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Chapter 12: This bitch is crazy!

The morning light streamed through the window, gently rousing Aaron from his slumber. He rubbed his eyes, feeling the grogginess of a deep sleep. The urge to visit the bathroom overcame his fatigue, and he stumbled towards it, hardly fully awake yet.

Zipping his trousers open and bringing out his junior brother, he pushed open the bathroom door, his eyes still half-closed, and then he froze.

There, beneath the cascading water from the showerhead, stood Isabella, her glistening blue hair like a silvery waterfall, her back facing him. She was showering, and Aaron's heart did a quick somersault. He hadn't expected to walk in on her like this, and he immediately cursed his poor timing.

But his eyes on the other hand took in as much details as possible before he would inevitably kick the bucket.

Her perky breast stood firmly defying gravity, her inhumanely perfectly shaped waist guided the water down like a funnel, Oh God and her butt, Aaron had always been an ass guy so that particular part intrigued him the most, it wasn't too big or too small, it seemed like the perfect fit for his hands, his dick stood at the thought of such a possibility.

She scrubbed her body gently as she seemed lost in thought and eventually she turned her head locking eyes with him and his erect member.

Panicking, Aaron quickly zipped up his trousers, his face flushed with embarrassment. "Uh so you will not BELIEVE what just happened" he stammered, his voice cracking as he retreated from the bathroom.

Isabella, on the other side of the bathroom door, wasn't in a listening mood. As Aaron retreated, she raised her hand, and the water in the shower began to transform into ice projectiles. With remarkable precision, she launched the icy darts at him, her anger manifesting in the accuracy of her new skill.

Aaron barely managed to dodge the first few projectiles, leaping and diving out of their path. The freezing shards grazed the walls and shattered against the tiles, sending a cold shiver down his spine. He tumbled out of the bathroom, only to collide with the doorframe in his hasty escape.

The ruckus brought Alice to the scene, who was happily munching on a snack in the kitchen. She took one look at Aaron's disheveled state and Isabella's fiery determination and burst into laughter. "What's going on here?"

Aaron, still catching his breath and a bit flustered, tried to explain himself. "I didn't know she was in the shower, Alice. I walked in by mistake."

Isabella, still fuming, didn't appear to be in a forgiving mood. She continued to create icy projectiles with practiced determination, aiming them at Aarons lower half as he retreated behind Alice like a human shield.

Alice attempted to mediate, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "Now, now, Isabella, no need to be so cold-hearted about it."

The pun seemed to break the tension momentarily, and Isabella's icy projectiles became less frequent.

However, her anger had yet to subside, and she seemed determined to make Aaron pay for his accidental intrusion.

With a deep sigh, Aaron finally spoke, his tone apologetic. "Hey can you please stop attacking my family jewels..dammit"

Isabella didn't appear to be interested in his apologies, and she made another attempt to hit him with an icy projectile. But this time, Aaron was prepared. He dashed forward, avoiding the frosty projectiles with grace, and before Isabella could react, he was out of her reach.


He'd escaped the bathroom skirmish, and Isabella, somewhat winded, attempted to lunge at him physically, but he was too quick for her. He made a dash for the living room, his heart still pounding from the encounter.


"Come back and receive judgment you pervert!" She said as she chased after him still wet and naked "And too think I thought you were different"

Alice, meanwhile, giggled at the spectacle. "You two are like siblings fighting over the last piece of cake."

Aaron finally managed to put some distance between himself and the irate Isabella, catching his breath.

They were in a strange world, facing unknown dangers, and he couldn't afford to let things get awkward or tense between them. They needed to stick together, now more than ever.

He looked back at Isabella, whose anger was slowly subsiding. "Isabella, seriously, I'm sorry. It was an accident, and it won't happen again."

Isabella gave him a withering look but didn't immediately attack. Her icy projectiles had taken a lot out of her, and she took a deep breath to regain her composure. The tension in the room began to ease, and Aaron couldn't help but hope that the incident wouldn't hang over them for too long.

After the morning's icy confrontation, the three of them found themselves sitting in the living room, in a more composed state.

Aaron had managed to persuade Isabella to forgive him, and the tension that had filled the air began to dissipate. Now, they needed to discuss their next steps in this unfamiliar and dangerous world.

"So, what do we do now?" Alice asked, her voice filled with determination. She had fully recovered and was eager to contribute to their survival.

Aaron leaned forward, his expression serious. "We need to go out and assess the situation. We'll have to face the zombies sooner or later. Alice, do you think you can summon something powerful to help us out?"

Alice nodded, her eyes sparkling with determination. "I'll give it a try."

With a cute, determined look on her face, she closed her eyes and focused all her concentration. The room grew still as a mysterious aura enveloped her. Aaron and Isabella watched in awe, fully aware that something extraordinary was about to happen.

