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Chapter 9: Mysterious Room

"What are you going to do now?" Seraphina asked.

"I am going back to the mansion." Malachi immediately ran to the direction where he came from.

Seraphina was confused. He retrieved the book of necromancy. From a logical perspective, Malachi should have run far away from this place and learn the art before slowly regaining his former power. If revenge was what he wanted, he could wait until he gain sufficient strength. With the memories of his past life, that shouldn't be difficult. 

'So why is he heading back to the mansion now?' Seraphina pondered.

As Malachi sprinted through the forest, clutching the book of necromancy tightly in his hands, his mind raced with conflicting emotions. 

As they neared the mansion, the sounds of rustling leaves were replaced by the distant murmurs of people. The moon's soft glow began to illuminate their path as darkness settled over the landscape. 

"Seraphina, fly ahead and inform me if there are any guards."

"The guards are still patrolling," Seraphina said. "We'll need to find a way to get past them." 

They navigated through the mansion's grounds, using Malachi's knowledge of the layout and Seraphina as lookout to their advantage. As they encountered guards, Malachi moved stealthily, utilizing the cover of night to remain undetected. 

In no time, Malachi entered the mansion again and he hurriedly ran to a direction.

"Where are we going?" Seraphina asked.

Malachi did not reply before he took a turn and climb down a flight of stairs that led to a dark underground room.

Seraphina frowned after they arrived. "What is this place?"

The ground wasn't filled with concrete but pure dirt. The square room had no source of lights either, but complete and pure darkness. Yet, Malachi managed to find himself a shovel and started digging.

His child-like body betrayed the strength he revealed as he quickly dug the earth and revealed a bunch of human skulls and bones.

Malachi opened the book and sat cross legged on the floor. 

As Malachi sat cross-legged amidst the dim, subterranean chamber, the pages of the book of necromancy seemed to pulsate with an eerie energy. The air grew heavy, charged with an unsettling presence that sent chills to every pores on his skin.

With a deep breath, he began to chant an incantation, his voice resonating with ancient power that seemed to awaken the very darkness within the earth and bones around him. The incantation echoed through the underground chamber, a chilling wind began to stir, carrying with it the scent of decay and foreboding. The room seemed to respond to Malachi's words, as faint whispers and echoes emanated from the walls themselves. 

Lily walked along the hallway with two maids following her from behind. She looked through the window with a pout on her faced despite the beautiful full moon.

"Humph! He cannot be more talented than me. I am better than him and it will never change. Isn't that right?" she looked at the two maids.

The maids looked at each other with struggling expression before they nodded and agreed with her.

"That is correct young lady."

Lily smiled with pride. "I will beat him today to remind him of his status."

She made her way to Malachi's room, but suddenly heard a loud banging sounds. She did not know that Malachi was not in his room and that the guards were ordered to lock him.

"What was that?"

"I think it's coming from there." A maid pointed.

Lily looked at the flight of stairs that led down to darkness. "I never went there before. What is it?"

"We also don't know. We have never been there before."

"Cih! How useless. You two are maids. How can you serve your master well if you don't know every corner of this mansion?" Lily showed her disappointment. Despite being a child, her speech was like that of an adult. Perhaps it was the talent that her father given to her.

"Come with me." Lily approached the stairs before she began to feel fear inside. 

'It's so dark.'

"Are we going to go inside?" a maid asked.

"Humph! Of course. Do you think I am scared?" Lily took the first step before pushing her fear away and keep going down.

The maid grabbed a lantern hanging on the wall and followed from behind.

As Lily and her two maids descended the flight of stairs, a heavy darkness enveloped them, clinging to their every step like a thick curtain. The air grew colder and more suffocating with each descent, as if the very depths of the earth were swallowing them whole. 

"I don't like this." Lily felt great fear. Her heart screaming for her to run away immediately from this place. But there was a mysterious force that kept making her body moved forward. It was as if she was being pushed to keep going.

The stairs beneath their feet were worn and uneven, each step creaking softly under their weight. The stone steps seemed to be carved from the very bedrock itself, and the passage downwards was narrow and winding. 

As they descended deeper, the faint whispers of satanic and demonic voices began to pervade the air. The voices were hushed, carried on the wind that seemed to echo through unseen chambers. These whispers were chilling, each syllable laden with an unnatural resonance that seemed to resonate in the very bones of those who heard them. The words were unintelligible, a twisted and ancient language that carried a sense of malevolence and forbidden knowledge. 

Lily's maids clutched onto their lanterns tightly, their eyes wide with both fear and curiosity. Lily herself felt a mixture of trepidation and excitement, her heart pounding as she ventured further into the unknown. 

'I don't know what kind of feeling this is. A mix of fear and excitement. I wanted to run away yet I also want to keep going. This… this is fun!'

Unknown amount of time passed and they finally arrived at the bottom of the stairs.

There, she saw someone she didn't expect. "Malachi?"

He did not reply. Malachi was sitting cross-legged with a book in his hands, and in front of him were—

"Are those skeletons?! Malachi, what are you doing in here?"

He did not reply.

Lily clicked her tongue and strode towards him with wide steps. "Answer me!"

Her words were replied with silent. 

Angered by his lack of response, Lily raised her palm and slapped him on the back of his head. However, before her palm could land on its target, it was abruptly stopped by some sort of invisible force.

"What is this?"

Suddenly, Malachi looked at her and opened his eyes, revealing a deep black color as if one was looking down towards the abyss.

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