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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Glowing Stone

As Isuze held the glowing stone in his hand, a series of breathtaking and bewildering events unfolded in rapid succession. The stone's glow intensified, casting an incandescent brilliance that nearly blinded him. But that was only the beginning.

Inexplicably, the stone began to levitate above his hand, defying gravity as it hovered in the air. Isuze watched in astonishment as it pierced through his chest, right into his heart, leaving him writhing in excruciating pain. His world became a maelstrom of suffering and confusion as he fell to his knees, clutching his chest.

But then, as abruptly as it had started, the pain ceased. Isuze's mind swirled with a whirlwind of questions. There was no wound, no blood, and his chest had miraculously healed itself.

"Where is the stone? What just happened? Did it pass through my chest? Is this some kind of dream?" Isuze's thoughts raced with shock and disbelief.

But the shock didn't end there. Suddenly, the world around him shifted. There was no sound, no sensation, just an impenetrable void that swallowed everything. Isuze felt as if he had been cast into a chasm of darkness, utterly alone.

"What in the world! Where am I? What is happening to me?" Isuze's thoughts echoed in the eerie silence of the void.

Just as Isuze attempted to move within the enigmatic void, a blinding, brilliant light erupted around him, overpowering his senses. The radiance was so intense that his eyes were rendered useless, and he couldn't perceive anything else.

And then, in an instant, it all changed. The blinding light faded away as swiftly as it had come. Isuze's disoriented consciousness slowly returned, and he found himself lying on his bed.

Isuze awakens with a shock, bolting upright in his bed. He's drenched in sweat, and his heart races. He scans the room with wide, fearful eyes, struggling to discern reality from the haunting dream.

His grip on the bedsheets is tight, his hands trembling. He tries to steady his breath, and the familiar sights and sounds of his bedroom gradually provide a sense of security.


(whispering to himself)

"It was just a dream... just a dream."

He tried to comfort himself

Isuze lay in bed, trying to comprehend the bizarre events he had just lived through. After a few moments, he heard his own voice, muttering softly.

Isuze (in disbelief): "What was that light? The stone, the pain... it felt so real! And that void, it was like nothing I've ever known!"

After the tumultuous day and the bizarre encounters that had left him questioning reality, Isuze had tried to sleep, and his exhaustion had pulled him into a deep slumber. It was a sleep filled with dreams, swirling with fragments of the enigmatic stone and the blinding light.

The relentless "tut tut tut tut tut tut" of the alarm clock filled the room, rousing Isuze from his slumber.

The morning light bathed Isuze's room in a warm, gentle glow, casting a sense of serenity over his surroundings. He could hear the faint chirping of birds outside his window, and the distant hum of the city coming to life.

Isuze went about his morning routine with a focused determination. The warm water of the shower washed away the remnants of sleep, and the rhythmic hum of the iron brought a sense of order to his day.

After a simple yet nourishing breakfast, he dressed in his crisply ironed university clothes and carefully fastened his watch. The time read 8:00 AM, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of calm and purpose.

As he stood in his room, he glanced at the watch once more, its ticking reminding him of the tasks ahead. Isuze's voice, filled with reverence and resolve, broke the silence.

"It's 8:00 AM. I have plenty of time to make it to the university in time, but first, I must pay a visit to Grandma's resting place, offering the respect she deserves and a heartfelt prayer. Last night's enigmas still haunt me"

Isuze locked the door to his home and set out on his journey to his grandmother's grave. The morning air was crisp and filled with the scent of blooming flowers, a reminder of the life that thrived around him.

As he walked, memories of his grandmother flooded his mind. She had been his rock, his source of wisdom, and her loss had left a void that was difficult to fill. Today, he sought solace and a connection to her spirit.

The path to the cemetery was a familiar one, and he moved with purpose. The gravestones stood as silent sentinels, bearing witness to the passage of time and the stories of those who had gone before.

Finally, he reached his grandmother's resting place, marked by a simple yet dignified headstone. Isuze knelt down, offering his respects with a heartfelt prayer. He felt a sense of peace wash over him, as if his grandmother's spirit was there, comforting him in his time of need.

He whispered softly, as if speaking directly to her spirit, "Grandma, I miss you every day. Your guidance and love have shaped me into who I am today. I hope you're watching over me, especially in these perplexing times."

Departing from his grandmother's grave, Isuze carried a smile that radiated serenity. The visit had bestowed upon him a profound sense of peace and harmony. As he walked away from the cemetery, his spirit felt lighter, and his heart was a wellspring of tranquility.

The world around him seemed to embrace this change in his demeanor. The sun's rays warmed his path, and the gentle breeze whispered soothing secrets to him. Today was a day for a fresh start, and Isuze was ready to face whatever mysteries lay ahead with a peaceful mind and a hopeful heart.

As he crossed the road on the green signal, a sudden acceleration in his heart rate caught his attention. At first, he brushed it off, attributing it to fatigue from the last day's events. But then, a horrifying sight unfolded before him.

A truck, completely out of control, hurtled toward him with terrifying speed. The world seemed to slow down for a moment, and Isuze felt like he was frozen in place, mere centimeters away from the impending disaster.

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