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Chapter 16: Nier and Lex, Jumping a Giant Reptile [Part: III]

Jigard looked at the two individuals in front of him, both of whom were antagonistic towards him. Of course, he had every intention of killing these two in whatever way he could.

The approach didn't have to be neat or predictable, but he required their bodies anyhow, even if they were disfigured and scattered all over the place. He might even shovel them up and put them in a sack together.

The point was that the hustle was for real; in this messed-up world, man must accept that the strong prey on the weak; it may sound cliche, but life itself is a cliche concept. Everyone has a story, no matter who they are, and everyone comes from some kind of background.

Even animals understand this principle; consider how they eat, breed, and mark or take territory. That is correct, the jungle rule is the only law in this world. Even before Jigard escaped Prison a couple of years back, he perfectly understood this concept. 

He has killed thousands of people in the last 38 hours, including women, children, and the elderly. Even if he tried, he couldn't remember what their faces were like; his race was one that craved power in general. His skills accelerated his growth, but the stronger he became, the more hungry he became.

Each metamorphosis felt like an awakening, a new him, for lack of a better phrase, a drug so addicting that once you feel the feeling of developing to a higher stage, you would think it's better than sex. The thrill of ascending was no laughing matter; it was like entering a state of bliss that made one feel on top of the world.

In retrospect, it seemed like no one else mattered after he became who he is now. It's only been a few hours since his rebirth, and yet everything he's done or wants to do feels all too normal to him. Was this how everyone became once they stopped being human, or was he the exception? Well, the first thing he did when he recovered consciousness and became a King Lizardman was kill and devour everyone in the small restaurant he was in after he passed out on the table with the early morning newspaper in his hands. Jigard did this purely on impulse, but it seemed so natural to him.

And when the strange voice in his head ordered him to choose a race, he did so, not looking for anything vast or diverse. He simply chose at random, and immediately at that, and what he chose was a King Lizardman. He was far superior to his human form, and it was as if the Gods created the world for him; the Voice of the World ordered him to read the character Notebook, and it would explain everything about himself.

His three inherent abilities were overpowering, and they all aligned so well with each other that it seemed unbelievable, and with them he formed a small army of 2000 Lizardmen, each with their own unique persona, who were born with his memories.

Although, as with all of his other abilities, these lizardmen were created through conditional means, while others were stamina-driven. With the assistance of his queen, he can generate 1500-2000 lizardman eggs every day at most. The lizardman children developed quickly, but their lifespan was just approximately three years. But in exchange, they are given incredible strength, speed, and durability. They are also capable of a moderate degree of regeneration; but, if the wounds are too numerous and lethal, they will die before the regeneration process can even begin.

So Jigard had the ability to quickly create a semi-immortal army of fierce and intelligent lizardmen. But Jigard was unique; due to his innate passive ability which is dubbed "Beelzebub-Buffet." This ability was overwhelming in the sense that it could let him acquire not only genetic qualities from his prey but also a percentage of their strength and five senses for each person he devoured. And it didn't even have to be an entire body; any amount of organic material was enough to meet the parameters for the ability, even his own children could be devoured to increase his strength and senses.

Now onto the class he chose for himself; in this aspect, he got lucky. The king Lizardmen are a race that is supposed to be a being that is constantly hungry due to the inherent ability it possesses. They are driven insane with insanity as a result of unbearable hunger that no mortal man can comprehend.

They would literally eat anything from the mud on the grounds to their own flesh and blood off their bodies to satiate their appetites. They are never, ever finicky in any way. But it is because of this madness that they are dangerous, as they cannot distinguish between friend and foe, to them everything even themselves is nothing more but food.

But they also know that if they evolve quickly enough they can escape this sea of suffering. It's even said that this is why the king Lizardmen's queen of choice can spawn so swiftly because the gestation period is nearly instant.

But Jigard didn't have to deal with that racial issue; why? It was simple; the voice of the world recommended many class options to him. He had no idea what any of them did, so he chose one at random. As a result, he chose the "Warrior Monk" class, which was labeled in gold, because it was one of the recommended classes.

This class actually kept him from going insane as a result of the race shift. Seeing it calms the user's mind, allowing him to remain in an etheric condition at all times. While also allowing the user to master any martial art, regardless of style or difficulty, 10 times faster than normal. But that was only the beginning; because he could see a person's lifeforce or chi, also known as aura, as well as how much mana they possessed, he could also see spirits and exorcise them with this class choice.

With that, he began his quest for perfection, killing and devouring all he sees in order to take their strength and senses for himself. And now he finds himself in the company of a strange pair if he had to be honest.

