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Chapter 2: Silent Line

Mr. Smith sits in the sterile hospital room, his eyes fixed on the pale face of his wife, Mrs. Smith. She lies in a hospital bed, her body ravaged by cancer.

Mr. Smith's heart aches as he looks at her. He can't believe this is happening. Just a few months ago, they celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary. They were so full of hope and plans for the future.

But now, all of that is gone. The cancer has spread too far, and there's nothing more the doctors can do.

Mr. Smith knows it's only a matter of time before his wife passes away. He's terrified, but he's also determined to be there for her until the end.

He reaches out and takes her hand. It's cold and thin, but she squeezes his back weakly.

"I love you," he whispers.

Mrs. Smith smiles faintly. "I love you too," she says.

They sit in silence for a while, holding hands. Mr. Smith can feel Mrs. Smith's breathing becoming shallower and shallower.

He knows the end is near.

""Soul, adrift in the storm"" 

He closes his eyes and prays for the strength to get through this.

A few minutes later, Mrs. Smith's hand goes limp. Mr. Smith opens his eyes and sees that she's gone.

""Lost in a world of grief and sorrow""

He breaks down in tears. He can't believe his wife is gone. He feels so lost and alone.

Barrel looks at Mr. Smith with confusion. Mr. Smith is crying, but Barrel doesn't understand why. He's never seen Mr. Smith cry before.

Barrel tries to comfort Mr. Smith by rubbing his head against his chest and purring. But Mr. Smith's crying doesn't stop.

Barrel doesn't know what to do. He's scared and confused.

And all of a sudden, Barrel finds himself in the middle of a busy road.

He's all alone.

Barrel looks around in confusion.

How did he get here?

Where's Mr. Smith?

Barrel starts to walk, hoping to find Mr. Smith. But he doesn't know where he's going.

He's scared and lost.

Barrel wanders the streets for days.

He is hungry and tired. He tries to beg for food from people, but they all ignore him.

And one day, he sees a familiar figure walking down the street.

It is Mr. Smith!

As Barrel runs to Mr. Smith, he notices that Mr. Smith's eyes are red and puffy, and his face is pale. He's also carrying a bag of groceries in his left hand.

Barrel runs to Mr. Smith and jumps into his arms. He's so happy to see him. He's going to get loved again. Mr. Smith won't cry anymore. They can live together.

Barrel looks up at Mr. Smith's face. He expects to see joy and relief.

But instead, he sees disgust.

As if Mr. Smith didn't want to touch Barrel, as if Barrel is something dirty and disgusting.

Barrel is confused and hurt. He doesn't understand why Mr. Smith is acting this way.

"Go away," Mr. Smith says. "I don't want to see you. You remind me of her. It's creepy."

Barrel is heartbroken. He can't believe that Mr. Smith is rejecting him. 

Barrel turns and walks away, his tail tucked between his legs. He doesn't know where to go or what to do. He's all alone in the world.

Mr. Smith watches Barrel go, his expression still one of disgust. He takes a deep breath and turns to walk away. But then he stops and looks back at Barrel.

He sees Barrel sitting on the sidewalk, his head in his paws. Barrel looks so lost and alone.

Mr. Smith hesitates for a moment. Then he sighs and walks back to Barrel.

He sits down next to him and puts his hand on Barrel's head. Barrel looks up at him with his big, sad eyes.

Mr. Smith pets Barrel for a few minutes. Then he picks him up and holds him close.

"I'm so sorry, Barrel," Mr. Smith says. "I don't know what I was thinking. Forgive me. Your presence reminds me so much of her. I just can not take you home with me."

Mr. Smith's voice is choked with emotion. He and her wife both loved barrel. Seeing Barrel's face, will keep making him remember his dead wife. he can't bear to be around him anymore. 

He puts Barrel down gently and takes a step back. Barrel looks up at him with pleading eyes.

"I know, buddy," Mr. Smith says. "I'm a terrible person."

Mr. Smith puts the bag of groceries down on the sidewalk. Barrel notices tons of alcohols within that bag, and some food. 

Then Mr. Smith places the food in front of Barrel.

Barrel stares at the food for a moment, then looks up at his owner with big, confused eyes. He doesn't know what to do.

Mr. Smith pats Barrel on the head for the last time. Barrel just stands there, his tail tucked between his legs. He doesn't bite his owner this time.

Mr. Smith turns and walks away, his shoulders slumped. He doesn't look back.

Barrel watches him go, his heart aching.

""A wounded bird, with feathers torn""

He doesn't understand why Mr. Smith is abandoning him. He just wants to go home.

""Seeking solace in the morning's glow ""

Barrel opens his mouth to meow at Mr. Smith, but no sound comes out.

He tries again, and again, but it's no use.

Barrel is silent, but his eyes are filled with tears. He's crying for his lost home. He's crying for his lost family. And he's crying for his lost friend.

Mr. Smith keeps on moving forward. And he keeps on humming a poem to himself.

""Is it too hard to dance in the golden light in conjunction?""

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