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Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Crossroads of Strength

The room echoed with tension as Aizawa, the summoned hero, scrutinized the trio's readiness. Aizawa's straightforward and blunt demeanour clashed with Jiraiya's more diplomatic approach.

Aizawa: "Do you even understand what you're facing? The strength of Hydra, Ten Rings, and Madripoor? Can you even distinguish the real Ten Rings from the fake one?"

Jiraiya, with a measured calm, shared his intelligence about the fake Ten Rings and expressed his displeasure at Aizawa's tone.

Jiraiya: "Hold on, Eraser Head. We're not amateurs here. Hunter might be in his training phase, but we've gathered more information than you might give us credit for. And, for future reference, a little courtesy goes a long way."

Aizawa, unmoved, shot back that Hunter wasn't ready, and Jiraiya countered with the unexpected turn of events that had prolonged their stay in the city.

Aizawa: "I'm not convinced he's ready for this. This is dangerous territory, and I don't want to babysit someone who's still in their training phase."

Jiraiya, refusing to be undermined, locked eyes with Aizawa, a silent understanding passing between them.

Hiroshi, in his pragmatic manner, produced his compiled notes, detailing the strengths of Hydra, Madripoor, and the real and fake Ten Rings. Aizawa, using his quirk to erase any illusions, laid out the harsh reality of their situation.

Aizawa: "You guys' lack in finance, wide network, weapons, influence, and technology. Can any of you make a missile, or even a simple gun?"

The room fell silent, the trio absorbing Aizawa's unfiltered assessment. Aizawa left them and went to sleep in a sleeping bag.

That night, in the hushed quiet of their shared space, Jiraiya, Hunter, and Hiroshi dissected Aizawa's points.

Jiraiya: "Hunter, this world is filled with mysteries and challenges. It's a perfect training ground for you. Nature has a way of teaching things that no textbook can. So don't take Aizawa's words to heart."

Hunter: "I'm ready to learn. But, Jiraiya, what do you think about Aizawa's assessment?"

Jiraiya: "He's blunt, but he sees things as they are. We lack in some areas, and he's right to point them out. Our organization needs a solid foundation."

Hiroshi: "Planning an organization is one thing, but how do we know the system won't throw us a curveball next time? What if our next summon is... less helpful?"

Jiraiya: "True, but we can't depend on the system alone. We need to build our resources, strengthen our bonds, and be prepared for whatever comes our way."

Hunter: "Aizawa is right about one thing. I need more than just physical training. I need to understand these organizations, their strategies, and how they operate."

Jiraiya: "Exactly, Hunter. Knowledge is your strongest weapon. In the world of shadows, information is power. I'll teach you the ninja way and combine it with strategic thinking."

Hiroshi: "And what about Madripoor? Aizawa mentioned internal issues. Should we take advantage of that?"

Jiraiya: "No, exploiting a city in turmoil isn't something we can bite right now. May be if we were a little bit stronger and had some solid intel, then, we could have launched an assault there and may be could have made it into our base. But as of now, we'll stay put. Our organization will stand for something greater."

Hunter: " What if something happens to Stark or others in the meantime? I don't want to create any 'what if's' if possible"

Jiraiya: "We minimize the risks by gathering intel and preparing. We're not idle; we're strategizing. And remember, we're building something that will last, not just reacting to the moment."

Hunter: "Yeah! as you say."

Hiroshi: "Still, we have not directly interfered into the reality until now. We have just been watchers. And if we were to be considered as a cosmic anomaly, TVA would have wiped us"

Jiraiya: "Hahaha… you got a point there. But, I didn't anticipate Hydra being this active, and Madripoor's internal issues add another layer of complexity." Jiraiya smiled worriedly.

The decision crystallized, and the next morning, the trio presented it to Aizawa.

Aizawa, surprisingly understanding, nodded.

Aizawa: "Focus on your training. When you're ready, we'll discuss taking on these forces. But keep in mind, time is a luxury we might not have. So squeeze every bit of it."

Later, Jiraiya took Hunter on a training journey, this time in a desert.

Jiraiya: "The desert, a harsh and unforgiving landscape. It'll test not just your physical strength, Hunter, but your mental resilience. In the ninja world, adaptability is key."

Hunter: "I get that, Jiraiya. But I can't shake off the feeling that we're avoiding the real issues. Stark, the Ten Rings, Hydra—they're out there making moves, and we're here in the sand."

Jiraiya: "Every step we take in this desert is a step towards strength. We're not avoiding the issues; we're preparing to face them head-on. The foundations of a strong organization lie in the skills of its members."

Hunter: "I just don't want to be caught off guard. What if the next summon is something we can't handle?"

