouldn't spark a lot of interest as say, Corviknight. The Galar Region was a gigantic, massive island extremely far away from Kanto, so Galar Pokemon wouldn't be seen in this region.

So, to the public of the Kanto region, Corviknight was something completely unique and unknown to them. It was undoubtedly going to bring a lot of questions.

So far, I had 1 Pokemon from Galar, 3 from Hoenn and 1 from Johto. 2 of which are Legendary one of which was a Shiny Legendary. The rest were also extremely rare, Aggron being the shiny one. Corviknight the Unknown One and Absol the one who has a bad reputation.

None of them are exactly 'Normal' per say using Pokemon Trainer standards. Seems like I will just have to either roll with it or wear a disguise. Should I really care about garnering so much attention? It's not like I will use my Legendary Pokemon right away, I will wait for the storm to calm before even thinking about starting another one.

A shiny powerhouse like Aggron was going to grab the most attention out of them though, I don't know whether Mega Evolution has been discovered yet or not so I will wait before openly using Mega Evolution in public.

I looked at the sky and noticed it was getting dark.

I threw three Pokeballs and out came, Corviknight, Absol and Shiny Aggron.

" I am laying camp here for the day. I will need your help." I told them, with their help I managed to lay down the tent and sleeping bag and start a campfire fairly quickly.

~ Two whole weeks later~'

I had arrived at this massive Lake nearly a week and a half ago, I am extremely close to Virdin forest as the Massive Mountain behind me is what's separating me and the massive forest that seemed to span on in all directions, luckily there was a quick route from this mountain range to Viridian City that took around five whole days to walk through the path, but the Forest itself was far bigger. An average person would need atleast several decades to fully explore it. For a rookie trainer it will only take five years to explore it, for a veteran trainer, however? he or she might need only a year at most.

The reason I am at this lake because I was hoping to catch a new Pokemon to my team, the highest I had come across are a couple of AAA - Rank Pokemon, for example a Magikarp who had AAA - Rank Potential, which meant as a Gyarados its Potential would peak at S which might be good for some, but not for me. 

I have been unlucky so far, the highest of my catches ranged from AA - Rank to AAA - Rank. I hadn't come across any rare Pokemon yet, I was really hoping to find a Shiny, but I hadn't come across any yet. Goes to show how rare they are, I couldn't believe that there was a Shiny Geodude and a Shiny Aron on that mountain seeing as how I couldn't even find one as I travelled across the Mountain Range.

After a few more hours of searching and finding nothing I decided to lay camp and try again tomorrow, I decided to take a dip in the Lake and swim near the natural waterfall hot spring located a mile away. 

After reaching the hot spring I slowly took off my clothes and put all my items in the inventory to prevent any wild Pokemon from stealing my stuff.

I calmly sank deep in the water as I let out a sigh of satisfaction as I felt the hot water brush my skin.

" This is the life." I said happily not noticing a Wild Pokemon pop out of the water as it gazed at me.

The Pokemon adopted a mischievous look as it dipped underwater.

I was currently in dream land as I was thinking about my future goals and ambitions.

I suddenly felt a pull as though something wrapped around my leg and dragged me under water. I felt the pull as I was pulled deep underwater, I tried to pull my leg which proved to be ineffective, so I used my Aura and enhanced my Body and lungs to prevent myself from drowning as I use an Aura enhanced kick and kicked the unknown Pokemon effectively kicking it away and swam all the way to the service.

As I reached the surface of the hot spring and swam to the edge of the hot spring.

I panted as I glared at the water as I got out.

" Who the fuck are you? Show yourself!" I yelled at the water.

I felt bubbles in a certain area in the massive hot spring and saw a blue scaley head pop out of the steamy water.

" Dile!" explained the Pokemon, saying it was just a prank and that it didn't mean to scare me.

" What the fuck?" I said backing away now noticing the identity of the Pokemon, I got closer to the water and took a closer look at the Pokemon.

Wait is that what I think it is?

" No way....." I said taking out my Pokedex to scan it.... whilst observing its stats at the same time.

" Totodile, The Big Jaw Pokemon. Despite the smallness of its body, Totodile's jaws are very powerful. While the Pokémon may think it is just playfully nipping, its bite has enough power to cause serious injury. This rough critter chomps at any moving object it sees. Turning your back on it is not recommended. This particular Totodile is not caught by any trainer." The Pokedex spoke before ending the explanation with a beep.

I was extremely happy with what I saw, seems like my days spent here was not in vain. I actually found a Johto Starter Pokemon. It's a Water Type Pokemon too!

My affinity with water may not be high, considering its ranked at D and all that. But seeing its S - Ranked Potential really made me want to catch it.

