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Chapter 56: Chapter 56 Navy Meeting and Training in Haki

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

As Bai Ye turned his head and caught sight of Luffy's cheerful grin, he felt a warm sense of appreciation and connection. Up until this point in the original storyline, Luffy had never explicitly designated anyone as his deputy captain. So, the fact that he was now entrusting Bai Ye with such a significant role was genuinely touching, despite Bai Ye's attempts to downplay his emotions.

However, Luffy's next words caught Bai Ye off guard: "From here on out, we're going to rely on Bai Ye to recruit new members to our crew."

Bai Ye was momentarily baffled, thinking to himself, 'Am I suddenly in charge of Human Resources? That's not what I signed up for! I want my heartfelt emotions back, you trickster!'

Nonetheless, when it came to Bai Ye's appointment as deputy captain, Zoro and the rest of the crew expressed no objections. They all trusted in Luffy's judgment.

And so, amidst laughter, the Straw Hat Pirates—a crew destined for greatness and renown across the globe—was officially formed.

With his new role as captain confirmed, Luffy wasted no time in issuing his first command to the crew: "Alright, everybody, set our course for the Grand Line!"


"They must absolutely be stopped from advancing to the Grand Line!" A resolute voice echoed through the Navy headquarters' conference room, setting a grave tone for the meeting.

The speaker was Commodore Brannew, a high-ranking official at the headquarters. The room was filled with elite members of the headquarters staff, each one keenly aware of the gravity of the situation.

Their purpose for gathering was singular and of utmost importance: to set the bounties for the Straw Hat Pirates.

Brannew methodically presented several bounty posters, ensuring everyone in the room had a clear view. "In the East Blue, an area where the average bounty seldom exceeds three million Bellys, this group has consecutively vanquished formidable foes," he explained.

He proceeded to list their notable victories: "Iron Mace Alvida, bounty of 5 million Bellys; Clown Buggy, bounty of 15 million Bellys; Kuro of a Hundred Plans, bounty of 16 million Bellys; Don Krieg, bounty of 17 million Bellys; and Arlong, bounty of 20 million Bellys."

Brannew's tone was stern and unyielding as he then revealed portraits of each Straw Hat member, laying them out for all to see. "Make no mistake, this is a formidable group of pirates originating from the East Blue, and they are poised to stir up significant trouble on the Grand Line!" he asserted.

Suddenly, Brannew directed his attention to another individual in the room. "Commander Ripper," he called, "kindly share with everyone the detailed information we have on this pirate group."

Commander Ripper maintained a composed demeanor as he stood up, gradually unfolding the story of the Straw Hats—from their beginnings in Shells Town to their recent victory over the Arlong Pirates. He didn't miss a beat, even sharing exclusive details provided by Bai Ye, revealing the challenging adversaries they had faced and overcome.

Ripper then delivered a critical piece of news: "Bai Ye once engaged in combat with Hawkeye, and he held his ground." This revelation sent a ripple of astonishment through the room.

"Is this information verified? Are we certain it's not just a rumor?" a staff officer interjected, seeking confirmation.

Brannew promptly responded, "The report comes directly from Captain Fullbody of the headquarters, who witnessed the event firsthand." He then dropped another significant revelation: "We've inquired with Hawkeye regarding this incident. His response suggests that Bai Ye indeed possesses the capability to stand toe-to-toe with him."

A hushed silence fell upon the conference room as the gravity of the situation sank in.

Ripper seized this moment to highlight the main takeaway from their discussion: "Fleet Admiral Sengoku has given clear instructions: Elevate the Straw Hat Pirates' bounties to the highest tier and mobilize all available resources to apprehend them."

He paused, his eyes briefly meeting Brannew's before adding, "The East Blue falls under the Navy's jurisdiction, and we cannot allow such a formidable group of pirates to progress to the Grand Line."

The room remained silent, the staff deep in thought as they gazed upon the portraits of the Straw Hat crew. They couldn't help but wonder: Are we witnessing the rise of another major pirate crew from the East Blue?

Despite its reputation as the weakest of the seas, many in the room understood why the Navy placed such emphasis on the East Blue. It all traced back to one man—Pirate King Roger.


Onboard the Golden Merry, sailing the East Blue seas, Luffy stared, wide-eyed and astonished, at the manual Bai Ye had produced.

"It's actually Roger's Haki training manual?" Sanji whispered to himself, his voice tinged with disbelief.

With the formation of their pirate crew now official, the group had collectively decided on their final destination within the East Blue: Loguetown, a place steeped in legend, marking both the beginning and the end.

As they navigated towards Loguetown, Bai Ye seized the opportunity to enlighten everyone on the origins and nuances of Haki. To their collective astonishment, he presented them with Pirate King Gold D. Roger's personal Haki training notes.

Their surprise only deepened as Bai Ye divulged the backstory of the notes, explaining that they had been discovered on Buggy's pirate ship. He added that Buggy had once served as an apprentice on Roger's ship, alongside Shanks. The sheer volume of revelations left the crew reeling, struggling to process it all—everyone except for Luffy, that is.

Zoro, recovering from his initial shock, was the first to voice the question on everyone's minds. "So, are we going to practice Haki following these instructions?" he asked Bai Ye, his gaze intense and focused.

Bai Ye responded with a warm smile, his body emanating a golden glow as he spoke. "This manual is just a part of it. The Qi I cultivate is a more advanced form of Haki." He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing, "In the days ahead, I plan to channel my Qi into your bodies, helping you to directly experience and understand this power. Combined with Roger's training guidelines, I am confident it will enable you to awaken your own Haki more swiftly."

He shared these insights openly, making no attempt to conceal the differences between his Qi and Haki. After all, he was among friends, and he trusted them implicitly.

When Zoro inquired about the possibility of cultivating Qi themselves, Bai Ye gently shook his head, signaling a negative response. Bai Ye's own Qi had been transformed from seeds given by the Daoist Jilu, but the crux of the matter was that Bai Ye had a foundational understanding and ability for Qi training. Internal force and Qi are closely related; hence, his practice yielded results swiftly and efficiently.

However, introducing Qi training to individuals from this world would mean starting from the very basics. Additionally, Zoro and the others lacked access to advanced techniques like the Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu, creating numerous constraints and limitations. The effort required would outweigh the potential benefits. In this world, Bai Ye concluded, one Qi practitioner was sufficient.

Receiving Bai Ye's negative response didn't lead to disappointment among Zoro and the others. Observing Bai Ye's exceptional abilities, they realized that such skills might not be transferrable. Thus, they willingly accepted this and consented to Bai Ye's proposed training regimen.

While it may have seemed unconventional, they acknowledged that, at this point in time, Bai Ye was the most formidable member of their crew, even surpassing Luffy. Though Bai Ye's abilities were superior, it wasn't a simple task to overpower Luffy.

It's worth noting that Usopp and Nami, leaning into their more timid natures, initially attempted to evade the training, coming up with various excuses. However, Bai Ye, through a combination of gentle force and financial incentives, eventually persuaded them to participate.

Once the training commenced, it unfolded just as Bai Ye had anticipated. Luffy, with his straightforward and unclouded mind, swiftly awakened his Observation and Armament Haki after undergoing Bai Ye's Qi cycle. Zoro was quick to follow, becoming the second crew member to unlock these Haki abilities, not counting Bai Ye himself.

Sanji required a bit more effort and time. Bai Ye's training method, akin to imparting skills, was most effective for individuals like Luffy, who were free from distractions, and for those with great resolve like Zoro. Sanji, in contrast, had not demonstrated a strong determination to enhance his own strength, which made the training more challenging for him.

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