Because he was of the Lizardmen race, his sense of sight was somewhat distinctive; the world was far more colorful than usual. That was true, but he could also see infrared, which aided him in seeing and navigating at night.

But it was beside the point; his class allowed him to assess a person's strength based on their life force or mana. Elves, especially high elves, had a lot of life force and mana. So far, he has encountered a couple of elves. Their magical abilities were insane but what surprised him was that elves, in comparison to other fantasy genres, were rather overpowered in this world.

For example, all of the elves he was unlucky enough to meet had the naturally unfair ability to regenerate indefinitely regardless of injury dependent on how much mana they possessed. They were essentially salamanders on steroids, and blowing or shredding them to pieces did nothing but turn them on... like literally.

When Jigard first encountered a bunch of elves, he remarked, "Calm and peaceful my ass," In contrast to the usual isekai fantasy, elves are considered as tranquil and calm. But the elves on this planet were a race of combat-hungry, perverted morales, crazed sons of bitches with long ears and gorgeous looks. Every elf he met seemed to have some kind of mental disorder. One burned down a greenhouse with the excuse that it didn't grow marijuana, as a result, no plant in the greenhouse could make her horny. While the other was fucking and r@ping a dead lion's corpse while shouting that there is no better substitute for lube and ketchup than blood itself.

And then there are the high elves. So at this point, he has only encountered one which was a woman with numerous mental disorders, as well as several undiscovered disorders. One of which was a fascination to peg her enemies with sharp items. After all, he witnessed that exact elf pinned one of his own progeny with brute and monstrous strength unbefitting for her beauty with a spike and hot Morningstar, which was both awful and traumatizing to witness firsthand. Worst of all, the poor lizardmen regenerate as she pulls out, and when it heals well you know what happens, fast piston motions of hell.

Jigard needed 548 Lizardmen in all to slay her once and for all, ridding the earth of her filth and depleting her mana to zero. Despite the fact that no amount of holy water will heal the mental anguish he and his children witnessed firsthand from those sadomasochistic bastards.

That's why, when he spotted the dark-skinned youngster lurking behind a tree, watching him closley, he noticed that he had a mana pool and a life force so deep it might as well be endless, as a result, he freaked out. causing him to cease in mental fear at the prospect of having to live through more harrowing occurrences at the mercy of an insane fucking elf. But he soon calms down when he notices that the boy does not have the traits of an elf and is not particularly beautiful, but rather what many would call cute.

Regardless of the elf's unusual and suspicious actions, as well as their tremendous physical, magical, and healing prowess. He can't complain about devouring them when a single elf pushed him over the brink he needed to evolve. And this boy watching him from a corner had more mana and vital energy than all the elves he'd met, even if they were put together. So to put it another way, it was like comparing the sun to a light bulb.

But that wasn't the only thing that drew Jigard's attention, for there was something else alongside him that he couldn't figure out. And it was the tall and muscular four-armed, six-eyed figure who struck him. In contrast to the youngster with boundless mana and lifeforce, he was, for lack of a better description, dead. The man had neither lifeforce nor mana, but for some reason, he had a heat signature that told Jigard that he was a living entity, though he had no idea how that was possible.

The lack of mana was reasonable given how many individuals he had seen without it, but life force, everything had it. Even the spirits that tried to haunt him had a small amount of it, but this tall man who was much shorter than him didn't have a single drop. What was he, Jigard wondered, his sheer presence was like a shadow. No! it was as if he were a non-existent entity capable of interacting with the existence around him.

This made Jigard concerned for some reason; the man appeared weak in his eyes, but his instinct was telling him that if he didn't take this fight seriously, he would perish. But his pride wouldn't let him display such emotions, and even then, he wasn't terrified of the light purple-skinned man in the slightest, he was merely wary of the man in front of him.

He trusted his intuition more than his eyes at times. This man was invisible and out of place to him, and his flaming trench knives were even more concerning, so he understood right away that this man was a greater menace than the youngster himself.

As a result, Jigard wasted no time in deciding that the two of them were worthy of his full power. As a result, he manifests two pairs of harpy wings, which was a genetic trait he obtained from a chief harpy after devouring him, and with it, all of his physical stats are doubled. And while he is in the air, he would be able to move at Mach two speeds.

Shortly after making his typical nasty arrogant introduction, he decided to attack both of them at the same time. However, before he could say anything, the two of them unexpectedly fist bumped, which surprised Jigard given the current situation they were in when they came face to face with his esteem self.

And then it happened: the boy pulled out a can of spray paint, which Jigard assumed it to be, and adopted a throwing posture, as he remarked with an arrogant look on his face while throwing the can his way.

"Oiiiiii... Lizard brain.... heads up."