Jiraiya: "That's why we're here. In the desert, there's nowhere to hide, and every challenge is a lesson. We'll face the unknown together, and you'll emerge not just stronger physically, but wiser in strategy."

Hunter: "So, what's the plan, Jiraiya? Are we going to keep training in different terrains, hoping it prepares us for whatever comes next?"

Jiraiya: "Training is part of it, but knowledge is equally crucial. While we traverse these landscapes, we'll also delve into the secrets of our enemies. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses is as important as honing our own skills."

Hunter: "Alright, let's do it. I'm ready to face whatever comes our way, even if it's lurking in the shadows."

Jiraiya: "Good. Remember, Hunter, a ninja adapts, endures, and masters. The desert is just the beginning of your journey into the art of war and shadows."

In the Desert - Jiraiya and Hunter:

Jiraiya: "Alright, Hunter, chakra is the life energy that flows within every living being. It's the force that powers our ninja techniques. To harness it, you need focus and control."

Hunter: "Chakra... I've heard about it, but how do I use it?"

Jiraiya: "Think of it like tapping into your inner energy. Close your eyes, feel the energy within you. Now, imagine it flowing to your fingertips."

Hunter: closes his eyes and takes a deep breath

Jiraiya: "Good, now focus that energy into your fingers. Chakra manipulation is about precision and intent. Channel it like you're shaping it for a purpose."

Hunter: concentrates, and a faint glow appears around his fingertips

Jiraiya: "That's it! Now, you can use this chakra to enhance your physical abilities, create illusions, and even perform jutsu. It's the essence of being a ninja."

In the City - Hiroshi and Aizawa:

Hiroshi: "This abandoned warehouse should serve our purpose. It's inconspicuous, away from prying eyes, and has enough space for our needs."

Aizawa: "Fine. But remember, we're dealing with forces beyond our usual scope. This base needs to be fortified, and we need to establish a secure communication network."

Hiroshi: "I've got it covered. I'll set up encrypted lines and install security systems. This place will be a fortress in the shadows."

Aizawa: "Good. Our intel is our strength, and we can't afford leaks. How's Hunter's training going?"

Hiroshi: "Jiraiya is putting him through the paces. He's learning fast, adapting to chakra manipulation quicker than I expected."

Aizawa: "Learning ninja techniques, huh? That might give us an edge. But, Hiroshi, don't forget the practical aspects. We're dealing with mercenaries, spies, and who knows what else."

Hiroshi: "True, Aizawa. We need a blend of both worlds – ancient ninja arts and modern tactics. The enemies we face won't be bound by tradition."

Aizawa: "Just make sure our young ninja learns to play in both arenas. The shadows have a way of revealing more than we anticipate. Besides, our boy is going to have a surprise when he comes back."

Hiroshi: "Haha…We will be out of funds soon. Just few weeks, after that we might have to 'borrow' some."

Back in the desert, a month later cooldown ended.

Hunter: "Let's go!"

Hunter pressed the summon button. The summoning circle glows, and a figure materializes – Q, the ingenious quartermaster from MI6.

Summoned Character (Q): (looking around) "Well, this isn't MI6. What's going on here?"

Hunter: "Q, welcome to our unconventional team. We're facing formidable foes, and your expertise could be the game-changer. Fancy a new adventure?"

Q: "Adventure, you say? I'm more accustomed to dealing with secret agents and their whims. But you seem different. What's your story?"

Hunter: "Long story short, we're dealing with powerful adversaries and could use your inventive mind. We're not just your average summoners."

Q: (arches an eyebrow) "Not average, you say? I'll be the judge of that."

Hunter, with a mixture of charm and sincerity, manages to win over Q with his straightforward approach and determination.

Hunter: "Q, we might not have the resources of MI6, but we've got spirit and a thirst for justice. Can you lend us a hand?"

Q: (smirking) "Well, I suppose I could use a change of scenery. Let's discuss what kind of gadgets you'll be needing."

With Q on their side, the trio gains access to an array of inventive gadgets, surveillance devices, and intelligence-gathering tools. Q, intrigued by the unique challenges presented by this unconventional team, decides to lend his expertise to their cause.

[ Status Window: Q ]

[Name: Q

Origin: James Bond Universe

Title: MI6 Quartermaster


Espionage: Q is a master of covert operations, intelligence gathering, and surveillance.

Inventive Genius: Known for creating cutting-edge gadgets and technological marvels to aid agents in the field.

Technological Prowess: Possesses advanced knowledge in hacking, encryption, and manipulation of electronic systems.


Sarcastic Brilliance: Q combines his sharp intellect with a dry sense of humour.

Pragmatic: Approaches challenges with a practical mindset, focusing on effective solutions.


Tea Enthusiast: Enjoys a good cup of tea, a trait that often accompanies moments of deep thinking.

