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Chapter 3: Chapter 2 Exploration and understanding

Yuuya walked through the doors of his grandpa's house and into the mansion's library, uncertain what to expect. Under normal circumstances, he could have panicked, been suspicious, or showed some signs of emotions, but now, he feels at peace but with an unknown feeling of wanting to learn more about this majestic and magical place.

"It must be the skill [God's Mind] that is suppressing my negative emotions," he said to the unknown

The moment he entered, his emotionless face morphed into that of awe at the place's grandeur. It was unlike any library he had ever seen; it resembled an academy library, complete with small doors, plush chairs, comfortable sofas, and well-worn desks. But near the centerpiece of this exquisite library was a massive globe suspended near the center; it was unique. It was three enormous continents stretching across the sphere of the world, acting like the main continent with some islands across it. On the top and bottom, there was the north and south poles, but like the main continent, it was massive, covering their respective areas. But what was surprising was that it mimicked the world's rotation; it almost seemed like he was watching the Earth from space.

As Yuuya marveled at the globe for what seemed like forever, something whispered to him, a soft, irresistible voice tempting him to reach out and touch it. 

(touch it) 

(it wouldn't hurt) 

(It can only help you.)

(It will help you)

Unable to resist the call, he extended his hand, and his fingers brushed the textured surface of the globe. At that moment, an energy surged from the world, wrapping itself around him like a second skin. He instinctively retracted his hand and tried to claw out the energy that enveloped him, but nothing he did help him. He was about to scream and trashed around, but [God's Mind] prevented that.

Abruptly, the translucent panel announced something.

"Acquisition of s̷̞̑̀̉́̊̓̎̋̊k̷̢̡̝̟͙̗͕͖̙̜̩̖̣̦̂̄̂̽̒͂i̷̧̺̩͇̙̳̜̼̝͍̯̫̹̤͙̎̔l̴̻̹̞̗͐̈͆̆̄͝ͅḽ̸̡̛̗͋̀͒̔̆͋̕[World Connection]–Formed"

Suddenly, his senses were further overwhelmed as he felt a profound change within himself. It wasn't his physical but 'spiritual' like his astral body had been altered; something had marked him, and he had transformed. 

Looking at the screen before it faded, he saw that he had a 'skill,' so he wanted to learn what the [World Connection] skill was all about.

"Skill Tree." Once those were uttered, his mind finally understood that those words came out naturally as if he had always said it, nothing more but a statement, not an exclamation. 

Not wanting to go deeper into that hole and explore how his mind was changing, he focused on the skill tree materializing into reality in its distinctive transparent panel; he quickly scrolled through his skills until the one he was looking for was found at the very bottom, but something felt like that was an insult.

[World Connection]: The possession of a deeper connection to the world and, by extension ᧁׁɑׁׅ֮ꪱׁׅɑׁׅ֮. This allows the user to give the Earth 'suggestions' and 'manipulate' the Earth and granting some influence to the [laws of genesis]. Furthermore, due to the unique bond with the personification of the Earth, the 'sensory information' is constantly overloaded and can view the actual state of the world while holding access to all domains of Earth.

True to the word, he realized he could hear everything around him even more clearly than he already did with the active skill that made him enter a 'euphoric state,' which just made him more aware of the world and its movement, not necessarily making him a crack-head or being high. This allowed him to think clearly and 'see' 360 degrees of himself. He could now hear the gentle hum of the globe to the whispers of the wind. His eyesight allowed him to truly see the mystical beauty of the library, and even beyond that, he could see glimpses of the 'true' face of [Gaia] and [Earth] itself. He could see the tides of colorings ever clashing, imploding and exploding, constructing and crumpling itself in an ouroboros cycle. His nose could distinguish the scent of wood and other textiles used in the creation of his library, so vivid that he could almost taste the earthy aroma. His touch could sense the texture and detail of every material in the library.

