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Chapter 114: Chapter 114 Follow-up 1

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

In the grand hall of Alabasta's palace, Igaram, the esteemed captain of the Royal Guard, stood before King Cobra, delivering his report with a sense of duty. "Your Majesty, under Princess Vivi's diligent guidance, the reconstruction efforts across the kingdom are progressing smoothly," he informed.

King Cobra, listening intently, nodded with a look of pride and satisfaction. "That's wonderful to hear. I am truly proud of Vivi," he expressed warmly. "Do remind her, though, not to overexert herself. These matters take time and should not be rushed."

Igaram, with a slightly bemused expression, responded, "Your Majesty, I fear Princess Vivi might not heed such advice easily."

"Oh? Why so?" Cobra inquired, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

"Well," Igaram hesitated, then continued, "Princess Vivi has expressed a keen desire to wrap up these tasks quickly so that she might..." He paused, choosing his words carefully, "...rejoin her friends."

This revelation caused King Cobra to fall silent momentarily. He looked up thoughtfully, pondering Igaram's words. "Is Vivi considering a life of piracy, to sail the seas with her friends and benefactors?" he asked, a mix of concern and understanding in his voice.

Igaram replied with a gentle shake of his head, "Princess Vivi has not explicitly stated such intentions, Your Majesty."

King Cobra, lost in thought, gently stroked the armrest of his throne. "Vivi... she has all the makings of a great queen, a worthy successor to take the throne after me," he said softly, his voice tinged with a father's love and a hint of melancholy.


In one of the spacious rooms of the Royal Palace, Bai Ye sat at a table surrounded by his companions. He looked around in amazement and asked, "So, I was inside that cocoon for several days?"

Luffy, with his usual seriousness, pointed at the feast laid out on the table and said, "Yep, Bai Ye! You must be starving after being in there for so long. Sanji prepared all this food just for you, so dig in!"

As Luffy spoke, his left hand sneakily reached for a large slice of ham, ready to devour it. But in a flash, Sanji's foot came flying towards Luffy, sending him rocking back and forth like a pendulum. Sanji, looking as calm as ever, reprimanded, "I made this meal for the vice-captain, Luffy. Keep your hands off it. And didn't you just eat a whole lot a minute ago?"

Luffy, his face a picture of sorrow, protested, "But Sanji, I'm still really hungry."

Sanji's forehead wrinkled in exasperation, "Alright, alright, I'll make something extra for you too."

Bai Ye watched this humorous exchange with a slight smile. He then turned to Robin, who had been elegantly sipping her tea. "It seems my guess was right," he said with a chuckle. "You've truly become one of our crewmates, Miss Robin."

Robin set down her teacup, her face brightening with a smile. "I never imagined I'd be part of this crew so soon," she mused. Then, glancing around at the others in the room, she added, "For now, at least, I'm very happy."

Bai Ye couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment hearing Robin's words. Upon his return, Robin was initially met with suspicion by everyone. But in just a day, she had managed to win over the entire crew. Luffy had extended the invitation to join, which was expected. Sanji, ever the gentleman, especially to beautiful women, was courteous from the start, evident from the tea he served Robin. Nami, enticed by the gems Robin had gathered from Crocodile, quickly warmed up to her, cheerfully calling her 'sister'.

Usopp and Chopper, part of the crew's idiot trio, didn't ponder too deeply over the matter. They were thrilled with Robin's Flower-Flower Fruit ability, enjoying the fun and games it brought with Luffy. Zoro, the most cautious of the lot, kept his vigilance but stayed quiet for the time being, content with simply observing the situation.

This harmonious atmosphere among the Straw Hats pleasantly surprised Bai Ye. Despite the upheaval during the Alabasta incident, Robin had joined their ranks. It was Luffy who had initiated the invitation, which worked out well. Robin's presence was crucial for Luffy's ambition to become the Pirate King. To reach Laugh Tale, one must decipher the coordinates on the Road Poneglyphs, a skill only Robin possessed. Without her, their journey, despite any victories, would be incomplete.

Bai Ye mused humorously about the alternatives - relying on his foresight or entrusting Zoro with navigation? The thought seemed ludicrous yet amusingly feasible.

At that moment, Zoro, who had been quietly resting with his sword, suddenly felt a chill. He opened his eyes, glancing around with a sense of disturbance, wondering if he sensed something amiss once again.

Bai Ye gently shook his head with a hint of amusement and addressed Chopper, "Chopper, I'm really okay now, no more checkups are needed." Ever since he emerged from the cocoon, Chopper had been meticulously conducting various health checks on him. Even now, Chopper was perched on Bai Ye's lap, thoroughly examining him, causing Bai Ye a bit of exasperation.

Chopper, however, was persistent, "You can't be too careful," he insisted while continuing his examination. "Doctor Kureha always says that some people may look fine on the outside, but they might have serious hidden injuries." Chopper's concern then shifted to another matter, "And Bai Ye, I still don't understand why your hair has turned grey."

Bai Ye instinctively ran his fingers through his hair. The transformation was likely a side effect of consuming the Blood Demon Pill, which had drained his potential. He wondered why the Taomen Jilu, the mystical book that had saved him, hadn't reversed this particular change. Since his return, Bai Ye had attempted to communicate with the book, seeking answers, but to no avail.

Nevertheless, Bai Ye had noticed some changes. The energy in the book's inner world seemed diminished, and several natural resources and treasures had vanished, suggesting they were used to save him. Surprisingly, the cost appeared almost trivial, leaving Bai Ye feeling slightly awkward, as though the book had done him a small favor.

This experience had deepened Bai Ye's understanding of the Taomen Jilu and bolstered his confidence for future adventures. With these thoughts, Bai Ye gently moved Chopper aside and eagerly started enjoying the meal Sanji had prepared. After a long time without it, he truly missed Sanji's cooking.

During a quiet moment, Bai Ye took the opportunity to catch up with Nami and the others about their recent encounters with Baroque Works' senior agents. The Straw Hat crew had indeed made significant progress.

Zoro, in his clash with Mr. 1, had achieved a breakthrough in his swordsmanship. After being repeatedly slashed by his adversary, Zoro finally grasped the technique of slicing through metal. This newfound skill marked Zoro's entry into the realm of true sword masters.

Sanji faced a unique challenge against Mr. 4, a man of extraordinary strength, and his unusual pet dog. Mr. 4's fighting style involved his pet launching baseballs, which he would then strike with immense force. The combination of long-range attacks and the sheer speed and power of the baseballs put Sanji to the test. However, this demanding situation led Sanji to master the [Kung-Fu – Tiyunzong], a high-level leg-focused martial arts technique taught to him earlier by Bai Ye. Sanji's newfound proficiency allowed him to employ some moves akin to the Navy's Six Powers techniques, such as Shave, Paper Drawing, and Moon Step. With these skills, Sanji easily overcame his opponent.

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