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Chapter 15: Continuance

 He stumbled around, not being able to stand straight. The breezy wind flowing through the forest was almost enough to knock him over. The leaves in the background we're slowly falling around him. The surrounding area was completely destroyed from the fight. The ground was mushed together, trees laying down on the ground and blood splattered absolutely everywhere. He was completely unconscious and it was a miracle that he could stand at all. His eyes were basically all white as he was fully passed out but his spirit was the only thing that would hold him together. His body tried to breathe but the breathing was uncoordinated, heavy and with his mouth wide opened. Velios face was still covered in a bunch of blood. He unconsciously kept on eating the monsters arm, he couldn't taste anything and it could be dangerous or even life threatening. Velios wound was only healing the slightest at all because of how often he has used his passive healing, meaning that its level is really high. But a wound like that would take a miracle for it to heal and thanks to a common ability that he had unlocked, named 'blood' which branched into a unique skill called 'blood preservation' which stops blood from escaping the body through open wounds but with its low level, it could only do so much.

 Velios body just automatically grabbed parts of the dead monster's body and ate them. In theory, his passive healing would work more effectively but there was no guarantee that it would work so much better that he would survive. The forest was completely quiet as he kept eating, no animals were heard, no sounds from any people, no monsters either. The only thing you could hear if you strained yourself were the falling leafs landing onto the ground. But it didn't seem like something was wrong, at least nothing serious enough to wake him up. Velios didn't care about what part he ate since all his body tried to get him was food, something to eat to act as fuel for his body. The closest dead body except for the monster was nowhere near him, you could still see them if you tried but there was at least no risk of accidentally eating one of them.

 A while later, Velios seemed to either be finished eating or too exhausted to continue. He couldn't even sit properly as his core couldn't even be used anymore and he just slowly fell down with his head onto the mushy dirt. His eyes were now fully closed and you couldn't tell if he was awake, sleeping or if he was unconscious. He was laying there on the ground flat on his back, breathing slightly from his nose. It was still late at night in the woods, you would think that there would be at least some noise, but literally no sound was made. It was deathly quiet in the forest once glooming with both light and life. It was almost peaceful, as the moonshine made its way through the branches and leafs, it made its way onto and around Velios. He looked to be so peaceful somehow, with all the pain, the wounds and especially the hole through his chest. He was somehow smiling as if he was reminiscing about all that's happened since he got trapped in this new world. All of the training he did, the fight with the bear, the 10,000 handstand pushups that he tried so hard to do but couldn't, the confusion he then caused when they found him passed out in the forest with everything around him destroyed. Them taking care of Velios, a complete stranger and even invited him to a restaurant. How did all of that end up in the situation where everyone except him was killed, for now. When they needed to take care of all the nearby monsters? Obviously I don't know much about monsters, especially low-level ones, but why did they group together and why so close to the gates? This is surely not the work of the unintelligent low-level monsters that mostly were found, so could it have been the work of a higher level monster? Maybe the one I killed? It could be him, but I want to know for sure.

 Velios suddenly became light headed, his head began spinning around and he slowly started losing his consciousness. Welp, I guess this is it for now. Now, he was fully unconscious and there was no telling when or if he would wake up again. Then, a voice was heard from within Velios. "Due to meeting the requirements, player Velios has acquired extra skill 'intensive healing'. Upon activation, it consumes a bunch of energy but is an effective alternative to 'passive healing' or healing potions." During the following minutes after the voice stopped talking, Velios wound slowly started healing, working its way from the wall of the wound slowly inwards around the entire thing but not without cost. Not only was it extremely draining energy wise, but he felt a ton of pain during the process. He was still unconscious but he was still able to feel it. Who would have guessed that healing a wound that pierced through the body would hurt to also heal? Velios body kept moving around in response to that pain, he even started sweating in the face. He was only slightly aware of what was happening but he was still completely unable to move in any way so he just kept going along with it, letting it do its thing if it meant that he was going to survive. He wanted to just relax for the time being.

 The sunshine hit Velios directly onto his closed eyes, causing something similar to phosphenes. Some time had passed, Velios wasn't nearly done healing his big wound but that was all the healing managed, the rest of his body was still hurting badly and it would heal in the time being. The ground had formed a shape of Velios body onto it because of how long he had been laying there. He couldn't really get up without using too much effort so he went back to laying down. The dirt had become perfectly shaped for Velios and it was even warm. He tried looking around, trying to see if anything had happened while he was out but everything seemed to be exactly how it was after the fight was over, only that it now seemed to be daytime. He finally started hearing stuff again, but it was footsteps? Velios looked to the side confused trying to see what it was before realizing that it was a group of ordinary people. Quick, play dead. Velios first reaction was to not be seen fully alive and well because he didn't want to talk to anyone new so early in the morning so Velios decided to just act dead or just unconscious so that he didn't have to do anything. What they didn't realize was that they all were shocked to see what had happened, a bunch of torn up bodies, blood, corpses, an unknown humanoid monster and a person who seemed to be incredibly fine compared to the rest of them, with only some torn up clothes, small cuts and a couple of bruises. "I think we should turn around guys, we don't want to risk ending up like these guys over here and who knows what might have caused it. We can ask him about what happened when he wakes up. Let's take him back with us to the city."

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