Moving on from his heightened sense, yuuya thought of exploring and learning more about his current location; after a period of exploration, Yuuya found that he was on the library's second floor; following his expedition, he found a graceful curved staircase that led him back down to the first floor, which he noticed was similar to the second floor in theme and structure. There were rows of dark oak bookshelves, chairs, small high-class conference rooms, and more. 

As he approached the entrance, he noticed statues of owls and a sizeable regal rug that guided him to the middle of the library, which harbored a circular librarian's desk. As he walked down to the center from the corner, he emerged; numerous seats were on his sides, and even flower pots were beautifully arranged in contrast to the wooden surroundings.

As he approached the librarian's desk, he noticed that a vaguely humanoid figure was resting there. [It] had an average height, maybe around 5'5", genderless but with feminine face structure, and dressed in fantasy-style librarian attire. When Yuuya moved closer, the being stirred and turned to face him, revealing long dark green hair cascading to form a beautiful format that made its other features, like deep purple eyes, pop, and its small, packed, plump red lips look sexy. Before Yuuya could voice any speech, the being gracefully moved its hands, similar to an opera conductor. Thus countless books, scrolls, tomes, and artifacts floated from the neighboring bookshelves and further and landed between them, it gracefully landed into neatly organized matter.

𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀𝓵𝓮𝓭𝓰𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓮𝓮𝓴 𝓲𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓼𝓮 𝓼𝓪𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓼, 𝓼𝓸 𝓰𝓸 𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓷 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓾𝓷𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀𝓷.

Words were not spoken, but Yuuya swore he heard the 'entity' [talk] or at least get its point across directly to him without interruption; it felt like someone 'talked' your very beings. While Yuuya was within his bubble, contemplating, said being returned to its slumber-like state, impervious to any interaction from Yuuya's attempts to interact with it, things like talking to it or shaking it would not make any difference.

Frustrated but intrigued by so many books, Yuuya ventured into a nearby room, where he began to study the contents of the tomes, books, and scrolls. At first, he could not comprehend anything as it was in another language, but after learning the alphabet and doing some reverse engineering, he began to understand- also, this Language was somewhat similar to Japanese, so it made things easier, but he could admit that. This growth of himself got him a new skill dub [Language]

[Language] The ability to understand and speak any language presented to the user.

So, after obtaining the skill, he began to read the texts that revealed the truth about the world he had entered. [Earth] was not just a planet; it was a living being known as "ᧁׁɑׁׅ֮ꪱׁׅɑׁׅ֮." who was the personification of the Earth, which means that they were one but also different at the same time, 2 beings but with 1 soul. As Yuuya continued to learn, he understood that his world contains a [System] that operated as its administrator, supervising the world's matters and making announcements when something or someone had achieved self-growth.

Status sheets were akin to birth certificates from his world, which could not be changed or altered as this reflected oneself. Also, it could not be stolen or copied as, once again, it was a reflection, not just mindless paper. The status sheet included the perfect balance of information that reflected an individual or item. 

This system also allowed for self-improvement, meaning one could increase their stats; however, there also exists something to balance-- countermeasures. Yuuya wanted to learn more but only got basic information, which was frustrating; even after hours, he got nowhere. 

Deciding to move on, he realized that skills can only be achieved when one reaches personal growth or achievement; this reminded him of 『Titles』 and how they work but are different simultaneously.

Also, after learning about the status sheet skills, he delved into the workings of magic in this new world, realizing its profound complexity.

 Magic in this realm flowed like a meandering river, intertwined with a multifaceted system that hinged on four key attributes: Mana Mastery, Arcane Knowledge, Psychic Mastery, and Divine Connection. 

This magical system wove together a delicate tapestry of power as diverse as the individuals harnessed it.

Mana Mastery: The breath of the Earth; this energy is known as Mana. It coursed through the very essence of the planet, breathing life and magic into everything and everyone. Yet, this raw power could be a double-edged sword, leading to diseases like Mana poisoning through overuse or even provoking biological damage to those with underdeveloped mana circuits. Only those who found balance and precise control over their Mana could cast spells. This mastery was honed through rigorous practice meditation and was closely tied to another essential attribute: Arcane Knowledge.