As Alice continued to concentrate, her hands began to emit a soft, ethereal glow. The energy in the room crackled with anticipation. Aaron couldn't help but be amazed by the display of her newfound powers.

In a flash of dazzling light, a creature materialized in front of her. It was a cute, fluffy white cat, with impossibly blue eyes that sparkled like sapphires. It sat gracefully, its fur radiant and soft.

Isabella's eyes widened in admiration. "Alice, you did it! You summoned something amazing."

Alice giggled with excitement, reaching out to pet the ethereal feline. But as soon as her hand made contact, something unexpected happened. The cat's appearance began to change. Its fur darkened, and its once-cute features twisted into something more sinister. The elegant creature was no longer the harmless cat they had anticipated.

Suddenly, the cat's body erupted with dark energy, and it transformed into a formidable, armored beast with menacing fangs and claws. Alice gasped in shock, pulling her hand away as the creature let out a fierce growl.

Aaron, taken aback by the unexpected transformation, reached for a weapon that wasn't there. "Alice, what did you summon?"

Alice looked flustered, her eyes wide. "I-I didn't mean for this to happen. It was just supposed to be a cute cat."

The monstrous creature snarled, its eyes fixed on Aaron with a predatory glint. They had unintentionally summoned a powerful entity that might now be a potential threat to them.

Isabella, always quick to react, formed a blade of ice in her hand, ready to defend. "We need to deal with this."

Its menacing presence was unmistakable. Alice, however, stood her ground, her eyes locked with the creature.

"It's okay, guys," Alice said calmly. "This is just an extension of my mind. It won't hurt us."

As she spoke, the armored beast obeyed her unspoken commands, returning to its more docile form. It let out a contented purr, and Alice reached down to pet it, her hand now met with a softer, safer response.

Aaron and Isabella exchanged surprised glances. They had underestimated the extent of Alice's power, and the experience served as a stark reminder of the unknown challenges they would face.

Alice smiled, having tamed the creature with her mind. "I can control it, see? It's like having a loyal protector."

The armored beast nuzzled her hand affectionately, confirming her words. With a plan in mind, they made their way to the door, glancing out at the desolate world beyond. They were about to face the dangers of the outside for the first time, the zombies, and whatever else this new reality had in store for them

Outside the relative safety of their home, the trio moved cautiously through the desolate streets, the eerie silence broken only by the shuffling of distant footsteps and the occasional guttural moans of the undead. Their newfound abilities and companionship didn't make them invincible, and they needed to tread carefully.

Aaron was the first to spot a lone zombie. He signaled for his companions to stay back as he approached it, careful not to make any sudden movements. With a mixture of dread and determination, he prepared to strike.

A swing of a baseball bat sent the zombie stumbling backward. Aaron had managed to deliver a clean blow to the creature's head. As it teetered on the brink of oblivion, he reached out and yanked the crystal from its forehead. The instant it was detached, the zombie's body crumbled into a pile of lifeless dust.

Aaron stared at the crystal in his hand, his heart racing. It was a simple yet powerful tool for survival. He touched it, and the system reactivated, its cold digital voice echoing in his mind. It informed him to collect as many crystals as possible, and then abruptly fell silent once more.

He turned to see Isabella's absence, a nagging feeling of unease clutching at his chest. Did she decide to abandon them and return to her own world? But he couldn't let her go. He had to protect her, as much as he was coming to care for her in his own way.

He quickly escorted his sister home and went out to look for the girl.

His frantic search eventually led him to a narrow alleyway, where he found Isabella cornered by a small horde of zombies. Her ice manipulation skill was in full display, but she was visibly overwhelmed. Without a second thought, Aaron recklessly lunged into the fray, desperate to save her.

Isabella's eyes blazed with anger as he entered her fight. "What are you doing? I told you to leave me alone!"

Aaron's voice wavered with frustration. "You're being so selfish! People want to care about you, Isabella! I want to!"

With a burst of power, Aaron unleashed his newfound skill. His mind focused on the five zombies before him, and he took control of them. The creatures turned to face their own kind, moving to protect the two humans who had unwittingly become their allies.

But in the midst of the chaos, a single scratch from a zombie's fetid hand found its mark on Aaron. It was a small, almost insignificant wound, but it carried a deadly consequence.

Time seemed to slow as the virus invaded Aaron's body. The transformation was slow, thanks to his resistance, but it was irreversible. He felt a sickening heaviness seeping into his soul, his vision blurring as the world around him grew distant.

Thoughts of his sister, his only family, and his burgeoning connection with Isabella overwhelmed him. A tear slipped from his eye as he realized he wouldn't be able to protect them much longer.

With his final shreds of consciousness, he willed the five zombies he controlled to continue their mission—to protect his sister and Isabella at all costs. Isabella's anguished cry echoed in his ears as he collapsed to the ground, his world descending into an inky abyss.


Narsissistic_Demon Narsissistic_Demon

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