This thing is perfect for blending in as a Rookie Trainer.

" Totodile, I challenge you to a Pokemon battle!" I said as I spawned my clothes and used my High Ranked Flying Type Affinity with Flying Type Aura to wear them faster with the air and wind helping me.

The Totodile who was seemingly cheerful gained a serious look and grinned as it burst out of the water and landed in front of me. 

Holy crap, he was really big! Almost as big as me even!

" I will warn you though, my Pokemon are no slouches." I warned the Totodile who roared back at me with a " TOTOODILEEE!" saying, that he will not back down from a challenge even if it ends up backfiring on him.

Or that's what I think he said, my affinity with Water Types was C, so I couldn't translate its message very well.

Once I wore everything and put my Pokedex in my pocket, I held out an Ultra Ball as I stepped away from the Totodile who seemed to be ready to fight.

" GO CORVIKNIGHT!" I said throwing Corviknight's Pokeball, bringing out a Massive 7.2 Meters Raven Pokemon.

" SHRIEEEEK!" Roared Corviknight making its dramatic entrance with windy air current's swirling around the area as it looked at me before looking at the Pokemon in front of me. 

Totodile seemed to widen its eyes in complete and utter shock at the appearance of the Large Unknown Pokemon before narrowing its eyes in determination.

" Totodile!" Shouted Totodile saying that its not afraid of Corviknight, Corviknight was amused by this if anything.

" Corviknight, don't go too hard on Totodile. He is going to be our newest recruit." I said making both Totodile and Corviknight surprised at my exclamation before Corviknight nodded at my words.

Totodile seemed surprised that I wanted him on my team, but that surprise disappeared as it opened its mouth and let out a massive water gun attack on Corviknight. 

Corviknight looked at the attack unphased as the water splashed on its feathers and body, not doing anything to her.

" Corvi?" Questioned Corviknight, asking if this is everything totodile has to offer.

This made Totodile angry as Dragon-Type Energy erupted from its body, but it wasn't an attack type move.

" HE KNOWS HOW TO USE DRAGON DANCE??" I asked as I widened my eyes in shock as Totodile grew a bit stronger as it continued to use Dragon Dance to boost its stats.

Totodile roared as its energy swirled around it creating powerful air currents before it charged at Corviknight. 

" TOTODILE!" roared Totodile as two different energy types erupted from its body, He used both Aqua Jet and Metal Claw as he charged at Corviknight determined to win.

I let Corviknight decide what to do as Totodile charged at it.

Corviknight in response merely waved her wing at Totodile as he reached Corviknight, Corviknight not even trying to fight back as Totodile used all his power to crush Corviknight's wing, but he was overpowered as Corviknight's wing broke through all his defence's and moves as it completely sent him flying into a tree, unconscious.

Me and Corviknight went to check up on him.

" What do you think?" I asked Corviknight as I began to check on Totodile's wounds. Sighing in relief seeing that although he had some scratches, he was ultimately fine, as he was just unconscious.

" Corviknight." Answered Corviknight, saying that Totodile had a lot of Potential to become a Powerful Pokemon someday.

I fully agreed with her, Totodile was a Regional Starter Pokemon. A Pokemon reserved for those with special recommendations to become trainers by the Regional Top Professors. They were a notch above the rest of the Common Pokemon, specifically bred and nurtured to aid new Trainers to become the very best they could be.

I smiled as I used Potions to heal the Totodile.

" Dile?" Questioned the Totodile as it woke up from its slumber and blinked a couple of times before noticing me and Corviknight, seeing us standing in front of it and seeing itself on the ground the Totodile seemed to realize that it had lost as its expression became sad and gloomy.

" Toto.... Dile...." Seeming really sad, saying 'Not Again'....

" What do you mean?" I asked the Totodile.

" Totodile, Dile." said the Totodile, saying how it was kicked out of its clan for being too weak compared to its siblings and has been trying to get stronger recently, but it seems to be all for naught. 

I was extremely surprised by this explanation as my eyes widened in shock. Even Corviknight seemed surprised, but I can feel a hint of irritation at hearing that the parents and clan of this Totodile had abandoned it. 

" Does this mean you have nowhere to go?" I asked the Totodile who's expression turned even more gloomy as he nodded.

" How about this then? Become part of my team, we will make you strong. Isn't that right Corviknight?" I asked Corviknight, making her nod in agreement with what looked like a smile,

" Corviknight!" said Corviknight, saying that it will help him train by training him herself with determination in her eyes.

After hearing our words, Totodile's expression shifted from surprise to shock to happiness before jumping up from its position.

" Totodile?" asked Totodile, asking if we really mean that.

Me and Corviknight nodded as the Totodile jumped once more.