Arcane knowledge represented the theoretical underpinnings of the magical arts. It contained the sophistication of magic theory, the study of magical creatures, and the rich history of magic. The depth of one's arcane knowledge was often gauged by the possession of Grimoires within human civilization, each symbolizing a profound understanding of a particular supernatural domain. The more Grimoires a practitioner owned, the more extensive their magical mastery. However, this is only found within the human construct, as many supernatural beings relied on their accumulated knowledge, unbound by the need for written tomes.

Moving on to Psychic Mastery, this aspect of magic revolved around the powers of the mind, delving into the realms of subconscious and conscious thoughts and emotions. Proficiency in this field was measured by one's mental base skills or 'talents,' influencing thoughts and feelings. Psion Spheres further categorized these talents, revealing the unique abilities held by Psychic Masters. To master their minds, practitioners engaged in meditation, mental exercises, and regulating their emotions.

Finally, there was Divine Connection: The relationship between a practitioner and their chosen deity. It comprised two vital aspects: Closeness to a Deity and Divine Energy Control. The bond between the practitioner and their god was measured in Degrees of Devotion, with greater devotion leading to a closer connection and a deity more willing to bestow their energy. Divine Energy Control refers to the practitioner's ability to wield the authority over the "Law of Nature" associated with their chosen deity, allowing them to invoke their god's powers for various purposes, from miracles to combat.

To simplify, this magical system worked on the code that these four attributes are interconnected and mutually influential. For example, a large Divine Connection may enhance one's ability to master Mana, while profound Arcane Knowledge can provide insight into the inner workings of Psychic Mastery. This interconnectedness encourages practitioners to cultivate a balanced profile in all four stats.

However, practitioners of this system needed to be cautious. An imbalance or an excessive focus on one attribute could lead to unintended consequences. Those who became fixated on Mana Mastery at the expense of Arcane Knowledge might become powerful but ignorant of the results of their spell effect. Similarly, an overly powerful Divine Connection could foster dependency on divine assistance, endangering their self-reliance.

Simply, this system called for a harmonious union between the self and the world, the mind and the spirit. It rewarded those who sought not only power but also understanding, those who could tread the fine line between all four aspects to unlock the true magic of this world.

This knowledge made him better understand his situation as well; because he was not a native to this world, he could not use magic as it required a magic circuit. Nevertheless, something was bagging him in the back of his brain. The more he read about the consequences and illness of Mana, the more he thought that he might have a magic circuit and that this ugly body was a result of underdeveloped Mana, as he was not exposed to it in his childhood, which is why despite everything, every diet, exercise, etc. his body just kept getting worse.

"Could it be that I'm adopted?? No, that makes no sense...maybe my, that makes no sense...wait... My grandpa, father, and I have dark midnight black hair, or at least I once had black hair... but my siblings and mother have blonde hair...could my "mother" actually be a stepmother?? But that still makes no sense because even if they are my siblings, they would still suffer from this...WAIT A MINUTE...My father was always submissive to my "Mother." could she...have...cheated on him??" this thought and theory were all over the place... but so many pieces were being connected, so many ideas and thoughts being entangled like a spider web.

'I mean, my "Mother" and her kids never liked me, but my father just left me because he was following her.' Now Yuuya was just confused; he wanted an answer, but at the same time--

...He felt like he had been freed from chains that weighed him down...

But he decided not to sweal in those thoughts, instead learn more about this world, and maybe there was something that could help discover some truth about his family and if they genuinely were birth in Minato, Japan.

 ⁅...You are an intriguing boy...I expect great things from the descendent of the [Wise one]...⁆

Darklight12_5585 Darklight12_5585

"I the All-father, seeker of wisdom, I sacrificed an eye to gain knowledge. What have you sacrificed for your ambitions?"

"oh~[Wise One] ohh~ the fallen star- tell me, tell me- hows the underworld treating [the one who ascended it all]??"

"Yuuya... do you love me??...."

you are mine...only mine...only mine...mine...mine...ONLY MINE

"In the end- you are just as useless as the-"

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