Precision: Values precision and functionality in gadgets and tools.


Resourceful Inventor: Can create gadgets and devices from available resources, adapting to various situations.

Analytical Mind: Possesses a keen analytical mind, quickly assessing situations and finding optimal solutions.

Unique Traits:

MI6 Connection: Maintains a link to MI6's databases for information gathering, though usage is restricted.

Gadget Master: Can craft unique gadgets tailored to the team's specific needs.



Additional Notes:

Alignment: Neutral

Trust Level: Moderate (Hunter's persuasiveness has earned a degree of trust)

Mission Focus: Q is motivated by the challenge and uniqueness of the missions presented by the unconventional team.]

[More information will be revealed as the team builds trust and continues their journey with Q.]

Q was transferred to the city where Hiroshi is. The trio of Hiroshi, Aizawa, and their newly summoned ally, Q, gathered in the makeshift operating base they had established in the city outskirts. Q, with his trademark wit, looked around at the humble surroundings.

Q: (sipping tea) "Quite the charming setup you've got here. Reminds me of my early days in the field, roughing it out for the sake of the mission. So, what's the grand plan, gentlemen?"

Aizawa: (bluntly) "We need resources, technology, and information. Can you provide any of that?"

Q: (smirking) "Ah, straight to the point. I like that. Well, my expertise lies in gadgets and intelligence. Resources, on the other hand, might require a bit more finesse."

Hiroshi: "We're not looking for the grandeur of MI6's headquarters, but we need tools, gadgets, maybe even a bit of financial support. We're dealing with organizations that can shake the world, and we're not exactly rolling in resources."

Q: (nodding) "Understood. Let's talk specifics. What kind of gadgets do you need? Surveillance, communication, infiltration? And as for finances, I can arrange some discreet funding, but it won't be on MI6's lavish scale."

Aizawa: "We're not looking for luxury. We need practical tools for information gathering and survival. As for funds, enough to stay under the radar but sufficient to operate."

Q: "Very well. I'll get to work on some essentials. In the meantime, I need more details on our adversaries. Hydra, Ten Rings, and this Madripoor intrigue. What intel do we have?"

Aizawa: "Hydra has access to advanced weaponry, including nukes. Madripoor has a submarine armed with a nuke. Ten Rings, the real one, has a formidable army with mystical elements. The fake Ten Rings is a group of well-trained mercenaries."

Q: (raising an eyebrow) "Quite the rogues' gallery. And what about the state of Madripoor? Last I heard, it was going through some internal troubles."

Hiroshi: "Yes, that's correct. There are power struggles within Madripoor. We need to exploit those to our advantage. As for the rest, we're not planning a direct confrontation until we're better prepared."

Q: "Wise decision. I'll start working on gadgets tailored for our unique situation. And about the financial support, consider it done. I'll keep it discreet, so you won't be tracing it back to MI6."

Aizawa: "Good. And one more thing, Q. We're not your typical team. We have... unconventional elements. Be ready for surprises."

Q: (smirking) "My dear friend, surprises are my specialty. Now, let's see what we can cook up for our friends in the shadows."

As the trio delved into planning and strategizing, the air in the makeshift base became charged with anticipation. The collaboration of Jiraiya, Hunter, Hiroshi, Aizawa, and now Q promised an intriguing mix of skills and resources. The stage was set for the next phase of their mission in the complex web of conspiracies and power plays.

A couple of months later the system was active again. As the summoning sequence unfolded in the vast desert, Hunter and Jiraiya exchanged glances, anticipation flickering in their eyes. The summoning light dissipated, revealing a figure clad in dark robes, a hood casting shadows over the upper part of the face. The newly summoned character surveyed his surroundings with a seasoned and vigilant gaze, his movements reflecting a blend of grace and lethal precision.

Jiraiya: (whispering to Hunter) "This one seems different, a seasoned warrior. Could be a valuable addition."

Hunter: (nodding) "Let's see what he brings to the table."

The hooded figure, sensing the eyes upon him, turned slightly towards Hunter and Jiraiya. In the faint light, a glint of steel revealed itself — hidden blades, a trademark of a skilled assassin. The air seemed to carry a hint of history, of a man shaped by a life of shadows and secrets.

Jiraiya: (raising an eyebrow) "An assassin, perhaps? We've summoned someone with a history."

Hunter: "Let's not jump to conclusions. We'll learn more once he reveals himself."

As the hooded figure took a step forward, the desert winds seemed to echo with the whispers of an untold story.


Red_DragonEmperor Red_DragonEmperor

Like it ? Add to library!The prologue or set up for the story will be over in couple of chapters, then we will be moving towards the Canon timeline. If you want you can suggest your favourite characters in comments, I will add them to my story if they are suitable.

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