" DILE!" cheered Totodile, saying that it will join us if we keep our promise.

I smiled as I brought out a new Ultra Pokeball and touched the front of the ball Totodile with the front of the ball, absorbing the Pokemon inside of it.

The Pokeball only shook once before signalling the successful catch as Totodile was caught, the Pokedex notifying me of my recent capture.

I finally have a full team of Six Pokemon. I could carry more, but only six at a time can be considered as an 'Official Team', By the system.

I really need to get a Pokemon Ranch, Pokemon Ranches are special places trainers can buy or own as a massive house for Pokemon, they stretch on for dozens of miles and have dozens of equipped habitats for all kinds of Pokemon. They have a massive shield and powerful security system equipped with the proper facilities to keep the Pokemon happy and satisfied.

I shook out of my thoughts and saw a screen pop up.

I smiled as I saw that my Affinity with Water Types went from C to B with the notification that popped up leading to me check my affinities.

Pokémon Affinities:

You have the following Affinities:

Normal: B [ Rare]

Fire: EX [ Legendary]

Water: B [ Rare]

Electric: A [ Very Rare]

Grass: C [ Uncommon]

Ice: AAA [ Epic]

Fighting: C [ Uncommon]

Poison: AAA [ Epic]

Ground: Z [ Divine]

Flying: S [ Unique]

Psychic: D [ Common]

Bug: D [ Common]

Rock: SS [ Unique]

Ghost: D [ Common]

Dragon: C [ Uncommon]

Dark: B [ Rare]

Steel: EX [ Legendary]

Fairy: D [ Common]


Oh yeah, I forgot that my Steel Type and Flying Type affinities increased, no wonder wearing my clothes using Flying Type aura felt very easy.

I let out Totodile of his Ball.

" DILE!" yelled Totodile as he checked his surroundings before nodding at us.

" We will travel on foot to Viridian City, on the way there. Corviknight will spend some of its time to train you. It should take us a couple of days around 5 to 7 depending on how fast we are." I said as Totodile and Corviknight nodded at my explanation.

I observed the Totodile seeing it's stats fully.


Pokemon Name: Totodile

Species Name: Big Jaw Pokemon

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #158

Height: 1.8 meters

Gender: Male

Age: 2 years' old.

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: S [ Unique]

Pokemon Ranking: A - High Class Pokémon [ 32x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Water Type

Ability: Torrent

[ Hidden Ability: Sheer Force]


Level: 47

Exp: [ 1%, 99% till next level.]


Health: 5,824/5,824

Aura: 4,800/4,800


HP: 182

AURA: 150

ATK: 201

DEF: 204

SP. ATK: 135

Sp. DEF: 138

SPD: 160

Total Stat Points: 1170

[ Important Note: Ordinary Pokemon have an average of 35 Total Stat Points at level 1, Regional Starter Pokemon have an Average of 42, Pseudo Legendries have an average of 48. Ultra Beast Pokemon have an average of 56, Mythical Pokemon have an Average of 62, Legendary Pokemon on the other hand have an average of 70 at level 1. A level up also grants 2 points on top of each of its inherent stat on top of granting 10 AUSP per level.]

Available Usable Status Points [ AUSP]: 0

[ RE- Note: 10 AUSP per level up.]


Pokemon Status: Caught Pokemon.

Special Traits: Monstrous Constitution, Rage Power Boost and Super-Sized Body.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: None.

Current Moves: Dragon Dance [ Egg Move], Aqua Jet [ Egg Move], Metal Claw [ Egg Move], Leer, Scratch, Water Gun, Mud-Slap, Bite, Flail, Crunch, Low Kick, Slash, Screech, Thrash, Aqua Tail, Superpower, Hydro Pump and Ice Beam.

Total Moves: 19.

Likes: Heat, Cold, Water, Hot Springs, Waterfalls, Fish Pokemon, Berries, Pranks and Friendships.

Dislikes: Its Clan, Parents, Siblings and Familial Mistreatment.

Pokemon & Trainer Bond: [ 58/100]


I couldn't help but feel shocked at this Pokemon had a Level 50 Requirement Pokemon Ranking but was Level 47, seems like Regional Starter Pokemon all begin at A Rank at Level 1 and above. No wonder they stand above other Common Pokemon, they really have one hell of an advantage right off the start.

I smiled as I looked at Totodile, He really has the Potential to become as Powerful as Aggron with these stats.

Not bad at all, I chuckled.


Chapter Eleven- Ends

Author Note: I want to hear all of your opinions regarding his future interactions with humans and your opinion on the way of handling the situation with his Pokemon and Identity. I already decided what to do, I want to hear your thoughts though. The next chapter is going to contain a lot of information.

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