Jigard watched as Lex tossed a can of spray paint his way, but it was so slow to point that he could easily catch it, and it was a reflex he couldn't help but have. But before he moved to catch it, and it smacked him in the head. It suddenly explodes straight into his face at point-blank range, as Lex shoots a nail directly into the center of it, via his nail gun.


The canister exploded with a loud popping sound, exposing and coating Jigard's eyes with black paint, causing him to scream in pain as the paint burned his eyes.

"AGHGWYAAA.... Agh... my eyes... it-za fwucking BURNS!"

"Little fucking... ahgaughaa s-shit!"

Jigards was in pain at the time, and his hands were holding his face, which was covered in black paint. However, this was just the beginning of a planned out jumping session courtesy of Lex himself who came up with the idea. Because without warning Jigard's shadow suddenly began to twist and turn as Nier slowly emerged from the shadows and mercilessly sliced away both of his Achilles, causing blood to spray from the cut and another horrifying scream to escape his mouth.

"UGRaaHHHAAA! Son of a...

But before he could finish his sentence, another figure emerged from the shadows of his wings. With a wicked smile on his face, who was none other than Lex himself. Who at that moment hitched a ride via Nier's shadow portal as he rapidly climbed on his back, clutching the two pairs of his harpy wings as he said to Jigard.

"Man di fuck up blud, it's only pain!"

And with that said, what happened next was pretty violent, if not downright sadistic, because Lex swiftly ripped off both pairs of Jigard wings, causing flesh to tear and blood to spray, as well as boosting the level of his cries resonating throughout the surroundings.

As Jiard's wing fell off, he plummeted to the ground below like a fallen angel, seeing that the peer of wings gave him the ability to hover. And Jigard's massive weight was slightly cracking the pavements of the street, the moment he landed.

"AWWWWWWW... That its Im goign to mur.....

However, Jigard was not permitted to speak at that time since Lex wasted no time in grabbing his death wrench, which was enhanced with +50 corruption points. So, at the time, the wrench was not just any wrench; it was a wrench empowered by Nier's negativity.

Jigard couldn't see it, but the wrench radiated a sinister aura of black, purple, and red. And with immense vigor, Lex slams his death wrench into Jigard's skull, causing his skull to fracture brutally and his brain to shake around in his head.


At that moment Jigard did not scream, no he got knocked the fuck out, and he began to sleep on the floor unconscious, with saliva and blood oozing from his mouth.

Lex immediately said, elevating his death wrench above his head, bracing himself for another violent strike to the enemy's cranium.

"OK, boss man, you know the plan, I will constantly knock him out just as he is about to get up." And you hacked away at his limbs with your trench knife. To be honest, we're lucky as fuck that Lyssa's power removes the ability to regenerate because it burns away matter from existence."

Nier, of course, responded by cutting off his left leg to the bone with no remorse, causing blood to spray all over his face.

Saturating the wound as he goes along with the amputation procedure.

"I must say, Lex, you were born with a natural talent for strategizing and leading people into battle." I am quite pleased that I have made someone like you, and as such, I have decided to appoint you as my supreme commander, in charge of all military activities in the future."

However, before Lex could respond, Jigard began to wake up, as he said with a confused look.

"Ha? w-Where am I....



Albeit only to fall asleep once more, on the other hand, Lex proceeded to get back into a smashing position once more and replied as such.

"It would be my honor, boss, and aside from that, I enjoy violence, war, and jumping the ops... If it's feasible, I'd like to have all the smoke. Although I will admit that I will not sit around waiting to find out how powerful someone is. Shiiiitttt I am powerless, and as such I will fade anyone before they get the advantage over me, I do not want to take an L you feel mi, boss man."

"Hahaha... I like you Lex; you're an interesting one, and very entertaining to be around; I'm hoping Magnus and Lyssa finish cleaning up the leftovers; in any case, I'm going to infect him as I chop away at his limbs so we can get a read on his memories."

"I hear yo loud and clear, boss, so don't worry, I'll knock him out a million times if necessary." Besides, I'm really adept at causing brain damage to mi adversaries."

Lex declared with a great smile on his face, while Nier began to comment as he pointed at a twitching Jigard while moving on to the next leg noticing one had already been severed.

"If you say so Lex, ohhh... by the way he is waking up again."

"Aww shit, my bad boss!"


As a result, both Lex and Nier proceeded to violate Jigard, with one causing constant brain damage and the other making him an amputee. Jigard, on the other hand, had no idea what he was about to witness when he got up from his artificial slumber, all in all, this puts an end to Nier and his servant's tactical reverse jumping and the first significant W of Agustus family in this fuck up world.

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